■ <!' - .?•> •.VH'CJ , '-̂>1 ■ ,,tij 4-ri, )<M'-i r" .•' •r'%- '* c-iJj-" fW-.( < ii-jjr ■ hu Ê, '>«* ,-r'~'-t MM iM m|M ttmmu 27 jf22 THE W EST VAN NEW S a n im a l h o s p it a l on Marine D rive, near Taylor W ay In now Completed and Equipped fpr the t r e a t m e n t and SURGERY o f DOGS AN D CATS. Bocal and Personal For IIISTINCTIVE COIFEURES f f e r m y k : a c r o s s FROM S A F E W A Y " 1370 Marine Drive Phone W est 331 """""Thl!'̂ teiTlPĝ 'hEd*'r"TeiT""husy'-'""""̂ MwrdrBucknelirMrrand;Mi«r time last Sunday carrying 3,W Cjrosrsfey and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. passengers. This compares fav^^'nSen'nett and family of Mortlacm, . orably with the numbers using Saskatchewan, are visiting Mr. thpm <m fine Sundays in the and Mrs. Joe Tite, Hoilyburn su m m er previoua to the opening Block, 16th and Marine Drive. of the'ffions' Gate Bridge?. * * # ♦ • * ' I. T. Meglaughlin, m anager of Mrs.* Martin* (nee Miss the B. C. Electric Store here, is Walkeni), of San Francisco, was taking his annual vacation, the house guest over the week * * * . , end of heri^uncle and aunt, Mr. Mr, and Mrs. H. F. I to n , who S m t i m 't M m i PRESH IlAIliY Ten varietieM to suit every U ite Meat Plea -- Cooklea IScclea Cakea -- Paatriea Buna and Holla Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 and Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 have been the guests of Mr. and King^s Avenue. Mrs. S. Patou, 774 IBth S ^ee t, Xt LADIES OF ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH g a r d e n PARTY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, from 3 6 p.ni. on the Grounds of Miss Cusack's residence, 2215 Mathers Avenua Teas Fortune Telling - Ice Cream - Home Cooking * Entertainment m il it a r y d is p l a y a n d t o r c h l ig h t t a t t o o by 1s t Veterans' B attalion (V ancouver) at a m b l e s io e p a r k , W e d n e s d a y , A U G U s 'i'- z f ia , 1939, ^ commencing a t 8:15 p.m^ er) at^ ^ rdriM'N..o£.'!!| have leftHo return to their home Miss Doris Han'jiway of 1963 »» San Anselmo, Californio. Bellevue Avenue, left on Sunday * * * by motor for Yellowstone Ptirk Mr. niid Mrs. Kinnarney and ' and the San Francisco Exposi- « family are moving this week end tion. She expects to bo away i»to Mrs. Scott's house a t 17th for three weeks." ,, and Waterfront. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, who have J- de Rimanoezy, the^ well- been spending a holiday a t the knoyvn Vancouver violinist, is Clachan, have returnd to their having^a house built on Eastoot home in New Westminster. Road, British Pacific Properties. .......... . ih ■. . "j . *h ■ *1* ■ Ml'S. Joseph Sheasgreen, 2323 Alfred Busst, who has been Bellevue Avenue, ^yhile on a away for some time a t Lytton, visit to Ladysmith, B. C., was B.C., has returned to his home with her son James," a guest a t a t 2442 Marine Drive, the. Government House Garden ^ Party in Victoria last Wednes-, Mr. and Mrs. Bleke have day. moved into a house a t 2657, Law-; FREEMAN'S GROCERY 2490 Marine Drive (iUOCEUlBS, FRUIT, VEGITFABLES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY W est 1 6 2 FREE DELIVERY nroceeds to be devoted to Youth activities in West ^" V o u v e r . New Way to Pay Old Debts-^Smith;®* unlucky--he put his whol6 fortune to his wife's name so that his credr, )rs could not get it." "He did r ir tt ." ; "But his wife has eloped w ith his ief creditor." YOUR LOCAL