-",.•^1* *-1- <•■-' »■« #5̂>-̂'»*?!F c ,i / '% ■̂ M^O.^JI- ..̂ -̂>-5. ̂■' fi^ff ^ t. , ■S-'̂lf '??•■'■'\) i n v ; A r v n ,%< -i V- C irc u la tin g in the D istrict a f West Vancouver-^ Atnbleside, Holly burn ̂ Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per ye»r* ...... Cypress .Park, Caulfeild^W hytecliff, E tc. 6c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 27th. 1939 No. 16 M* mnw EUROPE AND THE ORIENT Hiller has missed the tide. The Gorman superiority m ,n.. M passed and w ith It th e psychologioal moment, to Sttâ k ho democracies w ith any hope of viOtory, T^e reasons tliis failure to attack we do not know, bu t possibly it may In VP been the peculiar inferiority c o m p ^ .o f the ^ m a n , ̂s'ili, he tries to cover tip w ith braggadacio, plus Britain s S i of winning th e last battle. This last m ust be °I »vv ilisturbing factor to other nations when it is considered . that oil-'ability to fight is only exceeded by our^capadty to muddle through. .Indeed, there never were suph muddters. Ill in spitfe of everything we have always achieved victory when bv ovW law of probability and possibility u tte r defeat should havo been ours. . > , i. ' ^ t.- ̂ Mussolini has been strangely, silent of la te ^ fo r him. And he ha.s ample food for reflection as h e ,Realizes th a t the lion to whom he has fo r' so long played jaokal with little iKjnefit to himself, has delayed his stroke too long a t d ^ g e ro u s , niidrrv which has. how tui-ned to face the issue. There is ho oerilous vulnerability of him and his to attack by the British Navy, long held in leash, and the knowledge gained in the Great War that his people are strangely lacking in those Qualities which made the old* Roman legions-invindble.^ ̂Not even the last minute g ift of the Gerpian Tyrol by Hitler, who ̂ has read his fellow conspirator's mind, may be sufficient to hold the Rome-Berlin axis together in th is day of their shrink ing balance of power, especially if Franco cannot be persuaded to throw in his lot with them . I t would not be the first time Italy deserted Germany in the latteFs hour of need,. And incidentally there is little love lost between, the two peoples. We are only a t the beginning of our troubles with the dominant war party in Japan, who are try ing to piok a quarrel vvith us'in # d e r to "save face" a t home .dver th e ir impending defeat in China. There was said to be am a:^angcment whereby the British Navy was ,to hold the Atlantic and the Mediter ranean while the AmericamJfleet took charge 'o f the Pacific. , Either this was incorrect or the Americans have '/re-nigged" at the last moment as a result of the miachinations of the same group of village politicians who by; resisting any amend ment to the Neutrality Act have only made war the more ̂ tfertain. And so, ow ing;to our having no capital ships to spare from the storm- centre, wJhich^^s still in Europe, we;havel_ been compelled to orioe-more back down to Japi^p, .-This may be ^ood business',"but it i s gov4j^ been the case with much of bur diplomacy since Chamberlain SWIMMING AND DIVING By Molly Edwards (Article 4) BEGINNERS' DIVING; Commence your diving by starting as close to the water as possible and workinif up. The. first few dives (?) will likely be plunges or "belly-flops." SWIMMING CLUB The West Vancouver Swlin- ming Club are holding a public meeting a t 8 p .m ., tomorrow (Friday) in the Clachan to dis cuss the advisability of disband ing the olub with a view to leav ing the way open for other .ar rangements now under contCttri- (i) Sit on the edge of the piation. All interested are earn- raft, tank or ladder, feet planted requested to be. present, firmly below you, arms extended ___________ __ over the water, hands side by side,! (palms always face down ward^ never together). Now take a deep breath, reach for the LECTURE ON SPIRITUAL HEALING «, -------- - - - . A very responsive audience water a few feet in ,front of you ^fathered at the Church Hall a t arid SLIDE by shoving off with 25th and Marine on Tuesday your, feet. night to hear a lecture given by (2) Try tfib same plunge, j^ jgg E^giyn ^ h ite ll, world-trav- ducking your head-so tha t you ^lled lecturer and author, on the go under water and have to liit gubject of "Lovingly in the your head and swim a few dog- Hands .of the F ather." The paddle strokes to reach the sur- people, who are most apprecia- faoe. The body in diving always ^ve, desired a ' continuance of follows the head. If the