..... . .......... . Wfĉ '̂"""-̂̂̂'-" "" I -t ■'" *̂%t, ̂ i, NC. : ^ , u , , ^ ^ X « • .L w l( ^„A If . it #^l, vf C <«!H>fliniĴ « r >!Mii t-Mf Ĥ M t '̂ JtWS. ^ »* >' -•> « Hf ̂h t t -^r Established oyer 18 years Established over 13 years. -Kiri'S? t / '^ .« 't? - - -^ 3^<¥« p̂..![̂ â .'•5i^̂ )W«ri4̂ rl̂ -̂«■̂ /f'̂ •<Mf«"Sl ,Q Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--Ambleside, H ollybum , Weston, Dundarave Cypress Park, Cdulfeild, Whytecli/f, E tc.J1.00 per year 6c per copy Vol. XIV H O L L Y B U R N P .O ., W EST V A N C O U V E R , B.C.. T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 17th. 1939 N o. 19 SPEED DUNDARAVE REGATTA C.C.F. GARDEN PARTY it'v'pi v age' or era 'has its own peculiar 'bharacteristics. „ •, ta/.ir existence,.-in fact, which diatinKuishes it from theJ| IS. ,» 1 ««%̂#J - rk4̂4*#\<fe* nvpVii/tl̂ /imiinjah if* 4*/\immediately before and after, and which cause it to f! ^ c S d as siich. We have, for instance, the Victoriari,, *' X w hich that implies. This is an age of speed pro- fL?/hv1uui pr^ucingr a superabundance of machinery, which flUCvU . . ^ j iiYw\Yi n l m A c i f r\Viaiciii n f h i iT Y in r ihas had a profound effect upon almost^,every phase of human life. The old peace and dignity of life has gone. In its p l^ e The regatta this year will be A C.C.F. Gaixlen Party will be held on Saturday, August 26th, „t 2:30 p,™. „„ Saturday of A a l Bov s S o i t s ' T o X r '•'is week, August 19th, at the Stino- to e n te f and ""mo 0 ̂» • ; and Mrs. w . T.-At- wfahfnn addlbnal l ^ i f o r ^ Avenue. C. S 4 L t in tOMh wi h ^ G. MiicNeil. M.P., will bo present, we have motor oars,' aeroplanes, streamlined trains^^adding wtuphines comptometers, typewriters, and a host of other' mSank-il devices, all invented as a result of the. craze for ^ped and all increasing the speed of existence. . We have iitprailv no time to take time at anything. Everything must Martin, Ross Rathie, or Peter Greer. Entries mupt . bo in on oi before Thursday, Auginst 24th. and Miss M. Osterhout will give an address on her recent visit to India. There will also be short Molly Edwards' swimming and addresses by Provincial M.L.A.'s diving classes for bogihnera and and refreshments will be served, advanced pupils are held on LEGION NOTES HOLT^YBURN HALL he done in a hurry or it is not properly done, which does not n,Ann that it is well done."' The m an^ho'drives'a motor car faster than it has everHSeen driven hefofe"is a herorregardleSs if the fact of whether or no his feat is of the slightest , prac tical use to humanity. Indeed that aspect of the matter is never considered. Sport is not entered into for the love of it but chiefly for the piirpoi^e of making records.-. We flatter our selves that we are the physical superiors of our forebears, forgetting they had to be stronger men. land women in every way to survive at all in their day and, therefore, that, given all the scientific thought and training now devoted to the subject, they would in all probability have knocked' all our precious records into a cock^ hat. - ,. '*■... Speed, too, has entered into the ballroom and taken from it most of the old rhythmic grace of motion. The waltz is a waltz no longer, while the foxtrot, which queens it on the floor, bears a very striking resemblance to the dances to be seen in many a West African village In this connection it is a matter for wonder that th e white man in stealing the black iflan's dance has never yet realized that he has failed to steal its grace. For there is a ceii^in grace in the shuffling steps of it. as danced by the American, negro and his forebears in' .' the Dark Continent, which none of us can hope to-acquire . Similarly, no white man can sing a. coon song in quite the way it is rendered by any member of the ra^e to whom it belongs. And the jazz or swing song, its unnatural child cr ea te by us whites, is either vulgar or silly, and miore often thah not a combination of the'^wo. \ . Good manners 4̂n-̂ Iwti p̂ufeI|c~iESft p̂rmLfee^ l̂ife -have nature - ally suffered. There .is simply