THE WEST Va n NEVre | r t '* : I ': fjtr > ■ I!' '■: m § f p f c I - ? ' '.V a ^ - i , I ■ ^ ■A;-' ^ I B l p : t H r iw i Bipfetllfc 'if-! I ^ s i pI f iiw p ip i l i i# p p il i i t i l i i iS7A" ■ tP i'. , 7 : ■ •?"- i;, . PM' ^Mi' t' ?' , ̂ ̂■ M i ■Hr- ■l|5/. "S ini- f'. |*f>i 4 mi. ̂ H . > k: i - " i ^ A S i i WEST VAN. UNITED CHUBCB Cor, ZIU & KiKiulmalt Av*, EEV. W. VANCE» &A., Mi»l«<«r 2047 G«rdofl Av«no« Phone West 244-K Sulftdfey S«mc«»; ltn.i«^& TiSOp.m. StranKera and Viaitora are weleoma . g . fier. BAPTIST CHURCH ...... MiahMUir ;w:'"' tZ' MttUyTM'JC: '̂ SLD." Sunday Serricca 10:00 School in- 11 a m, & 7:30 p.ia.--PraachioiT SerVkei. A hearty welcome to » l ty * Ouari Permanents -■ ll Art* fuOk'r us the heat i» thiTinoHtaticully controlled to 212', 2 to <> minute*' HtenminK and you have u lovely soft nuturul looking iMjrniMnent. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Ejcclualve Permanents, 1&46 Marine Drive ' West 117 HOLUBURN H E L 14th and Duchess m NDAV. July 16th, at I« t(.m. Sundo^' School and Young People's Bible Claaa Sl'NDAV EVENING at 7:30 C0SPKI7 ADDHES.S Speuker: MIC KItIC HUNT ' TUESDAY at 8 Jkuyer and Ministry of the Scriptures WEST VANCOUVER Chriatiih Science Society 20th and JEhquImalt, Hollyham This Society la a Branch of The Mother Church , The F irst Church of Chnst, Sdentlat, in Boston, Manaachuaetts Sunday Service; U:*iO a.m. S u n d a y , Ju ly M>th, SUBJECT: " l i lF K * ' Sunday School at 10:00 Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p m. The public,!,is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. f)R, G. D, / / . SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Uay Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. • Office Hours 9 to 0 p.m. ■ Evenings by appointment, ' Phone West ,72 DR. McRAK d e n t i s t formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 6 -- F^venlngs by ' appointment. I860 Marine Drive West 432 UNITED CHURCH 21.><l and Esquimalt Ave. K<'V. William Vance, Minister ... , Tf/' ■ . ,------ --- . . "-- .Sunday, July 16th, 11 ;00 a.m.--Morning Worship, liov. Ghas. H. Ballard will 1>4! preacher. 7;.'{0 p.m.--The Minister. SubjtKrt, "Watch Ye." .Miss Grace Platt, soprano of Vancouver, and Miss Ruth Mc- , Lean will sing a duet at the„ morning .service, and Miss Platt 1 also at the evening service. Tliose, holidaying in West VancouYoV are cordially invited- to worship with us. 10:16 - 7:45 SI. STEI'HEN'S CHURCH ̂ 22nd and Fulton Uev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglevyood Ave. Rev, Father Van AJ^astor .' ....... ft__ Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. ^ -- Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary^ Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay . 1545 Duchess Ave. Honoring Sf rs. Frank B rad-, street, the former Doreen {ames, Mrs. Bransby White and Mrs. N. Williamson were co-hostesses a t a delightful post-nuptial nhower at the ho/ne.of the former, .^161 Jefferson Avenue. The affair was to have Ixjen in the natuire of a garden party but owing w weather conditions it was had in the house. T h e spacious rooms Twere tastefully decorated with flowers for the occasion., Ih e gifts were placed in a beautiful ly decorated floral chest .and brought in and presented one by one by Wendy and Denny Rath- bone, coiisins of the honoree. The tea table centred with a sil ver basket of sweet peas and maiden-hair ferns was presided over by Mrs. Ashley Cooi>er of „ Vancouver. The^ ser\'iteLir.s in cluded little Miss Bunty Hail stone,, Miss Lou Williamson and Miss Marjory