» . ,V |to i|iaMt i » | l : , I , j ^ , - : - 9 ^ c B M j jm J jm ^ ttt Seaside f ^ k ' s i n w a T r 'A is i« a n i;* ':S t7 ^ Aail>le«lde Dock «t 0.30 k.ioqu Adults 75c. Children under 12, 30c, (accompAnled by parent) Phone reservations to West 22*M or West 160-Ll FREE TBA» SUGAR. MILK, ICE CREAM £ b c a f m d J B e r s 0 n a l Miss B. Watson has resumed her dutles afc the Municipal Hall after spending her annual vaca tion a t South Bend, Washington, > dl Ik if C.C.F. GARDEN PARTY At ?he home of Mr. & Mrs. Atwood 1441 Ottrtwa Ave. Saturday, A ugust 1 9 th , a t 2 .30 p.m . Come and meet C. G. MacNEIL, your Federal M.P.; and hear Miss M. Osterhoiit give an address on her recent visit to India. Short addresses by Provincial M.L.A.'s Refreshments ' Mrs. Hiirdwiok of Vancouver, has moved into one of the Allen cottages at West Bay fdr the remainder of the season.ii ' * i» Miss Lochead of the city is spending, the remainder of the summer at West Bay,, where she has taken, a house on Marine Drive, .WEST VANCOUVER LIBERAL ASSOCIATION A SPECIAL MEETING of members will be held in tHc Legion Hall On M onday, Aug. 2 1 s t, at 8 p.m . BUSINESS;--Election of Delegates to Federal Convention. . All members are requested to attend.. A son was born last Saturday at.the Korth Vancouver General' ri'ospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. D. Mallett (nee Rita New) of 675 Marine Drive. Miss Helen Fadden of-'Wash- ■"ihgtohrD,<3.rMlliTJ^r"M 8 i^ " of AstoHa, Long Island, and Dr. Frank Fadden of New York, passed through th e ' city last week en route home from a cruise to Alaska, and while here were guests of Dr., and Mrs. T. Alexander Johnston, 1041 Clyde Avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Johnston have also had as guests the former's aunt, Miss Mary Alice Johnston of New York city and Greenwich, Conn.: Mrs. John Hoffman and Mrs. Alex. John ston of Burford, Ont,« * Strattoa;! BAKERY HOME-NUUDrE l l l l l B l Jk iMg FRESH DAILY Toil.varieties to suit every ta ite Meat Plea -- Cookiea Beelea Cakea -- Pastrlea Buna and Rolla Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 E i^ th A nnual ____ Picnic and E xcursion to Xeat's Island, W ednesday, Aug. uritli|, W eSt yancouver Schools' Band Dishes,'Tea, Cream and Sugar provided. Leaving Arfiblcslde Plerat 10 a.m. TICKETS 5 0 C . Stan Stronge, well known Van couver athlete, and a former resident of West Vancouver, won the grand aggregate in the sport ing events last Sunday at the Deep Cove Annual Regatta, star ring, in diving, swimming , and canoeing. It will be remembered that, 'when resident here, he was one of the leading swimmers and divers of. the West Vancouver , Amateur Swimming Club. - Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Spencer entertained at dinner Monday evening at- Capilano Golf and Country Club in honor of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Dixon, Mrs. A. M. Dixon and Miss E. C. Dixon, all of Toronto. * * iS Hollyburn Theatre THU USD AY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (Mut. & Evt»nlng') August 17ih, I8lh and 10th FRED ASTAIRE (UNGER ROGERS The, fire brigade in response to a call put out a bush fire which had broken out at 5 a,.mj on Tuesday morning at Oaulfeild; " ' 41 ■ 1(1.... '4i ■■■■■■ ■ ■ « Mliss (jertrude CUB NOTES The last two hikes of the sum mer will take place on. Tuesday, August 22nd and 29th. Meet at Ambleside Park at 10 a.m.; bring a lunch and a dime, -fof your fare. Home about 5 :30- p.m. Any Cub wishing to pass his Swimmer's Test should get in touch with the Cubmastef, as_̂ soon as possible. " There"is ah~ examiner both at Dundarave