LA- ^ I' K f I) ;■ *rM < 1',-r , i i I r H. 1̂*'" '1 "V,l' f̂' 'U n ) ^ r . f I i ̂ ̂ } ̂, "" '! f i i i i _Xi_ iliW ^8 I* I ; ; »,%fi IIIf !̂x :|.r irf,;; f J ' ^ » i i l fcSl Sm i Ml- i i l ■ iVA'̂ 'll; f tj ■.h " ̂i*- "£y -'M .'*fix' i'l y ̂j ' "« - '• ......wm-iiiiiiiiiwiMiii ........ ..... , wgy»y<<yft!i WMT'fyyf* m n m m ts m m 0««t i t li^itiiMlI A r m ^ " '- ' - «BV. W. VANCR aA ^ I tfb M r 2047 Ciordon Avtim* - Pboiit Weil 244*B StmiUy Seiripie: lla.i»4 A ttBOpjau SlTitft«iri tBdif^tittoririf«"ii«l0a ^ Exciting New 1 Hair Styles B A r m t m v w c m )M.iiî ,tytf̂ ̂ . , ...... „ . U&f* Wr a MeKAf; EA^ BJ9. Swulejr S errk tti 10:00 «4i»4--Chueeh School in> dtMtittg AAoIlCSaJui -11 •JBO«.A«?:20.{Mii^JjMM^^ $SjMI"«ieljMMI "' > f A hearty welcome to all tH Bi' WMrr 'y A K ' w nw a Your curJi ore cut abort, your hair faaclnatingly alive and luatroui,'after a Duart Oil Permanent a t the ■ ■ ( Gwendolyn s Beauty Shoppe HOUYBDRII HAU 14th and Diicheaa .SUNDAY, Auir. 20tb, at 10 a.m. , Sunday School and Young Peopla'a Bible Claaa SUNDAY BVE^IING at 7:30 g ospkl s e r v ic e Speakera; MIt. LEWIS SMITH and MR. TOM PARKE8 rUESDAY, Aug. 22b4, at 8 p.m. ■ " InlatPrayer and Ministry of the Scriptures .Subject: "Ruth, the Moabiteaa'̂ .Speaker: MR. J. Y. M. AITKEN ; I^IOT'TAHCOUVEE Oiiistian :Sc>«we Society CHURCH EDIFICE "®lth'̂ luad iIeUy*wBiii ? Thia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Pirat Church of Chriat. Scientist, in Boston, Mtaasachosetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, August 20th, SUBJECT: " M I N D Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. , Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ST. PATRieiA-SCHOOt G IR L S -- All Grades E O Y S ^ ra d e s I. II, III Curriculum as outlined by Provincial Board of EMucation--GymnaHiun, Dancing, Art, Elocution, Piano and Violin Classes with daily suoer' vised practice.Monthly Examinations, Inspections and Concerts. Residential and Day Pupil«; Nuyisory School and Kindergarten, 2 - G yt*ar« Handwork, Draraati?.ation, Dancing, French and Rhythm Band; als ̂ . Piano Work, Playgi'ound Activities including Sandbox, Swings, lYansiiortation for all pupils if necessary; Medical Supervision for all pupils. ? f'or registration, call the Principal. MISS MARJORIE R. McGILLIVRAY West 585-IM or Seymour 3053 _______2C67 Hayvyood Avenue. Creators of. Exclusive Permanents, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 UNITED CHURCH and Esquimalt Ave.u Rev. William Vance, Minister ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van /'^astor , D R , G, D , H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.8 . DENTIST X*Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. ORice Hours 9 to 0 p.m. , Evenings by appointment. Phone Wi'st 72 Sunday, August 20th. 11:00 a.m.--Morning .Worship. 7:20 p.m.--Evening Worship. A welcome to all.' BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. DRMcRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 ModicaLJJental, Building Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment 1860 Marine Drive West 432 Sunday Services: . 10:00"a.m.--Sabbath School. . ' 11:()() a.m.--Rev. H. Hairia. 7 :.20. p.m.--Dr. W. S. Watson will speak. Wednesday, 7 :45.p.m. '-- Prayer and Praise Service in charge of Young People'l .Society.' A cordial welcome w all. Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 Ip.m. - Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. • , Week-day Services Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. M days---Rosary, Benediction ' 7:45. Saturdays -- ; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. ^he School o f Speech z^rts . 2.')65 Bellevue Avenue SCHOOL OPENS -- Friday, 15th September. COURSES OF .STUDY -- Correct Speaking, Corrective Speech,* ' I3jrkwinin/x*i>«̂ ^̂1 r» nin̂ ̂ Vv Beginnera' Classes in Dramulics. Pupils prepared for the examinations of Trinity College, London, England MAJtGERY R. CLARK, Principal. (Gold Medallist and Mistress of Elocution a t the Theological College, U. B. C.)Residence Phono Day and Residential School foi; Boys SEAGRAM COiJLEGE Glass R e-bpens S ep tem b er 7th Grades 1-12 Special T u itio n fo r Matriculants TRANSPORTATION- For interview Phone W esf4 i DEATH OP HAROLD J. HOBSON Taunton H ouse School Bitabllflhed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birretors HoUybum f^uneral Home 18th and Marine W est 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors ' 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 ST. STEPHEN'S CHJURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, August. 20lh. - 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.--ftlatins and Sermon. 