--■;-- r-r-- ----- 1̂"*̂ J 1 •Mfi <iit '! i"i' liw.il. «'f }'l-ii rr* 4 Mr f̂■ fic ■ ; l i >1.; it4sJ-' i':ih"i ■ ■ ■'■; ' f i f ;■'! Pi" - hfrj-i'--. « h^4' . f c . :XO;J'i,;.; -i-' V̂' "■'I ■>.*, ^ : ! • , ' «-f-'t-vT 4iv" | # : i ■4 r'M-r, ,ft.v (f li"?! - ̂Vs J„ ki-V ' I -• 9 f ti .s;4-,.; >MT- 4 f ̂ '>» j-•C *5' i.¥'s!4:r ' ImU ■ ' 'it I P l .m^ tSiSSi' 'V'i l i ¥ , I"!/. > - -tj-" •THE,WEST vik'N NEWS IfcfJSiT** 20. iQjKt SM ITH'S MARKET Fre« DdlTwry Sia 'ylc* * M«mUiljr AeciwiBt MYSTERV ntOISE & J'ICNIC l•R^CEH «OOI) for KIIIDAY & SATURDAY. July 2Ist & 22nd■ ■ ,'i . ■.-■■■.■.■■■'■, i ■ V ,;■■■■ .■i.„i . ,■■,'■ a H ( N E I ) IJBK F 2 tliui 25r : ( 'KUTO . . . ,. M o z . bottle 24c I .MAHMALADK-- KniMJclally pocked for Kt*d & WhUe ̂ 4 lb. tin 39c I'INKAIM'LK HIIcch H ... 25c •'I' , I Sintfopore V ̂̂ .........3 tlno 25c K K U /0 (;< * 'S 'A l-^ W IIK A T 2 pkto. . .......................... |*KAHL HOAI* r , Willie Nop»»ifl 3 cakco 14c Itoyui rrow n I IA N D V A M M O N IA I'owdcrtd .............../i' --'-- . pkt 9c ItLA< K L A H i a I 'lN B A l 'I 'IrK .Sliced or CruHhed........... - .tin Me W IU ) HO.SE I'A S T U Y F E O l i l l .Silk Hlflcd.........10 lb. oock 41c INicked In II. C. Ued & White C U T ( iU E B N B E A N S Tender uud l)elltTouii....l7 oz. tin 11c Itf-d A White TdMATOIiS l.urRc' No, 2Vi .tlno..................... 10c IUmI & White S I * A t i l l E r n ^ with 'lomuto .Suuce......No. 1 tin 9c M E A T S Free Delivery West 370 BEBF>-.Cirade A and A1 liAMB-- Quality FtWtK--Groin Fed VKAI^MIIk Fed HUEA8T OF LAMB, per lb........ 16c BKKA8T OF VEAL, per lb......... . J3c I'lCKLKl) I'OKK HOCKS, Ib...... 10c FRESH FISH DAILY FULL LINE OF DELICATESSEN KI.Nt; O.SCAK SARDINES Norwegian Imported ....:...... tin 15c BLACK LABEL VVE'F SRIMPS No. I till ... ................................ IVc NABOB APRICOTS, tall No. 1 tin 13c SI?PREMA.POLISHING OIL Lemon or Cedar.... ,.8 oz. bottle 11c V e st Va n c o u v e r TENNIS CLUB WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. The winner.H .in the club tour nament recently concluded were UH l'()llow.s: Ludie.s* SinRlea >-- Mra. Joyce MacNeil. , Centldmen's Singles -- Jerry (IriHedale. . r. Ladies' Doubles -- Miss B. Smith and Mrs. Joyce MacNeil. ' Centlemen's Doubles -- Jerry Clrisedale and Jack Moon. ,Mi.ve(l Doubles -- Mrs. Joyce MjicNeil and B. Angel. ^ In the North Shore League the liK'al club were matched last Sun day against Capilano, coming out victorious by a score of 7 to Members tire reminded the. club handicap ..tournament, will sttirt next Saturday, 22pd July. . Cecil-Sharp has arranged to give free coaching to junior meniber.s of the oliib every Sat urday between-11 a.rn. and 12 midday. It is hoped that the latter will take full advantage ot "thcr~bpportuni tj'^th us--atfordetl-- A j)tirlor show will be Jield in the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. Mon day, July 24th, when the follow ing prizes will be competed for: 1. Prize by George Nunn for best yellow ro.se, any variety. 2. Prize by Huntingford for best rose, any color, any variety. 2, Mr. Kay's prize for highest points in either--six pods of j)eas, six poils of beans, six stalks of sweet peas, 12 raspberries, 6 rose blooms, any color or variety. Any person can enter one or more of contests free. A visit to see 10,000 lovely Lilies auratum in August is be ing arranged when they will be in full bloom of indescribable colors; Full particulars will be given at the Parlor Show on Monday. This will make a real (lay's holiday at nominal cost with a 75 mile driye in a Pacific Stage coach. The Annual M ystery Cruise and Picnic of the Gth B.C. , Scouts™JMt.