* - .xn^ta^ :?T'# KIĴSTSCÂ̂i,.̂'̂ mmm Wft11W!pl)(̂ ^̂ mti THE WEST VAN NEWS Augaat 8." 1939. M . M i i w w yW««t 46 V tm » « llf tr r S m rk$ • MontWy A*««»«it i ' m B tM ^V fm i l l '" ' 'If I ' f ■: ■l , l . , ,- b s'I •'.' . SELECTIONS for FRIDAY & K«d 4fe WWtr SFAGIlErrTl wllli ch»*«f and tomato aaur«......16 ox. tin 9c Naliob KIPPlilREI) SNACKS -tin 7e K«d A Whit# TENDER REAS Ijii.vi3 4 .......... .. , No. Z Tin I3c Red & Whlt« TOMATOES--Extra' fine flavor , I.arjte No. 2 V t tin lie R«d Hi White CARilOTH and REAS B(|uat t in ....."«.........12« Red ik While RKAilH--ilarUetfa Ripe haivea Htjirat tin 17c I.ynn Vailey REACHES ■ Ilaivea .........................S<iuat tin HC KKLLOfiO'8 RICE KRI8RIES 2'ukta '■'•• '2'5c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkta. 21c KELLOOO'S HRAN FLAKES l*kt«. .......... 10« MACARONI--Ready Cut. .2 llm. 13c OUICK OA'I'S--(Quaker Slimmer nixe . 2 20-ox. pkga. 16c Red & White COFFEE SATl/RDAY, August 4th Ik 5th MEATS Irradiated • V BURNS* ...1 II), tin 37c Horm el C O U N C n . N O TES Thoro wer>e -present Mr. niw, Mrs. Brock Whitney in referenw to his application for roa(.l to l io tf l2 1 'tO "24;D .L : 1038. H ew as. informed the tnniier would w "lionsidered in ComrnittCH.* and ne would be adviseil t he result. D ecision r-^That the^work be done a t a co s t not exceeding 5390. . ̂ _ The Clerk was dnected tb reply as follows; A. E . A m e s & Co.. July 1^39. O ffe r o f $25,000 P.G.E. bonds 4i/$»% d u e Ju ly lo th . 11̂ 42. T h e w r i te r s to be advused th e Free Delivery Want 370 BEEF--tirade A1 and A, Grain Fed. GAAllJ--Top Quality ROflK--Grain Fed VKAly--Milk Fed wni«i» lu «« ------- BREAST OF LAMB, per lb....... 16c did not wish lo take ad- BRKAST OF VEAL, per Ib.;....... ISc vantage of this offer. LEAN STEER BRISKET..;... lb. 10c H. Fallows Eî alty, July 30th, FRESH FISH DAILY 1939. Lot 2, East 100 acre.s N.VV. FULI. LINE OF DELICATESSEN portion D.L. 551. (C. Nelson ---------------- --- ^ ^ -- ■ property):. ' .MAIIMAI.ADE--Finest Quality To inform the annlicant that SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE ISi BIJILDERS' SUPPUEs ROOFING ®NO SUBSTITUTE IFOR QUAUTY Afoatd: " CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WALLBOARD TILE \gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th & M arin e D riv* Phone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S „ . i i X f "'̂ RemembS*'cia'5fll^^ i? thl^wSIt Vaa Newa get immediaU reaulU. Flavor Sealed PRODUCTS fir;; l';: . j'K '■ 'f : I'V BONELESS CHICKEN, <1 o/,. caiiM 2r>e LUNCHEON TONGUE 12 oz. cana ........... <i 30ci CAMRFIRE BAKED SAUSAliK I 'i oz. c an a ............,r. . 23c SRICED I1AMM5 oz. <ati.s . .35c CORNED BEEF HA.SK . .. 15c 15c 15ioz. cana BEEF STEW, 16 ox. tans .SI*AGHErn and MEA I H.VO.S 16 oz. cana ............. 15c CHII.I CON CARNE, l«i oz. cams 15c THE MEAT OF MANY USfilS A l*ORULAR ARREnZING DISH general details and a definite a.̂ ?- suranoe that the 33 feet rquiixid for the widening of 23rd str^i would be dedicated, the Munici pality will be glad to look into the matter further. . P. S.' Robinson, et al, July 24th ̂ 1939. Re tarring of Belle vue between 20th and 21st Streets. . To acknowledge receipt and say that if funds permit this LISTINGS WANTED -- Housm to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton a, Trinity 1271. Evenings, West ,/ 437-Y-l. - ■ ' : HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing imd excavation costs from Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. West 252-L. ■__ _ .w6rk-^.will--be--un(lertakenJn..the near future. uggj Expert operators. Phone B. H. Bowles, July 28th, li)39.| w est 304, Royal Bank Building. 