no time\for them in our present eat-and-grab existence. We rush hitbier and thither like de mented souls and for the most part make "much ado about nothing." Ferry No. 6 will leave Amble- side Dock at 9:40 a*m. on Sun day ~weekr"August"27th, on the occasion of the annual cruise andl basket picnic. Teia, sugar, milk and ice cream will be free. The ferry "̂ will reach Seaside Park about noon and tickets are 75 cents for adults and 30 cents for Sunday School and Young People!s Bible Class -will bo- held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, August 20th, in Hollyburn Hall. There will be a Gospel Service at 7:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at Dun darave Pier. Phone West 208-M ' ■ m** BANIYCAMP speakers will be Lewis Smith and Tom Parkes. Tuesday at 8 children under 12" î c'arar' A^r S'™; P"ay«" ""d ministry of the going should phone their reser vations to West 22-M or »West 150-L-l. ' Next Wednesday' about fifty p.m. next' Sunday, when the pf the West Vaneou- ■ Ver School Band will leave for their annual eiamp at Keats' Is- hindr " Ahy 6hd ̂w •visited this camp or*enjpyed theScriptures, the speaker being J. Y. -M. Aitken and his subject: "Ruth,™ the Moabitess.*' SEAGRAM COLLEGE Seagram^.College, ja day and residential school for boys, will re-open for the fall term on SCHOOL OF SPEECH ARTS TO OPEN Hl^RE Mrs. Margery R. piark an- Thursday, September 7th. The ' nounces in this issue that she is trip along West Vancouver's shore line should take this oppor tunity. A few excursion tickets '̂ are still left and may be bad from members' of the Band or- from Mr., Condon. Tea, cream and sugar will be supplied by the Band. curriculum includes Grades 1-12, ,and special tuition is given to matriculants. 'Transportation is also .provided.- Any.'parents or others interested, are asked to 80-FOOTER BIGGEST WHALE OF *38 CATCH opening " The School of Speech Arts" on Friday, September 15; at 2365 Bellevue Avenue. Mrs; V" Cliark is a gold miedallist and Total British Coluinbia Kill Last , . , TTr X .1 X? • r Mistress of Elocution at the Sejison 310. kindly phone West .4 for inter- Theological College, U.B.C. The r-------- courses of study are as follows:, , Sustaining the claim that SPECIAL EXHIBITION Correct Speaking,--which in- sometimes the female of the There used to be an old saying th at-it is the speed "whfch"killsr And ît is the. speed which is killing usi. If there is one fallacy from which we of this agê suffer, it is a false 'A r in A ^ T n B Qf-HrWti-3 «>u<ies breathing, deportment, species is bigger than the male, Speciarad;;;Ston tickets for ' ' » t femalo Sulphur wLlO the Vancouver Exhibition have Speech for p ose been obtained for. "West Vancou- suffering pom impediments in -ver school pupils-and~may be-pro-- theni.spe.ech:_------------ ^ _ _ cured as follow.s -on Friday and_ Examinations--r Children are headed the -list for' size in the 1938 British Columbia whaling records. Sulphur whales, as rep resen ted="=hy="a=76 '̂bbl""=fdrnâ sense of our own importance, which, , translated into action', . makes us place far too high a value on our own time. y 7"And her/elVIolher Nature, as always, sees that her balance is .not disturbed. She- h ^ provided all her children including man with a certain reserve strength, to be used only in case of emergency. And so, when men live on that strength daily by trying to accomplish too much in a day, they just die or crack up in middle life or become insane. That is why so many are-passingaway-earJy of'heart^trouble^and the^reason for the--- cured as tollows -on Eriday jn d ____ î xaminations^^^^ size list in Ssturd!Ry> August 18th ; . pr;Gp&r6̂ i.or , the x̂&iniiifl.tiOTis 1937 but whilo the record whfl.lG ' -Hollybu-rn^SchoolJtt"■■B»----Allany-~--0.f.