v.-'̂-m.-.--̂ri -V* *5.¥ -M i,,lv 20, Iggg f ^ * ^ ^ R N I S H I N G S IH E WEST VAN NEWS I " ^{'a MPBELL'S s u i t s m a d e t o m e a s u r e M c L E p D 'S M E N S W E A R " " .Iw "f* WEST VANCOUVER J ' ACROSS FROM S A F E W A Y " is 1370 Marine Drive Phone W est 331 V « n D A n V m onthlyl^ lI lI A iA lA M 3c per day Ti"..'̂ l<iattrA rtiff. Phfnn Jirifl CliLRfl'vimt'A tJ|>-to-date Agents for Remington Typewriters. f o u n t a in p e n s -- PE N aL S -- INKS, ETC. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 Murine' oP«rt until 8 p.m. , Phone West 687 r Mr.' arid Mrs;"3:- A. Crutek-"' ' M fr'and'M rs,'Kenneth M<>- shank, and Aubrey Clarke, paid Naughton of. the Hollybum a weekerul visit to the new home Block, 16th and Marine Drive, of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Welsh, and were hosts at a dinner party Mrs. E. Stitt of Tacoma, late of yesterday eveninif in honor of Procter Avenue, West Vancou- Mr. Eccieston, who is on the ver. engineering staff of the,Empress of Russia, and Mr. Keith of van- "'COUVer.'\ . ; ; , ........................................ . ,...v James Reid, 15th and Fulton ing her son-in-law and daughter,^^Ayenue, has left for Zcballos, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rpss. ^«,B.C., where ho and his partner .* * *. have secured the electric con- , Mr, and Mrs; Leslie Fordham tract, of Peace River, Alberta, have * ♦ ★ lejft for home again after a visit Miss Ruth Greene has ivjturn- to Mr. Fordham's sister, Mrs. e<l to her homo on 29th, to oon- John Fox, 3026 Marine Drive. valesce after an operation for appendicitis at St, Paul's Hos- ' ' IK' * ■ ■» Mrs. F. Knight-IIodge is spending a short vacation at Powell River,.where she is visit- iK 'it< ̂ 4< Bruce Smith and William Rus sell, Junior, are back at their desks again after a vacation in the interior. They, reported ex cellent fishing. pital. Before " dropping in " call by "long distance" If you are planning on "dropp^ ping in" to see friends or rela.- tives in another town, w h y not advise them by a long-distance' call? It's the easiest and most friendly way to give details of your arrival. They'll appreci^ ate your thoughtfulness and you'll be surprised to learn hovv little it costs to talk by " long distance." Rates arc lowest each' week day after 7 p.m., and all day on Sundays. DEATH OP AMMON ̂ FOWLER TABOR AmmCn Fowler Tabor passed ' away last Saturday at the home of l;is daughter, Mrs. Ruth Wintle of 99814th Street, in his ̂ 85th-year. Of United Empire stock, Mr. Tabor was bom in Hammond Vale, N.B., and had lived here for twenty-six years. His grand, father, Jesse Tabor, was one 9f the first white children born in St. John, N.B.; after the landing . of the United Einpire Loyalists in 1783. In his. early 'teens, Mr. Tabor became identified with the Loyal , Orange Lodge in New Brunswick and is probably one of the oldest veterans^ of that organization in*the entire Dom inion. He had been active in L.O.L. 2990 for some years. Surviving are two - daughters, Mrs. Ruth Wintle and Mrs. Ella Provencal, both residing here; two sons; Claude S., East Port, Maihe, and Robert C.; VaE^ou- vei!i' a brother, John H. Tabor, Victoria. Also surviving are eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held at .3 P.m. last --Tuesdajr-at-the-Hollybum-Fun- eral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., with Dr.,W. S, Reid officiating^ -and^-nt-ertnent--was--made-- în- . Canilano View