19th Street,M arine Drive toj ---------~~TZ~77. . , ■ d„;, a- Esquimalt. ' ' uiAi; W. H. V^S. To reply that the Council have' ̂ Hollybum Block. -------- ^ FLOOR SURPACING* -- J. Suther. N land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-Lo ________ _ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Scy. 4199 a t West; Vancouver any time by appointment; W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol* icitor, 1406 Marine, Drive'; Phone ' West 21, or W est 668-R-l. '̂ 'i. V *w I■ BUILDING P E R M IT , $6r>,640. The municipal hall last month issued 27 permit.s of a total value of $C6,640. Particulafs of Same, were as follows: GARDEN NOTES no furthier fund.s available for this year but if thp writer cares .... to make application in the early No hardy flowe ng p part of next year his request will border is complete,, without . - -be considered. group.s of Irises in different Mr. Gillespie ŵ as appointed l̂ R rfwpnimra 525 shades of color planted at inter- Municipal Superintendent18 dwellings - TTiii 'nimHnmvf*: PiAr iin tn am S ' -3f.|- T: fP.- ' t tWl- r______ _______ - ___T .--r - of vaTs "throughout Dundarave Pier, up tp and in- Bcarded section in particular im- eluding September 4th, 1939, at parts tone and color from May a remuneration of $30. ' to July, while the soft glauceouŝ ^̂^̂^̂ ĵ̂ ^̂ ̂ reports were (dealt foliage helps to bring into relief ̂ i the color of many other flowers. Road i.iarring, Bellevue, 20th- , Where space permits, a border to 21st Streets.- That this work . Building permits for the seven approved at a of $117.40, montha this vear endino- 31st better still, an enclosed garden providing funds permit. ■Tnly totalled $4.94,995 as com- tast^ully arrange^ ^nd plant^ W. L. «i°hmond's application, pared with $350,182 for the cor- '« bfl'l °r -Access to DrL. 111)3; 1 Store building........... 3,000 2 Garages ......................... 200 3 Alterations ................ 1,600 3 Miscellaneous........... 1,315 ' .$66,640 WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures; House Fixtures, W o^ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones; West 740 and West 443^R. 1488 Clyde Ave." _______ ______' GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire* Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele-: phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. GUESTS Transienta and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, West 379-Y-2.________ _̂___________ _̂_ FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister, Solicitor,, Notary, 801-803 Birks Buiidi^gi Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey* 0691, West 546; Residence, Whyt6cliff 546. FLASH PHOTO" SERV ICE~^Filrar in by 8:30 a.m., Back at 5 p.m: same day. Selo, Agfa and "Eastman Film, , Make this store your camera Head- quarters. McNeil ,& McCue Drugs. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- - ; tioneers. N orth 89, Reverse eall. ■ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, . parts West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ' ___________ _̂____ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners^ installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ' - . . ___________ _ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kabo- mining; fm at reason- - able rates. HJ Gaines, West 167-L U STIN G S WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver R eal E state Specialists. 1447 Mar ine Drive. Wiest 646. a i n m r b J h S outiinc ■intcFke '̂ted by ' Applic"atTontob;advised that '"S f s 1^" ntT i A f $84:813, ' . winding gras.s or flagstone walks, the cost.of a very modest type of 818._______ - _______ • SPECIAL -- so ft. lot on Bellevu presents a p icture of artistic beauty which must appeal to all. access would be $588 and the Council'regret funds do not i>er- the present time.. That a car Ford V8 Sedan, Model 1934, be purchased for the use of the Building Inspector at a cost of $425 plus $25 allowance on Chevrolet trade in.