West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jul 1939, p. 3

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■\ - '■"'ir. ■ ,-«AS3gri*ifA,̂ across from SAFEWAY - n ^ e u 4 4 ^ (S ^ c i 1)70 Marine Drive Phone W est 331 Local. and JBersonal jlJJiS F jO H N S O N PICNIC CLASS LEADERS Pauline Jf^nson School. On Thursday ^nh ie <^*clocj| nnid >hoo X 0 ,J t i i idary enjoyed Yvonne Shannon. Medford Clmpman of BVanklin River, TaiicouveF "^Island, is spending his holidays with his pa'rents,. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Chapman, 2657 King's Avenue.« > * t „ . Y kW r .B lan eh flw ri, 26th, and Ottawa Avenue, brought m to our . after the close ^of Division I, Grade 6--1, Gordonininidiaiv ̂ _Tr*knwirxoVxiV« O SiViiV'lotr Q4iCiima4-tB s<,-ho six * kil arrival there Moore; 2, M arjorie McTavlsh; 3, î .Mr'hiv Dupils Dom grade Thompson, 2, Shirley Stam atis Vituiine Johnson School and Darrell Bye <ti^>. u large vans fo r Boun- Div. D, Grade 6-- 1, Douglas 'S s l u n e h prepared by Div. Ill, Grade 6 -- 1. Mary r 'tn i of the ladies who ac- Edwards; 2, Beverly Whiteside,; b t mmied the pupils. Every 3,; Peggy Thompson. ^ of the afternoon was Div. IV, Gradc4 -- 1 , Margo olkpii UP with bicycle riding, rol- V int; 2, Bruoe M urray; 3, Dawn w skating, swimming and Smith. cnorts Anollier hearty meal was Diiy, V, Grade 4 -- 1, Tony IfEmi nreoared and about seven de Goutiere; 2, Julia Clifford; 3, i nVlock the vans were again Joyce Hull, loaded for the homeward journey Div. V, Grade 8 -- 1, Grace i niid another happy sing song. Gaines and Elizabeth Money, ' A+ junch time Mr. Condon was (tie d ); 3, Mary. Addison. Diesented with a handsome ■ Div. VI, Grade 8 -- 1, Waring hghter as a remembrance from Pentland;.-2, Ian Morisoh; 3, hN rlass whomext year move up Daphne Macrae^ to the Junior High School. Div. VII; Grade 2 -- 1, Carol H a ll; '2, Irene Brown; 8, Terry Mr and Mrs. Leach, who have Scaife. J n in California for some time, Div: VIU, Grade 1 -- 1, Joyde iiRVP taken the Harvey house a t Gaston; 2> Betty Lou Froud; 3, Wes\ Bay ipid are now /in pos- David Gibbs and Philip Cave •session. ( tie d ) .; ? SIXTH B. C. SEA SCOUTS ANNUAL MYSTERY CRUISE 9 SUNDAY. JULY 16th, a t 2 p.m., from AMBLESIDE WHARF, . „ Returning about 8 p.m. LEN HOLLAND & HIS PIANO AOCORDIAN Tea, Coffee,-and Milk Provided. ■■ . TICKETS--Adults 75c; School Age Children 4^^ Prom Committee members, newsvendor on viharf, or oil the boat. , Municipal Clerk W. Herrin with Mrs. Herrin, is spending his annual vacation on a motor trip in the south. ,- ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stafford, who were reddntly married a t St. James' Church in the city, have returned from their honey­ moon on V ancoufe Island, and \a^'e occupying a house at 26th . and Palmerston Avenue for the summer. Mrs. Colin MacLean, 889:20th Street, who had the misfortune recently to break her arm as the result of a fall, is^making good progress,- but i t , will be another month before she, 'will be able to use it. ■ , . Ill ■ ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. Morning and family, 21st and Esquimalt Ave­ nue, are spending, their holidays in Victoria and other places op Vancouver Island. Miss Grace Thompson ha^ re­ turned from Beaverley, B.C., for ' the school vacation, and is stay­ ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thompson, 2096 Argyle Avenue. office this week a fossilized clam shell which he had found em­ bedded "^ithroe feet deep in the hardpari on Ottawa Avenue, be­ tween 25th and 26th Streets. The find is a remarkable One, showing the geolo^dcal changes thewhich have occurred here