f l l ' ' , j fe. f 1 l-'j-TS "st^ t "t v ' '* ■■ ' ' ------------------------- - i ! ....... w m r VAN, v n r r m m ^ f s m C^r. 21 it A K$quiamH Av«, '■irsi/- .m,Mmw0 . -W',0.- .W J%,J^%ifjBi0., IBwiJpii •, .JW^WlHiPllliir:, 2047 Gordon ^ r tn o t Phone We«t 244-ti SantkrB^rrhm t 11 n ^ . A ^tiO pM r 8 m n gfr§ snd VJillort «re «rtk«a»«, - f >t Porliali Permanent for Natural Curtg-Hair BAFTlsr CmVBCB Mininter '«#tr Wr- li" t i d t i f r ®iAtf"-BlII*' Sujidsf Snrrken IU:00 ii.rn.-->€bm%b Sebncd in- •̂ .*,diiidlffl«-Adolt.C3itf»- tl B.m. A 7:80 p.m.~Pr«idW»jf Servkeg. A b««rty welcome «f«̂- 'HjIw pcmuincnt will etrengiben ' the weak a|>ota in natural curly hair without ttiMiling the aoft- neant of your netura] wave, alao encouraging your own wave io deepen. '; • Gwendolyn's""' Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kxcluaive PermanenijC 1.516 Marine Drive ̂ Weat 117 ........ HOLLVBURIf HALL 14tb and Doebeaf■ t ••«■■' ■ ŵws*ww*m!u. . Sl'NDAY, «ept. 3rd, at 10 a.w. Sunday School and Young People'a Bible Claaa .Sunday Evening at 7:30 GO.'jPBI> s e r v ic e speaker: .MU. A. MORNING TIJKHDAV.'Sept. 6tb, at 8 p.bi. Prayer and Ministry of the Scripturea ; Speaker: MR, J. V. M. AITKKN W E S T V A N C dU V EB Cluriftiaii 'Scienct̂ ' Society CEI5KCH EDIFXCB 20tb and Bauuiwalt, Uollybum Tbia Society i* a Braneb-of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, ̂ • Scientist, in Boston, Ma&Uchusetts ̂Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. ̂ Sunday. .Sepl. 3rd, BDBJEqy: " M A N " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony .Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public iii cordially In- vlted to attend our services and |nteetings. r HOLLYBURN b u s in e s s COLLEGE ̂ . V . Ind ividnal T u ition Phone West 341 , 14th and Marme iji'. t. K' 1 i' .„.AINITEIIJ3II111C!B^ 21 «t and Esquimalt A v€. liev. William Vaiice, Mlili8tcr ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC vCHtJRClI ■ 23rd & Inglewood Ave. R«v. Father Van "̂ astdr..................... ■' I Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8 :15 a.m. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL BOYS--Gradci'l. i l, IIIGIRLS--All Grades curriculum as outlined by 'Provlndal Board of Education--Gymnasium. Dancing, Art, Elocution, Piano and Violin Classes w ith daily super- vised practicc-Monthly Examinations, Inspections and Concerts. Residential and Day Pupils; Nursery School and Kindergarten, 2 - G years HandworkHii£aJnttt»ii^"li«n» l^ancing, French and Rhythm Band: also Piano Woi^, .Prayground Activities, including Sandbox, Swings, eS! Transportation for all jiupils i f necessary; Medical Supervision'for all ipUpilSr...--.__ ... ----- For registration, call the Principal. MISS MARJORIE R. McGILLlVRAY West 585-R-l or Scyinour'!3058 , '2667 Haywood Avenue. DR. G. D. H. SE ALE D.D*S., L.D.S. ' Mgpiigffiggim"APB«inA19«' X-R4y liny Block, 14th and Marino .Dr. ; ̂ Oifico Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72' 10:15 7:15 Sunday, SepC 3rd K<iV. Vance has resumed h is . High MttsarBnd Sermon J r k and will preach a t both 1 a.m .' ' •WTvices on ,Sunday r - 11 a.m.. Rosary and Benediction and 7:30 p.m. ' ^ p.m. AI.ho the Sunday School re- Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 .Slimes its work and will dom- p.ni. niimce a t 10 o'clock on Sunday. ! W eekday Services : U't us get back in full strength. Mass -- 7:00 a.m. N(.'W members will be wlcomed. Ih . 4v," ■ . r t Fc.' K I' I :i in DR. McRAE D E N T l S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours; 0 to 0 appointment. I860 Alarliir Drivo Svenings by Weat 432 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchesd Ave. r Batabliahed on North Shore 25. Yeara ' ̂ - (Lady Assistant) HADRON BROS. LTD. f unreal JUftctera Uollybum Funeral Borne 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlora' 122 West Sixth Street. Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlb^ Sunday Services; J1:00 a.m.--Subject, "No Other Foundation." ^The ordinance of the Lord's . îmrv»r will ho nriTniniHD»r- Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction's 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Day aiid R esidential School for Boys SEAORAM COLLEGE Class R e-opens S e p te m b e r '7 th .. G rades 1-12 Special T u i t io n fo r M atricu lan ts, TRANSPORTATION : For Interview Phone West 23-L-3 -- West 4. ■ September 3rd 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion and' Sermon. 7'idKy p.-m:--Evensong. - Church Com- 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 . Supper will be administer ed. ' 7:30 p.m. -- Subject, "Convict Number One." « The Church School will Buesday, 8 p.m ̂ 'meet at 10 o'clock. ' ■ -. mittee. Wednesday, 8 p.'m. -- Prayer , St. Francis-in-the-Wood, meeting. _ . Caulfeild ^ ________________.3 :0 0 p.m.