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A 7:80p,m, Sirangei-a iM VltHori are weleom# " 7^ Exciting New Hair Styiee tAAiti^cpi* r*cfIfn^n | # A « AACgii' w i l I l / lW ^ ^ W '" . ']MIiH'lAtitANy""•'•" K«r. W. U UtK»y, Bj U ED.JU >.'V«PW* SP Snitday Btrtkm 10:00 a.m.--Cburch School to- cloding Adult Cliti ■i Pa.mr A-7t0O"pj»t*»«̂ Pr»#thl«»- Senricee. A hearty welcome to ill / Your curlB uro cut abort, your Imir faHclrmtingly uHvo and luBtrouH, uftor a Duart Oil I'crmoncnt " ut the Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Kxclualve Permanenti, 1646 . Marine Drive WcHt 1 1 7 HOLLYBURR HALL 14tb and Ducheaa SUNDAY, Aug. 13th, a t 10 a.tn. Sunday School and Young,PoopIe'a Bible Clasa SUNDAY KVENING a t 7:30 GOSPKL ADDRESS S|Hiuker. Mit. J. It. E McLa r e n I'UKSDAY, Aug. 15lh. a t 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry" of the Scriptures Subject: "Ruth, the Moabitcaa"' Spe-aker: MR. J. Y. M. AITKBN WEST VANCOUVER ..CbrisHan Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE "26Ch'^"ai^TBi|iiiilltr'UoUyboir»'- This Society la a Branch of The Mother Church The F lrat Church of Christ, . ' ,̂ l̂̂ Eliett̂ l̂t:lij, in Boston, i MaaaachuseUs , Sunday Service: 11:30 a,m. Sunday, Au«u«t ]UJth; SURIBCT: '♦ s o i l L " Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. Testimony Mooting Wednesday ' a t 8:10 p>m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and mootings. KEEP YOUR BOG HEALTHY FO O D All «xcaUettt Food for all oros and breeds Dogs and C ats Contains Vitamins A, B, C, D and G Ask your"Grocer for*A.B.C, Packed by The Anglo-British Celiimbia Packing Co; Ltd. DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ilay Huy Block, 14th and Marino Dr., Olflco Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phione West 72 UNITED CHURCH 21hI and Esquimalt Ave. JUiv. William Vance, Minister Sunday, August 13th. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7:30 jj.ni,--Evening Worship. A welcome to all. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van ' . .. Pastor • ST. STEPHBN»S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector 10:15 ■ 7:4# **1 ' -2:00 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building - Ilnurs: 9 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. I860 Marine Drive West 432 Sunday, August 13th. 8:00 a.m.---Holy Communion. l;i;0() a.m. -- H oly Communion and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfelld 9:45 a.m.--Morning Prayer. Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m.„ High Mass and Sermon -- a.m. Rosary and Benediction - p.m. Catechism and Bible Class- p.m. 'W eek-day Services M ass--- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. ^ 1 Saturdays Confessibns; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Eatabliahed on North Shore 26 Yeara (Lady Aaaistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfunecal iirrdors Hollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine . West 184 North Van^uvor Phrlora 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 184 -Vanc!ouvor-4*iHrIowh BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. 66 Tenth Avenue East ___ Phone F air. 184___ 1].:0() a.m.--Morning Worship. F. S. Oallaher. 7:30 p.m.--Dr. W. S. Watson will preach. 1,0:00 a.m.--Sabbath School with classes for all ages. Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. --- Prayer and praise service. The Sabbath School in charge. lY E S in S A T '̂ SOUL" will be the subject^ of the Lesson-Sermon ih all Churchy es of Christ, Scientist, on Sun day. , ^ The Golden Text is: "The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I 'hope in Him." (Lamentations 3: 24).. Among the citations which ̂ comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fa tn e s s a n d my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips: Because Thou hast -been--m j^elpy -theref ore-in- the FLORAL DESIGNS We.deliver to any parlor in Vancouver or Nthf Vancouver The West Van florist 18Ui and Mariho cst 305 West 305 Children's Holiday Services will be held on the beach a t West l5ay from 10 to l l , o'clock each shadow of Thy wings will I re- joice.7 (Psalms 63: 5,-7). The Lesson - Sermon^ also in- from the Christian Science text- boo]k, "S c le n t and Health with Key fo 'therScnptures" 'b5TMary" The F rench; B eauty Salon For Permanents of Ibstinglbeauty. I?] Wq specialixo in fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 morning from August 15th to --.19th.