A G E N T Some Splendid Buys in L ots and Homes Rentals and Insurance Solicited Estates Managed J . t . W A T T ' ' 1 7 4 4-Marine-Dxive . Phonejy-,_14J-- -- - G e m e n t r ^ a n d N avy ja c k ,: C rushed R o c k Drain T ile s , B rick Lime/ M o r t a r Engagem ent - . . - - - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parkin, 766 .Boulevard, North Vancou ver, announce the engagement of the ir youngest daughter, Gert r u d Evelyn, to Mr. Ronald Neville Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neville Smith, West Bay, W est Vancouver. Both Miss Parkin and Mr. Smith attended the University' of B ritish Col umbia, and th e groom-elect is at p resent a t Purdue University, Indiana, where he is studying, fo r 'h is Ph.D. The wedding will take place in St. Andrew's United nhiireh, N orth Vanoouver, the middle of August. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Maren- te tte and.,family, 2569 Marine Drive, are spending a few weeks' holiday a t Grantham 's. ^ Miss Edwards and Miss Pat- son Avenue.'•* ♦. *■ Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Van couver were week end visitors a t the Clachan. -- K, -- Jack Howdle, 2046 Esquimalt ton, both of Vancouver, are stay- .Avenue, has joined the Royal ing a t the Clathan. .. „ Canadian Air Force. Miss Bernice Paton, 774 15th Street, is leaving at the begin ning of next month to resume her studies a t the San Francisco A rt Institute. A christening took place on , Mr. and M rs.' H. Harrison, .1840 Haywood Avenue, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. Connan of Brandon, Man, Mr. Connon is the brother of Mrs. Harrison, Claude Knowler of Cal- Hoilyburn Theatre THURSDAY and FRIDAY , J u ly '27th and 28th PAUL MUNI B EITE DAVIS MAKGARErr LINDSAY " BORDERTOWN" .... ...also NEWS, CARTOON, ETC. SATURDAY EVENING ONLY July 29th CHARLES BOYER GRETA GARBO A Christening took place on ^ ^nd- Sunday in the Church ^of SL Harrison. Francis-in-the-Wood at Caulfeild ♦ ♦ * ' d ' 'E M. M. Knowler of Cal, -- ^ ^ re m o n y :A » a s .je r fo m ie d Matthews, 1321 Esquimalt Ave- by Rev. F. A. Ramsey, and god- ♦ PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CITY PRICES -- t b k k o e ~ ^ s o ^ ^ GOiiGRETE GENERAL GONTRAGTING 1427 Marine Drive P H O N E W E S T 84- parents-were-M rsf-Rv- M-.;^ail^y-,--- --A r̂~qo-fiiv/iQVr ~ Ti'iitr^oond. «fr W est Bay, Mrs. 'R. B. Allan enfer- Rob ert. Browm.--T l^--baby-- .-- --r-'f-aiTTpS -a-f" q- niriqf~/fTidmrfl}TLj-*̂re~ the same robe "in which her mother- was christened. Later Mr.yand Mrs--Fergusson enters tained at tea at their home on Travers AvenuepW est-W aiicou- ver. West 190 1578 M arine Drive Friday and Saturday Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast.23c lb. Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per lb. Short Ribs 12»bc lb." BUTTER First Grade Grade A Red Brand BAKEASY 9c per lb. Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon ISc lb. pkg. Spaghetti and Meat Balls 15c per tin."' Cbili, Con-Carne i 5c per Jin HORTICULTURAL A SSN . Shoulders tkmb 18c per Ib. Breast Lamb Roast Veal 2 0 c per lb. Breast Veai 1 2 '|2CP**' lb . The parlor shows are ' still glowing in numbers amd. exhib-- >its. On Monday of th is week in the Legion Hall 29 exhibits were judged by George Nunn and his assistant. The winners were: for best yellow rose, one other variety, and 6 blooms (three classes), 1st, Mr. Dyble; 6 pods peas: 1st, A. Chilton; 6 stalks of sweet peas, 1st, A. Chilton! 