5 BfflTOBTOW™ S5S,«,,y«̂«r>:,rti-,.,«Pi5..̂.f«̂̂î*̂̂=„, al'v̂n'f'»»% fu.( -»r-'i>."?• Wf ■< mm IWW* •iiHPHHFUi)M<n>MJNiiuu .11 I w.*--.---!.. . , . . . MMM> HIM MiMItMil itMMM 'A IS ip iiifIC '1 8 8 9 .THE WEST VAN NEWS ■'ll ■ ' ;■■;• rii:» .■*« t > " * "t It-*' 'r-' i . ■ ' s ,-r.'S I; 'ii, ' :v .*.i-SM. f " -t*"# •f'a i':" m.ti f '* Hi-i ■M'-} M :' *' r <f.H "%4 i,,Vr f&' i i s i f i ll; W' iPi#iiKpa»s>•>>■) fl-J*; .Ji -&ys- ■ i.iH » .-w -i-< » ---A .-* to w * y - im it ! * .„JI«itiH«?W#il lift... Fjrt« Delivery Bervic# - Monthly Account SWUOlINC AND DIVING By MoUy Edwards!,H«lrHlfiAft. -̂TOir•,•«■' -î t--" (t* v"' V* tWfci.>/,A'S8 SUGGESTIONB for FBIDAY & HATUKDAY, Auif. l l t h & 12th THE TOPS FOR SALADS SALE ̂ . . »» , ■... ' Ked & While MAVONNAIHKX :i*/x *>z. Jar lOcf 8*/i oz. ja r 20c 10 «>z. J « r .... .............................. 37c Itfd & While HAI-AD imi5S8ING fi oz. Jar,,,. 13c; 12 «z. jar,.., 22c 32 oz. j a r .......... ' ............... 49c HIJNHIMJN SAI-AI) DKliHSING 4 oz. jar JOc; H oz. jar..,. I9c 16 oz. jar , 33c; 32 oz. Jar,... 49c HUNKIHT JUK-y I.K.MONH I.arire hIzc .......................... 0 for 14c VAI.KNCIA OUANGliH Medium aize .........:..........dozen 23c l.iirKc Kize ............ dozen 34c ICHI) WATI5KMKI.ON, »/j melon 15c Ked & While I'KA , OraiiKe Felioe ................. Il>, 48c Have the CotipoiiN for valuable liremiuitiN. DOLK'S IMNKAl'H.K .lUICIii H oz ̂tin 2 for 17c; 13 oz, tiiiN, ea 11c Red & White 'I'OM ATO JUICK 10'A oz, liiiN.r 5c;- 2.5 oz, tina.. 10c MEATS Free Delivery Weat 370 IIKKF--Grade A1 and A, Grain Fed, LA MU--Top Quality FORK--Grain Fed VKA1.-Mllk Fed URKA8T OF LAMB, per lb........ 15c UK FAST OF VEAL, per lb.......... 13c LEAN HTEER BIUSKET....... Ib. 10c FRESH FISH DAILY I'ULL LINE OF DELICATESSEN ll l i i^ l While Brand GHAFBFKUIT .n 'lFK . . 2 larKc 16 oz. tina 15c l.iir̂ flt' 50 oz. tin ....... ................... 22c, UKAl'i^NirrS FLAKIfiS ....... pkt. 10c- hFU.OlRJ'H CORN FLAKES 3 pklH................................. '........... 25c CORNKI) BEEF ....................... tin 13c Red ^ White I'OitK and BEANS , 2 IH-oz. tina ...... ................17c (Article 6) Diving is to swimming what dancing i r to walking. As you progress in your strokes you will wish also to perfect your (living. Having mastered your Begin ners* Diving** you should com mence with the simpler dives, graduating to the more dilTicuIt and higher divc.s. Plain Standing Dives^-- (1) The Take Off.*-Th(>t^ring from both feet is ,upward[tand slight y outward. The arm swing should be co-ordinated with a shoulder- lift to gala the maximum height, and is always forward and up ward, never backward. (2) Tho Fliglit. -- This is per formed (a) with a lay-out, head and shoulders held back, back slightly arched; (b) with a pike, a tlecided bend from the waist ; (c) in fancy,(living a tuck posi tion. (3) The Entry into Water. -- The body, should be practically fierpendicular to the water, well extended hands together, elbows LUMBER^-OntllUy --.i-JSP .fjk_™ ™ .B^M Bat8 '_SURPIJES o r^ n S S s NO SUBSTITUTE P LY W O O D S p|»u DiijkijTY W A L L B O A J tDIATH MwuJi* nmrr.P! • Ageatsi C A N A D A P A I N T C O M P A N Y L T D . ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER C O . LTD. I51h & Marine Drive Phone West 115. WP:ST VANCOUVER ' HORTICUI/rURAL SOCY. (Oonlinucd from Page 1) (other than hardy or half hardy annimls) will gtmerally do well If planted under hand lights in the oi>eii border, or in frames. 1'hore are many alpines which ,_can Ixf increa.sed this way. If taking cuttings from hyd- rangci-as, pelargoniums and ger- ' aniurns keep plants rather dry for a short time also take cut tings in dry weather; Briar .sUxjks should now be budded with the choice varie ties of ro.ses, giving the stock a good watering before budding. If the weather is damp about the . second wecik of August, it would be very suitable for operating. Take ,,off all suckers from ro.ses-budded with briar stocks. CLASSIFIED A D S mill for CT«*»lfiwl AdvortlMiiienU l« 1. conta per word, minimum -iR Ezeeot In the case of tlwoo haring regular accounte, ail closii. a laT lrl ^ a b le atrlcUy In advonco. ^^Hem em ber C la e S f lS In the Weat Van N e w get immedlat# results. CASH ifOR JUNK r~ Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Fundture. Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too '̂'"-'~BmalIr"3mrraid̂ -"Junk'̂ 'Ck>:rwest'̂ CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun. try way; guaranteed; brick and stone, repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FLX)OR S U R P A G IN G ^ ^ S u th c r . ""'Tand,""'2r44"™MahM'7Avetiue7~NbrtH~.. G O BD O N BO BSO N - Barrl»t4jr * ^ Mcitor, 610 W. HBBtinga. S ^ > "» at West Vancouver any tune by appointment, West 403. • ;, .. • NOTARY PUBLIC," General ^ n - . veyancing, "Valuator."' Reginald P. JBlower, 1405 Marine Drive, Wed 21. ' ■ ' a JMW If you would have Michaelmas Daisies l(x)king real ,gO(Kl in the antiimn, you should thin out and slake carefully, leaving about half a do/.en .stems to a clump. ' Sow Forget-me-nots in a moist ■ sliady i)lace for spring and late autumn bedding sohemes. The variety of -gardening plans for using ihes(! in the numerous var ieties of blues, pinks, and white, is truly .surprising. . IJft potato crops as they ripen. underw ater. ^ Plain Running Dives.--These are performed as "Plain Stand ing Dives" preceded with a run of a t least three steps, (1) Starting Position. -X,Start from attention position, rise to the balls of the feet, body leaning slightly forward. (2) The Run, -- of three steps or more should be on the balls of the' feet and co-ordinated with HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing imd excavation costs from Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. 'West 262-L. _______ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. • W. H. VASS, Chiropracter, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. '_____\y A. 1 w A V/w 1/ A Vt V/V/ v/i \.taAZ&4>vwv.« f r « ^ -- a natural arm swing. The spring WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store fro m one fo o t (e i th e r le f t o r Fixtures. House Fixtures, Wo(d ̂ , ,, , , , ,, from one foot (either left ui Onions that, have developed ^ight) to both feet should be fric.inntlv «honld havo the fairly long landdiigh. Then ,fol-.suffidontly should have the loaves-bent over a t right angles to hasten the ripening process. Lift and dry in good weather, also .schallots. Keep 'your runner beans well picker!, this ensures better and later! bearing. low (3) The Take-Off (4) The FTight (5), The Entry. BREASTSTROKE: (1) :JPosition.X--- Body in.hori zontal "position; face down. The head is out of water at all times. (2) Arm Stroke. -- (a) The arms are fully extended in front of body (as in diving), palms.are turned outward and arms pull back until in . line wj-th the shoulders. They are theif^rought in to the chest, hands side by siderPalmaT^cing-downward- Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wo(^ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones; West 740 and West 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave.________ _________ ■ GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-B-2. GUESTS -- Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, W est 379-Y-2. ______________ ; FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister, Solicitor; Notary, 801-803, Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar- t ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. GORDON' ROBSON - - Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment; W est 403. _____ J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1406 M arine-Drive; Phone • West 21. or W est 663-R-l.________ FLASH PHOTO SERVICE -- -Film ̂ in by 8:30 a.m., Back a t 5 p.m. same day. Selo, A gfa and Eastman Film. Make this store your camera Head- quarters. McNeil & McCue Drugs. WANTED TO BUY For Spot'C ash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers, N orth 89, Reverse call. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, , parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 M ar^e._________ ____________ _ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason-- able rates. H. Gaines. West 167-L. LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver Real Estate 'Specialists. 1447 Mar ine Drive. W est 546. ______ Estimates free. J. H. Wedley. West 818. ------- --------------- LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED--We deliver and work guaranteed, i Call Mack, West 184-R. TRANSPARENT APPLES for sale, cheap. Phone West 437-Y-l. ----- y j ^ - ---------------- ---------------- ---- - - • ------ _ (b>^Tm s'^id^forw ard"tb"ful- ly extended position.. Relax your "arms while they glide for- „ . ward,, but work during the1̂ - Knitting Wool, Books, Needles, etc. ^ . o \ U T .̂ , / x'rru 4? .. Baby Woollens a.specialty. - •, (3) Frog Kick. T-- (a) The feet are dhawh up, knees well apart and fully bent, heels touching. (b) .The legs are kicked out ward forcefully and brought to gether again, legs extended. As i n-the-arm-stroke~be~sure"you-- " rest while the legs are being ®'̂ ?