-^Evensoiig and Ser- CHlHtCHES OF CHRIST, "ion. SCIENTIST ^ -------- : ' --------- ' Shower : "MAN" will be the subject of ' Honoring Miss Kay Hampson tim I.IVSM011 _ Sermon in all whose marriage to~Mrr~Charle^ MARGARET RICHARDSON 2094 Haywood Avenue Residence Phone SPEECH TRAINING - ORAL READING - RHYTHMIC Exercises - Pantomime|and Children'is Plays For Particulars call her a t Residence Telephone. ' I ~ Chiirches" of "Christ, Scientist, on Forsy^th takes place Saturday, Sunday," . ; . Mrs. T. Crickmay, Mrs. T. Light- "rhe Golden Text is: "God ly and Mrs. J.. G îllison were co 2365 Bellevue Avenue-; SCHOOL OPENS' FRIDAY, 15«l5 sE p 1'EMBER Beginners' Classes in Dramatics -- Monday, 8 p.m. -Kesidenpe.-Ehqne- MARGERY R. CLARK, Principal. 4C;eld-Medallist--and-Mistress^f--Eibetition- -at-the-Theo]ogical-College,-U..T^B.-C.)-«^c= Uii -norciited nian in His own image, in the'image of .God created He Tiim." (Geiie:ns 1: 27). .Among the citations. which xoniprise the Ix'sson - Sermon is > thG following from the Bible: - "And God saw-_every-.thing-that ■hostesses on Friday evening at. a Miscejl'aneous, Shower at the home of Mrs. D. A. Jay, Mathers Avenue. The drawing' room was tastefully decorated ^vith gladi olus, sweet peas and streamers in - pastel shades--ofj-^ink--and green,,making a pretty setting for the gifts to Jthe bride-elect which were presented in a "horn of plenty;" CJards were '̂ ayed for the remainder of the evening after which dainty refrshments were served buffet style. Those present were Mesdames A. Hampson, J. Forsyth, P. H. Johnson, Wilson, T. Sewell, B. Stevens, W, Russell, D. Brown, F. Downey, G. MaeVean, F. Har rington, M. Bruton, F. Beamish, J. Weir, D. A. Jay, L. Hughes; the Misses C. Page, J. Letther, M. Lettner. V. Smith, D. Daw son. School o f Speech c^rts I'{i'̂ 1 i'll ,'r fti-j i a The F rench B eauty Salon For Permanents -- of_J a s tin g _ h e a u t)r ,__ W« 8peciali»o in line, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 p i | II 5*'-5vA' ̂ Vms ^WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Refiaira, Sawdust Burners Phone West 39 I i SA'tm ri*tl > f . i p ®t "St- -r, SPECIAL Inside Fir;-- from shed ......^$6.00 peir cord from mill ........$5.60 ,per cord Slabs with Bark 14.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $3.75 per cord. SAWDUST PlllTAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 ■^udesT the following passage ifom the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health wtih Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The great truth in the. Science of being, that the real man was^-is, and ever shall be j^rfect, is incontrovertible; for if man is the image, I'eflec- tioii, of God, he is neither invert ed nor .subverted, but upright and (Sodlike." ; Pauline Johnson Schoo) LEGION CRUISE I' & The News l ! 3 ; # MMsm THE- M L e s t S y ^ a n S N ^ v s The Legion cruise last Sunday to Seaside Park by Ferry No. 6, was much enjoyed by those who rrmde the trip, although the at tendance was not as lar^e as had been e.xpected. The seâ ; was smooth both going and coming, fimd, wliiig there was a shower at the Park ju s t as the fer^v-dock- ed, the sun came out for the afternoon--enabling the picnick ers to wander round the grounds and the adjacent land or to'play games. A stop was made to dis charge passengers a t Keats' Is- Pubii«h<̂ d Kvwv Thuraday^^ land On the way up, and again .... pick them up_ after leaving Seaside Park in the evening. The branch much appreciates the kindness of Captain H I Vjnee, Engineer J. D. T hL pson and Mate S, dagger, all of whom' 8»v« their' sendees froe" for the ̂ ' .. - - Publisher K h LQVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial OlTice 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 ^ North Vancouver. Office: 133 Lonsdale Ave. 11,00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year ; by mak ' M ts. G, j . Congrave and d a^M er, Mrs. D. R. Parnham, of Edmonton, spent the day with J; H. Smith, 992 stree t, while- holidaying in Vancouver. - ?S r'"' TOtVNSWOMEN'S GUILD Beginning a season which promises to be filled with inter est and activity, Townswomen's Guild will meet at the Clachan tomorrow, September 1st, a t 8 o'clock. Speakers will be Miss Mcy Westcott, Academy of Use ful Arts, _ Vancouver, and Miss Mary MePhedran of the Welfare Federation, Vancouver. Competition . >,will be.. "Some- --^igL -neiv from ^ m e th fng^ld.-- A full attendance is invited. -Those desiring to become iheni- asked to get in touch with Ml'S. A. T. Ckishing, Mem bership Registrar.., Following a buffet luncheon held at the home of Mrs, A. Grom^-Bi'uce, President, on Fri day; August 24th, the Executive Council,,of \Vest> Vancouver and ̂ 'Guilds discussed ̂ plans for the coming season. II Grejrwere Mesdames H. Pmder-Moss, Pres., J . Gra- ..ham, A. Hay, E. Mc€Iel- I^wthwaite, H. G. Findlay and T. A. H a^rty , ' f . . Holly burn Schooh ? : r « ,. ^ i:. Jc \ K Inglewood High School