Cemetery. ■ Of ficers of L.O.L. No. 2990, of which the deceased was a piern- ber, conducted their service at the graveside. " A son was^orn to Mr. and Mrs. A? Eradus (nee Isabelle Black) of 22nci Street on 'Tues day of last week tit the North Miss Isabel Anderson of Acton, Vancouver General Hospital. Ontario, is visiting her brother- ♦ ♦ * CulUn--Siurgess Holy Trinity Church, Vancou ver, was the setting for a quiet weddirig on the afternoon of July*8, when Dorothy, daughter in-law, W. J. Cripps, 2361 Mar ine Drive. Miss Anderson is en route to Alaska. - ' " Mr. and Mrs. English are hav- „ ------------------- „ ing a new home built at Radoliffe of Mrs. A. M. Sturgess of Nelson, Avenue and Marine Drive. was united in marriage to Mr. * '" * Francis Rowland Rous Cullin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ewarts of formerly of West'Vancouver, and Pomona, California, are the son of Mrs. W. B. Haynes of house guests of Mrs. and Mrs. Oliver ând the late Lieutenant- Clarence Sorenson, 20th and ' Colonel 'H. J. Rous Cullin. The 'Jefferson Avenue. ceremony was performed at 3 :30 * * * o'clock by Rev. N. D. B. Lar- Mr. and Mrs. Don Armstrong, month. Given in marriage by 16th Street, had as their week 'her grandfather, Mr. P. W. Sev- ,end guests relatives from Femie, annell,. the bride was attended B. C. hy Miss Peggy 'Whitehouse as * * bridesmaid. Mr. T. B. K. Crick- Mrs. Gibson ̂ 23rd and Belle- may was the groomsman. Fol- vue Avenue, is visiting in Vic- lowing, a. reception which .was toria. ' held at thraUiome of Mr. and * * * Mrs. AdanfL^pSr. jr., 6069 Wil- Mrs. Staples of San Di^go, lihgdon Pla^^W . and Mrs. Rous California, who was staying at Cullin left on a short wedding the Clachan, has left to reside in trip. On returning they will re- Vanbouver o 4 - 'W/iof xni/iTTjavvj-Vi-- Fred Vass of Montreal, is visit ing his brother, Dr. WrH. Vass', Hollyburn Block, 16th and Mar-, "ine'Drive:^--------------------------- - side at 1536 West ElevehtirAve^-- nue, city. H, Ostrom, manager of the Royal Bank of Canada here, and ■;;Mrs-.-Ostrom-are-spending-a-va- 'cation dn the south.He * * •'i 1 West 190 ijeri in T„on M o p k e ^ f s ii 1578 M arine Drive fR€€ . West 190 F rid ay a n d S a tu rd a y FREE ' . Q P F . n i A T DELIVERY Grade A - Red-Brand B U T T E R First Grade 3 lbs. 7 S c G rade A Red B rand Rump Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast .23e lb. - Shoulders Lamb 22c per 4b. BAKEASY BreaspLamb Rolled Ribs Roasts per lb. 5FC^er~lDr^ ^ ^ 5 c lb. .iiSS iP IIP I® Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon 15c ipib.pkg. ■Roast Veal 20c per lb. Short Ribs 12'|2clb. Breast Veal 12 *|2C per lb. Spaghetti and I R i i l l i i Cooked -Meat Balls Con-Carne Beef Slew -I5c-per-tifc7 TSc^rtin 15c per tin i~-~]MrS'r̂ a'm'es~H S m-ith-- chased at. 15th and Fulton Ave- 992 '20tfi Street, have just.re- ̂ - turned from a 3;000 mile'motor * *_ * ̂ journey to the south, going by A son was born' on Sunday at the Columbia River route to the the Vancouver General Hospital Dalles, calling at volcanic Mount to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Lassen Park, Lake Tahoe, Reno, Holmes (nee Gertrude Kellett) Nevada, and staying a few days of 2348 Bellevue Avenue. at Yosemite National Park. The' ♦ * return journey was -made via '■Carmel--by^the Sea, San Fran- eiseb, the: Exposff Island and the Redwood high way. ,♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Audrey Sproull of Win nipeg, is the guest of ^r. and Mrs.