f ' ' 1 . f , , <«̂, te VM̂ « - . ' # , t ! , 'r f f r)'̂ " , *' 'S* / ' ,1 f' l« <W«W,v,->£«»̂iV .I.vwpipv S'S"?vnr-*̂'V?%'̂i>'̂J'̂ -' VVrV'f •:■. '; - V « ' 5̂«I,.« "., *»*•»»,• ;,(«.ti8( ; *14" V « ' f ( J* « 4<» n T O "'WBaT" y « r ' O T«B' SWIMMING AND DIVING By JfoUy Eduards Pboiit W«it 46 A ^ H a n r c j r S m i t h Me»U-W«tS7« rrW'B4IIf#^^"BtfYii«'*"'-ff*-""M«b 8UGGE8Ti6 n S for FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Aug. 18th & 19th ' M E A T S ;';:Fre« .Delivery:,, ■. :f:...;:.W «it S tk i.'ri U . ' 1* ir f. , 'iSlit'Ml' fcii <■/ ,'.•» lii, /;.f \ *̂1. 1 fi '. | i " „5l i & ?f' ' t fled & 'iVlilte CATSUF..I2 m . Iiot. 15c FIlKNCirS MU8TAKD , ^ Prepared ...................... 6 o*. i»r He Red & Wlilte SANDWICH ItEUSH 1 or. lor .................. 21c fled & While r iH lE STI^W BBIIKV JAM .......................... 32 «*. jar 32c lIKDDUND'S SANDWICH SPREAD VtH, Several ..varJelle«.......2 tirw 17c Red & White JKLCY INIWDKRS EIkIiI Truo-Frull Flavors., 3 pkta. I4c PUFFED WHKAfr--<|uaker, p k t Ik Save I he Ik>x topa for FREE gif la, each 25cBROOM8--Sturdy I-Htrlng. PORK ik BEANS--Nabob 2 large No. 2'/j Hoa................... 23c BORDEN'S EAOI.K BRAND MILK I Tin ................ ..... ........ ..... ........... 19c 'I'ry the IntercMlIng recipea on the laliel. IRmI He WhIU* COFFEE Irradiated ....................... lb. tin 37c BLACK LABEL PINEAPPLE Bllceahor ('ruHji'ed.................. tin 14c ^Jltd It W l«te^EAK?r\- Halves ................'...... ^Squat tIn/iOc Red It While CH IC K EN N vlth-^ RICE SOUP .......................... tin lie BEEF--(irade A1 and .A, Crain Fed, LAftIB--Top Quality PORK--Grain Fed ( V B A I^M IlkFed ' [ - BREAST OF LAMB, per lb 9* 15c (Article 7) To become »n all round sw ^ - mer and diver, the following Bhould M d ^ ^ to your pnictice list: ' ' ' Aledley Swim An all round swimming test, Thiy includes A Racing Dive, Breast Strok^ the Back Stroke take-off, ^ ck - stroke, the Crawl Fush-off, Crawl Stroke, Racing Turns and Speed in all three strokes. • , R ^ing Turn for Crawl Stroke --Practice both left and n^ht turns. Your last swimming SASH & DOORS SHINGLES ^ THERE ISi PAINTBURiDERS* SUPPLIESNO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING PLYWOODS LATH ™ " " TILE...M, / Af«itas CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD.. V ÊST VANCOUVER LUMBER £0 . LTD. . 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 BREAST OF VEAL, per Ib,........18c gtroke ahould bring you a.s close lOcLEAN STEER BRISKEr....... Ib. FRESH FISH DAILY FULI. LINE OF DELICATESSEN Rod A White SPAGHETTI with ChiM'M«> ill Tomato Sauce* Iti »z. tin ..... .......................9c Red A White IOMATOMS tin 11cNo. 2'/i CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT Large nize,.......................... 3 for 1,4c VALENCIA ORANGES Medium Hize......................dozen 2Sc Large nize......................... dozen 34c (i, ,E. Cijeighton, well known In real eHth'tid'T'ircleH in the city, hiiH joined the HalcH ataff of the Sh»i7)o Kealty Company, 1394 Marine Drive. Mr. anti Mr«. James MoCrea, Mr. WillJam McCrea and Miss Janel McCrea have arrived from "Dili .your luHt employer give you u reference?" "Yes; but it doean't Heein to be any good." "Whut does he aay?" "He said I was one of the best men to the turning-board tis iw.ssible. The other forearm (sny the left) is placed flat against, the turning board, the body is> turned about sharply to the right, keeping close to the wall, both feet are planted squarely on the turning board, arms extended as in the racing dive, a vigorous push-oif is given with the legs and the stroke proceeds as from a racing dive. Long,, Distance Turn. <-- The turning board,'is grasped with either hand, the bwly is- turned- about, away from thi.s arm and the shove-offi made on the sur face. Remember to keep the body close to the wall during the spin. The heAd is held out of water, cluring this turn. Back Strike Take-off. -- The starting position is in the water, CLASSIFIED ADS Th« riitii for Claailflo*! AdvecUsomentu !