Pier and at Ambleside Beach. . Mr. Sadler of Winnipeg, is a guest at the Clachan. TIDE TABLES (For the use of leathers) ' High Low 8:00p.ml 1:32 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 2:19 p.m. 9 :45 a.m. 3:08 p.m. 11:00 a.m.. 4 :05 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:20 p.m. Wednesday 2 :04 p.m. 6 :56 p.m. Thursday 3 rl6 .p.m.. 7 :26 a.m. -Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuejgday . Parkin of N oftlf Vancouver, whose mar riage to Mr. Ronald Smith takes place' on Wednesday, has been ̂ guest of honor at a number of prenuptial affairs. Mrs., Jack Baker, Travers Avenue, West Bay, entertained at the tea hour for/the bride- elect, and Miss PeggjN Farmer was lalso a tea, hostess an Satur day at HotelpZancouver.\ Mrs. RobefetiA* her home, in West Vancoiwer for a tea on Sunday afternoon, when Mrs. Parkin and Mrs. Alex. Mac kenzie were hostesses. Pink and white sweet peas and ' pink candles in silver sconces decor ated -the tea table, where JVErs. Kenneth Brown,' poured tea. Serving were M|^s Dorothea Parkin, Miss , Peggy Farmer and Miss Ellen Parham. " J. E. Taylor, aged "about" B0" years, of Burnaby, died appar ently of shook at 6:30 p.m. Tues day, when the car driven by J. W. Edwards Of Burnaby, in which he was riding, was in col lision with another car driven by J. A. Waters of Edmonton. The crash occurred at the intersec tion of Nelson Avenue and Mar ine Drive at Whytecliff. The aged mian died before medical aid could be summoned. "The Story oT Vernon and Irene Castle" (Thoir real llfo story -- ono of tln). most ontortainhig biographi-, oal ilramns of tho year)- W. McMahon of Vancouver, is having a new house built On Eastcot Road, British Pacific Properties. ' -- AJao_J^E.WS,~CARTOONr" SHORT SU13JEOTS MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY August 21st, 22xul & 2ai'(l LUISE RAINER FERNAND GRAVET "The Great Waite" (Tho tictional story of Johann Strauss II.) (Onoo'onlv a t 8:001 Also- ono hour of Short Subjocts Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Genimill celebrated their twenty-fifth an niversary on Saturdiay evening, when a number of their friends gave them a surprise party at their-'Hiome, 1512 Esquimalt Avenue, to congratulate them and to wish tbem many rhjore happy years. Mr. Harry Elliott. Jacks 1516 Marino Drive West 710 Furniture Repaired Covered and Polished , Loose Covers xm~behaif~of--thuse~asseirrbled" for your DRIYEWAYSr On Saturday, Miss Ellen Par- ,, , _ ^ ham entertain^',at luncheon at Ĵ ^̂ de a presentetion to them of the Dolphin for ithe bride-elect, beautiful silver. tea service. and that evening >M ■anfl^am es^tT ^f^e conclusion West Van Cycles_ ___________________- - New & Used Bicycles ROAD ftlATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, West, 160-Y West 190 Grade A Red Brand ̂ Smith and Mr. - Bruce Smith . entertained the bridal party -at their home in West Vancouver, prior to a dancing party at Whytecliff Park. Mrs. J. Edward Sears of 3120 dainty refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rathje, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Rich'ardson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott of Vancouver, Mr. Part's- - Repairs - Accessories 1446 Marine, West 702 Travers Avenue, left on Tuesday and ĴMrs. D. R. Heaslip of Yan- to spend two weeks in the Oka- naffan ' V ' ------ Thompson, Dr. and-Mrs. J.-W .