r-% J»W'"i»Jf̂ayt««'i' •■■ ■ i i M ^ a a M i 'A n '- ' H i l l l f B e ' ' f i c h A A l ' '* T j 2 |y I s wI f S S ': ̂ J I J I w VJM3NP t iP lk rK M rI rA B r a n c h Junior Day School, Grades 1 to 6 «i«: W 1st Avc., Vancouver For information apply f!y 0622 • Bay. 4071 J. M, Rai|toa B.A.. A .T .C .M . The. F i4 iV G O l^ £ /? b u s i n e s s s c h o o l dVi DAVIK STREET 36J9 WEST HROADWAY (a t Alma Road) Rhone SEymour 5Tfi Phone BAyview 7747 Captain and Bilrs. H.-1, Vino® arid »6n have Irift by motor launch for a holiday trip up coast. • <1̂, • * J, Duckworth, 24th and Otta wa Avenue, has b<Hin appointed lifeguard for Ambleside Beach. . Let U8 hardsurfdee your ̂Driveways and Sidewalks.Pre-Mix Satisfaction guaranteed. First-class engineer employed bo b BLACK, W est 5 2 7 BICYCLES, TENNIS, BADMINTON Supplies RECONDITIONED* BICYCLES ................. or NEW BICYCLES as low as ..... .... C.C.M. BALLOON TIRE MODEL ............. Easy Terms -- Guaranteed Repairs F R E D J O N E S 1 4 3 9 MARINE Amelia Earhart was the first Iwoman to make a solo airplane flight across th^- Pacific Ocean. le people in England call an ator a "lift" and a street-car ram." A NICE SELECTION OP Men's Oxfords at $3.95 and $4.85 ELLIOTT'S SHOE STORE 1462 Marine Drive . . A t the tim e of goin'g to press the body of th e man who jumped from the Lions' Gate Bridge on Monday night had not been found. Several local residents on the 6 .pirn, ferry from Vancouver noticed' him climbing up the bridge cables as th e ferry passed through th e F irs t Narrows. ♦ ♦, * , . Mr. R. B. Cripps, 2361 Marine Brive7'and Miss Isabel Anderson spent the week end with the ir niece, Mrs. Jack Hall of Victoria, and their nephew, Mr. Rolph Os- land of Sooke, B.C. Dave Murray .. , v . . .. B er^Russell L M U R R A IJ lU S S E L L J i™ (Formerly ASTBURY LUMBER CO.) 1585 Marine Drive IE E rO F^T 7lr^m D S7-1»U ttD E R S*-SW PfcffiS r^ MILL WORK, PLYWOOD Telephones; W est .Night Phone, W est 627-R Mr; and Mrs. Jerry Mathisen of Vancouver, are having a new home built a t 18th and Sinclair A venue .^ .■ 1,1:' ' I,. , ̂ ♦ ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Soren- ,son and family, 20th and Ingle wood Avenue, have returned from spending a holiday a t Qual- icum, Vancouver Island. Mrs. K. Loutet and lier daugh ter, Miss Hilda Loutet, of North 'Vancouver, have taken the Addi son house a t 2303 Inglewood Avenue for the month of Aug ust and are now occupying same. Mrs, J...McLaren_of the Holly- burn Block, 16th arid Marine Drive, has moved to Kitsilano.« « * Mrs. C. W. Addison and. fam ily, 2303 Inglewood Avenue, are holidaying in the south. Miss Forbes of Vancouver, is staying a t the Black Cat Tea rooms, W est Bay. • Miss Bubbles' Bernard, 2632 Ottawa Avenue, arrived home on Tuesday from a month's visit in the Okanagan.4< 4> >l< H. M. Dunfield, principal of the Elgin Consolidated School in Manitoba, and his wife, are on a motor trip to British Columbia and a t present are visiting his aunts,=Mrs. George Bell ajid Miss Crewson, 24th Street. ^ Mrs.. Numsten, who has been' visiting her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dewar 2227 Inglewood Avenue, left on Monday, August -7th, fo r ther home in Bournemouth, England. - - ♦*0 ♦ Mrs. F. JKnight-Hodge has re turned from Powell River, a fte r spending twd^ weeks' vacation with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, M r.-and Mrs. Jack Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gordon of Victoria, who aiT lvedlir the city Friday to attend the JurgenSen- Bell-Irving wedding, were th e week end guests of Mrs. Gordon s mother, Mrs. William Sulley of Caulfeild. ♦ ♦ * Mrs. David Morgan, Travers Avenue, is visiting her daughter Miss Eluned Morgan, in San Francisco. The Rev. F. C. Chapman of Courtenay, B.C., is taking the Itev. F. A. Ramsey's place during the latter's absencec on vacation.■ ' ♦ 4i ' If A daughter was born on Mon day a t the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Adams (nee Marjorie Lock), -of Keith Road and P ip e lin e , If If * Engagement . Dr. G. F. Brebber, Cedar Park, Cedar District, Vancouver Is- : land, announces the engagement of his. only daughter, Helen Forbes, to Mr. Stanley. Francis Lettner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F.» J. Lettner, 1263 H ay w ^d Avenue, West Vancouver. The wedding will take place a t tao home of the bride's fa ther early in September. •* If If If . Donald Calder of Vancouver passed away suddenly last Sun day in West Vancouver, aged 55 years. Funeral services were held yesterday - afternoon from the Vancouver chapel of Harron Bros. Ltd., interment being made in Ocean View Burial Park. ♦ ♦ If .............................. Miss Beth Greenhalgh of Dun can, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. (ieorge Herring, 14th and M ath ers Avenue. ' Mrs. Alf. Hampson, 814 20th" Street, arrived home on Sunday morning from Victoria where she had spent a five weeks' va cation. . ,* ♦ * Mrs. Ellen S titt of Tacoma, ' Wash., is paying a visit to Van- couver, and has been renewing acquaintance with her West Vancouver friends. ' If If If Stratton's BAKERY itwjrfcm jr iei m j r m. v a w ' ̂ CriWliiCiMr^ FRESH DAILY Ten VArietien to auit every taste Meat Plea •-- Cookies Eccles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY -- Augufit 10th WARREN WILLIAM " WIVES UNDER SUSPICION" (Once only nt 8;16) also 'SIN N E R S IN P A IU D IS E ' FRIDAY EVENING AND «ATU RDAY MATINEE Aug-ust lU h and I2lh ADOLPH MENJOU " King of the T urf" Also NEWS, CARTOON, Etc. SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY August. 