TOE- W M T VAN NEWS. r y M r s * J. G. liimmer wrot« iht* C<Hin r« f C TIfB BURNING BUSH Hy Subadar Eric Linklater in *Ouda»' PREPARATION AND PRESERVA TIO N OF " ̂ 'FRUIT JUiefch cil re the am ditlon 'of Clovelly ............ . u . m <̂i i Mr.i ĉrv iWalk m * a iT k wa« r«qu«al«d w rittin th u s ; "A man who's The preparation and " *»t . - H ..................................................... is worth A. tioii o f fruit juiee* ̂ Jii u u f c .' """....... idealto reply that the bruKhinjr asked serioiislj' diw'ontented .for hml already be<*n done, and aometliinir." Now I don't know^ simple m atter and is an idea ŝ >me attention to the road sur- «o much about that, having way to make of Hirplds ai n face would 1m̂ given in the fall known a whole lot of fellows who under-si^'d fruite. writer K. AV . when weather condtions r>ermil- were quite s<jriousJy discontent- Arengo-Jones, Divieion ot ijorii' ,j.j; cd btrauHf they had nothiiw. I culture, Central Kxi»nmeiilal • • * well r4'meml>er being stranded Farm. Ottawa. Appk's. grapes, A iHdiiion was presen0;d to on n .S»juth Pacific beach with strawberries. rasplKuri<'s, cher- 10 Council signed by II. Hoffar five otliers, and we hadn't even ries, currants and other fruits For GENUINE JE R S E Y MILK Harbottle's Jersey Products Ltd. G n u s Opi»Nr MseRsf et Full Seftsfon at th« «^^C H A N " Friday Evening. Sept, u t, at 8:00 p.m. Prospective members are asked to phone Mrs. A . T. Cushing, Membership Registrar. SCHOOL BCK)KS *'l (kiuncil -Clyde Avenue, Keferred-to-the (ihalrrnan o( th<f Hoard of Works for report, ' Kli/.n Welch wroU> the Council re lane in rear of Lois']6'and 17. nkx:k 7, D.L. 2.'I7. Referred to the Kngine<'r for report. ||,4» I':-' Martha A,.Wiley el al wrote the Council re the condition of the lower end of .'lis t Street. Re niainienance poi tm)v ....... - -- ........ ............ . _ . 'get-1itJi.scontented was soon worth from the Division of Horticul- Bomething. All he had to do was ture; Central Experimenlal Farm to get up on his little hind legs Ottawa. . . ..and hit .somebody over the head For home us^ the preparation with an axe and grab his vie- of soft-fruit- juices is. a very tim's gfxsJs, which he kept until simple m atter. 'The fruit, fol- Homehody axed him. in lowing sorting and cleaning, is which case nothing muttered, heated to about 170-180 deip'ces Nowadays they,have police all F.,.Cif no thermometer is avail- over the world, and generally, able the fruit will begin to boil speaking, they act the same way^ around the edge a t tliis temper- wheihci' they carry guns or aturo) w ith 'a little witer, Fol io as to the books neces sary for each course. , The following week from ,10 'a.m. to 5 , p.m. and from 7 'to 0~"r p.m. the exchange will bd oper ated, the evening .service being for the convenience of parents. This ' is a very worth while service for all concerned, and the thanks of the community are due to Ml'S. W. B. Small and her f»r\ tirrwlririV*!.* explained that ho ouver carries Keep in teach with home k y 'Mong distance" When you're away, lei the folks a t, home know they are not forgotten. Call them by long-distance tele phone. , ~ The call will-bring both pleasure and relief, elimin- ating the feeling of anxiety fHat separation often causes' in touch with home by long-distance telephone. m f Coufieil . r! r - ' Shorricliffe Cottage and deiuling reason being that he had pr,o- and narrow as i into WhytecHir Park. Referred Phaed to evgry g irl-w ith in "a to stand for 2,4 to the Chairmiin of the Board range of forty miles, and been cool place. Thi of Works and the •Engineer for report. F', lli- l-t. k K. T, English wrote the Coun cil re (iraiimge at the corner of Radcli/IiL Avenue and Marine Drive. Rofenxjd to the Provinci- ̂ aJ Board of Works Department-. C. Borton wrote the Council re sewage, RadclitTe Avonue. ̂'I'he writer was, advised the mat ter i.s being referred to the Sanitary Inspeotor and the Eng"- -iiieei*-to-hmistignte-anrl~to take home county, th e . jug or crock which i.s a.s tall and narrow as possible, and left hours or .so in a This will clear the turned down cold every time. So juice and the clear part may then had I. , . be poured off the sediment. It • may then be bottled "as is'-' or ■ Apfopo.H of possible air raids may be diluted and sweetened to the„'following announcements taste.and in either case is heated the Book Ex change would be open as printed in our last issue were in accord ance with the copy given us, the mistakes being in the copy. -- Editor. \ B.C. TELEPHONE CO. .such action as may be necessary._---- ■-- j-#-- ^ -- weFe nuide,. or ought to have been, by Mayor Telford and his council: . - - 1. 