6 beans, 1st Mrs. R. Jack. G. E. Griffim a new resident, waa .the -winner of a prize for a red rose, being only 1 point below the first choice. A. Rippon was also equal in points,-a_special prize being given to suit the case. Mrs. H. A. D. W hittaker and Mrs. H. Rehberger were first'in .raspberries, ■ both getting 7 points ~out of a possible 10. ' The date fo r the trip to view 10,000 blooms of the lily aura- -tum-at-Xahgley P r a i r i e b e Thursday, August 17th.- The bus will leave the corner of 14th and Marine Drive in fron t of the Rexall Drug Store a t 11 a.m. for -the--75-miie-drive.__Tickets_a±.^ $1.50 including refreshm ents can be obtained a t the B.C. Electric Store, Rexall Drqg-Store and the West Van. Stationers & Library up^^to' Tuesday, -15th August. F urther particulars, can be ob tained by phoning. W est 291, or West 647-L. "ta±fred"a t7a~raost"enjoyable union" pionic. Among tho.^ .presentlwere. Mesdames, W. Wil son, W. Simpson, M. Henderson, J.-A rthur', G. Griffin, J. M. Allan and R. P. Allan, and the Misses Effie Sinclair, Annie Borland, Bessie Allan, E thel Downs, Nan Runcie, Jessie Wilson, Jean Simpson, Lilace Arbutrmot, Bar bara Allan and Jean A]]aTL__l__-- " CONQUEST" (A story of,Napoleon) NEWS and CARTOON MONDAY, TUESDAY AND -WEDNE&DAY- July 31st, August 1st and 2nd JEAN ErrPBT McDON A LD ------ PTEtSON-EDDY------- " Sweethearts" All in color. .-'i; 1516 Marine Drive ------- ^rw w r7io~ TIDE TABLES (For the Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7 Thursday 8 use of bathers) High 'Low :20p.ni. 9:35 a.m., :53 p.m. 10:14 a.m. :20 p.m. 10:50 a.m. :46 p.m, 11:25 a.m. :13 p.m. 11:58 a.m. :35 p.m. 12:30 p.m. :00 p.m. 1:04 p.m. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES fu rn itu re Repaired Govered and Polished VERNON FEED STORE A; G. SBARLB Phone West 9 LEGION NOTES Fertilizers o f All Kinds, Cooked Beef Stew 15c per tin EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a i r i n g t .-g h b i s t b n s o n -■(formerly w ith B irk s L td . M o n tre a l) 1522 M a rin e D r iv e , The, cpmmittee handling the arrangem ents fo r the Branch picnic announce that., arran la ments are. now complete in the form of a cruise and basket pic nic on Sunday, August 27th. F erry No. 6 has been chartered for the day and will leave AmJWe- side dock a t 9 :40 a.m. Imd pro ceed to Seaside Park arriving there about noon. Seaside is a delightful spot , on the West -Howe-Sound-side and-large-pic!i- nic grounds and facilities are a t the disposal, of the party. Ar rangements are being made for free tea, milk, sugar, ice pream, etc. Members of the branch and. W.A. will,have first call on tic kets up to A ugust 15th ; after which any surplus tickets will be available to- friends. A cheap fare is announced of 75c for adults and 30c , for children _und^r.l2_years. _ _ _. . _ i _ The committee have m ^ e a definite ruling , th a t children under 12 m ust be accompanied by parents or an adult. ADCO , Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies West Vancouver ^M essenger S » PARCELS -- b a g g a g e or Light Transfer Work of any description JB'or_PronipL__Ser_vlce,JPhon_e._ WEST 700 ̂ Garrod & Nelson for better » PLUM BING Repair E xperts W est 226, 2460 Marine Dr. Motorist: "I killed, your cat, but I 'll gladly replace the' animal.." ' Old Maid: "Why-6r, this is so sud den, and besides I'm afraid you can't catch mice."