' ̂ --I' »Ŝ̂»4if̂ <7A«!'t'-*'<!»>*« '•'«'-Wt«̂itt.*»liW-V'«̂ "«sw TUB W E S t' VAN NEWS JtJy 27, 1939. T * i^ "'W5wif46"""'"'"' A i H a n r i ^ S m i t h - - 'lliitit«ii^WiSt'tt«* Frw! ̂Dell very Service • MentWjr Aeeoimt 0 I B A B t E 0 V ETE R A N S A SSN M©eUag« 0? tJto Disaljled Veter- an«* Aasodatlon have fornM!i*ly IdwJOKiros loanc*!] hy the PRICES COOI) for ERIDAY & SATURDAY. 4«ly 28th & 29lh M E A T S»« VALDES M.v?H HAl.MON -- Chum MEAT PASTE -- lledluntU Red & White P1I^'1IAUDB Red A White PORK and BEANS Red A White PU.MPKIN PINEAPPLE JUICE -- Dole'a Red & White HIIAK KRrHALT--Plain or li»dljM'd 2 Ih. round carUm .HIIREmiKD COCOA NUT -- Medium RECKirrS RAC; b l u e -- 2 pku». FLV COILS 5 for FLV HWA'ITERS -- Rubber 19c V A LU ES Red & M'hite JELLY PO W DERS EiKht flavorH. 4 pkta, . Red & White HO CKEVE SA LM O N P IN E A P P L E CUHF«S -- Singapore Red & White A SPA R A O U S T IP S RIUMSOli -- The New Speedv (Jran* uinted Soap...........Lar'ge Package' SljNHPUN SA LA D D R K SSIN O . Jar PR U N K S-- Sweet Saiitu ClaraH....2 lb« W HI'I'E SH O E PO LISH -- Nugget. btJ 'I'wo kiiidH -- for kid and for canvaa nIioi*n« LADY (iO D IVA CO M PLEX IO N SO AP Made eNpc'cinlly for tender akina. A friigruiit eany lathering aoap. , 1 nikea. Free Delivery Wc«t 370 BEEFWGrade A and At LAMB--Top Quality PfyRK--Grain Fed VKAI/--Milk Fed BRIGHT OF LAMB, per lb........ 16c BREAST OF ViSiL, per ..... 13c LEAN STEER BRISKB'l' lb, 10c FRESH FISH DAILY FULL LINE OF DELICATF^SEN Red A White Orange Pekoe TEA ' H>. I *K. 48c. .Siiv'e the coupoiiH for %'alu.able prizea Red A White Pure PLUM JAM 4 ll» tin ....................... '■ Califoriiiii ( iU A P R lF R tJ IT barge Ki/e....,....................... 3 for 14c Valenriii ORANGES-- Meditim, Size........................dozen 23c l,!irge Size ....... dozen 34c CA.NNING APRICOTS ARE READY I'iV . * 4 I '-" r- THE BlIKNING HUSH ' By Sulmdar ■tfer:? IfSiSS i w vA'p-:'- Sonu* iMirson wrote to the proH.H to Hay the farm(,*rH are not content in today'.s world. Well! there's nothiriR new about that, as witness the very old story of the KiiRlish farmer, who, on 1̂ *- itiK couRTatulated by the squire .on his line crops, Rrumbled about , the cost of cutting them. But nobody was ever content anyhow in this old world. Everybody's scire on everything, and even the dogs' have a grouch on. 'The milliomiire's sore because he can't digest his food and the lkx>r man because he doesn't get enough to get indigestion, the . ownei' of a Packard is mtul a t not ,l>eing able to atford a Rolls Royce and the old T model owner because he can't afford anything beUer;rthe pedestrian who can't buy any oar eurses all' car own- era and get.s his own back from worth knowing; Between the' mjislers and the monitors a per- , son just cannoned into it all the tim«'. 'rhe best way to meet it wa.s to thumb your nose at all hiind. ,̂ tiiking care, of course, that nobody in authority caught you doing it. Taking it by and large, we were a cheerful lot of young devdls who could take it by aiuMarge. If most of them ai-ii like me; they have been tak ing it ever since. (MRDEN NOTES Pi'opagation: The work of prepai*ing st<x:k for another year is con.sidorably expedited when hoi-ders, frames and other re ceptacles and composts, are pre pared in advance. So far as it is practioiible, everything con nected with the propagation of plants shouTd lx? fresh and clean. That is, the loam, leaf-soil and .sand should be .so free from dis- oa.se;und other injurious^pests as it is'po.ssible to have them, and l ^ i l e most cuttings wni" foffrT roots, successfully in pure sand, n iS ic ipaJlty ; so"metime.