wmm THB w m f VAN NEWS <MI'i||iaMIMM|WBpiii|j>i|Mi|ilî ^ SMITH'S MAR1̂ ET fimnui< Went vJEEscsriByL S m ltsE ,,*--ji«At»»*w#ii Free Dellvciry 8errle« • Monthly Account . SUGGESTIONS for FRIDAY & SATURDAY. July 14th & 151h M E A T S Free Delivery W IJKEF--Clr»Je A and A1 DAMB--Top QiiaUty F(Jf{K--Grain Fed VKAI^MIIk Fed AYEMKIt IIONKUWS CHICKEN 7 ox. tin . Ked A White FEAHK IK ox. Hqu»t Tin .. It4xi A While FKAH ^NKW FACK! HTItAWDKUUy JAM U<*d A While Brand . 2fc . . I6c tin 13c 4 lb. tin 52c FIJUK LAUD--SwJfi'M Silverleaf I lb. (!iirtoii .................... HWANHDOWN CAKE FLOUU Fuckel . u r l;;'4'■ Uc 26e I(<h1 a While TOMATO JUJCE A irreat 'bijf S.'i'U/, tin .......only 10c Bed A White COFFEE Irriidiul4><l.................. pound tin 37c Red A White FEANUT IlC ri'ER . pound .......................................... lOc FCFFEl) WHEAT Ouiilier ..................................pkL 10c .SALMON ...................... tin 9c Re4l A While CATSliF , 12 o x . bottle......................... ....... 15c It4d A White CHILI SAUCE 12 ox. Cocktail Hhnker llottlo,..., 19c ESSAY ON CITIZENSHIP " B f U K i t o l l y Hobln*'"-' Grade VIII, West Vancouver Junior Wgh School ■ •'(■Awarded" f 1 r s t '*P rtee '-by-* ihe- North Shore Local Council of ■ ........ ' 'ago; in: a ' gu idance- ^■■;elaa0"AU';i'm|3ortan t"'questitw brought"" u p / ' *'W hat ̂Is "C itizen; ■ s h ip ? " T h ig probleni h a s b e a r in g on th e lives o f m en and .w om en ev ery w h ere . W h at ex a c tly IS citi55eri.sii ip ? IC yQjy<wli in a d ic tio n a ry you will l i n d ^ i s HREAST OF LAMB, per lb....' 16c defin ition , " th e r ig h ts and 'pF iv - HREAST OF VEAL, per lb.......... 13c Heges o f a c itizen ." T he best FICKLEl) FORK HOCKS, lb...... 10c FRESH FISH DAILY FIJi.L LINE OF DELICATESSEN .St'NKIST LEMONS......... IJ for 14c. VAJ.ENCIA ORAN^IES Family hIzv................... dozen 23c l.iirKP. Hi/.e. .̂................. dozen 34c ibiiiaiiaM -- AppIcH -- Cunteloupea L4>lli(ce, X'arroU, ToinalooH, Cucum- biTN, ( alibuKc, OnionH. RadlHheK, V , , Etc. V .EV U jriiiP ii^ SASH A POORS„ SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH . I / " NO SUBSTITUTE , FOR QUAUTY Agenta: PA IN T BUILDERS' SUPPLIPQ ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE CANADA PA IN T COMPANY LTD. Y /m VANCOUVER lu m ber CO. LTD. 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CORRESPONDENCE 0: P }, „ 4, i Editor, West Van .News, Sir,--We are asked t<j consider an addition to the high school. Object? To create more idle jobless young men. We have been .wuirncd by a well known ..paper and by a well known churohman, thatr we are standing on the wrong foot both vvh'th regard to our schools and our churches. Why not get oil' that foot pronto, before more damage is done? W(( can. It is not so hard as it looks. How is it that lucky boys from England can have model farm schools, while there is not a single such school in the whole F'arker--Lcmercicr Members of the Royal Air - .-vi.̂ un.. «v; proviiled * guard of hmior ' od unwritten laws surely, butill lhf» u'f'fifiimr Ht HiornfolH ___..i, ..i;....._ answer to this important tjues- tion given in class that day was this, "Good citizenship is doing the right thing in the right way, both a t school and in later life." School, then, .seems to introduce the study of citizenship, but one can go farther.. .back) than the •school--to the family. The way a child is brought up has a great deal to do with his attitude and progress a t school, and his pro gress a t school with his place in the world after school days are over. A considerate person obeys the common laws of courtesy by which a home should be govern- CLASSIFIED ADS The r»u for ClMffiwS AdvwtiMmeDU ia I conta per word, minimum 25 conti. Except I n j p regular accounts, all cl»„" fieda are payable aUricUy >n « m w Remember ClaBaifleda m the.Weat Van NeWa get Immediate reaults. Ilighfield rujivertheless contributing much ( Imroh, Southampiom on Satur- , to the building of good citizens, ............ ^ .... ------------ Generosity, courtesy, obedi ence, honesty, courage and public spiritedhess are th e ' chaTacter-" jstics of the ,ideal citizen. Let us consider each of these points more fully and see what it im- 5'- -i (1 a y, bf Miss Joan M anbrie Le- imrcicr, (laughter of Mr. and ..Mils,..Frank Lcmercicr, of St. ( 'y r, R Ic 11 h e i m A yen ue/ So u t h- am|)t(>n, to Flying-Officei* Eric rarker, .son of Mr, and Mrs. .................. - '̂"•Th'igh I'arker, of West Van- piies, Generosity is the,mark of ■' ^ . an unselfish citizen. Be generous Mi.ss l4!m(u*cier, who was given w ith your time,, your work and away by her lather, \yore a your possessions. Give what you period Irock pt w h i^ moire silk can to the betterment of man- 'V- ' white cam- kind and of your country, Help clias. She carried a bouquet of your fellow-citizens in every way vainelias and white roses. ̂ ̂ will be province for our own boys. In- bridesmaids were Miss , more worth while becau.se of it. stead we are asked to put up' «^;^/'**?-)yJ;omerder (.siste Another important character- unother fancy building where a, Ann AVeps (cousin) and istio of an ideal citizen is court- hijiillhv. Iiov wi^ H Tvi11 cf*i/̂ krt' , . ' OwGii woi*o osy* ..^s you ^0 tihi*OLi.̂ h life you ro.se pink ^moire silk period will find tha t courtesy pays im 1 rocks, with , head-dress'es of various ways. It helps in male sweet peas, and earned bouquets - • • b f sweet peas. . : ; y FTying-Officer Ay M./ . was .Thebest man. *. "The service, which'included Breathed (TVr EHAn" ,n»i4 "A m.'a!thy boy with muscles strain ing for exorcise must sit and study health from a book, while mother buys the' potatoes he could have found real health in growing for her in the back yard. They sit again to stud\' pages ot French grammar, wjiibli *on b^ len--per-"cen t~wil t iv ing a good first impression, which is very important in a vo cation where you meet many people. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated by therh. One of" the most im portanfOf^ttie factors in the makeup of a goodl citizen is obedience. Obey the , ■ 'V ^5 '**'1S.) " € member. Again they sit to study breathed O'er Eden" laiid "O A *p*tze of iiidifToreht poetrv^ vvas conducted by m .uucuience. wooy me tp_nTnTiTng" 7" ^ « '^ ' " ^ ^ ....Ful^Tof your scT iW alr^ of the great standard works of Highlield. Mr. G. R. L. Hume of your country. Obey the orders - tliê L̂ ri i bl -̂---- i \ t . . Y - i 1 i. A TecepliOn >va ̂ field a t the doubt their wisdom. Ih e hoiiey^ioon will be spent qualitie^of a w6 touring Devon and Cornwtill. should be honest^with ourselves -̂------ and with our fellow-citizens. To n o r t h SWORE be honest wth ourselves nieajis GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 510.W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by. appointment. West 403. FOR- RENT -- Furnished room; 2126 Marino Drive. Phono West 927-L. "NOTARY PU B L IC ,G eneral Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 140B Marine Drive. West *2L________ ; ^ LISTINGS WANTED -- Houses to ■ Rent, Sell or Buy, Pemberton's, Trinity 1271. Evenings, «W est ' ■ 437-Y-l. WELLBUILT 5 Room Bungalow for ' sale, cheap; by absentee owner. 5 rooms plus large sunroom, furnace, good Wsement, fireplace, . fully "7"'modern,'stucco finish. Price reduced to $3200; $500 down, $25 per month to reliable purchaser. Taxe Sale Lots • We will be pleased to show a select- . ed_ list of Tax Sale Lots; these lots •. are for sale .subject to prior sale, Excellent value. We want listings of Houses for sale. Client wants to lease house, 3 bed rooms. Client wants small unfurn ished house to rent, lease. t ; Ask us the selling price of any prop- ertv in West Vancouver LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE, West Van.'s Pioneer Realtors. Qpp. Hollyburn P.O. West 55. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation cost^ from _ 1/3 to %• Use a bulldozer. Phone tJ. W. Kis- sick. West 252-L. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials " used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. _W.JH..JLASS,,lChiropractor,-^Suitel4,_.. Hollyburn Block. CASH FOR JUNK - Bottles, ran , Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves! Tools, „ etc.; nothing too big or too small, Burrard Junk Colt West g;, TO RENT -- Cabins at the Clachan. Phone West 604. ..............'T----------------------«.