West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Jul 1939, p. 1

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Circulating tn th^ D tstrict o f W e^ Vancouver--Ambleside, H oihburn,W ^ Dundarave » Park, Caulfeild, W hteclW , Etc. . Vol. XIV P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.; THURSDAY, JU LY 13th, 1939^ No, 14 THE NEW BATON MILL The new myon mill to be erected a t a cost of $3,000,000 just east of the Lions' Gate Bridge is a g ift flrom Hitler. If any lurth<ir evidence were needed of the kind of freedom now ' existing under the Nazi regime in Germany, the proof of it is here. For the promoters of the plant, a fte r over half a century of operation in Hamburg, have found i t impossible to coiitinue there longer on account of Germany's new policy. ' And successful business men do not voluntarily incur the loss of moving expensive plants--not to speak of established con­ nections--from one country to another except a t the bidding of dire necessity. Under H itler they simply found themselves at the end of the road. , . ' When the hatred th a t begeis' persecution steps in, all leason steps out. The tim e will come,, and it may not be far distant, when the (^ rm an nation will wak^ up to the fact of just W ha^the devil of racial exclusiveness has cost them, ' the losses o^Jexj)grts in science, the a r ts and industry driven out land whonTn<r§brt of inducement can ever bring back to\, their shores. They are the kind of losses froPi which no nation so far has ever recovered. .That awakening, should *' it come soon, may yet prove to be H itler's downfall and the' saving'of the world from self-destruction by war. Thus, too, Germany which aspires to empire, shows her­ self to be utterly unfitted for em pire,'ih th a t she is funda­ mentally lacking in the capacity to deal fairly by other races under her flag. Empires a re not wpn, much less kept in tha t way, and she will be hard pu t to it one day to retain her ill- gotten gains in Europe. So also she has herself given the best of answers to,, her demand for the return of her colonies It is as if a father, convict^, o f parental cruelty, insisted on the return of his children.^ ^ Meanwhile, the North Shore gains a much needed pay­ roll, which will materially add to„the prosperity of both North Vancouver and our own municipality, while the lumber trade' will benefit.from the pulp to be used by the new plant. More­ over, nobody will be hurt, because i t represents the beginning of a new industry in the province., Our readers may remember we recommended the desirability of obtaining such industries for Canada in a recent editorial on "Refugee Immigration." ANNUAL MYSTERY CRUISE & PICNIC SWIMMING & DIVING The Annual Mystery Cruise 'and Picnic of the 6th B. C. Sea Scouts will be held next Sunday, July 16th, the boat leaving By Miss Molly Edwards (Article No, 2) HOWTO BEGIN. .V o ------- Before attem pting swimming ^ T s t r o k e s get us^ to the water. ^ Len Hoi- Go in as often as possible and wMi duck, kick, swim with ^ n i l . m u ' .vour hands on bottom, etc., until Molly Edwaiviv uwimoi.*,, i home and A re'not divini.)'fln« r » icruise has always, bfeeiv a very afraid of having your face classes tor iK^ginners and popmar eyent aijd those intend- splashed or getting a mouthful '̂ ^y^niced pupils are held on mg to go are asked to get their of water. .ILyou are extremely i'ionday, Tuesday, Wednesday supply IS nervous begin at home with a and Friday iiftVnoons al Dimlimited. These may be obtained basin of water. Practice duck- • - ' uuei noons at Dun- tram committee members, Mr. ing your face, then opening your C h a ^ a n , new^yender on the eyes under water. Now breathe whiaiT or on the. boat. For in through your mouth till your further particulars kmdly phone lungs are full of air, duck your Captain R. Jackson at face in the basin and blow \ or Captain C. A. McDonald, a t West 54 ̂ ' r ....... ......... ................. ................................... . ■ is always in through mouth ^^^^ .̂P^uce at the and out through the nose o r \ ' mouth). When you have gradu- Fngland. Her darave Pier. Phone West 208-M d e a t h o f MRS. J. E. DURBIN LEGION W. A. GRANT MACNEIL^ M .P REVIEWS THfe r^HE burning BUSH - T " By SubadAr ^ Down in New York some crazy The following ladies are inter-C: Grant MacNeil, M.P., re- - - ____ ^ viewed the work of the session fool- has started again another at Ottawa at a public meeting ' held on Wednesday evening o f ? - ■ . , . - . . . lEtnyeeE-in -{hi . ------ --------------------- , •W. T. Atwood was in the chair. passed on. You send a copy Mrs. J. W. Barnett, Mrs. J. N. face in the basin and blow Wm-d TT bubbles in ,4;jje water. . Repeal . .this, (Breathing while swimming Durbin ^' J"' is always in through the mouth " took place at the and out through the nose