West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Aug 1939, p. 1

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Tile Established over IS years.Established over 18 years. C i r c u l a t i n g in the D istric t o f West Vancouver-rAmbleside, H ol/yburn , W eston, D undarave $1.00 per year. Cypress P ark, C aulfeild , W hytecliff, E tc. bc per copy HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10th. 1939 No. 18 TAUC COMING EVENTS ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Thi.. k an age of talk, a t least in so fa r as the democracies " rned. I t came in with the post-war years and the of Nations, and has gradually increased ever since to ^inf whor<» it is alm ost omni-present. organizations a re formed every day all over , the tvv for this and th a t object, but, when all is said and done, S main a^ ^ m T sh m en t is too often ju s t, talk. There is rlTu' 'I social gathering of any size without a t least one "E The radio is full of it. For fully half the day. as it to us, the e ther is nevericlear of talk coming from some- nil fh of it of very little importance or a t least irrelevant f S average liste'ner."^ One frequently caUs on the smaller t a uess man in a big city, only to be told by his. stenographer S is in confei^nce." Incidentally these conferences are S v to be never ceasing i f 'the man in question happens to be h a r d up and his caller is a_^editor. . ' There may be more of i t as tim e goes on, because school nhWAvon are being taugh t to speak. Oratorical contests in our i K u r d e r ^ the day, and in British Cplum- hifl we have a Boys' Parliam ent meeting in the Legislative RmldinLrs in Victoria with press notices of their findings. T the past the young were strictly enjoined ':to^be,seen ind not heard" from th e ir cradles upi There was then too much of this restraint, and, as' always in such circumstances, the Dendulumi has swung to -th e other extreme. Youwh has '"b^n ̂ aught-torbe:v.ooifer.ous,-and-f or^some, ycMS .h iim the older generation th e ir mistakes and ju s t what, ought to be done. Even the savage races know better than this, and have always done so. For i r ^ l l be remembered, for instance, th a t among the Red Indian tribes the young,braves' opinions were -never asked at-the oo.uhcil fire. Occasionally th is s tnc tu re may ' have resulted in youthful brilliance having for a time to hide its light under a bushel, but in th e long run a,nd taking the gi-and average, wisdom is chiefly born of experience. In this cbnnection it may be noted th a t the young will seldom take the advice of the old, so th a t the sum of human wisdom remains static, a fortunate th ing indeed, or man would have become centuries ago so wise th a t there would be no living. ^ Not much more than casual knowledge or scraps of wisdom can be acquired by listening do speeches or addresses. The • knowledge thatTs broad enough to be valuable only comes-from - long and deep study of any subject, as w isdom Jsjthejfruii^of Saturday, August 19th -- C.C.E. Garden Party. SCHOOL BAND VICTORS IN JUNIOR BAND CONTEST With five o f , their members away in the Old Country and as many more on holidays, the W est Vancouver School Band under Gotdon Dclamont, made a splendid showing in the band contest a t Hastings Park last Saturday. They were first among the Junior Bands but lost by two points to the Vancouver , Fire Department Band, which won the FiddOs Trophy. New West­ m inster Band under Lieut. Corn­ field, placed third with the Grandview Band fourth. Band Excursion and Picnic ' The Eighth Annual Excursion and Picnic to Keats' Island with rtherSchobrBand will be held on ^Wednesday,'August 23rd. This year it is hoped to haye the ferry remain longer a t the Is­ land giving ample time f o r ' a swim. As only one hundred tic­ kets are available those wishing to make the trip should get them early. Tea, cream and sugar will be supplied by the band. A.B.C. DOG FOOD wide experience and frequently of trouble and misfortune. The dictum that only in 'the sweat of l iM ro w sTibhld man ea tliread did not only apply to food. ' - i It is a truism th a t w ith a few exceptions, which only prove the rule, great orators and preachers have., little l^gam zing-- ability or capacity to ge t th ings, done. Their streng th ap­ parently begins and ends w ith oratory. _ T 7̂ , To a large ex ten t the' flood of talk is responsible for the --4)lighLo£4^he-demjoerades-today,J2mch_speechj£yjngJ)-em -- A.Bj.C. Dog Food, packed by the Anglo - British Columbia Packing Company Ltd., is an ex­ cellent food for dogs and cats of all ages and breeds. A fresh- packdd ' Salhioh product,: the food also contains'* cereals and other ingredients to form a well balanced ration, and there-being Included ih the food protein, oil, iodinercalcium-phqsphor us,-im n- and other minerals, it is of high nutritional value. The, ingredi- St. Patricia School Is i-e-open- , ing on September 5th as a resi­ dential and day'school for girls of all grades and boys as day pupils in Grades I, II and IIL The curriculum follows tha t outlined by the Provincial Board of Education, and is in the hands of experienced ' well trained teachers. In eluded in̂ the regu­ lar work are gymnasium danc­ ing, elocution, a rt, piano and „ violin classes with daily super­ vised practice, French and riding classes. ■ . Monthly inspections by quali­ fied inspectors, examinations and conoei'ts are a regular feature. The pupils' health is carefully watched over by h medical ad­ viser., ' The Nursery School and Kin­ dergarten are a separate branch of the school and include children from 2 to 6 years of age. Handwork, language, dram a­ tization, supervised games and play, dancing and rhythm band work help to develop the child along constructive principles in an informal method th a t w ill sot him' o r . her