- The-services- are-strictly Baker Eddy: "Beeanse Sodl is ir^ff^and c Q b ^ ^ ' s S l a r serl ^^ ^^ lity . Soul m ust be incor- P«>i'€al to bs Spirit, for Spirit is Beach and boundary Bay with of ban *d t eternal unfolding of Life as well imagine th a t the I h l l t o immortality brought to. light.' . enjoy the natural fredom and beauty of -C hrist's-services by the sea. We believe tha t the- same is possible today. Rev. 'Robert H. Birch- will be in charge. HOLLYBURN HALL NEW BRIDGE AT SANDY COVE Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class .will be, held a t 10 a.m; next Sunday, August IScn, in Hollybufn Hall.' A t the« 7:30 p.m. sem ce next Sunday J. R. E. McLaren will give a Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 Carl Ray recently interviewed ' P-di- prayer and m inistry of the the M inister of Public, Works in Scriptures, J. Y. Mi Aitken being __________________________ Victoria, who stated all arrange- the speaker • and his subject Detroit. Michigan, is tho larg. "Ruth t he Moabitess." csfc-automobile^mamrfaeturing_ to p a y % per cent, DEATH OP MRS. K. M. __ and th e municipality to make the THORNDYCRAFT necessary detour a t their own city in the world. Diivy Jones' locker means the bottom of the sea. A spider has eight legs. __ ̂li- costs during the period of con- Word has- been received here struction. The new bridge will of the death on July 30th in l)e built by day labor and-W est iWinnipeg of Mrs. Kathlyn Mary Vancouvei' residents will be Thorndycraft, wife of. Sydney given the preference. Thonidycfaft 'of 2820- Marine Mr. .^Pearson, Minister of Drive. The funeral services were Labor, said West Vancouver had held on the 1st instant, in made, no application for any pro- nipeg, where interment was ject under the Ottawa Municipal made. Aid program , whereby munici- -- ----------------- Talities pay fo r material and the The bite of the boa_constrictor w p ^ t V / l t t l^O*T0 ^c Govriiment pAy all labor costs, snake is not poisonous.- They I 'abUahcdi Every Thursday f'f , Ip f 11 J ̂ m&l ̂'■t 1 * Ilf ' t : 4f! ' »f p i " ti : I '■ r' '-f- 'O l ;'C'S'ftVvIl H ft p Publisher F, F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 and Editorial Office: 1764 Marine Drive Phone West 55 /- North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ll.OO.a-year-^b.pj^carngpr-f2.oo a year Miss Joan JeSferies, 1754 Mar ine Drive, is sailing from Mont- r e ^ on 15th September on S.S. Aurania fo r an extended visit to i^Iatives in Devonshire, Eng- ;land; ; ' ' ' Under th is scheme all relief re- w nd themselv*es found their cipimita. -are givmi preference, victims and crush them to death; Ordinarily it is strictly confined to relief recipients, but Mr. ]^ y -prevailed--on--the--Minister-- to agree to a little modification by , w^ich o thers badly in need of work and eligible for relief will be given employment too. WEST VANCOUVER 'FABERNACLE Gr. Marine & 25th St. Pastor Rev. Robert H. Birch, K A . , SERVICES; Uuldren's Holiday Service: Dundarave Beach-- __ o -------------- 10 a.m. Sunday Services 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Horseshoe Bay ^ n d a y School----- - 2:30 p.m. Thursday Sunset l^rvice.... 7:30 S A L SPECIAL PRIVILEGE T I C K R T S 3 R® # ■ ' ■ ' ' ' . ■ . j..; • . ..................... :................... .............. 'ACH TICKET will admit one adult (or two • children) to the Exhibition grounds. Two tickets [are good for one Grandstand ad mission to Horse Races . ? . . from. August 28 to September 4 Over $5,100in prizes will be given away--includ ing a World Tour (cash value $2,000), a Buick Sedan (value $1,598), a Pontiac Sedan value $1,131), five prizes cash value $50̂ and five __ prizes cash value $25. General Admission Tickets Sold at Gates do N O T Allow these privileges CANADA PACIFIC EXHIBITION Here's Your Big Money Saver With this big, low-priced WestinghouSe refrigerator you can buy food a t "specials" • and store i t till needed, transform leftovers into delicious low-cost dishes, save money, because food such as milk, butter, fresh ' fru it and vegetables wmi't spoil "Don't, model today a t your nearest B. C. Electric store. M ^ e l shown has all-steel cabinet with baked Dulnx finish, 4.4 cubic feet net food storage capacity, 8,9 square feet shelf area. Swety zone- food compartment is .aU porce-. mimwith ronnd .corners. Has g la ^ defirosfc- mg-tr^y,. fa s t freezing dessert;tray," veget-- ^ l e s (^teper, interior light, 3 ice cube trays.- Hermetically - sealed unit guaranteed for 5 years. $5.00 -Down' % "V 3 Years to pay