West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Aug 1939, p. 1

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l®?|i|*?fwiWŴ Established over-18 yew* Established over 13 years. Circulating in the District o f W e^ Vancouver'̂Amhleside^, Hollyburuy Uileston, Dumlarave 11.00 per yê r.,, .̂ .' 4. , . n . .... *.| . ..iCyprcss Parh.% ' Caulfetldy ̂ l̂ HytecltĴ y J t̂c, ' * '̂ ■ ■̂■;* ■ ĝ. p̂ p ̂ p̂y HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31»t, 1939 A T T H E CROSS ROADS '* ' ','f 11 ,lljl,«iy"lll|gUi!i«ai!..4 ̂ « V« N o . 21 «M ♦ ,' • ti«.i' In llio war of nerves th a t is being waged by the totali­ tarian states signs are not wanting th a t they have* lost the 'TTr:T:*'TT-rT- r i*-'. They banked on being once more, able to bluff their '. ■ •■' i. . "•■.■.■■■ h,- ., ='■■■ i V . . . i • ■ , ,, *'■' ,< 1*4. 'f̂ - '.1 *'-'> / ■ kf f t . ^ <n a bioodless victory and, to make assurance doubly sure, n??ii.r entered into a pact with Stalin. But this time their : Even that, however, would not necessarily prevent war, theory following the~ summer umbia Street grounds I n the -------------------- bemuse things have reached th a t pass where nothing except . holidays. Class and individual heart of Chinatown. I t 'is spon-, - MARGARET RICHARDSON a backdown by Hitler, his. d ^ t h Qr. revqlution in Germany instruction is given- Any desir- sored by the Chinese W ar Refu- TO RESOME TEACHING ~-4tan.^nsure~peaGer--4Che-wOFld--atands-at-the--parting-of--the--1-- îng"tb"get4n~toach~w itIiH ier^re-^ee^R eH ef--Gommittee~of--Van=-------------------- :;̂v.rrT7:T--- ----...-■..̂.v....,, ,...„4 (luir was called, and it is they whose nerves have been shocked . a n d not the democracies. . In any case nobody but a madman would l[iave tried a war of nerves-with the B ritish'. For lack of nerves is a t bhee heir strength and their weakness. Their refusal to be upset hv anything has in the past get them in to ^ lk in d s of trouble which might have been avoided, but it has also carried th?m safely through , suoh catastwiphes as .would have, wrecked a more nervy people. . , : So there is deep gloom in Berlin, fear in Rome, and, if we read the riddle aright, th ^ ;beginnings, pf uheasine^s in Mos­ cow Japan has been deserted by her partners' because she has lost the day in China, and now. is casting round for a " friend.., .". . • * ■ ■ ' i ■ Stalin probably entered into the pact with Hitler think­ ing to temporarily make his . western border safe while he made a quick end of .Japan. That accomplished, he oq̂ ldv* throw all his armed power., against Hitler, should the latter ' again thieaten him on the west afte r the absorption of Poland. He also relied on a bloodless victory for H itler in the Dapzig. matter, and the stand of the^democracies has entirely upset his calculations. Hence the delay in the consummation of the pernicious pact. The two great double-crossing nations are together, but they will not' Stay together one moment longer than serves the self interest of either. Moreover, there is more than a likelihood th a t iStalin and H itler have cast their bread on the waters in becoming"pp*tners, because their pact contains certain boomerang qualities which may w dl bring both dictators to personal shipwreck. W hat, .for instance, must the Nazis in , Germany and the Bolsheviks of Russia think at suddenly* finding themselves in the same bed, when they have had time to mull over the^m atter? Each dictator has enough enemies among-his own people w ithout ostracising his followers. ,̂, ■ ' ■ , . . ; At the sahie time it would 1^. foolish for us to rely on Russia's leaving Gerihahy- itt^the' 1 Indications*^; now point in that direction. Bdt, if Stalin should desert H it­ ler,-it is quite certain that'M ussolini will follow suit, in fact it is possible he may do so regardless of what action the Rus- sian dictator may take.. ■ ____ ' __ ̂ _______ ■ "'r y vi-v, / The F irst School in West "Vancouver 'jfAj'i.Vij.'