- f it '•l.>"Ŵ v; 1 % A-Week-ly-Newspaper iy i?» •S'Estttblished over 18 years.'Eslablibhcd over-13 yeare. Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--A mblesidt; Hollyburn^ Wy^to^, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cyptess. Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc, sc per wpy yol. XI V HOLLVBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. AUGUST 3rd. 1939 N o . 17 iosmseim VANCOUVER AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Aff.„. ni'iiiv years of usafui service th e W est Vaiicouver A tte i n u i iy y ' " . . m B fiH m r w a s o a l ed MILITARY DISPLAY AND TORCHLIGHT TATl'OO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENTERTAIN KITSILANO Aa,afeur's'S i n g ' C I u b has gone.' A meeting was oaiW ^Friday evening to discuss taidrf f i it was feit there was nothing else to be done but a mutter for regret that necessity should have forced XL nLntioii of such a course, because theiclub has had much 5'so w »r the g^^^ and well-being of West Vancouver, who >0 the'early days_spent the warm weather in^the mSinality when it. was only a summer colony came thereinnlClP» V , ̂ rtvirl VidfVlirifY DtlH if WOH 11.Sarilv to enjoy the swimming and bathing, and it was anmaniy, vy , V __ iw.rvnncso flî v DnnHnrnvpa S t 'isset to have such a club, beoause the Dundarave (IlSUHLP 11 ̂ nnr\vi«,rvv./vrl !kvr if /ImTiaIrtTYOfl 11 flTlirif Molly Edwards' swimming and diving classes for beginners and advanced pupils are held on S t a and other activities .sponsored by it developed^a spirit of cLpetition, which ensured every co ld 's learning to swim Hive Some of them became experts, individually and in S v teams defeating the best in the province for a number 5 vears Then there were the two long distance events from niindarave to Weston arid back 'and the Dundarave-Hollyburn «vvim* which used to attract, hundreds of . people-to the piers to watch the progress of the various competitors. These two races have also, alas!- ceased for lack of. interest. The real difficulties of the club date back to an inter national &ala staged by it*, several years ago, which turned out a financial fiasco owing to shere bad luck. World s chamw. Dions were amongst those compeiting, and all arrangements had been made to ensure the gala's being a success, even to the taking out of rain insurance. Unfortunately, however, a very heavy thunderstorm broke oyer Vancouver just at the time the crowd from there was starting for West Vancouver while it did not rain here, resulting in the club's losing both their'attendance and rain insurance. Since then they diave struggled manfully to keep goin^.„and at the same time pay off their debts, most of which have been liquidated, but the •heavy load combined with the long depression has been too much. Interest in time began to slacken with the present inevitable result. ' • We have mentioned the deprssion advisedly, because probably that has. had as much-if not mprei bo do 'with^the winding up of the Swimming Club than.-any other, factor. A very largo crowd filled the ^he West Vancouver Chamber grand sttinds and north and west Commei*ce a^ed as hosts on sides of Ambleside Park last two hun- night to see the Military Dis- play and Torchlight Tattoo by dred members of the Kitsilano the 1st Veterans' Battalion under Chamber of Commerce, and the the command of Lieut. Colonel Kitsilano Lions' Club with their K. W. Savory; D.S.O., which was -vvives and friepds. Accompany- held under the) auspico.s of Toe H ing them were Bert A. Emery here. It was a perfect summer of Kitsilano, and Hugh Kirkup „„v«,iv.̂ -u evening, and the Battalion, who lof the Van^uver Junior Board Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday looked very ^mart in their 2nd of Trade. The visitors arrived aml̂ Friday aftonioons at Dun- Coldstream Guards' uniforms, at Amlbleside Pier a t '8 p.m. on daravo Pier, Phono West 208-M gave a splendid display of cere- the ferry Hollyburn, on which . monial drill, including the fam- they had made a tour of the . ous Trooping the Color. Their harbor, and were played along accuracy of formation through- Murine Drive to the Orange Hall out was very noticeable, particu- by the West Vancouver Boys' .larly in the .slow marching. Band under Manager J. E. Con- which is'very difficult, especially, don. ' when it is remembered that their .president I. T. Meglaughlin of lu.uuu ujooms oi me uiy iiui ii- 'ages ranged all the , way" froril iQ̂ al Chamber in welcoming turn at Langley Prairie, has .been :38 to 73 years. In this connec- them stressed the ' assistance changed from Thursduj ,̂ Aug- . tioh special mention should be u received from theTUt- dst 17th, to Thursday, August .................. silano Chamber in organizing, loth. This change has- Meff here. Bill McLennan, the Kitail- rendered necessary owing tA tbjb ano President in reply expi^ssed lilies being earlier than his appreciation of their wel- All other , arrangements J'hbid « come, also of the visit >-j6f the good as previously anhpqnced West Vanoouyer Chamber, to except that tickets can be pur them settle .