_ *,, _ _ ̂ ^ A-Weekly**N e wspaper Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver-Ambleside, Holly burn, Westbn, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park,, Caulfeild, ' Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy ^ Vol. X IV HOLLYBURN P.O .; WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 20th.' 1939 No. 15 OUR opportunities in th e orient Over a year ago we carried an editorial advocating the formation of classes in Vancouver for the teaching of the Chinese language. This in order that we might have men so equipped to send out after the tremendous mlarkets that miist develop in connection with the rebuilding of China, wh^n the present war has ended with the final defeat of Japan. For that is the only way in which hostilities will cease in the Orient, and the end is probably nearer than the general public realizes. ' ' i Now Professor Kiang Kang-Hu, LL;D., former Dean of Chinese Literature at McGill University, and one of the out standing Chinese of his' time, has been here suggesting the , establishment of a chair of Chinese studies.at the U.B.C. In recent years it has become the fashion to criticize the teaching of the dead languages in Canada. The old classical education has been decried as useless and entirely out of date in these days of sipientific achievement. We do not know exactly how the, matter stands npmfbht so many years ago there was hardly a university iil the' country which'did., not include science of, some kind as a compulsozry subject in its matriculation examination to the exclusion of Latin or Greek. ............ ■ • , The value of a knowledge of the dead languages, especially so far as Greek is concerned, may be a question for debate, but there should, be no difference* of opinion at all among the people of British Columbia as to the worth to them of a' real knowledgi^f Chinese. ' •. We have looked to the east fiar too long instead of across the Pacific, where a niarket' has always awaited us compared with which those of Eastern Canada and the prairies are little more than a drop in the bucket. For us to try, as we have been trying for years, to beat the eastern manufactu-rer in his own market aiid that of the prairie provinces is largely a was^ of time and effort. The mountain rates, however much j:hey are reduced--and it is quite unlikely that they will be reduced to any appreciable, extent--will always be against us. Then the volume of trade and a surplus piled up through the years are all in favor of our eastern competitors. The huge Chinese market, of which we might have had quite a share, had we been, more alive to the situation and our geographical position, was-largely captured by the Jap anese. That is/where our grealLopxJOrtupity wilLcome-when- the present war ends, as i t muW before long witli the ineviL ^ble defeat of Japan. For the Chinese have sworn that under no circumstances will they have any more business dealings with the invaders of their, country. And a Chinese boycott îs-i^a h and-one^hundred »tifer-cent- efficient;---- -----/" There^-will be, of coiir^r plenty of competition. The iL GARDEN PARTY GOLDEN WEDDING The ladies., of St. Anthony's Church are holding a garden party on Wednesday, August 2nd, on the beautiful grounds of Miss Cusack's home at 22nd and Mathers Avenue. /feWIMMING & DIVING (Article 3) By Molly Edwards BEGINNERS' STROKES a n a l y z e d . fliiravo Pier. Phono West 208-MItlltMtl Mr. and Mrs, W* K. W o^ 2414 Bellevue, Avenue, well known old time i*esidents of the municipality, celebrated their golden wedding last Mondayi July 17th,,baving b^n inarried at Chridtchurchy Pitsnioof, Shef field, on that date in the year nr n . . 1889. Mr, Woodcock has been a Molly LdWards' swimming and school teacher all his life, being diving classes for beginners and principal successively at Crookes- advanced pupils are held bn moor and Broom Hill ip England, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. ■ ■ . previous to coming to Vancou- , t-, •, ■ , in Dog paddle, sculling on the \ ver in May, 1912, since v^hen he hriday alternoons at Dun- back and treading water are " was on the teaching staff, of the ' strokes used for resting and to city schools lip to the time of his 'give confidence in learning more retirement several years ago. His j advanced swimming. They are family joined him in August easily learned, but the beginner; the following year, and they should ibe sure of them before have been residents of West trying more difficult strokes. Vancouver since 1916. Two Practice these strokes at home daughters were born to them, or on shore. Be sure you know Mrs. S. G. Forde of Sardis, B.C., what you areiroing to do before and Mrs. .