■ i. cont» p*r word, minimum 35 centa. Except In the caae of tiiime having regular aecounta. all cIm«|. R»Aa arm navable atrlcUy in advance. ^^KememlMtf Claaaifiwi In the West Van Newa get immediate resulu. V.. GORDON ROBSON ■ - . qq Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 at West Vancouver any appointment, West 403. Barrister 4k time by CASH FOR JU NK -- Bottles, ragi. Sacks, Metala,, Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. B urrard Junk Co., West 91. •n o t a r y p u b l ic ," G '"®™' , . p veyanciiw. !'Valuator. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive WarI 21. " __ Con- Id P. West CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. ' LISTINGS WANTED - H®"®" .(Rent, Sell or Buy. Pembertons, Trinity 1271. Evenings, 437-Y-l. -- West FLOOR-SURFACING. -- J. Suther- - land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L. HOME BUILDER -- Cut cleiuring and excavation costs from 1/3 to Ji. Use a'bulldozer. Phone „G. W. ■K-is*., sick. West 252-L.^ GORDON--ROBSON------ Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W . Hastings, Sey, 4199 a t W est Vancouver-any time by appointment, W est 408. the <irm ever turned out." -- ---- _-u-- ̂ ̂ facin,g the tumiiig board. Both ____ , - q'lurbalTjd js^T^or relation of " 'hand the edge, foot are Auckland, New Zeadand, aqd are the violin given tp comic songs planted firmly on the wiall. A staying, at the Claohan. and'low company. backward push-off is made, hands together and overhead, legs begin the flutter kick, either the left or right arm is stroked, then you proceed as in "Back- Stroke." Duck Diving---- Commence by MARCEI^ SHOP -- Thermique S^am Permanents; drily best m a^riais used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, RoyaLBank Building. , W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. . ■■ . ' v >. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone. West 2 L or W est 668-R-l. FLASH PHOTO SERVICE -- Films in by 8:30 a.m., Back a t 6 p.m. same -r./- day..* Selo,Agfa-and-Eastman Film. Make this store your camera Head- . quarters. McNeil & McCue Drugs. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store . Fixtures, House Pbetures, W o^ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. ' WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. swimming breaststroke, inhale, i GORDON GRAY -- In iu r^ c e , Fire, - LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special - machine; . repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449'; Marine. . . Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or .West 92-R-2. - GUESTS -- T ra^ ien ts and pefman- 'ent. 'Sunlit Lodge, W e s t B&y, W e s t 379-Yt2. duck your head' under water, bend at the hips and lift the'Iegs -up-behind *.you-uhtil_.the-hody_is in ah ^almost veiTical position. Swim .towards bottom, with breast strokes.. . .When you wish to regain the surface, lift your head, and with vigorous loff kicks coast to the surface. ' . ' Waltzing. -- This is cHanging from crawl swimming to back crawl, by swiniming a few strokes and rollihg to the re- verse position. Continue by ---- - "•- --- -- swimming a few back crawl HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust, burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum; 1103 Lonsdale. North 822." FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-803, Birks.i. Building; Branch Office, 1447 Marr . ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. PAPERHANGING,: Painting, = Kalso- mining; first class work reason able rates. H^' Gaines, West 167-L. LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar ine Drive. W est 546. ___ _ PAINTING, AND DECbRATING -- Estimates free. J.'H . Wedley. West 818.---̂ -̂---------- -------- ^ KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING - Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine strokes and_ again reversing^ your position by rolling.-Prac tice continued rhythm •" and --Km-tting--Vf-0ol, Books,--N-eed-les,--etc.- Baby Woollens a specialty.' BISMA-REX .. quickly^^relieves som stomach, indigestion, etc. This new Hisftnvpry.-will malcft a new person smoothness. Floating. -- TYy motionless floating. Horizontal position, hips well up in line with body, head held well back, chest high, arms at right angles to the body and .palms-turned-up-ward.-:,------- :-- FANCY DIVING; LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED--We . defiver-and-work--gruaranteedr^Gall Mack, West 184-R. of yom Get a package today at McNeil McCue^ Drugs, ' Phone.