-- Ĉarried. J. G. Rimmer's application, July 19th, ̂ 1939. Condition of Clovlly W/lk, Caulfeild. The Ej^ineer for maintenance attenttCn in the F^l. (Brush al ready cut back). That the Reeve and Chairman of Parks be authorized to employ a life-guard at Ambleside Beaoh for the balance of the sejason as from August 1st, 1939.--̂ ^med "C. Joixlan, Blind and Awning Factory, undated re allowance for stolen flags. That without 'pirejudice the sum oT$25 be paidrto Mr. Jordan --Carried. .- Resolutions*; . ■ _Rev. Robert H. Birch, July 29th, 1939. West -Vancouver Tabernacle out-door services, Dundarave Pier._-- That the Council do not con sider Dundarave Pier a conveni ent location for open-air meet ings owing to the restricted space available and to its being largely used by young' people for summing puiiposes, but-if the, applicant can suggest a inbre I' Spice of Life w V ̂vV - ̂ *■M. . I t i: Ty\ iiiiKii *'-r- . '■ U s ' **No thank you, I'll stay, at home!" said a man who had been invited to join a parly visiting the Zo^ogical Gardens. "Mŷ eld est' daughter ̂ does the kangiiroo walk, my second daughter talks like a parrot, my son laughs like a hyena, my wife watches mo' like a hawk, my cook's as cros.s as a bear, ami my Mother-in- law says Pm an old gorilUi! When I go anywhere I want a change." " THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar ' When you're away . . ____ c a l l . h M e _ b y . " long diJtwce" Atld to the pleasures of lyour vacation trip by call ing home by long-distance telephone. It-will thrill di.stant dear ones to hear >*our voice, and your mind will be eased by the woixi that all's well at" home. No matter how far you are from the folks at home, ciistance is a matter of minutes, not of miles -- if there's â telephone handy. ■ These I.R.A. perishers will soon be described by the average Englishman as *'a great ' nuis ance,^ sir," if they don't catch some of them .before long. It must be very disturbing to the old digestion never to. be sure_ that the mailing box or the light standard in front of one's house or the railway platform one uses to travel to town is not going to erupt without warning. It's just about time an S.O.S. call was sent tq Oliver Cromwell to come back from the shades and take a hand. You know he may .have had a .wart on his nose, whidi Js .cer.tainly_np_ place for HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- Knitting-Wool, Books, Needles, etc^ Baby Woollens a specialty'. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED--We deliver and work guaranteed.. Call Mack, West 184-R. FOR BEST MATERIALS and Work manship, try Webb's Shoe Repairs, 2463 Marine, a wart to be, but you have "got to hand it to-him for handing it out to everybody. The gang who rode behind him were abso lutely the toughest fighting men England ever produced, tuid they went through and over all hands including the Irish and Scots, which requires some doings They'd never have suited me7 though. Just imagine having to live w th fellows bearing siich names as Trooper Pi-aise God Barebones, Go^oral Jeremiah ^tendfasL-- Sergeant-- Obadiah HAULING, Manure, Fuel, Septia , Tanks and Rockpits installed and - deaned. West 1S7-R.. LADY WISHES ROOM & BOARD in private home on or near beach, for two wfeeks August. Box. 2, West Van News.____ _̂_____ •> ' FOR RENT -- Unfurnished bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchen and bath, $30. West 734-M.