^Ibert Gibbs of 24th smne time, was .weiland favor entering the water, then RELAX and Mathers Avenue, and there ably known in West Vancouver, arid KEEP YOUR HEAD. are three grandchildren. where he formerly, conducted a DOG PADDLE-- On Monday evening they were taxi service which he had to re- (1) Position--Body horizontal surprised by a large number of limiuish owing to failing health, face down, chin just resting on their friends, who called to offer Surviving are his wife and one the water, legs well extended but them their congratulations and ^ ^ ----- ' not stiff. to wish them many more happy (2) Arm Stroke -- Hands years. G. E. Brealey in, a few slightly cupped. Hands reach well chosen'words proposed the forward alternately as ifcatching ' toast to the happy couple, which a handful of water and shoving was responded to by Mr. W66d- it downward and backward, i.e., cQck. Mrs. W. E. Sewell then the right hand reaches forward, presented on behalf of the guests directly in front, of the right an electric toaster and a beaiiti- DEATH OF ABE MASON Abe -Mason, 1403 Clyde Ave nue, passed away , last Tuesday in St. l^aul's Hospital. The de ceased, who had been ill, for shoulder and . pushes down and babk in a straight line to the . -right-rside while the left-hand is reaching forward; then the left arm strokes,. Arms are kept underwater'during this elemen tary stroke. _ . • -Leg-Action--An-alternate ful silk uinbrella to Mrs. Wood cock, both artistically wrapped in .gold, paper -and -ribborib -̂ ô match, while Mrs. G. M. Shef- ' field played "Here comes the i.Bfide." A lucky shoe was also sister in California. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow from ,the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. Hillis Wright of- fioiating, and interment will be made in Capilano View,. Cemet ery. NEW ANIMAL HOSPITAL British and the Americans will be out to increase their already -very^eaw3^-^-ade-t-herer-that-L>eingi£obviously-one-of--the-ehief- reasons for the support they are now giving'-to Chiang Kai- Shek. T ■ . - ■ • ■____ _-- _ But ample room will still be'available for us, provided we come prepared. And there could be no better way, as we-̂ see it, in which we could do so than to be ̂ ble to send out trade emissaries who could converse with the Chinese in their own language. , . ______ presented from Mr. A. Capon. _________ ____________ /Mr.^Woodcock-on43ehalf-of-hjmw BACK SCULLING-- -ed by them. Previous to the Di'. J. A. Nelson hafj this week opened a new animal hospital in the modern building he has just had completed on the south side of Marine■ Drive near Taylor. Wayr'l'heTTew ins;titutiofiTwhfe in con- tairis a reception room, consult- TORCHLIGHT TATTOO Many and variouk have been the attractions put before the people of West Vancouver for their entertainment and educa tion in past years, but it is an accepted fact that nothing previ ously accomplished in this line of endeavor can or will come up to the high standard of, interest that will aocnie from the Milit ary display and Torchlight Tat too to be presented by the . 1st Veterans'Battalion (Vancouver) at Ambleside Payk' on Wednes day, August 2nd, coiriniencing at. o-prmTy^his is the oldest iand most dignified ceremonial in the British Array and will be pre sented here in the same form as out on the Horse Guards Parade, ondon. ; A further attraction will be provided by kind liermission of lan Lisenhardt, Provincial Dir-, ^ tor of a gymnastic display composed of twenty of the most exponents of this art under Provincial Chief Instruc tor Jerry Mathisen. Toe H, who ' .sponsoring this feature, are king for full co-operation of ^vent as it is h^vy item of expense coiv?r"^^^? t h e onlt are 25c: vrirti V, ***? f rand-stand s^ ts , to the orgi MtWtS® '"terested- in youth ■ P 'aase make i t a date he P l ^ . ^ you**! hath ' D.V.A. OPEN NEW ^ HEADQUARTERS Opening of the new Club Head quarters o f the D.V.A. this yv êk is, of more than passing interest to ex-servicemen resident in this municipality assign ify in g that what appear, to be formidable obstacles can be successfully overcome by co-operative effort. The Disabled Veterans' Associ ation of West Vancouver takes this opportunity to extend an invitation to all ex-service men . ,in West Vancouver, and the -^tri*tlr Shore generally, to^aake ui^ of the facilities of these new headquarters