■ 25c LADIES' LIFT'S, 2 5 c - Leather or rubber. Webb's Shoe Uetiairs ^ 4 6 3 Marine. ' FOR SALE -- .16 foot Peterboro canoe, first class condition, sails aiid outrigger,--paddles complete. West 959-L., , ........ --.... .................... ̂ A. . FOR SALE ~ Dropside couch, $3.75; gateleg tableland chairs, nook set! . West 320-L.___________■ . OFFICE WORK -- Intelligent girl wanted, capable of meeting public. Reply by letter stating quallfica! tions, age, etc., to Box 43, West Van News. LOST --- Double-bitted axe on Ingl ̂ wood between High School and 15th . West 32-L. __________ • : WANTED -- A small house, $50 doHn and ten a nfionth; must be bargain. Apply Box 41, West Vap. News. , FOR SALE---1937. Singer Car de luxe coach, sunshine roof. Perfect con dition. $450. W est 254-M-3. GOOD VIEW LOT -- Cleared, close in, $275. H. Fallows Reajty, West , 912. Res. W est 243-M-3. FOR SALE -- Portable pSultry pen, 4 ft: X 10 ft,, or suitable for aviary. Snap for cash. 1270 Haywood Ave. FOR SALE "Superior" two burner electric, plate; high, medium and low cohtrol;' good condition. West ~~556^:M^ . "'-........................... WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store ---F-i-xt-uresT":House~Fixtures7~"-Wtrod" ----------- f ^ ' : "Si illll Etlucaliolii lorgol fils Greek and Latin throiijfh-tho holidays and siudv the va.st hint(?rlaiKl of B. C. and Its need of .sturdy, practical men and boy.s. Forty thousand dol lars i.s ample to .^tart a farm school for our West Vancouver hoys. Almost - all great men were raised iii the country. JhertLime tions--governimhit owned, fj-ee for the asking -- a lake, '! '} i. 'A ■̂"4 ■ ' ' I." : # ' • ffl 'firh;i- f ; U ------- - 'TV** WMa.'KJWA T MOUNTAIN PLAYGROUND know ourselve's and not to be fooled intd thinking we are better than we actually are. C()urage is another .desirable quality in the makeup of a good citizen, courage .to go on when the future seems darkest, cour- 'a w»'-{ 1 y-» - J A ' i i ' Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood- __»a^J<L„oi^.all descriptions. Phones: --West.^.740-and--West- 443-R.-- 1488- Clyde Ave, _____ GORDON GRAY^--= Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele- phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. GUESTS Transients and perman ent. Sunlit.. Lodge, West-Bay,-West ' "379-Y-2. Fifteen hundred skiers as^ sembled in the Hotel Vancouver "lasT"TlTQTsda>' evening to hear w hat had been done apd the prospects'- of obtaining a moun-\VOf»d»i Ihn (ho uj. v./ui.<vijuii2J a m uuu- - ------- -- v,uui- hVin in ̂ irnmn ' tain park to extend fix>m Squam- ^ spite of unvoiced p e c t i n / v The main and fears, courage to do m ilk and ^mird^hoi" 1*'"" " f o*>stacle.s appeared to be the- thing regardless of op- (vif h ,T , II , " . . WBterslicd lands o f West Van- Position. What ^^orth Vancouver. . Public spiritedness is also coiiti-ibVte ten d(S a I a monn̂ ^̂ Leyiand stated th a t .as Very important for without it '..... ' S « «/>J«ais a month to trustee for West Vaiicouvei* the character of the ideal citizen sb-' H v'-' iW;. :r,; |:i^; '̂ .2 i M, 14 . - I tv: ' W : ̂■ iP-i-::' fi t. ̂ 1 ti t W M ' W S $40,000 will do all this, it over, friends. Think -E. K. keep*her bov th e ii nVf . n 'usiee lor w est Vaiicouvei* p e onaracter of the ideal citizen pay it to the he was bound incomplete.- To-takeupart in ..................... ■ - And to s ^ th a t their watershed lands P^^^c gatherings, to. help local w'ere protected, although all in welfare associations, and to real- favor of Hollyburn Ridge being know.What.is going on in the ; All 4)uf^ pla3̂ gi*ound. community------these are " very ~ They w'ere i-eady to hand over ^necessary for a good citizen If ^ r y . acre of skiing ground citizen WERE more piibtic there to the Provincial Govern- spirited problems of the unem-! m ent providing the latter would Pl^^y^d, relief, and of crime do the square thing by them. He so<>» become less serious. Lastly,, good citizenship in^ appreciation (-aptain D. _Smith and tlu' crew ot thiv West Vancouver t'e.scue of Eddie U-I? East Twentv- htth, when HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN- __ERS--r-- Window cleaners, eave- trough cleaners, minor repairs. West 350-M". FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence. Whytecliff 646. ' PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley..West 818, f OR RENT--Nicely furnished house- keeping room. 1368 Clyde Ave.'