in dim past. Mr. Blanchflower had previously shown the fossil to a> geologist, who had pronounced, it genuine and had asked for other such specimens, if the former oould And' any others theikj. The Council accepted the offer of K. A. Wallick to purchase Lot 5, Block 13, D.L. 682, on b ^ a l f , C. E. Messinger, 2303 Lawson Avenue, left on Monday for a short trip to Halifax. • V, i|(. : i | c ' ■ 1516 Marine Drivfe W est 710 Furniture Covered, Repaired & Polished NEEDLEPOINT MOUNTED - ANTIQUE REPRODUCTIONS PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CITY PRICES Gement._ Sand_ ̂ Navy Jack,, T E A R O E & S O N S ""Croshed Rcfclcr" Drain Tiles, Brick .Limc,„-.Mortar„-~. . CONtJKJv^ll!/ a l i a ̂ . , G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T IN G 'i427'MarlnrDrivi.... PtfONE^'-W EST 84. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Macdon­ ald and family of Vancouver, have moved into & house a t 1328 Gordon Avenue. ' Miss Elizabeth (Betty) Elliott daughter of Mrs. W. W. Elliott of Gaulfeild, who- has graduated from Vancouver School of Art with honors, won the scholacrship award 'for fourth year drawing and painting; She is also the winner of a.i)oster competition in connection with, '-the annual motor show a t Glasgow.* « V " Rev. W. L. McKay of the , Baptist Church, left Sunday evening to attend the conven­ tion of the Baptist Union of W estern Canada; w;hich meets a t Winnipeg and will proceed from there to Atlanta, Georgia, where he will be a delegate to the Baptist ^Yorld Alliance which .meets evdry five years. Miss Doris McLaren, a daugh­ te r of Mr. and Mrs. A . C. Mc­ Laren, 1330_Fulton Avenue, has been travelling about the world since 1935, during which she has met with many adventures. With, her cousin, Molly, she is a t pres­ ent . cruising around South Africa in a $100 car, land has already crossed Zululand. F < t f) r> M c j p k e t s u f fR€€ioeuvcfti Mrs. Vernon Martin of Gaul­ feild . entertained k t luncheon -Tuesda7y-^a-t^apikno--Golf^-and- Country Club in hemOr of Miss Jean Mathlews,'JwJb6™for_thfe„Mst_ four years has-been in the East, and is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Jean Mathews; until Sep­ tember. » ♦ V- Mra. E rnest W. Feet, the former, Mrs. Harry Hoskins, ac .̂ companied by her* small daughter "Betty---J-oyeejr*--h:aŝ *̂";ren-ted--Mrs»- John Bell's ^cottage for the month of July. ______ West 190 1578 M arine Drive W e s t 190 Friday a^d Sjaturday FREE . Q P F . n T A ^ T D E L IV E R Y Grade A Red Brand BUTTER -First Grade 3 lbs. 75c Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c IL Shoulders Lamb 22c per lb.Cross-Rib Roast 23c lb. ... ^ BAKEASY 10c per lb. Breast Lamb' 15c lb.Rolled Ribs Rdasts J 8 c per lb. Roiled: Pot Roasi GRADE A BEEF 20c Ib.«* '• - i. . . ' 5 ■Roast-Veal 2 0 c per lb. Short Ribs I2ii2c Ib. Breast Veal 12'laC ***. Hdrmei ^ Spiced Ham 7 40c lb. mETCHER'S ;^No. 1 Bacon IScIper 'Mb. pkg. Lady Young of Burlesdon, England, who has been spending- the past month with Miss Blanche Nelson a t her residence, "'All- wiays," in West Vancouver, is at present the guest of Mrs. Oliver Eby of Nanaimo at her summer home a t Nanoose, V.I.* * ♦ The foundiations are being laid for a new house to be erected at 10th and Clyde Avenue, for Harold Neale of Vancouver.: ♦ ♦ * Miss May Armstrong and her niece from Kamloops,, are the guests of. the former's mother, Mrs. F. E. Armstrong, 11th and Esquimalt Avenue.