-"' MRS. BURBRIDGE TO RESUME TEACHING MISS BLACKWOOD TO RE-OPEN HER STUDIOS, HORTICULTURAL ASS'N Tile West Vancouver Horti­ cultural Association announceMrs. Charles Burbridge is Suzanne Blacjcwood's studios again resuming her teaching of re-open for the-F all Term on that the Annual Exhibition will the piano and theory following Monday, S^S^ember lltH , a t 16j91 be lield at 2:30 p.m. on Satur- the summer recess;- next Tues- Haywood Avenue; also a t Uni-;, day, September Otjf^iii/.Ingl^ day, September 5th. Students versity Hill, for teaching Piano, ' wood Auditorium. Mwwiea croi' are prepared for examinations Theory and Harmony. Pupils . at 8 p.m, next W e^fsday , and the B.C. Musical Festival, are prepared , for examinations tember Gth.- , P le^ e p h o n e / if desired. H er pupils have won wij^h the Royal Schools, London, write the Secyetaii^, MrH.,D. " 100% successes a t the Toronto (R.A.M.'and R.C.M.), also,Trih- Tavish, J5th anjU O ttaw a'. Conservatory of-M usic.-exam s ity College and- other leading' mie, phone West^ 895-M. * with first class honpirs or honors, colleges. Training is given in J for the past nine years. Her Festival and Recital playing, also studio is a t 2309 Marine Drive, club meetings held, where parents and others inter- Further "particulars may be ested are asked; obtained by phoning, residence phone her, a t W est 88-M. West 744-L. - - r h ilL W WATTS TO TE G ir iE /r inVOICE/CULTURE MISS M. McGILLUVRAY „ Philip Watts, A.R.C.l^., the well known 'Vancouver bass- baritone, announced in this issue Miss M arjorie ;R. McGillivray held in conjunction with the One a t West 892-L or Trinity associate" t ^ h e r jof J. D. 'A . Bowl Rice Drive Will be staged or call dii him a t his studios at Tripp, is resuming* the teaching from 1 to 11 p.m. on September 1669 24th Street or 659 Gran- of--p iano~ rhy thm --band;--and-- 6th-to-9th7-inclu&ive-om-the-Gol=-- ville~~Street.- ■ways, its fate in the hands of a near-madmian. ' -Yet there remains the consolation, poor'^as it is, th a t w ar may be the lesser of two terrible evils. For the millions now under arms or engaged in the making ®of munitions could. scarcely be retarned to peaceful avocations without gravely endiangering the social structure of civilization. r ! - - - ------ u- PACIFIC STAGES' . a t Asiton-under-Lyne, England, NEW FALL SCHEDULES. | t is fclieyed th a t the ,new en- gihes may well revolutionize the asked to.kiiidly caii a t the studio . couyenand the proceeds will be Margaret Richardson is re- 2667 Haywok)d Avenue, or phone used' for the benefit of China's--suming the teaching of specch- West 585-R-l or Seymour 3053. war refugees. training, oral reading, rhythmic The program includes a mon- exercises, etc. s te f parade, "headod by China's She is an Associate teacher of traditional lionfT of picturesque "Anne Mossmany^ ̂ floats and a parade of lanterns .student of Trinity College and with hundreds of adults and a member o f~ ^ e Dale Choric MRS. SNELGROVE TO -----PRESUME HER TEACHING New fall schedules for North fuel aspect of road transport, and West Vancouver serviees of TOieT importance of the devel- Pacific Stage Lines will go into / opmerit in the event of war, when effect Wednesdav Sentember 6 of imported fuel may be officials of the bus c o ^ a n y on! Precarious, is realized in Govern- nounce. Conies of thp new h W menb circles,; where a keen int- table will be off the press shortly ®F®®* hjew enpnes isbeing ad may be obtained from any ®how."i A scheme for ratioiling dmer or agent of'the company ' petro^in war time was announc- 'p of the time changes, recently. . Pacific Stages officials state. - Already the 'United Kingdom Gas Corporation is investigating Mrs, T.^E. Snelgrove resumes the teaching of the violin^and children participating, the first Group, who were winners, for piano 'next Tuesday,'September fall fashion show of 1939 to be five-years' a t the B.C, Musical 5th. Her pupils have b ^ n sue- -staged in Vancouver, dance of' F e s tiv a l' cessful in the examinations of the Moon Maidens and the Lion Those interested are asked to the Royal Schools of Music, Danoe, ,a series of novelty acts kindly phone her at-West 795-L. Trinity College, London, Eng-' includ,ing Chinese magic and ---------------------- • land, and the Toronto Cdnserva- fencing, etc.