head is {^ese meetings, and althoi held too high you vvill land flat-T Miss Whitell is not m ak ii if too low, your legs will fall extended stay in West Vai over. For a neat., dive thumbs yej. ̂ ĵ g jĵ er work is worldr^ ̂ should be locked, elbows straight gj^ ̂will hold another meetij^ head ducked between the arms. Friday night at the same' hi The fingers cut the water, h ^ d 25th and Marine ' a t 7 :45? and body follow, legs together ghe will take for her subje'eii and well extended,,; time -- "Wilt Thou Be I (8) Repeat (2) but s ta rt from w hole?" which deals w ith advanced* pupils are held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at Dun darave Pier. Phone West 208-M4i4>4i LOCAL SUCCESSES IN MATRIC EXAMS. Senior Matriculation West Vancouver High School --Elizabeth,Hobden, Robert Don ald llovvieson, Donald Raymond M a c k e n z i e , Marjorv Bonar O'Donnell, Lawrence A i^w rP ai-^ ,; tersori, John MarshalL^Ki|5J|ii^y/' son, Brenda Joan Wiciong,'" .1 linior Matriculation West Vancouver High -- ommended: Jim Anderson, Geo. k . Brealey, Aubrey Burkhart* Helena Mary L e a ^ Clegg, Allan Rec^' j:iepeai out si-diu xiuiu whole.'" wnich deals wirn .s i^ - « Forster 'Charles Kivos Bur- a squatting position instead of itu^i healing. A special, silence . ■ Clifford J Hill M. sitting; then t r y - ' will be taken a t the end of the I" ^ irilo id eri^^^^^ , (4) A standing dive, com- meeting for all who aro in need took charge. And certainly nothing "short of the surrender _ „ . . . ofall our possession^ and in terests in:the F arE M fw lU satisfy------^ l ^ a » - S K ^ ^ l 0l^-sm0o t h n ^ Japan, as we shall find .out very s h o r t l y ^ . ------- L o r ra in e Jt-ioiaen, u ro ra o n r . - u H u i - . y ** w-- meet i ng for all who are in need , y . Craham McDonald, niience feet together, toes over ^long spiritual lines. Miss Whi- o.,g„' Marauis McLintock Grace the edge. Practice till your tell's ̂ k s are all along the lines of which she speaks, and thous- v _ r* i i \ Tnriunr, ands a re daily gaining inspira-v Passed: tion through their 4>ages, grew rJiiendeavor. -being „..to . people t o help themselves. ' - " ' -----If0 H0 HLIGHT-TA TTOO Winifred Davidson, Kathleen push-pff has developed a spring and" you enter the 'w ater neatly, head between the ^rms. ming strokes. RELAX (y^ou I t i r q m t e ^ i d ^ t "tM t" in" the':near~f ui^^^ be facing a crisds. in E lu ro ^ ,' for' H itler's t | ^ ~to make another' pounceT'thW ^s^to say, there-mllHae^-wo- erises. Whether th a t pounce .will be^towards Dantzig o r Hun-. garyJs-not-cl€ar,~but-^Hitler!s-latest„moye_anent_aJBnti^lo^ "to Germany^only shows th a t:h e propdsed ,to take ^ v a n ta g e of the weakness of the present B ritish Government/fqr trying to buy their way everywhere. ' . ' This peace by purchase is again good business but poor government. Peace will continue probably for the balance of this year, but very soon we mus-t be prepared to use the great forces we have gathered together. For a permanent peace is scarcely possible, mqch as we all desire it, because the return toxivil life th a t would then take place of the mil lions under arrns and the many millions behind them making munitions would mean revolution. ■ . - . . And it is an axiom of all governments th a t anything is better than that. "r - ness and timing (swim your six- (Vancouver), will give a M _________ ______ Davies. Dorothy Anne. Lorraine^ ^T-he-det-VeteranaVBattalion---grilcaen,_JMiLri e r ^ . J e ^ ^ ^ IVancouverl. will Bive"a Military Peter Courtenay Greer Ronali. hi-at crawl to a waltz , tune), T»i,play anrt Torchlight .Taittoo B m est Hawkea Victor.Bedroo^^^^ (three b ^ f s to each arm stroke), „ext Wednesday, August 2nd, a t '. Johnwn, Wilfred .Alljwt l^n iu g , an eight-beat would call fo r 4/4 Ambleside Park, commencing a t Donald tim er^four-beats--to-each- arm -- g;i5-p;mr"ThiBris~the oldesilrand -- stroke. Practice the, following most dignified ceremonial in .the ' ' separately then co-ordinate'^ll-'H^-itish Army and will be carried Mfy Pmi i four. out here exactly as on the Horse Shamian, Paul Thygesen, Roth ^ (1) Body Position -- Hon- Guards Parade in London, Eiig- erick Vaughan, zontal position,' db-^not ^hollow land- I t is a* very cololrful spec- Private Study--Passed: Mar- baok nor- bury face below eye tacle and very well worth seeing, garef Rush. : level. Body should reinain, flat, addition by kind permission " ------------------- do not-roll. Head ■isr-held-com--^f_ian-Eisen:haTdtr-a--gynii'ii^^'̂î -iti------------ GARDEN'PA'RTY fortably in line with body,, do display wilt be staged by twenty LOCAL'SUCCESSES IN TORONTO CONSERVATORY EXAMINA'HONS KITSILANO c h a m b e r OF not strain neck. W ater should break a t eye-level. (2) Flutter Kick -- A six or eight beat (usual tim ing is a six-beat). An up and down thrash from hips, a s 'o n e , leg of the leading exponents of the ; The ladies-Of S tA n th o n y -s a r t under Provincial Chief In- Church are holding a gardem structor Jerry Mathisen. party from 3 to 6 p.m. next Toe H, who are sponsoring the Wednesday, August 2nd, on the above/ask for the generous and 'beautiful grounds of Miss Cus- whdle hearted support . of the ĝ k̂'s residence at 2215 •Mathers COMMERCE TO VISIT HERE beats-down the other comes up. public, as they are going to'con- /^y^nue. An entertainment has t ' __;------ . - Knees and ankles e x te n d ^ b u t siderable expense in bringing the been arranged for, and there will The W est Vancouver Chamber not stiff. Toes pointed j slightly 200 men from Vancouver who afternoon tea with fortune" ih€ W€SL V&JIOC/UVtjr IIUL S>l/XiJ.« XV/CO llldi- XIUIU V V V./4. ilX l/tJX lIUUXl LV<t VVllytl J h e f o l l o w ^ candidates "f,g '^ -5 -e d " S e m L ? s oT^the S S ' h S " h t g i & o ? ^ 0 0 ! ^ S ? , ' ? " n e S fS S lity . which are only 25 cents .for fhe. . ' . .. 1 rrn: -- :_:4. stroke -- A rm s ro-servat(>ry of Music, their-nam es sppwing under -thoterof'th/ii! .'evefing, A ^ I f fe y " :" "" * ' r " iW a « r of Miss M R McGiliivrAv the* harbor, and will Grade 5, piano^PY aLrEU iott, Rand T t o f a 2nd class honors.* ^ meeting will be tate alternately, one arm recov ers as other drives. Relax one arm while other pulls. Reach well forward, fingers together, hands slightly c u i^ d . Pull back , ____ in a straight line underwater, Taylor using shoulder muscles, don't grand stand seats, will be used for youth activities in West Van-: oouver. ----- ----------- COUNCIL NOTES SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. » The Singer Sewing Machine Company, 142 West. Hastings - -The-offer of the H. Fallows. Realty Company to purchase on behalf of a client, Lot 4* Block 13, D.L. 5B2,-for .$345.50, was accepted by the Council. ♦ ♦ * • offers from _ bond was referred by the Gourir s a a s - - ! & s » = J s a f a (4). Breathing -- Breathe 1st, th e Singer S ew ing^S chm e^^ 4̂ e r e d ^ y ^ h e ^ o u n c i l ^ o be piano -- Elizabeth ,-«r™KTnv hattqf _ Miss Marguerite Wilcox " piand -- Jean Kyle, passed with honors. theory -- Jimmy Mc Donald, passed with honor! • -- Jimmy Mc- ̂ passed wifli firef /niooa The Wendy House N urse ry , either on fhe left or r ig h t side advertisemeHt appearing in this ' School, a day and residential In through the mouth and out and succcessive issues. « ""« to nerry Account. aMimnTO*^iS th iffasim a i K t h e in" during HOLLYBURN HALL -The teansportation deficit for special summer .camping pro- arm on you/breatW ng side^ Sunday School and Young the first six months of the year Donald -- --------- . , » c - S a r t e l f t e ^ & ^ ^ S (Next W eek--.E asing , Main People's W l e Class will be held. amounted to $16 000 according Donald, passed with first class M ed ica l supervision and Running D i v e s , :B a c k a t 'lO a.m, next Sunday, July to the report submitted .to the ""lora- ' V S r S n ^ S^^^^ ' 30th-, in Hollybum Hall. At the Council, hu t it was. pointed out ' -- --------- ■ f j ^ * ' S & t i t & h o n f w ^ t ----------- r-- , . ,T.:30' p.m; service next Sunday, th a t th e iargest.accounts of tiie Mrs, W. Pm*ter of 1274 867̂ 1 her accompanied by ter 5 granddaugh-.̂ /G0^le and DnTirio_Mo« ■- ter 6 *«xmu«.uj5u - Bfugitive: Quick! Where can I hide? ®rOth- 0'ffice Employee: In the filing cab- thA to spend ine^. Nobody can ever find anything ̂summer,at Whiterock.' . ̂ . th e k - ---- ------------------ , iLjwv p.m. service ucAL uuiiuttj, Miss Maria Waite of Vancou- 'Kiomas McLaren will give , a year have now been paid. The ver who returned last week (3ospel Address. Tuesday, Aug- Council, however, have under from a visit to Winnipeg and u s t .ls t , . a t 8 p.m., prayer and consideration certain policies Alberta, spent the week end a t m inistry of the Scriptures, when during the balance jsf the year Horseshoe Bay, the guest of Miss J. Y. M. Aitken wilL speak mi- wliich may prevent further de- N. ^ i t e and Miss T. W hite. . "Ruth, the MoaJjitess." ' . ficits. f ' 4 _ i i iK'