12th and l<lth IRENE DUNNE CHARLES BOYER " LOVE AFFAIR" also "THEY ARE ALWAYS C A U G im : "THE MAN ON THE ROCK" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 15th and 16th . ANN SHERIDAN " Alcatraz Island" (Once only a t 8:20) also "THE AFFAIRS OF ANNABEL" ■n P (I o rJ M o r k e i s IT FR€€ ,tsi West 190" 1578 Marine Drive FREE Friday and Saturday E . S i P R r J A T S i DELIV West 190 DELIVERY Grade A Red B rand B U T T E R First Grade : 3 m 7 2 c -G ra d e A Red B rand Rump Roast A Z 25c lb. Cross-Rib Shouldersh Lamb 18c ner lb. Roast 20c1b. Rolled Ribs Roasts per lb. BAKEASY 9c per lb. , ' / 1*" Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 15c ^plb. pkg. Breast Lamb 15c lb. ■ Roast Veal 18c per lb. Short Ribs _ 1 0 c Ib. ■ Breast Veal lOc per lb. Spaghetti and Meat Balls ISc per tin. Chili ConrCarne 15c p e r tin ' •< » ' ■T' < Cooked Beef Stew | - 15c per tin who are now guests of Mrs. F. -Knight-Hodge. at_1332_Duchess_ Avenue. * ♦ ♦ - Mrs. G. F. Hodgson and her daughter Isabel, 854 20th Street, left Friday evening for Toronto 'where they will spend the rest of the summer.*- + * Master Daynard W elsh, of Tacoma, Wash., is spending a vacation with M aster James Mc- Doti^d, 2079 Marine Drive. Harold Hays, 21, of 1380 15th Street, and Colin McKinnon, 18, of the city, had a narrow esoape from drowning very early Satur day morning when their fishboat sank off Point Atkinson, as they were bringing round shingle bolts from McNab Creek. A fter hanging on to a shingle bolt fo r two hours, they climbed back"on their boat, which they noticed was still floating half submerged. -Their plight was noticed a t 5 a.m. by two paper boys, who notified N. B. Forbes. The latter,- who conducts a store a t West Bay, went out in his launch and brought the boys and the ir boat to shore." " ~ : Mr. M. J .'D av is has moved from 1320 Inglewood Avenue' -into-a-hou.se at 1031 Inglewood Avenue. NEW RADIOTELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 142 West Hastings, Vancouver Phone Seymour 4660 , Phone charge, refunded if this' ' ad. presented by Sept. 1, 1939 Growth of radiotelephone ser vice, in conjunction with the long-distance telephone system in British-Columibia, has necessi tated the installation of a new radio switchboard' in the Long Distance office of the British Columbia Telephone Company, Seymour Building, Vancouver. The new board has positions for four operators and has a ̂ special supervisor in attendance. I t is connected by direct wire with radiotelephone transm it ting and receiving stations on Lulu Island and is the* link be tween the North-west Telephone Company's radio network and the international telephone net work. _ With one exception, on calls to points in B. C._servqd_by_radiq:__._ telephony, a radio operator "dials" a certain number by Jacks1516 Marino Drivg" West 710 Furniture Repaired Covered and Polished Loose Covers W estJVan Cycles New & Used, Bicycles Parts - Repairs - Acc<issorie«.. ....... - 1446 Marine, West 702 TIDE TABLES (For the use of bathers) High • Low ., F riday 3:40 p.m. 8:09 a.m. Saturday 4 ;21 p.m,. . 8 :58 a.m. Sunday 4:57 p.m. 9 :45 a.m? Monday 5:35 p .m .. 10:31 a.m. Tuesday 6:19 p.m. 11:20 a.m. Wednesday 6:45 p.m. T2;03.p.m. Thursday 7:23 p.m. 12:49 p.m. EXPERT W atch and Clodc r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON __ ^(formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive means of a dial'^on switob- .board and this causes, the auto- riiatic mechanism in the "trans m itting station on Lulu Island to select the correct radio channel. On- to ships in' B. C. coastal w a t ^ ^ h e connects with one of the ship-to-shore voice channels by plugging in "on her switch board, and by inserting anothr cord sends a signal tone over the channel. -By picking up this tone, vessels are enabled to tune in their receivers sharply. The op erato r uses the call le tter "CJZO" (the call letter of the Vancouver ship-to-shore transm itting sta tion ) onlship-to-shore. calls. . Formerly one section oL the long-distance board was equipped for radio-telephone calls,_with_A maximum attendance of two op erators. . Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL Bush F ir, Inside........... :,.$5.50 Cord Mill F ir, Inside....... ....... 5.50 V Fireplace F ir ................. 4.50 Greqn Alder ................... p.50 " Furnace Blocks ............. 4.50 " S P E C I A L -- ' No. 1 F ir Edgings.....$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ................. ,̂3 Cords $11.00 B a rk ...................... i......... $5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ................... $3.50 per unit ............................... 8 units $10.00 CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Marine Drive The camel iF called: the^""sh'ip' of the desert" ?