- West 528. FIFTY CORD^DRY ALDER, $5.75 per cord.' Rush. West 527.________ ATTRACTIVE Living-Room p d 2 bedrooms with good hoard, in pri vate home. Suit teachers or busi ness people. Phone West 340-R. FOR RENT -- Five room modern bungalow. 1370 Clyde; West 217-M Jack - Knife or Pike Dive -y- After the take-off the hips *are lifted__in__the air.- Touch the CARPENTRY, odd jobs. M. evenings. Repairs; Contracting, J. Davis, West 742-Y, FOR RENT--Furnished 5-room Bung- alowlon-jgmterfront, _Dundarave, Jpr_ several months, $25. C. J._ Archer Ltd., West 225. ' Full Notary Ser vices available. hands tq the^legs^ below the knees, trying to .bring the legs to the hands rather than hands to the legs, then straighten for the entry position. Back Dive. -- The takeoff is upward and. backward, the arms swing overhead and the head is bent backward. The flight and entry into the water are control led by the position of the head. " (Next Week. -- Concluding Article -- Fancy Diving, Con tinued.)-- LOST^-r- From 1433 Bellevue '6n^at=^ urday, Augpist 12th, bfack tortoise ' shell kitten. West 463-Y. FOR RENT -- Oct. 1st, newly furn ished house 'convenient to post office and ferry. Box 20, West Van News; WANTED bicycle; 557-Y. -- Immediately; a reasonable. Phone m ans West EXPERIENCED NURSE -- 2 Years Hospital training; Take full charge. West 59-Y-3. 52x137 F t. View Lot, xleared. 4 room fully m odem ' bungalow, basement, furnace, $1800, terms. ■ Sharpe Realty,., 1395 Marine Dnve. .West 719. :_____ ^ HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septic Tanks and Rockpits -installed and cleaned. W est 187-R.. LISTINGS .WANTED t- Low priced modern houses. H. Fallows Realty, • West 912. -- , _____ _ FOR SALE -- The Salad Shop, 560_ . Granville Street; owner leaving for England. West 824-Y. HELP WANTED --. Responsible girj for mother's help by day. Resident vicinity W est Bay or Sherman, West 165-L-l. . ' ___ _____ It is not too late to make a further sowing of >ndive and white Lisbon onions if sown now will provide '̂spring" onions for salads- early next yoar. ■ ♦ _______ Mr. FOR RENT -- Comfortable bungalow near in, two bedrooms, $25. West 631-R, - WANTED--^Unfurnished 4 - 5 roomed house on good sized lot; W est Bay or vicinity. B ent or lease, ^ , Campbell, 2062 Acadia Road, Van couver. -- WANTED -- View Lot near water- front, east of 25th, pay cash. fPrin- ity 4882 or T rin ity .3928-L____ _ WANTED -- 1st Sept., girl for house- work; sleep out. W est 66. _-- and Mrs. J.̂ Thewlis of Los Angeles, California, have re turned home after a vacation in LARGE, CLEARED LOT 70x132, close to bus and shopping district, $275.00; West Vancouver, -where they c o m f o r t a b l e h o u s e built oiiily d o it r i tp ■RARR'prr'F'n SHOTGUN, were tt6 -^ ests^ f-th eir Mrs! H Cranwiil.' " S S !' WANTED --iBy c ^ l e ;;tKreen^rf»w room heated suite, unfurnished; lu vicinity of Ambleside. Phone we - ^628-L. - ' . ' ______ - rods. No birds ^ave-teeth. CARD OF THANKS W e wish to thank our neighboi's, friehds and relatives fo r their acts of love and sympathy during the loss of our>bolovod husbiand and father, Stewart Currie; also for the many floi^al tributes. MBS, CUBBIE , and Family. s e v e n ROOM HOUSE and three room cottage on a large lot 'with creek through property, with lily and nsh porid. House has living^ room, (fining room, sun room,* kit- en and n(k)k, three bedrooms and sleeping porch; cottage has living room, kitehen, bedroon, brith and sun porch. Beautiful ^ e w . The ?5,000, with $1,000 cash: WALKER & PBIDE, West Vaneotrver Pioneer B ^ lto ra 1704 Marine Drive, West 55.' Boswell, . London';* cleaning. * Make", offer. Also large piĝ K cartridge case.- West 256-Y. _-- WANTED. -- :ifeperienced reliable _ woman to work and mind oaDy» 2 aftiernooris .v^eekly. Referenc ess'entiaL West- 27O-Y-2. ~:::r - RENTAL COLUMN For September bccupancy. Cypress Park, 3 rooms...............|L 'qd Ambleside, "3 rooms...,...........I ^ 'qo ' W aterfront, Sept, only---.--..... qq Ambleside, _5 -rooms. C~ near Cypress P ark Heach, striped sun suit. W est 386M3 Wwtpn; 3 'rooms.;:.,.-."'-- '-"-.... All jhimished, have o t h e r s • " H E . W 'HIFFIN AGENCY 1520 Marine Drive. ."r'* . • .'.m