< small harfs rented and, on other oc casions, the home.s of the veter ans themselves have Ixien utiliz ed for th a t pun>̂ >'̂ e. To over come these difficulties the vets, deterrhined they would help themselves to establish a {lerm- anent headquarters for then* activities and, by co-ojierative labor, have renovated a w<xxlen building in the real* of the Hay Block donated at a nominal figure. Along with donations of equipihent from West Vancou ver rrierohants and other com munity well-wisher.s, including a library of several hundred books, they are now off to a g(x>d start to help themselyevs and war vet erans on the North Shore in the solution of their common prob lems. The opening ceremonies wci*e jKirformed by A. U..Darlington, J.P.,.,Secretary of the Vancouver D.V.A. He stated it was ii great privilege for him to ofl'icially open the ' Well-equipped head quarters and felt that a new era was now being established in veterans', affairs in the progres- .sive WestVancouver municipal ity. Ex - servicemen required sanctuary and shelter where the problems of the di.sabled could be intelligently worked out and the new headquarters impresed him as adequately meeting that need. He thought the A.ssociation was fortunate in its executive officers who were qualified men and well acquainted with veterans' prob lems. 'He knew of few organiza- .tionf ̂ so well equipped in that respect. 'I^e initiative of the West Vancouver veterans in establish ing-their new home by co-opera tive labor among.st themselves was a good omen for the future in his opinion and an example that could well be copied by vet erans throughout the Dominion. The Council authorized a $10 reward sign to be placed adjacent to the Memorial Arch Park ow- , S e tv ic e .... SASH Â DOORŜ SHINGLES t PLYWOODS- ' LATH PAIKT„T IIE ^4S l - « r s s ? Af«iti|:' CANADA FAINT COMPANY LTD. W EST VANCOUVER l u m b e r C O . LTD. 15th & Mariiie Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S I h,. rnti. for ClMBlfiwI AdvoctiMBionUi is 1 cenU per word, minimum 26 cTu. J^«pt *» "'^Kfmenrtar"clMl5fl«l' la the Wwt Vm N«w. jt«t immedl.u r«.ult.. GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, GIO W. Hastings, Sey. 'H99 at West Vancouver any tune by appointment. West 403. ______ ••NOTARY PUBLIC," G cfriil Con- veyancing, "Valuator. gj Blower, 1405 Marmo Drive, west " .21. .-- LISTINGS WANTED - Housm to Rent, Sell or Buy. , Trinity 1271. Evenings, West' 437-Y4. . • , ' -.. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from J/3 to Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. West 252-L.__________ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Holly bum Block. W ESTERN WOODWORKERS-- Store Fixtures,' House Fixtures, W o^ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave., .................. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, F ire, Burglary, Automobile, -Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. GUESTS -- Transients and perm®®' ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, West . 379-Y-2. " . FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister; Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Bifks .Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West , MR; Residence, Whytecliff 646. CASH FOR\ JUNK -- Bottles, ragi, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stovts, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. TO RENT -- Cabins at the Cluchan.' Phone West 604. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun. try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R^2. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Sulher. ■ land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L. . ■__________ , GORDON r 6BSQN -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W'l Hastings, Sey, 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403.I ---- 1 - - ■ ....... --...--...... -- J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- ' icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-T._______ WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- **̂ t̂ioneer8. North 89, Reverse âll. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine.___ _̂__________________ c h im n e y SWEEPING --- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822._________ _̂____________ _ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason- able rates. H. Gaines ̂ West 167-L. LISTINGS WANTED BL A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver Real 'Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar ine Drive. West 546. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine -G A RDENIN G* Gont^actors,-Rocke îes,-- LawJns, Maintenance; hour, ddly,-.or:_:: contract; experienced gardeners. 51-M..' - LOST --̂ Grey, Jblue, fed silk print dress withouttbeltfW^nesday, near - West Bay. West 738-L.________ _ DOG-SCRATOHING -- Skin trouble? ,Al Condition Powders and Skin Lotion work wonders. Phillips, 24,48 Marine. _____~ ______ \ REAVARD -- For recovery of thin editioi\"'Believers' Hymn Book valu- ed-^as keepsake.'-West 365-R. FOR QUICK SALE -- 3-Piece Mohair Chesterfield Suite, $30-cash; perfect . condition, bwner.-leaving town, 2670 ' Bellevue. West i33-L-l-.______ _ LOST -- 'Red and Gold Bracelet, be- "tween ferry and 20th St, West 865-R. -__________ _ FOR SALE -- Beautiful lot, partl.v cleared; over. % acre. High-location at -Cypress Park. Price $450. H. Fallows Realty, 1429 Marine Drive. West 912; Eve. West 243-M-3. SPECIAL -- 50 ft. lot on Bellevue, $275. Wanted: Listings of rnpdem hoimes" in- West Vancouver; clients waiting. Pull notary services avail- . able. C. J. Archer Ltd., West-225. 1415 Marine.____________ ' CHEER u p ; PESSIMISTS In spite of the alarums and "jitters rightly condemned by men of vision, more houses are being sold and built in West Vancouver than ever before. We want Listings of nice homes, to be sold at a .fa ir price, the progres sive men and women who want to live in beautiful - West Vancouver. ' Ask us the selling price on any lot in' .West Vancouver, we offer the benefit of yeare of .experience, the use of our cara to view, anytime at \ no extra cost. West 55 is tire tele phone. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, _._West Van.'s , Pioneer_Realtors,___ -Opp Hollyburn P.O. '_____ ^ i l l l 8 1 them in heaps. Mrs. Jones wants an electria^slove like Mr s. Smith, who envio.s'Mrs. Jonos^)Oautiful' head of hair, the family doK. i« ing- to vandals having stolen small trees and shrubberies in that area. PAINTING AND DECORATING -- ""^Estifiiate's'fre'e'." .̂ H. W'edley. West; u 818. - • - ' ̂ ' $ik ̂hy * If® Ir- ' 'fAS'f f , It *i W&M M i ' S i 'M A certain professor of E.xpcri-' rhental Psychology at one of ' Englaml's oldest universities recently.adv_ocated-. "the- sharp infliction of pain" for certain chosen case.s of crime when siKxikiiig'Ixifore the Chief Con- stahles'-t AssTklatjpn. He. further stated that "more, sheer non sense had been ' talked about punishment^ and discipline in i*econt yeai's than about most subjects." If he included politics among the subjects, I give up, and I doiPt care how high .the ladies raise both hands and keep thonv there at such ideas. You - know a professor of psychology ■mm IS supposed to be some piimp- kins. Why he can tell you off liiind the exact degree of "mental excitement in a man's brain when he proposes, the depth of depi'ession or the height of i-agtY th a t ja rs a w'omun when the plan hops off without proposing, as well as all about the reaction th a t h its a man when some other fellow lifts him on his boot, and stuff like that. Per sonally, I believe psyohologj' is all bunk. A t my school we never heai-d about ' psychology, but what; we didn't know about "sharp punishment" ' was not si?ite of rcix-*ated. a mixture of- three -parts-good-- loam, three parts of leaf-soil and ~one part of sand is to be prefer-- , red,. I t should be mixed thor oughly and, ivhen placed in pos ition, rhade very firm. A coating of sand , on the finished surface, to the depth of one-fourth-of-an- inch, will be found advantag'eous. There are quite a number of choice shrubs, includirig quite a number of the roses, which can be propagated successfully from cuttings a t this season,- either out-of-doors' or in frames. Frames are undoubtedly the best as they can be kept close and shaded when necessary for the first few weeks and, afterwai*ds, air can be adm itted and regulat ed by the lights; failmg suitable _ frames,, bell glasses or small hand-lights may be employed with equal success. In the case of choice