̂ 3um!,liy. wa» ihor- oughly enjoyed by the many wdu) made it. The weather was fine, and quite a luiruber w'ho went on the cruise year were affain on board. After a very pleasant sail a landing was made at Seaside RarKwhere supper was partaken of,Hire Mothers Auxil iary providing the tea, coffee and milk free, wiiile pop, ice cream and oandy were sold on board. After ■ "suppt'r many enjoyed walks around the park and along the trails, the'childi'en amusing, themselves swimming and on the swings, etc. fhi the return trip the raffle was drawn, Mrs. Jorg enson of 148r).Inglewood Avenue, winning the table lamp donated by,Mrs. H. B. Wallace, President of the Womeii'.s Auxiliary, with ticket No. 71. while P. S. Booth, do C.B.C. Hotel, Vancouver, with ticket No. 350, secured the 12 lb. Swift's ham, dopated by J. Murch of ,th(i.. Ambleside Meat Market. Lawrence Dcxld of 5510 Carlton Street, Vancouver, found to his surprise that as the holder of boat ticket No. 141, he had ' won a $2 credit note on any store in West Vancouver. The committee wish to' ex press their appreciation to W. E. Pafrium' for advertising caî ds. Ilidley'ii Dairy for two gallon^ milk, J. Muroii for the ham, and Mrs. Wallace for the table lamp, also all others who helped to make the trip .such a success. T'he Group Committee of the Sea Scouts and Wolf Cub Pack would like it to be u nderst^ that on any future cruise child ren will not be allowetLon board without they are. in charge of their parents or other adults. Service"'" L U M B E R -- Qiiaiii^ SASH A DOORS SHINGLES ' PLYWOODS LATH PArKlT BUILDERS* SUPPUEs ROOFiMnROOFING WALLBOARDm f r IN■■ Jw 'wi JLiiEt!". • • NO SUBSTITUTE FORQUAUTY Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANTf LTD. ^ ESt VANCOUVER M M B ER QO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive ) Phone West 115 C L A SSIF IE D A D S rhe rat« for CUaslDod Advertisements Is I cents per word, mlBinmB 25 cJtttB. E x c e p t In the case of tlioee having regular accounts, all dm|; fleda are payable atrieUx ^ , , Tk-. yRemember Classifieda m the West Van Newg get immediittb reaulU. ' at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. CASH FOR JUNk -- Bottles, rm Sacks, Metals, Furniture, StovS Tools, etc.; nothing too big or to small. Burrard Junk Co., West 9t "NOTXUY p u b l ic ," veyancing, "Valuator. Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West ' 21.' '.......... -̂------ ' TO RENT -- Cabins at the Clachaa. Phone West 604. LISTINGS WANTED - - Uous^ to Rrat, Sell or"Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271. Evenings, IfVest 437-y-l. --------------- ------------- ' 25c LADIES' LIFTS, 25c- Lcathw , or rubber. Webb's Shoe Renaini. 2463 Marine. HOME BUILDER - Cut clearing and . exca'^Uon costs from U spa bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sit?L West 262-L. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun. try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthor- land,'2144 Mahon Avenue,' Nortli 14B8-L. MARCEL S H O P -T h em ROBSON - BarriaUr U Permanents, only best mawna^ Solicitor, 510 W'. Hastings, Sey. 4lJ at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. I'̂ crniftncnLPf vuujf - used. Expdrt operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, W o^ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones; West ,740 and West 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave. ..............•' ■ J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sok icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone ' West ,21, or -West 553-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. " Hewett; Aû j tioneers. North 89, Reverse call. The, News GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED-J Special machine; repairs, partef West Vancouver Machine Shop, 14ls j Marine. \ GUESTS '-- Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, West 379-Y-2. ' ___ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repaiis,] G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. Noril 822. ' them of learning the game. The first of a series of dub CaUNCIL NOTES "St. AntKony'TXhm'dr^as'keil" s(x;ial.s was given Ifist Saturday■ n ■ ■ .... ■ -m W' I for