* and a Chinese dra- tory. Younger children are visit- matic performance entitled. "The ed a t their homes. Any 'in te r - Goddess, of the Moon." Tickets at 25 cents can be ob­ tained a t a ll. greengrocers and MISS HELEN VANCE TO " TEACH PIANO & THEORY ested may obtain full particu­ lars by kindly phoning her a t .West 210-L. Miss Helen Vance, A.T.C.M., win teach piano and theory at . Chinese cafes and other Chinese her studio, 1953 Fulton- Avenue, motoring o n c o a l g a s the.possibility o f'setting up gas-* n ... , , _______ ____ ___ filling ̂ stations in Various parts itish Members of Parlia- of thejcountiy. These will refuel"III HTA 1-' t •__________ 1___ 1 • _ ' ~J1___Jl •____ : MRS. KNIGHT-HODGE | TO RESUME TEACHING business houses.. HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday School and Young Mrs. F, Knight-Hodge is "'re- People's Bible Class will be held "®t are shO Tlf to bh'sho*™ i a s '̂ \ l T i o ^ e ^ 7 n 7new tvDf«i Df m/d ^ - snqwn. gds a rp e n lornes <inu g<i»-urpt;xi pianoforte and theory her, class beginning on' Tuesday, September 5th-. Any interested are asked to kindly call at the studio o r phone West 244-R. new tvnc<i mj piEnoiorte ana tneory on oer ora, in toen bt w L oar. engines' motor, yehicles from cylinders Monday, September 11th, a t her A t 7:30 ber 3rd, in Hollyburn H all SOCCER hv V i i n - v , ' " ------ -------------- Monday, sep tem o er iix n j a t ner < ;ou p.m. n e x t Sunday oy mgh-compression coal , epntainmg oompressed gas or 1333 Duchess Ayenue. there will be a~ Gospel Service, ^ eltic& v f o n P™- . gi,e was a pupil in these sub- a t which (........................... - by oil cisely^he same pnnciple as tha t j j the leading , M orning.. , The Annual Meeting of the West Vancouver Football Club aodoapj ® National- Gas __^®^ngine Company's works used ,;in putting air into tires. The' whole operation occupies only, aj few seconds. She was a pupil in these sub- a t which the speaker will be A. will be held a t the Ferry rooms, jects of some of the leading , Morning... , Tuesday, Septentber 5th, at 8 masters in England. Students Tuesday a t 8 "b.m. prayer-and p.m. All players and supporters a ^ p re p a re d for the B.C. F es ti- m inistry of the Scriptures with are asked to be present. Come val, recitals of exams, and or- J- Y."M. Aitken as speaker. and help s ta rt the season right. School Commencement All Schools open for the Pall, Term on Tuesday, Septem- ber- 5th. chestral and theory classes are held weekly. Oyer 400 successes by *her students in various grades. Any interested are asked to kiiidly call or phone ■ W est 624-R. -------- Elementary Schools: - Pupils"will be enrolled in Grade IB who shall have reached ^ e ir 6th birthday by Decem­ ber 31st, , 1939. , . r Junior & Senior High, School^; Students entering Grades• k > V > U U U l P » -/ O l ^ U U ^ A l V ^ « Ml from other than West Vancouver schools will'l:^ inteWiewed -'by '^Principal J. B., Mitchell at School on, Thursday, August 31st, and r nday;-SeptemberTait.'between Senior _„.i. the hours o f 9 a.m. beniQT i^ tr ic u la tig n :'S tu d en ts not already registered who wish' t o '^ it e r Senior Matriculation Class in Inglewood School are asked to communicate a t once with the Principal. WEST V ^ C O U V E E BO A B^ OF SC H O O I^m U STEES POWER SERVICE INTERRUPTION B. C. Electric Railway Co. Ltd. wish to notify the re^den ts of Eagle Harbour, Fishenhiain'ff Cove, Gleneagles, Whytecliff and Horsehoe Bay tha t owing to the necessity of making changes to the Horseshoe Bay Transformer Station it will be necessary to Cut-off the energy on- Thursday afternoon, September 7th nex t; from 1:30 to 4:30. . ' , / West Vaacouver-Municipai Ferries HALF HOURLY SERVICE LABOR DAY SCHEDULE l£ » j : AMBLESIDE -- First B oat'leaves a t 6 a.m Last Boat leaves a t 11:30 p.m. CITY DOCK -- First Boat leaves a t 6:30 a.m. Last Boat leaves at 12 midnight. W est Bay Buses m eet a ll ferries. "Upper Level Bus--Sunday, Service. P iU M i