-Trjjii.ty--College,,...LQndOn,,,Eng=-:--i-ft--bhafryear was -.the"'ioiie nieni--- 1161 Esquimalf iĵ verfu ;̂ Pauline lai^; > /-m - • her sjiecies to be' taken' -Johnson--School,--Principal_J.,--E; ._Beginners__jC^sses in J^ran^-- three male SulDhurs were in Condon, 2095 Gordon ' Avenue; tics--to be held m"the evenings, eluded in the 1938 kill One of Ŵ est Vancouver High Schools, An advertisem^i^t relative -the three measured 73 feet from Principal J, R. Mitchell, 2159 the above appe^ap in this issue so to l y a k and th^ Argyle Avenue. other two were 71 feet each. One ticket per student is ayail- to kindly call at 2365 Bellevue jŝ ext in s i^ in 1938 came a 66 ̂ atj>le for all students who were in Mrs. Claik at foot Finback, also a femiaJe as lunatic asylums being sô full. 'Which, of course, also means that in the course of their shortened .lives they have accomp lished no-more than had they worked normally and, therefore, reached their three score years and ten.^ The speed of modem life, is entirely artificial. Moreover, * P^atural-and, therefore,'fore-ordained to destruction! For old MothepiNature, who is a very arbitrary and vyise old lady, has established certain laws to govern the world, and man is much too puny to be able to change them. attendance last session. "We-s-t-468Jtr S /'GREAT RUN" MEMORIES are r e v iv e d ONL COAST WEST'VANCOUVER LIBERAL - ASSOCIATION bringing back to old'timers and the Indian people memories of the "great runs," "salmon on the South Thompson River Wat-' enshed in the Shuswap Lake area, British Columbia,' showed m 19p the greatest run 6f sook- eye since 1912, according to in formation supplied, the Domin- lon^epartment-of-Fisheries-by- nesident fishery inspectors. - condi- and vigorous, with "oiif ' specimen-showing-aiiy" irrPflf " abrasions, - the in tv, estimated n the neighborhood of 2,000,000 malpo o Proportion males and fe male? -*̂ Ŷ rly equal,-wiith the it is believed of alrtmcf the area w a s , but nf astronomical figures, reprol " r t h e measure of s a & ^ H the spawn̂ nff the year's "Prions factors arS^r^^ conditions in the generally gdod, with A spfecial meeting "Of the mem bers of the West Vancouver Lib eral Association will be hejd^t 8 p.mu next Monday, August 21, in the Legion Hall The purpose for which the meeting has been called i s to elect delegates to the Federal Convention. All mem bers aiie asked to be present. "Mary," said the mistress of the house, reproachfully-, "you told me a little while ago that you were going to have, a sleep." "That's right, madam,?' replied the girl; "Then do you mind telling me what . y^u were doing a t the garden gate ju st now when the soldiers went by ? " M ary-hung her head coyly. "Having 40 winks, madam," she re plied. •' Youth: "That girl you picked up at "the dance last night was from' Ireland, wasn't she?" Chum: "No, from Iceland." sufficient rainfall occurring from time to time to keep the streams at a favorable level for the easy ascent of the fish. it happened. The majority of the -- whales taken, however, were mdlcs ' All told, ,310 of the big fellows . were" captured last year by the Canadian whalers operating off British Columbia, the only area of the Dominion where whaling is carried on. Out. of the total number, 252 were Sperms, 50 were Finbacks and the remain ing eight were divided equally between the Sulphur and Hump back groups. Total catch in the preceding year was 317 and then, too, the Sperms made up most - of the landings. ; No Whaling This Year -All of the whales landed at the two British Columbia stations were used~in the manufacture of meal, oil a,'nd fertilizer. The '38 production of meal was 273 tons, of oil 543,378 gallons, and fer tilizer 490 tons. In 1937 the out- -Put__wa8-268_tons'-pf_ meal,-527- tons of fertilizer, and 662,355 gallons of oil. This _ year, 1939, however, Jher^iwill be no7manufacture_oi_^ whale products in Canada. The reason? Unfavorable market conditions. In the face of these conditions, both the British Col- ,umbia whaling stations, one at Naden Harbor in ' the Queen Charlotte Islands and the other at Rose Harbor, are temporarily . suspending operations. Ordinar ily, they would be at work fo r .. about four months -- roughly June to September. Capilatio Suspension Bridge The deer family is graded much-like humans. The male is one buck; the female is real doe.