tax exemption on a lot. im- -4tie4ia4dy-04i^t-of-4htvt-^iv-whi(ib-- evening at the home pf Mr. and "MFiT'Jr D7"Hard3T 2l04 Gordon Aveiuie, when an enjoyable time '̂ "wus spent in bridj ê and whist. The winners were as follows: I Bridge:' Ladies' 1st, L. Stonier; consolation, Mias Elva MciCui'dy. . W hist; Iviulies' 1st, Mrs. J. D. Hardy; consolation, Verschoyle Martin,' Eight t i i^ s were in play and the evening closed with the .serving of dainty refresh- ni(?nts. the cjiurch ja built, on which lot they^propose to build an exten- slonf The matter was referred" to the Finance Committee with power to act. CN NY MAKE BROWN A MUNTON~ 1542 MARINE DRIVE , WEST 368Mi'iiiltors A.R.T. of B.O. HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN- ERS -- Window cleaners, eaye- trough cleaners, minor repairs. West 350-M; PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kabl mining; first class work at reasoH'1 able rates. H. Gaines, West 167-Ll LISTINGS WANTED H . A. Roberts Ltd., West VancouTerl PREDEBieR-Cr-AUBREY. Barrister, Spriertpf;..l^ ry ," "Wi::803"^lrk^ Real Estate Specialists' 1447 Mar-i Line Drive. West gi46.___ Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar- . ihe Prive; Offices:_Sey. ■0691, West 646; Residence, Whytecliff 546, KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING-) Apply Mrs.--E. Lathamr244g,Jiiarto The"ABC"of- PAINTING, AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. L H. Wedley, West 818. COACHING in High or Elementary I ™.;School- subjects--Majors :„Erench,aiij j English. " Phyllis Trafford, B.Aij West 445-L. Brock Whitney retpiested the Council to open Bay view Road l^tween Taylor Way and 6th Street in onier to give access to his property, Lota 21 to 24, D.L. • 1038. The Engineer - was in structed to bring in an estimate of the cost. H i g h w a y S a f e t y HANDY ANN SHOP72442 Marine -- Knitting Wool, Books, Needles, etc. Baby Woollens a specialty. HAtiLING, Manure, Fuel, Septicj Tanks and Rockpits installed ?:leaned. West 187-R. LA>VNMOWERS SHARPENED--We deliver and work g:uaranteed. Gall Mack, 'West 184-R. TIDE TABLES High Low Friday 8 :34 a.m. 2 :31 p.m. Saturday 9:48 a.m, 3;21p.m.» Sunday 11:14 a.m. : 15 p.nu Monday 12:50 p;m7-- 5 :30 pun. IMesday 2:85 p.m. 6:54 p.m. Wednesday 3 :50 p.m. 8 :00 a.m, Thursday 4:42 p.m. 8:50 a.m. A report to he effect that there were no cases of infectious dis eases in June was received by the Council from the Medical Officer. Pedestrians, Do YOUR P a rt! Cultivate g o o d Road Habits. Co-operate with the Motorist in making the Highways SAFE FOR ALL * FOR RENT -- Two rooms,-fcomfoTt< ably furnished suite' on waterfront. Reasonable., Ŵ est 445-Y, , .. WANTED--tCapable girl; Housework,! cooking; 3 to 8 daily except Sunday,) $10 and bus fare. Box 60, West Van) --^News. "l..ast,night whu'n I got homo, my wife Imd my. chair drawn up Inn'ore the , tire, my siipperjs ready for mo to pul on, my pipe all lilkai and "Howdid you like her now hat?" IN LOVING MEMORY of Mabel Bliz^eth Victoria Kruger, (Our Mab.s.), who was called home July 18th, 193S, Remembered by her -Fajpier and Mother, Brothers arid Sisters. "Not gone from memory or from love, But. to our Fathpr*s"home above," CONSOLIDATED ST.VTE.MENT OF VEHICLES CROSSING __________ l JU RR,VRD_INLm' --- -- ^ January to June, 1938.., ,... January to June, 19S9........ Uons'Gate 2ndNar. Nth. Van. Bridge Brijge Ferries ....... 462;i73 ^159,316 471,234 268,257 76,404. Total 621,489 , 815,895 mM- 4- tXlNSOLlDAIED-S'rvTE.MBNT-OF^PASS^ '̂aEltS ̂ CROSSING BURRARD INLET U se Sidewalks or Footpaths wher ever possible. In their absence, KEEP T O T H E LEFT, so as to ' FACE approaching Vehicles. Statistics prove that, while fata l. a c c id e n ts s ti l l occur where people walk on the Left of Rural. Roads, MORE THAN SEVEN TIMES AS MANY occur from . walking on the RIGHT. B ecau se o f H igher S p eed s , -accidents in the Country are_.' Seven Times as likely to be , ' Fatal as in the City. NEVER stand in the roadway WHY DELAY? -- ACT NOW OWNER LIVING in city, 3,054 miles from West Vancouver; airmails in structions to SELL his well built home at a sacrifice, the price 53,000; $500 down, $25 per month. 