to enter na tu ra lly into the late formal work of the grades. The pre-school age work is planned to lead the child to an , easy adjustm ent mentally and physically to the hours and needs of the grade work, being a half o r iu l l day as considered advis­ able according to age and health. The school is located, so tha t the well ventilated class rooms receive. theJraaxjmum o l sunli«vh,tv throughout the year. Odtdo'Or activities, sand piles, swings, play equipment, etc., are espieci- ally designed to give the activ- Molly Edwards' swimming and diving classes for beginners and advanced pupils ai'e held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons a t Dun- daruvo Pier. Phono West 208-M- « 4i THE VANCOUVER BUSINESS SCHOOL iti.es of the young child full, scope. ~Appi>mtment"T-for--registraHen: may be made-by telephoning the The location of The Vancouver Ihisiness School, on Davie be­ tween Granville and Seymour, is Ihe most convenient tha t could be arranged foi' students coining from various ]>arts of the city. It is within a block of all street oar lines. ThG^wnch^C|M |l a t • Broadway a n ^ i ^ a R j^JR *ves (hose ,who ano and I ^ n t ' The subjects' iaughU h# |fitm an and Grdgg shortlm.im^ '̂ sp<^d- writing, filing and olfic^'routine, bookkeeping, the of the comptometer and '^irftmeograph , machines, etcrThe" fees charged are: per month: $15 for full day attendance; $10 for half day a t - . tendance; $3.50 for night school (two nights a week.) Rapid progress is assured by a system of individuM tuition r?and the' practical expeidence of highly qualified insti'uctors. A considerable reduction in fees is' made for the months of July and -AugusL-3-he7^houi^are-shmd:-a.nd-- holiday time is allowed. of the chief weaknessess of. the democratic form of govern merit. It is sn. rmieb easier to ta lk round a difficult problem' ■ • _ .. I • • i *I' ■ • ■ .. .V It] f\. than to get down to', oases th a t frequently th is course- is liberately followed in order td^shelve any attem pt a t solution. But worst of all is th e fa ith , in ta lk to get things done, we have lately' acquired, whereas, unless translated action, it may become a positive danger. The failure of the League of Nations, to achieve anything tangible except a false sense of security' to its. supporters is a notable case in point.. It were better* if we listened less and thought more. Then we should talk less and da more. For there is much to be done. en ts are known to be rich m vitam ins A, B, C, D a n d jj . Ask your grocelFfor-AvB.G. The tins are vacuum packed and contain half a pound net of the food. LEGION NOTES _ Gillivray, 2667 Haywood-Avenue, West 585-I^li WEST VANCOUVER -H O ^R 'fiuu i/raU T -seeY T - NEW BICYCLE SHOP TO WATER USERS TAUNTON HOUSE SCHOOL So far the water supply ,of th e ' municipality has been kept up- in spite of the long dry s]^ll. In view, however, 'of the proba­ bility of the fine weather con­ tinuing, a modification of the practice ̂ of using sprinklers, for very longiperiods is askedUasJhe- c(^operation of. those so doing, -will-greatly-assist-in-the-present- ample supply lof w ater being maintained. Taunton House School an­ nounces in th is issue the open­ ing of a branch Junior Day School, Grades 1 to 6, in West Vancouver. Parents and others interested are asked to kindly comm'uTiiQate with' Miss _L_ M. Railton, B.A., A.T.C.M., a t 2545 -West__lst_ Avenue, Vancouver, telephone Bay. 0622 Dr Bayr 4071, for full information. Members are again advised th a t they should get their tic­ kets a t onoe for the basket picnic and cruise to be held on August 27th. A.' reservation has been placed^ OiTair tickets for mem^ bers to August 15th, a f te r which date sale will be . open to. the public. Members should let F rank Rivers or. Lew I ^ e know how many tickets thej^require. There is a definite lim it to the number of tickets' available. Ferry No. 6 will leave Ambleside- dnr.k a t 9 :4Q a.m. and proceed to Dick Lloyd has opened a new bicycle shop a t 1446 Marine Drive under the name of "West Van Cycles," where will be found 'a stock of new and used'bicycles, parts and accessories. rRepairs of all kinds promptly and M ici- - ently executed.__Mr. Lloyd solic- its the patronage of the public. Phone West 702.' An Australian and an American were having an argument" as to who owned the biggest ships. Said the American, "Over in America the ships are so big that- the stewards have to go from one room to another in motor Seaside Park, arriv ing ' there about noon. Tickets are 75c for 'a"dults'and-30c-fo;r children-under 12 years of age. - • ' L^ad i>encils are not really Pineapples grow on low bushy inade of lead, but of graphite: plants, not t^^es. The colored p a r t of your eye is-called an "iris." ca rs ." . "Oh," said the Australian, "that's __ nothing._ H_eye_ in Australia^ some of /.^he ships are so big that the chef has to go through the stew in a sub­ marine to see if the vegetables ere cooked." , . As Jong..as . the dry spell of fine weather continues it is necessary to keep the hde and cultivator busy, otherwise we, shall not reap muoh in return for our spring labors. To have a .continuous supply of bloom it is necessary to re­ move * all dead flowers from plants which ..grow up in succes­ sion. Plants of out-standing -quality may . be--retained-irora seed and by carefully seleciing- _such you can improve your strain from year to year. During the month cuttings may be made of some of the choice'varieties o f violas, gerani­ ums, gazanias, pinks, carnations, etc. Should proper cuttings not. -be. available, it would be advis­ able to cut a few plants hard back, to erioourage new growth for the purpose of using for pro­ pagation. 7 ------- --̂ Cuttings of all plants that have finished blooming outdoors (Continued on P age '4) Horseshoe Bay, W est Vancquvw ;.7> T'