Daniels. The in vited guests were: Mesdames F. Bradstreet, McDonald, R. Borth- wick, L. Stonier, C. Hailstone, E. James, W. H. Rogers, P.. Rath- bone, J. Glover, D. Metcalfe, J. Williamson, N. Williamson, G. Williamson, J. 0. Britton, J . Cripps, V. Erickson, D. B. Mont gomery, L. Jones, C. L. Rath- bone, Ashley Cooper, J. Hop- wood, Bosenberry, G. Hawkes, A. Hawkes, W. Daniel and the Misses P. Williamson, L. Wil liamson, Edith Daniel, Margaret Glover, Marjory Daniel, E. White, Peggy Oarty and Bunty Hailstbne. ' McNEIt & MeCUE PHARMACY 1401 Marine, Drive REXALL DRUG STORE Phone yiea i 528 1402 MaHne Drive WE DELIVER Garrod & Nelsoa fo r better PLUMBING Repair Experts West 226, 2460 Marine Dr. WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace end Range^ Repairs,. Sawdust Burners Phone West 30 .......... •i-'vi'-': ̂ ■■ ■■ 'i'- ' " - ■ ' ' ̂ "'■*/ ̂ ....■■■ ' ^ * BatablUbed on North Shore _ ! , . ' ' 25'. Yea,rt ■ -H'k :} ̂ ' (X.ady Assistant) ■ ;; .■ v ■ •; ;■ ' HARRON BROS. LTD. * ".I •• V"'"-"' ,*'■ '■ •• funeral Btrectdra Hollybum Funeral Home ^ 18th and Marine----- 184 . North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street j: , _ , Phone North 184 : Vancouver Parlors ' i 56 Tenth Avenue East . j Phone Fair, T34 Sunday, July 16th 8:0(ra.m.--Holy Commupion. 11 :()0,--Matins and Sermon: 7:.'i0 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild Sunday, 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. xMarine & 25tht St. , Rev, _Robert-il^Birch,-B.A.- Dr. W. 'S. Reid will occupy the pulpit during' the next three Sundays. 11:00 a.m .---- Subject: . The Church and Moral Rearma ment." 7 :30 p.m.--"Life and Its Three Essentials." Church School will met a t 10 a.m. Wednesday,, 7 :45 p.m.--Prayer meeting. H. B. Holdcroft will conduct the meeting. Visitors made welcome. Have you seen the New Diana Oil Range ? For full particulars see the store of - MODERN HOME APPLIANCES Brown & Munton's 1542 Marine . West 366 SPECIAL Inside F ir:-- 1 from shed .-- .36.00 per cord from mill ...... :$6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark ^ 0 0 . per cord Slabs & Edgings |8 .76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FU EL Phone North 620 . . YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid B uysjn Lots and Homes Rentals and Insurance Solicited Estates Managed J, T. WATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (CertTg^ as a d v e rtise in the ChaUlaine and Good Housekeeping) G. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and D river'w ill calL H O LLYBU RN B O S lN E S S -e teG E DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 14th and Marine - West 341 __ Services: xMISS LOU TAYLOR PASSES'I'. - ■■ •• 'T "~ M isrT :bT rT aylD ri^^ Dundarave Beach " press Park Tea Rooms, passed Sunday.................:... 10:00 a.m. away las t Thursday in the Van- Momhrg7 Wii"^up "TITDO'a.m. couvea* General Hosî ital."̂ Â ^T̂ Evening Service.....7:30 p.m. d e c e a s e d , who was the daughter Wednesday fellowship 7 :30 p.m. of the late W. 0. Taylor and was Visitors to West Vancouver^ born a t Falmouth,. Nova Scotia, A sphalt l^emix^ RQAD^MATERIALS Phone North 1141 or ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y > The French B eau ty Salon For Perm anents of lasting beauty. \Ve specialirc in 6nc. grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 will find a warm welcome. Evan gelical, independent. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ̂ SCIENTIST Eagle Harbor ' Picnic Ground.H, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Pishing, Tea-rooms, Home-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent by Month or 'tVeek. "L IFE " will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. , The Golden Te.xt is: "Seek good, and not evil, tha t ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of, Ho|sts, shall be w th you, as ye have spoken." (Amos 5: 14). Among th e citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the, following from the Bible: "See, Lhave set before thee this is survived by two sisters, Mrs. James Royce of New York and Mrs. Charles Payzant, also one brother. Charles, of Boston. Funeral services were held at 4:15 p.m. in the city, and the Rev. Lieut.-Colonel C. C. Ow,en officiated, followed . by crema tion. CORRESPONDENCE CJuJUy Camidencc! lh 't -Vou haw Dunms, haven't you? Editor ;Westv; Van ■ .Newsi;||^ Dear Sir,-- Re night swim ming parties at Dundarave Pier. Personally, I have.hesitated to niake^anj^epub,!^ _A J nowThiiik it is time to lodge a * day life and good, and death and protest against the undue free. ■to th a t I command tfiee this ' w day to love the Lorf thy God, S vartoST ttaei^ W to walk 111 His ways, and to keep. DiLe an vwhere n mT-Tie XTIa .P**«C€ alljr \\ UvrO D6^W66n lU P«m«His commandments and His statu tes and His judgments. mg: She; Go<xi gracious, are they .show- t hat Thou niayest live and multi ply: and the Lord t l ^ God s h ^ l ^ e e in the land xvhitFer thou gpest to possess it." (Deut. 30: 15, 16). The Lesson - Sermon' also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with X ■ THE West Van News Publiahcd Every Thuraday Publisher * F, F. LOVEGROVE Iffiorie West 363^:^ Business and Editorial Office; !704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 and 3 a.m. These pailies are out to thor oughly enjoy themselves, and, -without thought, -no doubt,- do the same amount of hilarious yelling which would not be noticeable if done in reasonable houi*s, thereby disturbing the rest and quietness 'which is due to residents in the vicinity. Own ers of water-front homes are amongst the highest tax payers.Key to-the Scriptures" by MaryBaker Eddy: "As adherents of ... 3 x u :.x x j Truth, we take the inspired ^ protected Word of the Bible as our suffici- such mcidrats. . .as our suffici ent guide to eternal Life," . North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 a year by carrier: by mail year . . H arry Robinson of 1588 Ingle wood- Avenue, is critically ill in Shaughhessy H o ^ ita l. Word has ju s t been received, th a t Mr, Robinson's nephew, James Arm- stranlr, was a victim o f the recent British submarine disas- ■■terSiliitlPiSlltSM The remedy of course is, th a t bathing parties^ a t th is particular residential point ^ o u ld not hie pernutted between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., thus eliminat-. ing a public nuisance which is liable to become more f r ^ u e n t if some action is not taken. Yoiirs truly, PROTECTUS. - Surveys prove th a t when non range owners, try. to ■ estim at^how much i t wdiild cost them io «>ok rfectrically, they overestimate. Usually .electric cooking would ~cO|st them only about half as much as they guessed!' BUectric cooking is economical! Coupled with the cleanliness and speed is the fac a t th e average cost >of electric cooking to B. C. Electric customers is only 60 cents a person a month, or about $2.40 a month where ^ e r e are four o r more in the family! Electric cooking is within easy reach of every family. See the ^ te s t electric ranges a t your B. C Electric store. ------- r ----- Terms may he arranged \ ii:z£]