7 :30 p.m^Evensong and. Ser ̂ mon̂ St. Francis-in-the-Wood, . Caulfeild ^ 3:00 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Considerable regret will be felt in the municipality at the pass ing of Harold James Hobson of 2236 J Bellevue Avenue, which took place last Monday in St. Paul's Hospital following an operation. The deceased, who was in his 60th year, had had a colorful career... .In his youth he went to sea, -leaving it to-become man ager of a. gold mine. in West Africa. Later he, came to Canada and- was for many years sales announces the opening of a Branch Junior Day S ch ool, G rades 1 to 6 in W est V ancouver 2545 W 1st Ave:, Vancouver Bay. 0622 - Bay. 4071 For information apply J. M, Raiiton, B.A., A.T.C.M. FLORAL ^DESIGNS W e deliver to any parlor in Vancouver or. Nth. Vancouver JlieJlltesUian_B(irisL - 18lh and Marihe- West 305 West 305 WEST VAN'R TABERNACLE ' Cr." Marine & 25th St. manager of the Marshall-Wells Company in Winnipeg, which he left to start a hardware business, of his own oh Granville Street. The VANCOUVER BU SIN ESS SCHOOL 675 DAVIE STREET 3679 .WEST BROADWAY (at Alma Road) Phone SEymour 5711 Phone BAyview 7747 Pastor Rev. Robert Birch, B.A. Services r Latterly, he was connected with The French Beauty Salon For P erm anents of la$titig]beauty. We specialize in fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Children's Holiday Ser\dce, Dun- darave Beach, Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday Services, 11 a.m., and - 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7 :30 p.m. Thursda.v, Horseshoe Bay Ser- v ice ............. ...........r.. 7 :30 p.m. The speaker .on Sunday even ing will be Mr. Cook who is a naissionary to the Lion-tribes of South-West China. His message will be. illustrated with pictures. the Hall Fuel Company, sawdust bm ei^ivigionrSR"^^ Gran ville Street,' being with them at the time of .hib death. Always interested in music, hê active in musical circles in Winnipeg and Vancouver, and since moving here seven ..years ago had .been a member of-the. Miss Frieda Dolson of Toronto has airived in the city to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Allan Mr. and , Mrs. Frank Wiley and. their new baby, girl have moved into their new home at 21st and T. Johns, Treetops, West Van- Gordon Avenue. couver. Sowings of cabbage should be made thinly and broadcast for late planting........... Mrs. Granwill and daughter Joy, spent the month of June in Los Angel€s,d!alifomia, with the formers parents. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ----- -- Nature Study Teacher: "Johnny, if five sheep were in a field, and one jumped out, how many would be left?" Johnny: "There wouldn't be any left. You know arithmetic but you don t̂ know sheep." Tte News THE West Van News Piibliahed Every Thursday Pubiisher P. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 B oainm and Editorial, dffice: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 "MIND" will be the subject of the Iicsson-Sermon in all Church es of Christ; Scientist, on Sun day. The Golden Text is: "Who hath -known the mind of the Lord ? or who hath been his counsellor? . . . For. of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be gldfj^or ever." (Romans 11: 34̂ 36). " .Am^igpsv^he citations which comprise tnO Lesson,- Sermon is the following from the Bible: "^ e Lord by " wisdom hath_ "founded fh e e^ tb ; by under-' standing hath he established the heavens." (Proverbs 3: 19). ___ The Lesson ~ Seimon also in cludes the -following passage from the Christian Science text- book,. "Science and Health with JCey to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker E d ^ : "AH is infinite Mind and- i t s ' infinite manifesta tion, for'God is All-in-all, West Vancouver Choral Society, of which he was president for several yeai-s. -- - - - - -- He is. survived by his wife, to whom the sympathy of the whole community will go out, one ^on, Robert, in Victoria; one daugh ter, Mrs. James Gk>ldie, in Van couver; also one brother and one sister. Funeral services were held at 1 :30 p.m. today in Van couver, Mr. A. J. Harrison, of ficiating, followed by cremation Mountain View Cemetery. 2 f itco 7»Aty . MiS". M. E. O'Hearn, 15th and Esquimalt Avenue, has returned from an enjoyable two months'- A --VTV-- r--•-- -- •trip to St. Francis Harbor and other points in Nova. Scotia. Miss Grace Taylor and Miss Joan Mathews are the-Social Conveners for the summ^ dance to be given tomorrow" evening yancouver and Holly burn oki Clubs. ^ l̂arjorie McLemr of the mty, Mi^ Betty Barr and Miss ^ n n ie Page, West Vancouver, have just returned after a holi day spent in San FYancisco visit ing friends and the Exposition. North Vancouvtf M i^ . Eleanor Lennox of the Royal Bank of Canada staff here, has returned from Lummi. Is land, wher?e she spent her annual vacation. C?ats really can't see in total darkness. 123 .Lô isdalf' Ava. J t i l s $1.00 a year by carrier: $2:00 a year by m as Mrs, H. Smith, 992 29th Street, returned last Sunday ev^ing.from a two weeks' visit with friends in Victoria. After 25 years, your.doliar is worth i n f o o d ...........; ................. 7 3 c e n t s --i n - c l a t h i n g - .............:68-"Con1:a-- i n r e n t . ......................... 91 c e n t s i n f u e l c e n t s i n h o u s e f u r n i s h i n g s . 56 c e n t s r BUT IN ELECTRICITY .$'2.00 These a r e U . S . figuresr-in V a n c o u v e r y o u r 1913 electricity dollar-- i ^ now w o rtH $ 3 .5 8 . SINGER SEWING MACHINE CpMPANY 142 West HasUogs^ VaneoaTer. Pbone Seyjoumr 4660 -Phone chaige^-xefunded if this ad-_ presented by Sept. 1, 1939. ; B R I T I S H - C O C U M B i A E C E C T R I C R A I U W A Y ;:_ C O .M ;E A N -Y -.-l.I M i - T J j a \ GW -t±S- \