T O T O t v S T n I t o IT 'S BXCITlNGI.y DIFFERENT life permanent WAVe ^ ' now beinir featured «t l t 's new--the only plnnanent that imparta the full beauty of natural lustre and loveltnead throughout the entire life o f the wave. 1370 Marine Drive •^Across From Safeway'* Phone W est 33f V .Midhlj^man Kobcrt«Timbnell o£ the Royal Canadian Navy, is visiting his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Jupp, On Sunday lOftoniooii, 3 t SU Stephen's Church, a christening service was performed by Hov. J. P. Dingle, when the thi^ee • MOON FESTIVAL • ' '..1' a t A<W'A A n ' ' ' • Held in conjunction with ' ■ ■ > ' * I 111 1 ' ■' " > ~ > >t < 1 ' , f One Bowl Rice 2015 Inglewooti Avenue, where m onths' old son of Mr, and Mrs. he is spending his leave after -R obert G. Dingle received the an absence of four or five years, names George Robert. Sponsors Since the Abyssinian crisis he were Canon d'Easum, iSliss B. has been on tlie Mediterranean Hoer and Mr. Frank Tooker. An station serving on H.M.S. Mai- informal reception for the fnmil- aya until recently, when he was ies and Immediate friehds fol- Stratton's BAKERY m jr Ji ^puiet n t f l f l i b - I M l i m l F l b - -- . B R E A D ____ _ FRESH DAIRY Ten vnrletien to suit every taato Meat Plea -- Cooklea Beelea Cakea •-- Paatrlea ' 'Buna and ItoUa Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 transferred to H.M.S. Afridi. a lowd a t the home of the parents, destroyer. - ̂ « a « Frederic Hudd, trade commis sioner for Great Britain, is the Miss Valerie Smith, 992 20ih Street, entertained twelve of her ;■ DRIVE Sept 0 -9 I ' l l p.m. Columbia Street, (Heart of Chinatown) PROGRAMME--Dance of Moon Maidens --T he Goddess of the Moon, etc,, etc. TICKETS 2 5 C ; , Proceeds for China's VVfir Refugees; ui . • ̂ V? ill young friends to a tennis and guest of his^cou^airij .̂R, S. Dyble. ping pong p arty on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have occasion of her moved fi^om ^PP^o^ou Court into birthday. The games were play a house a t 1375 hulton Avenue, .wi i„ th,. «fUrnoon. followim* ̂ ̂ . ed in the afternoon, following Ti/r j ii/r F'l ■ which a very dainty supper was Mr. and^Mrs. G. Gibbons and served in the gai*den, the piece family of Cranbrook, h ^ e tak^ (Jq l'^esistance being a beautiful up residence at 2347--^^arine birthday cake with a candle to made each year. Afterwards ̂ ^ the guests spent the evening in Ml'S. George Bennett of-Moose dancing." . Jaw, Saskatohewan, J s visiting BICYCLES FOR SCHOOL We have some exceptionally good buys in BOYS' RECONDITIONED BIKES. All guaranteed. New Bicycles as low at $28.50. FRED JPNES 10 Y ears; Experience in W est Vancouver " 1439 .Marine her sister, Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Vic toria, are occupying one of the Kynoch suites on Marine Drive, West Bay. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION announce the In the Inglewood Auditorium, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th, at 2:30 p.m. Entries close 8 p.m.~ Wedneisday, Sept. 6th. Phone or write the Secretary,-M rs. D. MdTavish, Ottawa and. T5th "St7 Mr. and Mrs. Burton-Forster, 2104 Bellevue Avenue; recently received an airmail letter from their son Allan, now playing'the flute amd piccolo with the Kitsfl- ano Boys' Band on tour in Eng land. The airmail letter, flown across an ocean and a continent during last week, contained a thin metal record about five inohes in .diameter, together with in structions to '-use wooden needles when playing on the ^graph. Mr. and Mrs. Eland Sutton are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray of 2595 Mathers Avenue, having arriveil on the Aorangi from Australia, where their daughter was mar ried. They are leaving on the Queen Mary bn October 4th to return to England. Mrs. Sutton is a sister of Mrs. Gray, as is also Mrs. Sveinson of Pairbridge Farm, Vancouver Island, who left on Monday a fte r a few days' visit with Mrs. Grayi I t is the first time the,thr€e_si'sters_ have- m et for twenty-six years. ^ HollyburU Theatre THURSDAY -- August 31bI "Frankenstein and Dracula" (Both together In one i)rogrum) EUIDAY & SATURDAY MAT. September Iwt luid 2nd BOBBY BREEN LEO CAKRII.LO "Fisherman's W harf" lfarrison---Thoinpson NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (C ertified as advertised in th e C hatelaine an d Good H ousekeeping), C. C. FINNEY; W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. "Hello, mother, fa ther and brother." I t sounded ais if Allan were, right.-, in ti^e, room. 