~~~ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- -^nitting-W oQ l, Books.-Needles, etc. baby Woollens a specialty. LAW^NMOWERS SHARPENED~Wei deliver and, work -^aran teed . Call _Mack, West 184-R. bvorio^ hoped that eventually they would , Lastly,. good'"*citiz .. c ( .s ti om an Evans-Coleman get all their water from the G.V. ^kides the study,and a; scow near the Terry slip. . , AUredson had been apparent- I.V fulimiig him.self on (he scow and fa len into the water, wheiv he grabbed a nipe.^ i. the scow .said he had been "hanging thereitwentv minutes before aid was re- Smith had dwk- cd the ferry, but backed out to abSart'.""' W. Board, when the watershed on Cypress Creek could be aban doned. Commissioner Vanoe of North Vancouver, voiced similar y ie m on behalf of North Van couver. of how wise and humane laws and customs have developed, and 01 the ceaseless conflict which our ancestors waged in order to win the freedom which we now enjoy. 'JrPy >: r k K- i S i pf, L ^liiM L ... Finally' Found His. - S m i th I - 'm certainly surjirlsod to find .you in this ni^ht club, Jones: I've b ^ n horc all evening. How IS it you didn't notice me before ? Smith: This is the first-time Fve looked under the table. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Girls Graiics I to VI; Primary B o y s-^ rad e I, II, III Nursery School and Kindergartsii-- 2 to 6 yeaft' Principal: MISS MARJORIE R, McGILLIVRAY 2667 Haj-tvood Avenue (1 block north of Marine a t 27th) Telephone: West 585-R-l or Sey. 3053 FOR R ^ T -- .Perm anent, 6 room semi-bungalow; lovely garden and _ view; close in. Phone Fair. 3193-L. T 'enamel cream or W e S t f SCOUT AUXILIARY The members of the Mothers' Auxiliary of the F irst W est Van- wuver (St:- Stephen's)- Scout appreciate Mrs. donation of $0.10, this being the net pro ceeds received from the very en joyable, recital recently givea by »f Mrs- K n S h t Hodge m St. Stephen's Parish Hall. FOR REINT -- Good duplex house: near beach and ferry; reasonable; -- i^TnyeiTZSlgr"------- FOR REINT ■--- Living room and bed-'- ■~'roomr~use" of "kitchen,^ pfivate"entv ranee, $15. 1457 Duchess. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano; North 811-R-2._____ ;________ _ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Sutherf land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L._______________ »_______ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister. & Solicitor, 510 W .Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W est Vancouver, any time bŷ appointment. W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, -1405.1 Marine Drive; Phone : West 21, or West 553-R-l.______ WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers. North 89, Reverse call. l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, jfarts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449. Marine._______________________ CHIMNEY SWEeIp ING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, Ii03 Lonsdale. North 822._______________________ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason able rates. . H. Gaines. West 167-L' ' : irti 11 2̂ LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver 1 Real E state 'Specialists. 1447 Mar- : ine Drive. West 546; ', ..... _ ' I ; I "ill .... KNITTING ahd PLAIN SEWING - Apply Mrs. E. Latham. 2446 Marioj COACHING in High or Elementary School subjects,'M ajors: French and English. Phyllis Trafford, B.A-i West. 445-L.____________ ^ MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY 4 Room bungalow; full tiled bath and .sink, open fire place, lots o i.. eilec. plugs; furnace, cement base- -ment, garage with cement approM^ fish pbnd, shrubs and nawn. New kitchen range and lino, -- shades-and-elec.-fixtures. About_4«"_ son ofV^Mr. and Mrs. Basil G. Bailey of West IS spending the school holi- wanted days at Chem^nus, B.C. o«t»uca-aiiu-eiec.- iixi/uxea. s - ft. elevation, 5 minutes from ano car line. Full price $1975. ^ Mr. Bayliss, W e s t-226 or 52^^ C."J; A rcher Ltd. (notary sen'ices a v a i l a b l e . ___________ . A strong woman to washing weekly; Monday preferrea. Phone (West 922.