iv?.'. , f *'iuMA\\«i tsfe .i'^ i- THE W EST VAN NEWS jn ly 27. laM w m r ~'«VAK* '̂ t/iritio - c b o b c m - Cor. 21tt A Et<t»ii»uiH Am>' HBV. W. VANCE, B,A^ MlahtUr . 2047 Cordon Artimo ...... Phono West 244-K Bund»y Sonriett: ll«.in. A 7:80p.m. Strangors and Viaitora are weleom# Short and Cooler BAFTIBT CBUECH Mialalif tier. W. I.*. ftlcKay# &A.# ED. ttiiWilMir. HiiinriftiMi KKop a.m.~-Church School In- d u d i^ Adalt Claaa 11 a.mrV̂ !̂ :iHLR-»*-" Pr««<^ Servicea. A hearty welcome to all 1i ' U iT -̂'«i » f; 111 r i For Hummertimo there'* nothing^ more j>ructlcoI than short hair. If your hair la tjipercd correctly your coiffure la easily combed back in place after a day at the beach. . , Gwendolyn s Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permanents, 1646 Marine Drive West 117 HOUYBUiffl HALL , 14th and Duchess i}lJNi)AY, July 30th, at 10 a.w. Sunday ̂ School and , Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY BVENING at 7:30 COSPKL ADDRESS by AIR. THOMAS McLa r e n i ■ I rUFCSDAY, Aug. 1st, at 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of the Scriptures • Ruth, the MoabltcBH" MR. J Y. M. AITKEN jPluriitian Science ■, Society-- CHUEC0 EDIFipB 20th and Esquimalt, HoUybum Tbi* Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ,- Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, July 30th SUBJBCl': L O V E " Sunday l ĉhool utT0:00 o.rn. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is gordially in- vitod to attend our services ahd meetings. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL AB80CIATI0N T R IP T O L A N G L E Y P R A H U E To view 10,000 Blooma of Lily Aunatnm ' "'"THUR?DAY.'l^u4&ST*llrtlCTril^^ ' Tickets 11.60 (including refreshment), on sal* at B.C. Electric Store Rexall Drug Store, or West Van. Stationers A Library, up to Tuesday, 15th August. ^ ' ' D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., UD.8., .... d en tist... :: : X-llay' Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 UNITED CHURCH 2l.st anti Esquimalt Ave. Uev. William Vance, Minister . Sunday, July 30th. ) 1:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. ]>reacher: Kev. R. J. Mc Intyre, of the B.C. Temper ance League. _ 7 :30 p.m.--Preacher; Rev. NeL Hon Harkness, of the British a n d Foreign Bible Society. Welcome to all. II i 'I ̂: DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Buildintr Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment V 1860 Marine Drive West 432 BAPTIST CHURCH Kev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1540 "Duchess Ave. % \\C m . I r -i i * Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. fu iitra i B irretora Uollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street -------PhiinrN oftriac Vancouver Parlors - < 66 Tenth-Avenua East Phone Fair. 184 i - f i rI k - 1 ' ' ■ i i S ■ r ; -I S', i',? •,>' f e ^ 1-^ ifvv: 1 " iK!"] 3 v»' i m i . i l t t y i 'l l f f r ' ( I f (' s? FLORAL DESIGNS We, deliver fo any parlor in Vancouver or Nth. Yancouver The West Van Florist l8Ui and Marihe West 305 West 305 Kev. W. S. Reid, D.D., will oc cupy the pulpit both morning and evening. - " 11:00 a. m. -- SubjeetT: The Church and Its Acid T est." J :I10 p.m.--"Life and Its Laws of Success." 10:00 a.m.--Sabbath School. . Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m.--Prayer and praise service. Wonien's Mission Circle in charge. In the passing of Mr. Amon Tabor, the Baptist-Church has- Ibst one o f its most beloved and valued members. M r." Tabor, was--a--chartered--member- arid deacon of the church, li^s^T e^ '̂ wTnmg' anK^Teaily^to- hqlp in the promotioii" of the ^ e ifa re -o f--Uie-oburehr-and-en^ deared himself to all with whom he came in, contact. --"D eep estsym p ath y-iS 'ex.tended- to his bereaved ones. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURClf 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A, Ramsey, Rector; ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd .& Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van '̂ astor Sunday S e n ^ s Low Mass -- 8:16a.'m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. . _ Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. K AA Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. . Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. r ■. ■. ---■ ■ DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 24th--August 4th Dundarave Hall, Marine Drive C^me with your children and pay a visit to our school. A happy group of children, march in to the sound of music at 9 :15. There is a . brief Good Morning hymn and_then they separate into age groups for the daily Bible lesson taught in an interesting way. This is followed by bright catchy chorus singing after which we all go out for organized CORRESPONDENCE Canaries and Sunshine Sir:, Being a great lover of both wild and caged birds may I make a plea for the canaries, who, through mistaken Wnd- nesB of their owners, are put out in the sun these hot days. During my walks I see many poor little . creatures literally roasting in the sun without any protection at all, and not even a cool drink--for how many people think to change "dick's" drink ing water more