- * „ Ernest Busst, 2442! Marine Drive, and friends have returned from an enjoyable launch trip upcoast, during which they went as fa r as Uwin Bay, B.C.,♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Wpods 'of V an-, couver, have moved into-a suite a t "'The Gables," West Bay, for the summer m onths;. The-Rev. F. A. Ramsey, M. W. Barker, and the Misses M. Cross, L. Smith, M. Vigar, E, Hamilton Smith, D. Dawson^and Miss E„. Monaut of Trai^ are all attend- ' ing the summer school /at Camp Artaban this week. McKill--Niels ■ A quiet wedding took place on Saturday when Caroline, daugh­ te r of Mr. J. Niels and the late Mrs. Niels of Regina, Sask., bc ̂ came the bride, of Mr. G. C. McKill, son of the late G. McKill o f Calgary, and nephew of Mr. P. B. Christie, 2250 Inglewood Ave-r nue. The ceremony was per­ formed a t Metaphysical Centre, in Hotel Georgia, by Rev. T. Conway Jones. . Mr. and Mrs. McKill have re­ turned f r e ^ their I wedding trip to Victoria; and-are now residing a t 2250 Inglewood Avenue, West Vancouver. ♦ ♦ * The Council accepted the offer of F. A. Walker to purchase Lot 5, Block 5, D.L. 555,'on behalf of Grace L. Wedley. for $187.50, also Lot 7, Block 5, D.L. 555, for $187.50; both subject, to compli­ ance with the usual terms gov­ erning the sale of Tax Sale Lands and to the purchase price not being valid, a s a basis in any assessment appeal. -- TIDE TABLES ' (For the use of bathers) , High Tide .Low Tide Friday 4:57 p.m. 9:25.a;m. Saturday '.5:36 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday 6:15 p.m. 10:50 a.m. Monday 6 :53 pirn. kJ :35 a.m. Tuesday 7:80 p.m. 12:20 p.m. Wednesday 8:07 p.m. 1 :05 p.m. Thursday 7 :25 a.m. 1 :49 p.m. 't Stratton^AKERY m ifiriEia jyn*i m j f a FUBSU DAILY Ten vari«tic8 to suit ovpry tiiftf Meat IMea Cookie# EccIcm Cakei^ -- PaNtriea Buna and Kolia Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 of Gladys C. Wallick and Ken­ neth A. Wallick for $281.26; sub­ ject to compliance with the usual terms governing the sale of Tax Sale Lands, and to the purchase price not being valid as a basis in any assessment ap-. peal. Mr. and. Mrs. E. A. Goddard of Ocean Falls, are spending th e ' summer in a house they have taken a t 23rd and Bellevue Aver nue. Mrs. Goddard is,a daughter of Mr. and M rs..Joseph Sheas-, greeni,'2323. Bellevue Avenue. Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY O N LY -July Mth r THE DEAD END K1D8 "THE LITTLE TOUGH GUY" also 'I»ENROD'S DOUBLE TROUBLE" \ SATURDAY MATINEE July 15th "Penrod's Double Trouble " SATURDAY EVENING - ' and MONDAY July 15th and 17th CLARK GABLE MYIINA LOY "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" also POPULAR SCIENCE, COLOR CARTOON, ETC. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 18th and 19th . " I was a Captive of Nazi Germany" Cat-8:15) also ^ "THE CRIME OF DU. HALLBT" The H ighlands , 1393 Marine Drive Where Good Food is Served "TJ^SrLUNCirEONSrlHNNEK- Private Catcj'ing. All Cakes' and Pastries made: on the premises. PIlONE: WEST 671 VERNON FEED STO RE A. C. SEABLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds;-- ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies West Vancouver Messenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE or Light Transfer Work of any' description . For Prompt Service, Phone WEST 700 For GENUINE JERSEY MILK Harbottle's Jersey Products Ltd. Mrs. Williams is occupying one of the Allan cottages on West Bay Beach;------------------- :------- r EXPERT..- W atch\ and Clock repairing , tN ^ bistbnson (fonnerIy"witfi Birks Ltd., - • Montreal) 1522 Marine Drire WOMEN'S GUILD, ST. FBANCIS-IN-THE-WOOD GARDEN PARTY ' WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th, from 3 to 6 p.m. a t the, home of Miss. Chappell, Caulfeildr^ ~ Home Cooking! and Gamep."^ : 7 School Bahd in attendance A Admission to tea , 25 cents.