̂AYED -- Scottie with coUar and drawn up and work while kick: ing. ■ . r ' _______ ' _____________ (4) Breflthing. -- Breathe in WANTED -- General help; sleep in. ' while the arms pull and out while 1075 Pulton, West 956-L. you coast forward. • " ---------------;--------------- ----- In breast stroke, the legs are for good six-r^m hou^, drawn up while the arms pull, then the legs kick while the w a n t e d ,-r- Girl for general house- arms glide forward. This makes work. Phone West 586-R-2. the stroke smooth and effortless. ' 77Z ~ -- (Next week--Swimming' (Con- WANTED-- Unfurnished wat«^ T»: : 2 \ home; 2 'bedroomSj nice garden,'tinued) and F^ncy Diving.) moderate rent. Box 9, West Van y - ------------------ -- News. Water PAINTING^ANDyDEeQRATING==^=zKNHTINdGtaiid-PLAIN^SEWmG^ Apply Mrs. E; Latham, 2446 Marine BISMA-REX quickly re l ie fs sour _____ ~ is hew discovery will make a new person 'i of you. Get a package today at- ' McNeil & McCue--Drugs, Phone West 828.________ _̂__________ FOR RENT -- Unfurnished bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchen and bath, $30. West 734-M. ^ WANTED--Good to r i ^ t party . cook; good wag^ "Phone West 70-R-2" your cauliflowers once or twice a week with weak aik plications of liquid manure, this will give you .better heads, ajid bring them up to exhibition standard if of a good autumn --variety; , Really Serious Boss: "When will your father's leg be well so he can come back --^to-work?-- Entployeo's Son: "Not for a long time, I'm afraid." Boss: "Why?" __i __E_mployee!s-- Son-:-- f*-Because- coipponsation's set in." _________ WANTED -- Home for male kitten, 3 months; housebrokem West 194-R FOR SALE -- Small practice piano; good condition and tone. West 368-R. __________________- FOR RENT -- Five room modern bungalow. 1370 Clyde; West 217-M WANTED -- Experienced maid, good cook, m ust have good references. West 690. ___________ FOUND ~ L "^ e s' Gold Watch, ex panding bracelet, evening June 2nd. West 678. FIFTY CORDS DRY ALDER, $5.75 -- per-cordr-Rush--Wt>sir-.»>27-̂ ------------ LOST--On 14th Street, child's nearly ' completed knitted skirt. Please ' phone W est 418-MT, Mrs. Ward, lOtn and Kines. ATTRACTIVE Living-Room and 2 bedrooms w ith good board, in pri vate home.- Suit, teachers - ness people. Phone West, 34Q-R. WANTED -- Permanently by reliable ' couple, unfurnished 4 room house, , 2 bedrooms; fireplace, full plumbing, furnace,- south of Marine betwi^n 22nd and W est Bay; about Oetpper 1st. Moderate rent. Box 5, West Van Newjs._________ -______ _ WANTED -- Girl, 3:39 to 7:30 p.m. daily. Phone-West.'897-R-i> August 1 3 . ______________ ■ ' WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished heated rooms, permanent; garage if possible; Box 8, W est Van Neiro. $500 DOWN and $10 MONTH handles cosy attractive - modem bungalow, assume, mortgage. Total . $2250. H. B. Whiffin. Agency, 1520 - Marine Drive. ----------- ------- Time Rushes On All elderly' lady chided her husband for vhis fa ilure to assist J ie r ' up the^teps to the railway coach. "Heihy, you am 't as .gal- lant as ivheii I was a gal," The husband replied: "No, \Lettie, and you ain*t as buoyant hs lyhen I ^yas a boy,*' , - ̂ The which was«omit manv. . many Repairs, Contracting, odd jobs. M. J .. Davis, West 742-Y evenings; ' LARGE 6-Room Home on fully devel oped lot,* in good district close to transportation and jvaterfront, gooa ___view,__$2;000._:_H. _Fallpws_^^li^.. West 912. W est 243-M-3. Great Wall , of was f built many, yeai*s 'ago to keep out the war- like Mongols is more than 1,200 miles in length, ̂ CARD OF THANKS Mr. W., McLaren, 2437. King's Avenue, wishes to express his deep, appreciation and,- sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who assisted in the rescuing of hia_ wife a t Dundarave Beach on Wed nesday afternoon of last. week. A rabbit runs faster, uphill than it does down hill because ite hind legs a re longer than its forelegs. . - FOR RENT--Furnished 5-room Bung% alow on waterfrdnt,' Dundaraye, tor several months, $25. C. J.. Arcnê ̂ . ̂ Ltdf,^ W est • 225. Full Notery ber- vices available." - -- WANTED -- Cook general; sleep out; one month; Cypress ° Park. koP*y Box 10, W est Van News, stating wages required. _____; --- FOR REN T.-- 1588 Inglewood, $25. ̂ Phone W est 63-L-l._____ ______ -- CHESTERFIELD SUITE for sale for best offer. Also other small article . West 582;____________ - -- - FOR RENT -- Modem store, spkndid location; reasonable rent. Po® Phone West-416-B.