2 bed- poms, hallway, bathroom, nice liv ing room with'darge fireplace, large kitchen and nook,. glassed-in sun- room, garage with large sun roof, . the basement is especially good, Duroid roof, and- many other i features. The view is really grand, the location is one of the best, nice houses w ith, real nice neighbors; close, to stops, beach, etc. You can-, not beat this as an investment. No information by phone; for appoint ment to view' telephone West 55 or West 457-R-2. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, ̂ VV"est Van.'s Pioneer Realtors. _Opposite Hollyburn P.O. GARDENING, Contractors, Rockeries, rDawTis, Maintenance; hour, day, or contract;, experienced gardenersj) Phone West 51-M. WOMAN would' like daily work.] Phone West 51-M. LOSTR -- A pearl handled 2-blade Boker penknife, a present from the late Wm. Lawrence in Reyelstoke, 42 years ago. John Law'sbn. 147 FEET FRONTAGE in good rd- dential atea. Marine Drive, $1,000.1 C. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. Notary] services available." __ BARGAIN $550 for Small 3-room. Cottage 50 ft: lot all cultivated and in gar-j den.- See Mr. Kyle. H. A. Robe™ .Ltd., 1447 Marine Drive, West o«- Lions' Gate 2nd Nar. Nth. V̂ an. Bridge* Bridge, Ferries 4 - ilsif -t," AV. Van. ___ ___________ Perries January to June, 193S. .. ., . 1,122,333 1,227,387 - 514,590 2,864,310 January to June. 1939.... 1.353.207 634,983 1,069,127 357,207 3̂ 414,524,. soliciting ^'Lifts^^ From passing cars. This is a common source CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF VEHICLES CROSSING -T------- -- - - B l RK ARD INLET i l June. 193$ ..................... .'.......... June,, 1939 .................................... . Lions'Gate 2nd Nar. Nth. Van. Bridge Bridge Ferries ■ ;...... 101,690 32,884 93,005 47,028 14,459 Total 134,074 154,492 o f accident. Try NOT to do the UNEXPECTED. The Motorist does not 'expect you -to appear suddenly in his path. At night you can see him long before he can see you. CARD OF THANKS VV̂e. w'ish to thank our neighbors, friends and relatives for their acts of love and sympathy diiTirig the -Kcent--loss--of--our-beloved"rfath"er^ -Aminon F. Tabor, also the Lodfee L.O.L. 2990 for their beautiful floral tnbute and meriibers of the West Vancouver Baptist Church. Mrs. Chas. Wintle, Mrs, Al. Provincial, . Claude P. Tabor, Bob Tabor, and Brother John Tabor. SACRIFICE AT $300 -- Good view lot close t o ' beach; all cleared; j Diamond Realty, 1395 Marine Drive,] West 719. 4' ' 4-ROOM COTTA'GE on the hillsid̂ ; magnificent view; fruit trees; closiiiagiiuicem; view, xrui«, . to transportetion; your̂ oppor,tow|i at $1150. H, Fallows Realty, N , Marine Drive." West 912: Eve. " ^243^3: FOR SALE -- Fme.tone hand , violins, partly niatiired, easy terni small monthly payments, 2568 Mathers Avenue. Phone w 172-R-2. .. LOST -- Keys in case from „; Inglewood and 16th. Young. c o n so l id a t e d s t a t e m e n t o f p a s s e n g e r s _______ CROSSING BURRARD INLET June, 1938 .j.,...... ............ June, 1939 .................... Lions' Gate End Nar, Nth. Van. W, Van. Bridge Bridge Ferries Ferries Useless .Advice 275,823 261,560 21 7 ^ 5 176,125 93,425 56,372 672,270 631,578 TRM&'̂ ĉanam I I Thoughtful Friend: "My good man, you had better take the street car home," - . Illuminated One: «Sno use. Wife wouldn't lemme--hie--kepe it-faHhe-^- houshe." FOR SALE -- B y owner, 29 Chrysltf ~Ck>upe, $200; good condition, ' _664rY. FOR RENT -- Five room bung ĵj 19th and Waterfront; avails ] August 1st. Trinity 5963-K----| LOST^-- Black kitten, 3 months^ | white spot on chest. Reward. * 489. . , ' i - l f ldv, . r;!}-;- !s5-