shrubs that are difficult _Lo_. propagate by . cuttings, or where the necessar>" facilities are not available, such plants should b e , layered th a t is, of course, where the branchlets can be-brought into oopfewrtvvith the ground and pnepped s m . Even where th is is difficult, Khododen- drons. and other shrubs can be rooted successfully, by "notching and rnos^hg" "the one, year old shoots. To be successful, how ever, the movss must be kept jiioist constantly. Yet I have, on more than one occasion, qbsei-ved Yiinis" built in RHododerr- dron bushes, in to which the 7s'ore becaU.se m spite 01 re attempts he has- not yet l>een able to take"th"cr .seat out "of thlT letter carrier's pants, while all, hands rave about the bml weath er, taxes, all governments, the high cost of living, and, last but by no mean least, the news papers. It always was so and uhvij^, I exiioct, will be so. ' If 'pn'Mistopc man had been satis- ne(t>-¥^d . still have , remained prohistofic, which might have *been ju st as well. I am m oved, to these I'emarks, because Phave not yet. paid for my only' suit of clothes, and the tailor has^-just notified me he is going to fake them back unless I pay up pron to, which in the prese.nt state of my finances' is impossible.-* ♦ TIANDXANTr Knitting AVool, Books, Needles, etc. -Baby-W oollens'U'specialtyr";' LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED--AVe deliver and -^ork guaranteed. Call Mack, AVest 184-R. FOR RENT -- Two rdoms, comfort ably furnished suite on waterfront. - Reasonable. AVest, 445-Y. FOR BEST- 31ATERIALS_and_Work- manship, try AVebb's Shoe Reipairs, 2463 Marine. AVANTED -- Woman for month of August tovhelp with housework and cooking. Sleep out. West 871-R. CARD OF THANKS branches *rooted freely without notching and Avith only the nat ural moisture. Planting Irises: taking a retrospective view of Irises.over the past two months, one is Avilling to adm it that there is p ro b ^ ly no genus of hardy herbaceous plants to equal the present day Irises, In their pos sibilities in border or. landscape effect, their immeiioe divei*sity o f beautiful colors, and their long jieiiod of floAvering, they lend . themselves to a g reat variety of grouping. ^ i^ k i in yo u i 0urn T ta n t y^L td To paraphrase a' popular lyric o f yesteryear, " You'll find the vacation you prize, under your ey es, right in your own front yard.' ♦ British Colum bia's great hinterland offers e v e r y th in g that makes for a memorable v a ca tio n . N o need to spend half o f those precious " free" d ays tra[velling bo and from a vacation centre. Ju st load, up the family flivver; or Hop on _aJhoat,JtKiin,.orLbus^and--^PRESTO=- . . in a few hours you are in th e very midst o f what 6 w h o le world clamours t o visit. - - J S k a ■ ' M ttiish ^o lu m ^ tm Mrs. Mason wishes to thank her friends for their kind expressions of sympathy 'and beautiful floral ^fferings^__Special thanks to--Dr. Therrien and nurses and Rev. Hillis AA'̂ right for his consoling words in her late bereavement. BROWN ON NY MAKE MUNTON 1542 M A R IN E D R IV E W E S T 36B Mi-mI)Cr.s A.R.T. nr B.f'.. „ \ The Gouhcil authorized an ex penditure .of $100, f o r , improA^e- ment of the 22nd Street tra il a t -the-request-of-Inspeotor-RusselF of Hollyburn Ridge.♦ ♦ 4c An expenditure of $4,251;50__ was authorized by the (^uncil for ,oiling and tarring roads in d iff^en t sections of the munici pality.; , The subdivision of Union Es tates a t Whytecliff Park *was ap- ' proved by the Council pnoAdding - a n , agi'eement was entered-into whereby they would complete a road known as "Rockland Wyiid" vdthin two years and in s^ l a,n ^ ^ u a t e w ater\ systems within the same period. AV ANTED--Gardener, one day a week 30c hr. West 920-L. ^ FOR REINT -- Five room house, 1588 ■ Inglewoodf Phone West 32-L. _ HIGH SCHOOL k )Y ing. painting, etc. 63-L-l. . _____ _ Wants\saw- Phone west f o u n d -- CoUarless black rier, white feet, vest and nose. A\ est ' -270-Y-2.;', . -■ LOST -- $20 bill on Monday, between 11 ©"'clock. .and 2. Reward. West