®>"̂f 4 >(}n-y;̂»*«®«̂̂̂i*!̂iĵi?®eii»,'53lWilt;̂«Ŝ Ŵ' K.,m,H 3, 1939. THE VAN NEWS »JCtfLijD̂!!ŷ «. I I" 1 Tfinr AND DARK BLUE WOHk SHIRTS lij zipper and " Ihr UB l)BNIM-WORK PANfl^S; aairforl*^ ahrunk.<. Prlc0..v<̂ |1^50 ■ I f i le 's LEATHER WORK GLOVES. Price ....................... 60c to |L60 | L McIiOD^S MENS WEAR I l ib r a r y 65c m o n th ly 3c per day U p -to -d a te Exclusive Gift China and Glassware «r iJimr Showor and Cards for all Occasions; Cellophane Sheets, ^̂ rvUxii Ribbons, Fancy Tissue Papers, Dennison's Crepe I^apers; riff jind Plain Note Papers; Stamp Albums and Supplies. ^ Agents for Remington Typewriters. f o u n t a in p e n s P E N aL S -- INKS; El'C. W EST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 Marine ̂ open until 8 p.m. Phone West 687 Mr and Mrs. Borton and family of Vancouver, are b u oying the Shaver house, at Mar ine Drive and Radcliffe Avenue, L . fVo m onth of August. yOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buys In Lots and Homes ■ • Rentals and Insurance' Solicited Estates Managed J. J . WATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W*. 141 Mrs. Perree and her daughter ̂Lenore, of Edmionton, are the / guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. ' Perree, 2452 Ha3'wood Ave nue. HOLLYBURN HALL Have you heard the latest' ' \ , 5-'ll Victor and Bluebird Records, . See your locaPdealer sv Brown & Munton's . Store of Modern Home Appliiinces . ; 1542 Marine ' W est-366 Member! Associated R. T. of Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, August (3th, in Hollyburn Hall. At the 7:80 p.m. service next Sunday a Gospel address will ,be given \ by J. Y. M. Aitken. Prayer and ministry of the Scriptures at 8 p.m. next Tuesday with J. Y. M. Aitken, speaking on "Ruth, the Moabitess." THE ART OP LIVING EVELYN WHITELL ' Pinal Lecture a t Church Hall, •25th'and M arine, Friday, 7:45 p.m. -- on -- "THE POWER OP THOUGHT" CLEARfiMfG WOMEN'S WHITE- SHOES ^ : a t ............................... . Regular $2.95 and $3.95. ELLIOTT'S SHOE STORE " jl462 Marine Drive GARDENIA CLEANERS & DRESSMAKERS All Woric Guaranteed 2152 Marine. West 858 Robson M essenger-Seevice^ at Local Race Tracks Orders tak en a t S M IT H 'S S M O K E S H O P 42 Lonsdale Avenue " North Vancouver and Mrs. Gordon Gray, of 26th and Mathers Avenue, was given honorable mention for her story "The Exile," in the Canadian Women's Press Club Annual Memorial Award Competition.* • * 'TVIr, and'Mrs. Harry Gaineii of West Vancouver wei^ hosts at the week-end at their home, "Hopewell House," with Mrs. Lawrence J. Younge of Copiague, L.Î ., as guest of honor. Other guests were Mrs. Harry Gaines sr„ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaines, and Mrs- and Mrs. Eric Stafford. On Simday the party enjoyed cocktails jit the home of Mr.'and Mrs. Stafford.4i' V, m în Philip Wafts, the well known Vancouver bass soloist of 1669 24th Street, was one of the art- , ists taking part in the program of chamber music given last Monday at the Department of Education Summer School in Victoria, the others being instru mentalists. - „ • , Free instruction in swimming and diving will be given by G. D. Gillespie between 2 and 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. i|i H< i|t Mrs. Halahan, wife of Air Vioe-Marshal Halahan (retired), and son of Cranwill, Lincoln shire,' England,- were,, the house ■ guests last week o f Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's Ave. H. Ostrom, manager of the l^oyal Bank here, has returned from his annual vacation and is now back in his office.8c )|( , ■ , , : ■ ■■ SS 1 Mr. Alder of London, England, left last Thursday for the Old Country after visiting his brother, P. H. Alder" of Cypress Park. This is tliie first time the brothers have seen one another in forty-eight years. ♦ * ♦ , Herb Coleman of 6184 Com- "merciaT Drive; V~aTnrcrru'V'ê rT" caught 'a tyee salmon at Horse shoe Bay on Sunday weighing ter Patricia, of S ea ttle , Wash., are in residence a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs, John P̂ ox, 8020 Marine Drive.♦ * 4> - Mrs, John T, Fox left today for a holiday trip to Langley Prairie, Seattle and^ Viotorm. She is expected back With Ronnie about the end'of August. ' ♦ * *' Mrs. Alan Forsyth, 1591 Hay wood Avenue, and her daughU'r Miss Jean, left an Tuesday for Yellow Point, Vancouver Island, where they will spend the next month. In the Church of^St. Francis- in-the-Wood at Caulfeild, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney J. Bowman, 2642 Hay wood Avenue,: wceived the naniê ̂ Graeme Elizabeth. Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiated. Her matei*- nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Keillor of Vancouver.................. /,♦ , *: '■ '*:■ ■■■'■.>...^ -Mr. and Mrs. W. L. K^r, 117(5 Keith Road, are spending a holi day- at Bocroft, B. C, ..) - ' * * * A; daughter was born last Fri- ■day ̂a t ' the "Vancouver General HoSfiital to^Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley, 21st and Gordon Avenue. -Miv and Mrs. V. Nightingale of Hornby Island, are staying at the Glachan. 'Hi . ♦ ' ♦ ' ■■■ Mr. and Mrs; Haddock have' taken the Brown house at Rad cliffe and Marine Drive for the month of August and are how in possession. ' RM. In i I f IJflVStratton i DAivbKY esfliU l1 i* "'1 U | A t i l ? 