'T m working hard, buti having a won derful time. W e've played 107 concerts so fa r and still have nearly a month to go." L a te '"summer flowers decorat ed West Vancouver United phono- Church on Saturday evening for the-^wedding-of-Grace-El izabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Thompson, and_Mr! Rupert Arthur. Harrison, son of - Mrs. Harrison and the late B. R ; Har rison. The cerem ony, was per formed' by Rev. William Va^ and the soloist was Mr. A. J. uIho "AMBUSH" SATURDAY EVE:;A-M0NDAY .Soptomboi* 2ml uud 4tb CLARK GABLE NORMA SHEARER "Idiot's Delight" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY S(5ptembor 5th arid 0th "The Mad Mirs Manton " (Once only at 8;10 p.m.) also "SEE IT IN FRENCH" 1i n M o rk e ts Allan went bn to explain the Addy, while bridal music was' band"played^I2Q7pieces a week provided by Mrs. G. M. Sheffield, aiid were hoping tof get over to The bride, who was the first the C o^inent before turning white girl born in West Vancou- Udmeward alRmTHrend-f^ctoberr West Van Cycles New & Used Bicycles Parts - Repairs > Accessories DICK LLOYD, Prop'r 1446-Marjne, WestT702 T'he_..:_letter was Bath, England. postmarked ver, 7was attired ' in white; stiff- ened labe, showing a sweet heart neckline and bas(fue~bodice. ' ' The tulle veil" was held in place The marriage of Miss Mary . with heirloom' orange blossoms Woollaston Greene to Mr. George mingled with heather, and her P. Echlin of Oliver will take bouquet--was__of_Rap.ture7irose- t r n . West 190 1578 Marine Drive West 190 Friday and Saturday FREE SPECIALS DELIVERY place in St. Jam es' ChurcH~on the evening of Friday,-Septeio» ber 1, -at 5 :30. o'clock. Miss Greene is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, K. W. ,Greene of 229 -29th"Street. . , ♦ ♦ ♦ Pearcy^--Davies' The wedding toook place quiet ly on Friday morning, August buds. ' Miss^ Gertrude Thompson was her sister's-maid of honor,' wear ing poudre ; blue chiffon with shirred jacket above a full skirt. Miss M argaret Reid as brides- maid, wore pale yellow chiffon.^ with shirred sleeves and* Peter Pan collar. A Kate -Greenaway jdress of pale pink net was worn Grade. A Red Brand Rump Roast " T^'25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast..20c lb. Grade A Red Brand 25, a t 9:30 oclock, of Dora, i,y Betty Anne Thompson" as Davies flower girl, her bonnet being of of Burbanl^ Cal., and.Mr. James m atching "material, anti there Harding PSarcy, son of Mrs. were flowers pinned First Grade 3lljsr72c BAKEASY Shoulders - Lamb 14c per lb. and the late Jam^s Pearcy of m atching muff. Mr. 2859 Bellevue Avenue. St. An- drew's-Wesley Church vestry was the setting for the ceremnny a t which Rev. Harold Fram e of ficiated. 1 Wearing a queen's blue crepe frock with a tailored wine-toned to her James E rnest Harrison supported his brother, and ushers were Mr. Ted Hayward, Mr; Charles Bald win, Mr. Douglas Clarke and Mr. Hillis W right. . A reception was held a t the Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ̂GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside...!..$5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside.:................ 5.50 " Fireplace Fir .................... 4.60 " "Green Alder T!77.T...T7.̂ ....... '5;60 " Furnace. Blocks ........... 4.60 " SPECIAL-- No. 1 Fir Edgings......$8.75 Cord Slabs & ■ Edgings Barky .................... 3 Cords $11.00 Bark .................. ..................$5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAW DUST SPECIALS -Sacked ..................... $8.50 per unit. ................................. 3 units $10.00 CHARLES THOMPSON kl2 16th Street Office at. 1336 Marine Drive Rolled Ribs - Roasts- 25c per lb. Short Ribs 9c lb. 9c per lb. Breast Lamb 12c lb. Fletcher's -Roast Veal ^ ^ W ^ T mother, wearing black silk with acb efflories^ ere^ T T lIe^ m Xs ® Jacket and silver ̂ accessories, was assisted m re- | - ^ r t l r M r . - E r n e m 4 f f d l a ^ - " -™" ^ ^ Keep Your Dog Healthy No. I Bacon .. . 2 - - j2 lb .- p k g s .- 25c. 15c per lb.. was groomsman, .Miss! Davies' ' gown was in T.uscany rose, with beige accessories. m A l ^_rece lOc per Ib, private salon ox\ ' ̂ " v\" followed in a Hotel Vancou- Sterling 35c per lb. Con^Carne 15c per tin Maypole Cheese ver, Mrs. Pearcy) mother of the groom, and Mrs. W alter T. Goul- ing, assisting in receiving. Fol lowing a wedding trip in the Gariboo, Mr; and Mrs. P ^ rc y will reside a t 2859 Bellevue Avenue, whose violet lace dress'" wa& worn w ith a blaiok hat.- - - For her honeymoon the bride Ghose-a-navy-Ttailored-suit--with- w ine-toned '^eer blouse, match ing hat and accessories. On re turn ing they will reside a t 676 Twenty-first Street, West Van couver. with A T B r C ; -DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A, B. C. D. and G. -- Als6"MineTals Calrium and Phosphorus PA C K E D BY Aigle-British Columbia Packing Co. r..td. 2 pkgs.; 25c. Place Yoiir Job Printing with West Van News EXPERT W atch a iid Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birka Ltd., Montreal) . 1522 Mariite Drive Mrs. Katherine Augusta Keay,. m other of Mrs. M. Pinkham, of Caulfeild, passed away in Van couver on August 23rd, aged 94 years.' in 14'Ih. tins and 1-lb. tins. Charles Harmon Donohoe, a V Lucid The pastor waS'-examining one of the younger classes, and asked the question: "What are'the sins o f omission ?" A fter a little sil- form er Dundarave resident but ^Bce one young lady offered: latterly of Vancouver, " passed "Please, sir, they're sins ,we away on Wednesday of last week ought to. have committed,^and aged 53 years. . s haven't."