^eeks ago. He rer L, TR1I» TO LANGLEY PRAIRIE The date for the trip si)6n- sored by. the West Vancouyer Uprticuliural Association to view' 10,000 blooms of the lily niira- made of the good work of their exhibition drill squad.- Major- General E. Hilliam,. C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Colonel-in-Chief, toqk the salute, Lieut. Colonel K. W. Sav ory and Lieut. Colonel Miles Tristram being with him. .f fA < The Torch light Tattoo was a furred -to the happy position in very pretty sight, as the Bat- which West Vancouver found it- talion went through the -various g^if due to the good work of complicated evolutions under the Reeve Leyland and his- Council rising moon, whilfe the Grand .̂ d̂ the __community spirit so chased up to Tuesday, 8ih, instead of Tuesday, Au|fusb> 15th. lAirther particulars oan be obtained by phoning West 291. ofW est 647-L. Finale with the alternate effwts " o f. darkness and < floodlighting was a fitting clim^-x to. the dis EVELYN WHITELL'S FINAL LECTURE HERE _ evident inTbe municipality. Other organizations, which have had their share., and quite 'play. The-playing^by the band of the Kitsilano Lions Clubn? , Evelyn Whitell. whose leciures\y an important share Tm-building up W est tVancoUverphave-also..... bf one verse'of ""Aoide'with'Me" Dillard D brayell, President o f Along't^ of Right Living ■ ._n. XI------------ .. .̂1 nm; ,« . .1 1 1 .1..., V a n c o u v e r Community Coun- and Right Thinking, have been ' cil, and Hugh Kirkham, Presi- much appreciated, will ̂ speak iw dent of the Vancouver Junior Hie Jast time Board of Trade, in which each :7 ;45' at ihe'~Ghurch IIall7-2&th fallen by .the way for the same reisson.t ̂ .Tl^ere was, for in stance, the West Vancouver ̂ Musical Society,^ which in addi tion to winning the shield in the :'B.C. Musical Festival on several occasions, was ..largely responsible"Tor^he niuiiici=-" in the darkness, while an illumin ated cross appeared in the back ground, was especially impres- . , . -- 7 ■■ ■V. w . , _paJity_'s_repntatiQn^as_ajnusicaljcenjtxe_. others, , Ahdj±hereJi_ave_bee.rr sive. -T^he-Battalion .-had--their-owm .band, which was assisted in. the 'stated"̂ hair"like"bhambers--of- -Commerce; his organization was -and- her -Marine-- She-w ill--tako-for- su b je c t---The---Powei*- of... .....- ■.............. ..... ̂ : .X--X.--- L ./Q .lX L .ly VV X i l w X A - V» .Hr _____ j i j ■ ■ t i.i.j .'y jj . *.A ^ - .... .. , , Where is the Old West' Vancouver' community spirit, , 'Torchlight Tattoo by the West to make their locality a bet- . Thought" and how to keep love -which-in-a-fewshort-years^converted":a-summer-resort-of-one----- Vnircouver--Boys^-^Band-'under-r^^-^j^--{;^-l[v^-ih,~'and~hopFdT"and^harmoTry"iiribe-Tiomer-^^ or two thousand-people into the le'^ing residentiaf sector, of . Director J. E. Condon, the latter ̂ branch of it would be TGreater"Van'c6u'ver:?~rUMder" the"^driye~of -that-' spiritvour-resi- --^ also~ giving--several--selections- --j|gj^^jYpvrest~V^cduver;-- ------in^r^hic}r~only" lasta~an-"hour.r dents jollied together as one man to see .to it ^ a t whatever..^ earlier in the evening. .' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ Reeve Leyland, who"'was "the' and which will give grea.t pleas-.....-- c*A, ^ ------- --- ---- ' ' ------earlicr Ih thc cvcning. ., rvtit'VH i..A3vi*«iu wnu ....... .... ...... they set their hands to was-.accomplished and properly_ ac- Another^featurfe of the P̂ br. mipof sneaker of the evening, bre to the listeners, complished. West Vancouver won a name---f'or_d(^hg -things' gram was the finished display of ^pip^bied the K i t s i l a n o Chan> ^bnday and Thursday mat and springboard tumbling the other organizati(3ns Pights next ŵ^̂^ and high box vaulting by some of the best gymnasts from the ' welf known for its ver Gub Hall, Lonsdale and Provincial Recreation Centres, i which was arr^gMbylPro_v_inci= vuiupiioucu, VV/CiSL : VrailCUU vexv ; W SO well as to be worthy antagonists in any competition or. contest it might enter. It is this spirit which must be recaptured if we are to continue to progress. For new residents will cease to settle here if they have to go to Vancouver, for most of their pleasures and amusements.