̂ Wilfred M Mr. Cook, 16th. and Water front, has returned from a holi day upepast. ■ Weir-*--cReattie Summer flowers graced St. Stephen's Church for the wed- ding Sunday afternoon, July 9th,. Avenue of Jane Rosalind, daughter of , » » Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beattie, to Engagement James, son 'of Mrs. J- Weir of Thonip.son Vancou^r, and the late Mr. J. West .Vancouver, announce J the engagement of their eldest ^rmed by Rev, Canon d l^sum . daughter, Grade Elizabeth, to Given in marriage by her father Rupert Arthur Harrison, elde.st .the bride wore a niauve ensen^le Harrison, and the with white accessories while her g ^ Harrison. The wed. shoulder corsage consisted of place at the West pink roses and white h ith e r , - Vancouver United Church on tended h er sister a& .bridesmaid, ^oxn. ̂ ^ wore an ensemble British Next Sunday evening in Stan- biege p.nd cream, with shoulder park at the Home Gas con- oor^ge of mauve sweet cert the Remnants Glee Club will Mr, T. Lightly ^r.^si^ported "panada .Salutes " Their J Majesties," the song corapo.sed and Mr. Bloxham acted as by June Daye of Hollyburn which was accepted by the King.The registrar^TSB"P..Aibirrpla3r=r--̂ " hc ed nuptial music. j Stratton, Following the ceremony a re- j 4gg as ception.was held at the home of - - ^ the bride's parents.^ On return-, , . . , . . . . * their guests Mr, and Mrs, Youngthe bride s parent^ on return^ from the Old Country, who are Txr ng trip Mr. round the world, and Mrs. Weir will reside on the North Shore. DUNDARAVE REGATTA EXPERT . "W atcta~and-Glodc eb pa im n o . T. CHRISTENSON; (formerly with B ir^-Ltd., ^Montreal) -______ 1522JMarke_Ilrl_Te.__ J _ All persons interested in the contmuationrof"the-^nual Dun,- dara,ve Regatta are"- invited to attend a meeting for the pur pose of forming a regatta com mittee at 7:30 p;ni7 next, Tues- :day,l July :25th, at Dundarave Pier. I - - Stratton's.BAKERY H O M E -M A D E FRESH DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pics -- Cookies Eedes Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls >. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 " cut v'JHiklUFEMi JEi JRik' JK, 2490 Marine Drive (JltOCRRlES, FRUIT. VKCJUrARLES, TORACCOS, CONFEC/nONEUY W est 1 6 2 FREE DELIVERY 3J,- Hollyborn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND , SATURDAY MATINEE ihily 20th, 21 at ami 22i\d „ iiOKElTA YOUNCw RICHARD GREENE "KENTUCKY" (Once o»dy at 8 p.m.) ' , , ■ also • News, Cartoon, Etc. SAT. EVENING, & MONDAY July 22ml and 24th RONALD COLMAN FRANCES DEB RASIL RATIIRONE 'IF I WERE KING' (from the play "The Vusubohd King") ; r Also Cartoon, Nows, Etc. 7 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 25th and 20th BARBARA STANWYCK m W A ¥ S « 0 O D B U : 99 -(-0nee-only--at-8 ;il 5-)- also "NURSE FROM BROOKLYN" Jacks 1516 M arine Drive West' 710 SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Furniture Repaired Covered and Polished V ER N O N F E E D STO RE A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies West Vancouver M essenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE - or Light Transfer Work of any description ==-=Eor-~Prompt=Seryjce,=EIiQiie.= WEST 700 Garrod & Nelson for better PLUM BING Repair Experts West 226, 2460 Marine Dr. Dr. G. E. Bayfield, who has been up the coast-with the Col umbia Coast Mission, has return ed to his home at 2004 Ingle wood Avenue. - --