than once a day While their owners buy dark ; glasses to protect their own eyes, they do not give a_thought to the glare of the sun bii the caged birds'eyes, li'he wild birds can seek their own cool shady spot but "dick" is a t your mercy . and thoughtfulness -- take care of him! .. , I D . McNEIL & McCUE AMBLBSIOE PHARMACY Phone West 323 1401 Marine Drive DITVAI f DRUG STORE Phone West 528 1402 Marine Drive WE DELIVER Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Tea-rOoms, Eooie*Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent by Month or Week. THE WENDY HOUSE NURSERY SCHOOL 'Day & Residential Children, 2-6 for summer camping and fall term (Sept. 1st). Medical Supervision. Principal: Trained Nurse & Dietitian. West 8d7 SPECIAL Inside Fir:-- from shed ....... $6.00 per cord from mill ....... $6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 142 West Hastings, Vancouver Phone Seymour 4660 Phone charge refunded if this ad. presented by Sept. l, 1939 WEST YANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners. Phone West 39 games in. the sunshine, kfou-will-be-siurprisedjiext-to 'see how quickly--the chlldren- memorize the Bible verses after NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. ' ' . , , ° ' DRY CLEANING (CertiRed as advertised in the Chatelaine " and Good Housekeeping) ------------ 'Cr-Cr-FINNBYTYVest-Vancouver-Representative------------ .Phone_West--782_and Driver-iwill-call. . i' I HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY AISHk&IGHT CLASSES 14tlLand Marine West 341 Sunday, July 30th 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion, 11:00 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:80 p.m.'--Evensong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Sermoin they are simply explained. These are reserve treasures stored in the' mind. " Children d e lig h t^ to " m^ke things, and now you'-will see them-busy for half an hour mak ing scrap books, maps, objects. We close with a hymn at 11:45 in time to get home for lunch. 'Thb school is under'"the aus pices of the West Vancouver Tabernacle. Pastor,_Re_y._Robert- Birch,"B.A. Other services of the church will continue as usual. . Asphfllt JPyciMix ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED 1- ' Phone North 1141 or- ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y MISSION CIRCLE CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST •t; T he-French B eau ty Salon For Perm anents , of lasting beauty. Wo apociaiize in flne, grey and ---------- ̂ white hairr----- --------- 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 "LOVE" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist,--on Sunday. _The Golden '!^x t_ is : "Keep THB^ W e s t V a n ^ e w s Publiched Every Thursday Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE: Phone W est 363 Business and Editorial Olfice: 1704 Marine Drive Phone W est 55 yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto etenial life." (Jude 1: 21). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson . Sennon is the following from the Bible: -ABeloved, let us love one another: fo r love is of God; aiid every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He th a t loveth not knoweth not Gbd; for God - is ^ v e." (1 Johir4^-;7r8)::---------- The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", by Mary Baker E ddy: "Having no other gods, turning to no other but the one perfect Mind, to guide him, man is the likeness of (jod,. pure and eternal,' having th a t Mind which was also in C h ris t" On Tuesday, July 11th, the regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Women's Mission Circle took the form of a picnic lunch eon, and was held on the lawn of Pastor and Mrs. McKay. The table was set under the shade trees and twenty-six members -- andrfriends sat down to a bounti^ ful repast. During the luncheoir the President, Mrs. Alf. Vernon, was complimented by the ladies on the occasion of her 25th wed ding anniversaiy, and was pres ented with a lovely silyer flower g a s k e t __ Reports of the recent co n v e^ tion were also given, and a profit- able and happy time was spent by all. Ml'S. Dollman, 15th and Ful ton-Avenue, had.', as her guest last week Mrs. L. Tompkins, a -former resident of the North Shore for many years and lately residing in (^lifom ia. She has now left to 'take up residence in New York. f : O O L C O O K I N G W ITH LO W -PR IC E D ELECTRIC HOTPLATES Miss M argaret TayhSr, Kew House, entertained i ^ i n n e r on Saturday evening, hononng Miss C pnst^ce Bell-Irving and Mr. Rodney Browne, whose m arriage takes place on Friday. North Vancouver Office: l2S. Lonsdale Ave. $1.<K) a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail DAILY VACATION, BlBLP SCHOOL dundarave HALL Marine Drive Monday to Friday--9:15 - 11:45 omldren of all ages welcome. . auspices of Vancottver Tabernacle '. 0 ' This sm art. Canadian Beauty table-typer^leriTic"K o tp la te^"tsn the pace, in cool, carefree sum mer cooking. With two single heat elements it's . completely adequate fo r breakfasts, ligh t lunches, afternoon teas. Finish ed in cream enamel. $ 3 . Easy Terms May Be_ Arranged V ,