'I'he city sewers have been made free to the public in case .,of au*. .raids. It is urged, how ever, that the dasoent into the manholes be made in an orderly mamier, heads and women and -chilth-eii first. to 180 degrees F., or incipient boiling and filled into bottles, jars or cans at the top temperature. Each container as it is filled "sh^ld 'be sealed and inverted to •CO®. Tin cans should be sealed, inwrted for a few minutes and then cooled in water. Special instructiians are avail able for those wishing to-bottle Mrs. L> Ajello ̂ and son, Eric, 2385 Mathers Avenue, are spend ing a* holiday in San Francisco. V 'Vi The banks have agi*eed to and can fru it juices for sale, in throw open theirwaults for their " which oase filtration-is advisable J. B. Furniss wrote the'Coun- ujore valued clients. A deposit and the product so made and.pfe- cll re stone wall. etc.. Lot 14. $10,000 not bearing intei-est served that it will stay clear, for ~ ensures a reservation. All the St least a year. . ^ . The ■ ypung schoolmistress asked if any boy could bring her a bunch of flowers next morning,. and met with a ready offer from little Isaac. , -• • "Thank you, Isaac," she said, "Have you a nice garden?" "No, miss, but I goes around with the morning milk." VERNON FEED STORE A. G. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, • ' tADGO' ' Wood, Coali Builders' Supjllies. r-pK ■ i- ?>( ^ ¥<K's* ' l i W k t Block 43, D.L.. 430. He was nd- ensures a reservation.. W viseii-that the miittdivs ment^ vows have already been accom- Certain fruits such as apricots, had bwm referred to The Eng- prunes and peaches are best ■ iniK*!'. . 'L The place is a build- made into a "squash." .In this ♦ ■ • ing which has been hit and is case the fruit is cooked until soft Katherine Plummer wrote tho process of falling down;- be- -and then poured through a fine CoTuicii re danger at_eMUfance .of <̂ ^wse .bombs never hit twic€jm___screen to makeiJt; into a pjuree.- the' crossing at Gaulfeild to the same place. The owiier To this is addeci sugar and wat er ,. Ilovviv Souiui. iteferred>hn<»lf fo wiî not be allowed to'make any and the product bottlerL_or._cam> the Chairman oi the Board of charge; ; - ------- - 1. Families owning burial fo r y o u r _JCtRJYEJ0LAXS_ ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or j~ ALF E LU S,'W e8t 160-Y ned. ft- •. Works ami the Engineer for a flirt her report, and for re port on entrance to Cn>ress Park to Marine Drive immedi ately west of. CypiHis.s Park.* * The m atter of the effluent drain from Inglewood School w as owning vaults aare expected to use them. 'fluH will be working a certain hardship on. funeral directors, but they will be. too-ibusy to not ic'e this loss. i " 5. Citizens' caught' in their homes should olimb up their own OCTOPUS BOGEY STRANGLED Someone with a desire to cripple the popularity o f Amble- sidc; as a beach resort, spread a rumor that it had been closed to swimming, even going as far as H" JS' yft. •- lif t ', l i i i tion as an alternative. vou k n o w o f a b e t t e r h o le tn the old octopus bogey hadKnow OI a Detici • hole, go to jj^en revived. For the enlight-it. MORE AND MORr t̂ECTMCITY^OR EACH ADDITIONAL DOLUR Here's what each dollar in your monthly bill will buy: FIRST ^ 25 KWH 9O T W W 99W 99999999<?9999 SECOND $ 45 KWH ffi" ■ Irvine E. Brickei--wrote--tl'ie Council re Clovelly Walk to the P.G.K. Referred to the Engineer„ . , - -engineer tor maintenance attention BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY Mistaken Identity A public official was making a .-ipeech on some momentous iiiiostion, and, in concluding, said: / i l l the words.of Daniel Web m m ^i-enment of any who have qualms -- on'this matter, we can say, on the authority of a local diver, th a t the largest specimen he has yet encountered in the deepest part ,of the Narrows masured" barely six feet, far too small to be of any ddnger to the smallest frequent where commo- 99999999999999999999999999>900<^999'999999999 9"r - vv v v v vv.v v v THIRD 50 KWH 99999999999999999999999999999000099999999999999999 ^ ̂ v vvvv-vvw v-v SIXTH 90 KWH School, 9 LEGION NOTES F;V ? iu U » '7In I f t The next I'egular meeting of the bninqh will be held on Fri day, September 8th, when a full attendance is urged. N ^ '>--- ,• Stai„«by of-Victoria,. X i .S ? ^ re p lie d the : C v t / S m i t h ' 15th" ' ^peahcrr"Nhah btiiltthe-arE'.---- 9W 999999999999 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ' lim p ! SSjjAfrfe 1 Eagle Harbor T«nni« Conirts, Bntaincr, BoaUnir, Fishing, Ten-rooras, Homc^Coohmi Meals . Sandy l^ichea, Cottages for tent hy Month or ___________ Week.' ANNUAL mJ e x c u r s io n to KEATS* ISLAND with WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOLS' BAND SATURDAY, Septem ber 2 iid SEVENTH 100 KWH 99999999999999999999999999999999:.- Leaving. Ambkiside Pier at 2:30 p.m. Dishes, Tea, . Cream and Sugar provided ' i k - I ' Jli I Vancouver rate*. Tickets 50c TLWAY c o m p a n y LI ;MITED_ ' i : s W I7 -3 9 .ai .at"....Li f . ..ft. ........