- ♦ * Lang, Miss Phyllis"Neiale, Miss Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Selwood, 23rd Hudson, Mrs. Clark, Miss and Nelson Avenue, of the birth J^unie Clark^and Mr, T, Clarice... of a son, "Pierce Taylor," to Dr. Rump Roast 25c lb. C ro ss' R ib Roast ™20c lb. -First Grade 3 lbs. 72c and Mrs. P. W. Selwood of Evanston, Illinois. Mother and son are'doing well. Dr. Selwood is on the staff o f .the North western University. ' - . ♦ ♦ ♦ Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Monday, in the city for Mrs. Alice Rebecca Stag- les, widow of the late G ^rge Stagles of Calgary and mother of ^ s . H. C. Flood of Fisher man's Cove, who passed away last Friday. BAKEASY Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Argyle and w, family of Nelson, have taken up residence at Caulfeild- for . the month of August.. ' ■ * * * RoUedRibs -..Roasts' jS c per lb. Short Ribs 10c lb. 9c per lb. Fletcber^s No. 1 Ba^on 15c *Pib..pkg, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey ;darke, 3056 Procter Avenue,; have re turned to their home after spending a week of their vaca- tiomaboard S.S. Cardena, on the round, trip to Prince Ruperi, _j . - u-i- n/r... while their son David< was at Boy 7 while Mr, Scouts Camp, Porteau, with the ----- Huleatt--Hullah -- . . With tall baskets of pink glad- iolas banking the fireplace and , "pink and white sweet peas ar ranged in silver vases the home of the hride was th® setting on Saturday evening" for the wed-, ding of Irene Edythe, second ? daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huliah, who became the bride of Mij. Allan Dale Huleatt, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Huleatt of Lynden, Washington. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock, oy Rev. Wm. Vanco of West Vancouver. Given in mar riage by her father, the bride was charming wearing an after noon frock of sheer orchid and leghorn hat with matching ac-̂ -r bessories. Her bbuquet was made up'of talisman roses and sweet peas. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Weavers, wearing a queen's blue crepe frock and < carrying a sheaf of pink gladi- Wood; Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES- West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL ̂GRAVEL■ t7- Bush-Fir, Inside......... $5.60 Cord Mill Fir, Inside...;....... . 6.60 " PireI)Iace F ir .............. 4.60 i* Green Alder ................... 5.50 ̂ " Furnace Blocks .......LSO " SPECIAL-- ' No. 1 P ir Edgings.....$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings B arky .................... 3 Cords $11.00 B a r k ........... ................. ..:.$5.60 Cord Limited amount. - - 1 SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked '................ . $3.50 per unit ............................... 8. units $10.00 , CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Marine Drive Spughetti and Meat Balia 15c per tin. Breast Ve|U lO ep erib . Zylstra was the groomsan. . 1st West Vancouver (St. Steph en's) Troop. 15c per tin Cooked. Beef Stew■ ■ ̂ . feS. I5c peLtin EXPERT W atch and Clock .. REPAIRING ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with; B irks'L td., Montreal) - 1522 Marine .Drive A t the reception which follow ed, her seiwiteurs were Mrs. Zylstra, Bernice Spence, Muriel TWitchell and Jean McDougal. ' When Mr. and Mrs. Huleatt left on> their wedding trip south, via th^ Oregon Co&at, the bride was wearing a navy sheer frock with matching ' accessories and a queen's blue top coat.: After the wedding trip they will reside in San Diego, California. K eeprY our Dog H ealthy w ith A.B.C. DOG FOOD Contains Vitamins A. B. C. D. and G. Also Minerals Calchim and Phosphorus PACKEiD IJY Ai^e-Bhtiiii Colombia Pacldog Co. Ltd. in Vz-lh. tins and 1-Ib. tins. Mr, and Mrs. Jordan are oc cupying a suite at "Th Gables," West Bay. (, • 'V■ i'A