'JBRRĴ 4iiwSJEIl-*JiVR«nRRip JBi o i a i u i i U M FRESH DAILY Ten varietiea to suit every taste Meat Flea -- Cookies lillccles Cakes -- i*astrtes Buns and Holla Note Address : 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 HR t l t '* t ? t t liF I t JL 2490 Murino Drive GUOCEItmS, FRUIT, VEGirrABLi:;^, t o b a c c o s , CONPECTHINERY W est 16Z \ FREE DELIVERY SWIMMING AND DIVING By Molly Edwards tyTJmmdsT^ "HriWe-- Sound Salmon Club's'special com-: petition. It is the largest taken in Howe Sound for fifteen years, and as a result Mr. Coleman was presented with the gold button by the club. He used a Gibb's Martin Plug and thirty-two- pound test line. The fish .is. on display at Lisle Fraser's Pender Street store to day.and Friday. " (Article 5) ' THE RACING DIVE-- • Stand, feet apart; toes over the edge, knees bent, arms held forward or. sideways. Rise on the balls of the feet, swinging the arms backward and fill your lungs with air. Spring for dis- -tancer-arms-^swinging^forward^ hands together, .head between the arms. The dive is very shal- Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND ' SATURDAY August 3rd, 4th und 6 lh MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND " LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY" . (The Manly Family. iii,thoir ■■T7U)¥t popular pifeturd)- ' Also NUWS. CARTOON, Etc. West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 Friday aiid Saturday FREE DELIVERY Grade A Red Brand Rulnp Roast - " 25c lb. Cross-Rib First Gr^de rib s . 72c Rolled Ribs Roasts j§ c per lb; Short Ribs 12'|2C Ib. BAKEASY 9c j^ r lb. Fletcher's' uNo. 1 Bacon ISc .*Plb. pkg. Spaghetti and % a t Balls 15c pentin. -- (, • ... i„ . ' ,'.-1 ;:Gcade A Red Brand Shoulders Lamb 18c per lb. Breast Lamb 15c lb. Three young girl school, teach ers from Chicago, were the guests on'"Monday of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's Avenue. They have been on a trip to Alaska, passing through ."Dawson, White Horse and Skag- "Way7-and-are-retuming~home-via. Victoria and San Francisco, where they will visit the World's Fair. ♦ ♦ ♦ '■'Miss Eleanor- Lennox „of the Royal Bank staff here is on her -annual .vacation. A number of members of the West Vancouver Horticultural Society took advantage of the kind invitation of TJ A. Spencer, on Monday evening to inspect the grounds of his home at 21st and Mathers Avenue. They all much enjoyed the wonderful dis play of many varieties of beauti ful. flowers, shrubs, and oma- mental-treesr-also-the-arrange-- ment of the spacious grounds. BACKSTROKE-- , There are several backstrokes." For speed the one-used-is the overarm, in which the move ments are almost the"reverse of the crawl. Next to the crawl it is the, fastest, swimming stroke. Practice the following separate ly, then co-ordinate all four: (1) Position -- . Horizontal position, face up. The head is held comfortably, but slightly raised, looking towards the toes. The body is bent a little at the hips and knees, to allow better driving power. (2) Leg Action-- The kick for this stroke as in the crawl, „is..a..six or eight .beat (three o r . four leg kioks t o " each arm stroke). Toes slightly inward. (3) Arm Stroke -- Arms _stroke alternately,, one driving" Avhile the other, recovers. The arm enters the water outstretch ed, beyond the head, palms fact ing outward. The pull to the hip is shallow, and out to the side, about 12 to 15 inches und^ . water. A deep stroke (as in the crawl)' w;ould cause rolling. The arm is r^overed by lifting the elbow, forearm"relaxedr" When- the arm is verticle it. straightens for its overhead entry. Be-sure you.rest one arm while the other works. (4) Biieathing -- ThW face is ..MONDAY AND TUESDAY'.. August 7th unil 8 th CAROLE LOMBARD ____ JAMES STEWART " MADE FOR EACH OTHER" (Oncti only at 8 p.m.) ' "HOW TO ^ 'ARI' THE DAY" WEDNESDAY -- Auan.st 9th. WARREN WILLIAM "̂WIVES-UNBER SUSPICION" (Once only a t 8:1,5) also 'SINNERS IN PARADISE' jacks I.IK) Marine Drive West 710 SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES F urniture Repaired Covered and Polished VERNON-- FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies ♦ Roast Veal ~18c per Ib. Breast Veal lOc per lb . M. W. Greene of 29th. Street, has just flown^dqwn ̂from Bra- lome Hospital vvhere she has h ^ been matron for the past year. She reports a. most won derful trip, and the'view of the glacier and mountains is beyond description.' ' - . out of the -water a t . all times, but the breathing should be timed witli the arms (as in the crawl) to gain-rhythm. ; (Next Week--Plain and Run ning Dives* Breast Stroke.) W est Vancouver Messenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE er Light Transfer Work ) of any description For Prompt Service, Phone WEST 700 Chili >Coii-Carne 15c per tin Cooked Beef Stew 15c per tin EXPERT - W atch and Clock REPAIRING ̂ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd,, Montreal). 1522 Marine Drive ' Mrs, Dolman and her son , Frank, 1564 Fulton Avenue, have returned from a holiday in Vic toria. W est Van Motors Bill Grout --7 . 1613 Marine Day ̂ Night WEST 2 6 8 STANDARD STATION WRECKER ROAD SERVICE COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE Lubrication Accessories "We specialize in pleasing the customer."