including expert ^ v ice on pension adjustment problem^. VICTORIA APPROVES $150,000 WATER LOAN "("l~)"Position--Body-horizontal,- face up. Hips are"kept well up in line with the body, chest high, shoulders and head well back. ' (2) Arm Stroke--The hands are moved outward from the body, palms down, then the water is pushed towards the feet F R W grove,®rccom -' I t o tx^ro^sTruns ' ' l l ; U « s there is an up-to-date flat, intogave two, vocal numbers by special request of Mrs. Wood cock. The beautifully appoiiited table was centred with an ex- with'ihe" "palms' of the 'cupped ffuisite gift vase filled with talis- hands. Keep the arms under- man roses flanked on each side water and fairly close to the_. by a single rose m a silvei vase, lateĝ - |;yp ̂ ĵj furnace hips. Both arms otroke at the and the rooms were a veritable bower of flowers sent by friends. Mrs. A. E. Young was in charge of the arrangements assisted by Mesdames L. Rankin, J, Glover, and J. Van der Gracht. Included in the guests were Mrs. Beall, Mrs. H. W. Powell, Trustee and same time in this movement (3) Leg Action -- An alter nate up and ddvm kick, knees slightly bent. TREADING WATER-- (1) Position --; Body vertical, chin resting on the water. (2) Arm Stroke -- Arms are! kept shoulder high and move (a) as in dog paddle, with the which Dr. and Mrs. Nelson have moved. from their Tormer resi dence at 2347 Marine Drive. The building is air-conditioned throughout and is heated by the EVELYN WHITELL TO LECTURE HERE John Fox, Mr a^d Mrs. Ad^Ph arid Right Thinking" - a m ost W *11 v»'wi u.c p sago sho has Carried all ovor tho downward push only, or (b), as q* world, into the large towns and in back sculling, amiis moving a small. She is a writer of many outward (palms down)'and back Tpat! which delight the hearts'orraiT, +y. Mrs. F. F. Lovegrovc, Miss Jcan -̂v,p D7 Cariipbe --Mrs". G. M. Sh-gf̂ Evelyn Whitell, author and lec turer, will speak in the Church Hall at 2506 Marine, on Tuesday "agaiTi (palms at right angles to the water) in front of body. , w . "Healing" Under Tropical (3) Leg A ction -- (a) Legs • Skies," written on the Hawaiian move alternately up arid down as ^ ̂ Islands, among the old natives, ;.The application of the Council' for a $150,0tf0 water loan, under the 2 per cent liquidating scheme has been approved by the Prov incial Government and has been forwarded to Ottawa for the ap proval. of the Federal Govern ment. if walking or (b) as if imitating bicycle riding. ■ ̂ Z ' in a wonderful way. It has been When you are confident of (^cW^Mr^^ said that this book is a subject these strokes practice (1) Turn- a? ' a ̂ ^ sermon-m any church, as ing--while swimming dog paddle r .'kI/x by looking over the shoulder , (in p Mrn the direction you wish to turn) j FREEMAN'S GROCCERY - Freeman's Grocery, 2490 Jlar- ine. Drivg, carry full lines of T^qceries, fruit, vegetables, to- .baccos and confectionery. Phone V^^t 1^2. Free delivery. They solicit the -patronage of the public. ^ and turning your .strokes in this direction. Keep your swimming position, legs well up. - (2) Rolling--from dog paddle to sculling stroke and back again, by ducking one shoulder in the water and lifting the other out and over. . - (3) Changing -- from dog paddle to treading water to Frank Lowe, Ramsey. the Rev. F, A. . HOLLYBURN HALL it brings the beauty of the Bible, as it is received by the natives, into a fuller light. Miss Whitell has just returned from a lecture tour through Canada, where her work was met with great enthus iasm and /crowded halls. She will speak on Tuesday night on "Lov ingly * in- .the Hands of . the ■Sunday.. School'and Young Father," the book which has People's Bible Class will be held been the inspiration of thous- at 10 a.m. next Sunday, July ^̂ jjds, and has gone into homes 23rd, in. HoIIybum Hall. At the ¥ fom of the ea^h, sculling. , rr.on___G,.v,rio,r changing lives, healing.the sick, Practice the ^ b v e tiir you. are I"' anfi upKftirig the sorroiTf^ confident you can look after M.oming will give a Gospel lecture will be followed by a heal- yqurself in the water, then you. address. Next Tuesday at 8 p-ni. ing silence for all in need, and a are ready to try diving.and more prayer and ministry of the ^rip- blessing for all the^^world. This advanced strokes. lures, when the speaker will l^. lecture is undenominational,--is (Next week-^Beginners' D iv ^ J* Y. M. Aitken, taking as his open to the public and a cbllec- -----1 \ ' SUbjCCt "The BOOk of Ruth." +i/w.ing and The Crawl.) tion will be taken. --V-