____________ -- -YOUNG WOMAN wants work by.hour :o r day. West 86-M-2. ' FOR RENT--Five room house, $25. L^-Phone--West 63-L-l. ---------------------- CORRESPONDENCE B. f . TELETBONE CO. HoVseface, and they living up to their names. No, Sir, the com- pu&ny would be much-too serious for me, because I gather a smile cost three days in the clink and aTnan got hanged sure for laugh- ingeven onoe. A person can only conclude they were out all the time to smite the heathen, which was evierybodj' except them selves, and boy, oh, boy, couldn't theysniite? . '.'J The News suitable alternative, the Council will be glad to consider same.--- Carried, Depariment of Public Works,' July 31st, 1939. Salt coat with gravel, east boundary west .60 from 14th Street west U ^00^ The cost approximate- That the propose work be ap proved.--Carried. That the letter of the Reeve 4 Jwlv 29th, 1939 a d d ress to the Honorable F. M. MePher- LASon Mmistei* of Public Works, Vic^orm, B.C., in reference to the construction of a new bridge on Marine Drive at Sandy Cove be and is hereby approved. -- \ " -vr " Open Letter to The Council of the M unicip^y of Van couver-- . ~ . Gentlemen: For several years; the-writer and other citizens of- West Van couver that were connected with swimming activities have asked that lifeguards be hired to patrol our beaches, especially Amble- -sKter--Fmally--laski?^iranguarff' was engaged for - the summer months. The same thing should have b ^ n done at the beginning , of this season. If a suiteble person cannot be found in West Vancouver, (with proper qualifications) a phone c.all to Mr. George Burrows in charge of the Lifeguard Corps in y^couver .will bring, a dozen ap plicants. - / . Lhe writer suggest for tne balance of our summer sea-' son' that a property qu^ified 11 passed all h f^ ^ vin g tests, be h ir^ im- mediately! Yours truly, ' JACac BOWDEN. $275. W anted: lis tin g s of modem, houses in W est Vancouver; clients - waiting. Full notary-services-avail able. C. J . Archer Ltd., W'est 225. 1415 Marine. ______ s n a p ; BARGAINS Now is your chance .to invest in West Vancouver property. We doubt if you will ever^ again have an oppor tunity to buy choice property at the following sacrifice prices. • . Lovely 4 room cottage, modem, im proved lot, view, good district, clo ̂ in, $1259; all -cash. Phone West 55, . ask fo r Mr.'Foxi^^j- . __ _ -- Lovely cleared view lot, with gar age,' $225. Phone.W est 55; askfo£ Mr. Fox, ' View Lot, 60x146,. west of 24th Street, $190, ea^,_.. Phone West 55, ' Ask fo r Mr. Fox. Wanted for clients, houses to rent '^on lease,,3- bedrooms, $30 and $35 per month. . / We are receiving enquiries daily for ■ houses to buy, listings wanted at • once". " _____________ • _ • 1 Selling agents, f o r ' British .Pacific -- -Properties,---Sentinel-- ^Hill,-^Glen^l eagles, Tax Sale Lots. Consult us first.- . Building loans and -full iu- ' formation re the National Housing Act offered. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, W est V an.' Pioneer R^ltors , ^ West 55, opposite Hollvb'um P-0- _ BISMA-REK quickly relieves sour stomach,- indigestion, etc. This new discovery wilL' n i^ o a new person of you.- Get a" package today at ̂ McNeil &,• McCuo Drugs. Phone West 828. : . . _________ ^ FOR RENT -- Four" rooms and bath, unfurnished $15; ' furnished- $20. ■ Also-A-rooms~furnished-er-unfurP^ t ished. W est 673ri*. * __7 :■ , '! . W'ANTEID TO BUY -- Modern 5 or 6 room home;';hot over' $3,500. Musk be in new condition and served by municipal bus. H. Fallows 1429 Uterine Drive; West 912; West 243-M-3. ' ____ WANTED TO RENT --̂ Four or FijT room house'w ith""furnace; f^ rl .close in; reliable tenants. West 759-R-2. f o r s a l e --/Single Bed complex, spring, m attress, $15; Camp Co° Stx>ve,.and P i ; ^ , $10; Odora Motn- proof Waxflrobe, $1; Morris Cnau $3. A fte r 6.p.m. ' 975 MatherS;-- f o r r e n t /-- Five room bungalow; X370 Clyde. W est 217-M. ^