■**•■*'*AX ----. .'..w". . • '■'■'Cy--: This is summer, and, as such, the-proper time to get behind an effort to revive'the Swimming Club, for a .seaside munici pality like ours without such a club is unthinkable. , With that accomplished, and there is no reason Why it Should not be, we could .then turn opr attention toj-bringing back into being those organizations which have had such a large share in the building up^of West Vancouver. - ^ "Instructor Jeriy Mathis^n by kind permission of Ian Eisen- hardt Provincial Director. north VANCOUVER YOUTH. - J . B. Condon,. July 31st, 1939. drowned AT. AMBLESIDE Schwl Band trip, Keats Island, -Wednesday, August 23rd, to Sat- Robert Wilson, 19, of N<ni;h-ArdayrSeptember-2nd,. 1939. -- cash balance m tne oanK oe-ais- -gtead he preferred to give a few.; Vancouver, was droymed last i T liat .this , m atter be referred tributed pro rate, among the humorous- sidelights of early f ' S Tnoerion ..L rr.oA . . " . a , , . . 'Am________ crcditors of the clufo. riotra in rnnmVma tv. which opilders supplies, mill worK aiiu WEST VANCOUVER SWIMMING CLUB A. meeting of the West Van couver Amateur Swimming Club was held last Fridair. evening at Dundarave Pier. The minutes of the previous meeting .were read and adopted, following which it wa^ resolved that the cash-balance in the bank be-dis- mUhity spirit and helping youth. We were„ really all-citizens of Vancouver, because, while we might have our own municipal government, we d epended on Vancouver and the port of Van couver for our prosperity. It was the pion^r spirit and the community spiritvof the munici- pality which had "brought it to the forefront. He could talk for hours on West Vancouver but did not wish to go in deta,il into what had been accomplished. Tn- sh-e^ill speak on "What. Can I Do with My Life ?" and on Thurs day night, on "The Faith That Overcomes Obstacles." --"-y Admission to these lectures is free but a collection wilb be takerrr . NEW LUMBER COMPANY HERE ' stead he preferred to give a few • The Murray-Russell Lumber Company have taken bver the Astbury Lumber Company's plantiatil585 Marine iDriye, and. - vvrtis. uxu,yviit;u . xcist • x iia i,. uixb ,iu<tnA5x wc fViA plnb ^esday at 7:30 p,m. at Amble- ,, td' the Chairman of Transporte- ""j f '"al also <}eoid^ side Beach. A strong swimmer, . tion.And the Ferry Manager with lie had just assisted a girl on to.- pow irto act. The M ne a ij^ g e r . " <*'- P - ' S ^ Q a S e ^ 'P̂ 3-red immediately afterwards, ' that the club trophies be collected and handed over to the Council for use in future swiihming meets as they shall see fit._________ ^ and it was ten miriutes'before he was misled by his companions. î iving operations were started ^d his body was finally recover- ^ fifty minutes later- in' 12 feet 9^ater_by-Jack -McDonald o f - îth and Lawsop Avenue. The unsuccessfully ^™:by"Gon^tabl^Hail-J T. '^nstaoies Mail- D?. Coroner's It tha 11̂ aftemooriat thfl w 11 1 aitemoon of Funeral . Home W..:;whprc the Dad' not- l?een to Tulr,„^ ,^ ,̂ fAe"time__ofr^^_gpingto nroQc k 7 i going stances fifSrH presence of a have nrev f couldP evented the aebident. days in the municipality, which greatly amused his hearers ip the telling. ' He a ls o ■described how he came to take-up resi- denoe in West Vancouver. In conclusion he said that in this west "there was a niche for everyone in-which to do hi.s bit for humanity:" ' , Following his address the Edi tor of the Kitsilano Times made a few remarks in which he stated r bpilders • supplies, mill work and plywood. The owners of ,the new con- . cern, Messrs. Dave. Murray and .Bert Russell, have over thirty 'years' experience in the lumber business in Vancoui '̂er a.nd other parts of the province, and solicit the patronage - of --the public.. Phones, West 483 or at night West 627-R. « have arrived from England and ^Lfrdicrhfcro X ces/"^ : are the guests of the former's ̂ ^ f ̂o f Vipfwpen step-father and mother, Mr. and '. speeches the School Band under, * ♦ . Gordon Delamont ' Mrs. and Miss Sinclair of Al-excel ent numbers, being special- ̂ ^ ly eulogized by one of the speaK- ers. * ■ Qther items on the program , - - -- were two prettily executed pelled; to give encores. Eagie- Harbor dances in costume by Miss Helen The vote of thanks was pro- Soott with Miss Grace D. White posed by Bert Emery of Kitsil- - at the piano, and a well sung , ano. Past President,, and, follow- -vocal solo' by Cliff Tearoe ac- ing the serving of refreshments companied by Mr§. Bert Tearoe, - dn-the-loweT haJl, the evening both of the'artists being com-, closed with community singing. - ̂ V . ■n