or" -----r-- ,. .. mouth). When you have gradu- Lngland. Her The W. rA, Cianadiah Legion ated from these preliminaries f,. mil'll!, held a F resh A ir /Fund Tea a t ̂proceed if necessary to the bath . n/hi'pii Vancouver, the home of Mrs.,T{ E. Batchelor, tub before attem pting the* shore. ' f , l o f t less, than a year Gordon Avenue, the proceeds of , Some people learri to swim which will be usedjto send inland much quicker thkn othjers, de- q w P ? children to the cbist for a sum- ponding on age, liking fo r the mer vacation; children who are water and natural . swimming rnnniVM*Jr,!iu, unable to. make Uie trip being ability; but everyope CAN swim, aL assisted in different ways. When learning do not get out paid; in The Women's Auxiliary of the of your depth nor take unneces- b S different branched" are taking sary chances with boats, logs, vL ooiivfr part in th is splendid work. The swimming tires, eio. Always number of dainty teai table was centred with practite your strokes parallel to Miq« * u v f blue delphiniums and pink astilbe ^he shore line or walk out to a ^ kinderirnrhi^" had conducted in a silver flower basket, Mrs. T. comfortable depth and swim in gcu.., private E. Batchelor recOTng the guests towards shore; ̂ J. Hebaid-iir^ W nfb'^r'^5 a W .-efafiam 'pouring AND NOW TO B E G IN :- *" ahe health, and, a l t h o u g h .h o S to ested in th e ' work: Mrs. F. your head. Duck forward â nd eS 'ty'L ca T e worse ̂ OU;. ,V . . • ' , ' , . ' ^WfAy pTiom +1, * " *4- president, .Mrs. J. Wick- open your e^ look- there le tte r Cham, only m this case It ;„g j i r l W. Green, Mrs. E. fo r s to L s br other objects; . h u X n ri .,nd doV^^^^^^ S to k ^ lg s r - V - B K h c t f ld w e r -- ^ your armsr ^ l i S a t ^ under water. L ift one foot off length on the evils of patronage, then bundle up your wife and -.̂ ui • ^ i.r, -t ̂ ' VAlm irisi P Aij^bvshowing how it worked And Tt« b .v fn W. Graham, Mrs. E. C. Shar- In a suitable depth of water GARDEN PARTYshowing how it worked f „ w u D. W. Graham, Mrs. E. C. Shar- In a suitable depth of water p^u|uji!;rM j ' a k t v corruptLginflu€nceoh~thp"niihlic^"'fK ^ q i^ f" x lb A l? S d ^ + ^ rr^ -mah,~.Mrs.-M.-.Rhillips, Mrs. M. p r a c t i c e c h a n g i n g - f r o m - s t a n d i n ------- ~r-~™-- l i f e o f t h l c o S ^ '7>> re- .Partington, Mrs. C .T sitting and lying positions. Turn „ ^ h e Women',s Guild of St. drtail into th e B r e ^ contract, - othbr men's X I T h it i^ to ' £ W. T ^ T u ra S ' '•ound bv movinc .rW's^in-the-Wood Church are (Senior), Mrs. E, Howdle, Mrs. F. Harrop, Mrs. H. L. Salteji Mrs. McGowan, Miss Casey, Miss Mabel Phillips. Stating that *Major Hahn was say.-, the .final resu lt is 15,174 sent to England .as th e '^ c re d it- men without wives and one man ed representative of the Caiiadi- with 15,175, which is a bit past an Government in 1936. While the^ limit,., even for Solomon, if completely round by moving '̂j'^.Hcm-in-the-Wood Church are your feet, turning your head in a garden party from 3 to the direction which yoqVish to AVednesday, July turn and pushing the water,' TlAi I I 'Cl 11 . rni_ • n , .: . 5^2?^ could have manu- w hat he had to say about women actured the guns, only M ajor a f te r a long experience nabn s company was considered, few h u n d r^ is any criterion, and pres^re was brought to bear . R e m b e r every mother's on the British Gqvemnient all daughter of them will have been finally the la tte r bundled up, her h a l crushed and ̂ ^ 'eed that, if the Canadian her-feelings ruined regardless of vernment would endorse the . whether she has been sent by (rvô T 5i. they would aeroplane or freight. Think of . ^5»i75 women, on the loose in , ® opinion the Gov- .^one::man's frorit garden, all sore tn eventually have as $oils and all aching to fear w ith cupped hands in the oppos­ ite direction. .L ie . face do_wn in shallow CHAMBER OF COMMERCE There was a very-large tu rn ­ out of members and Their wives for the dinner meeting of the West Vancouver Uhamber of Commerce, which was held on the evening of Wednesday, the jSth instant, a t H unter's Coffee 'Shop, 2423-Marine Drive. Presi- water, bhin- ju st resting on the water, hands on botfbm. Kick your legs up and down alternate­ ly. Continuing this kick, move along the bottom on the hands!' Practice bubble-blowing in this same position. Lie on the back, hands on the pell, Caulfeild.ii There will be a siale of home cooking, also^im es, and the West Vancouver School Band A^l be in a tfe n d a iic e ^ ^ misssion to tea, 25 cents.. __ h q l l y b u r n h a l l JJOlis and all aching to tear ^ V- over Major Hahn's plant. . sonie person's eyes out. W hat a T. Meglaughhn was in the Wiql criticism to very merry time would be had following an excellent nnrn Bren gun .itself, by All and.w hat a scrap, bu t it's tiirnoa' ̂ ^ o n e ll decline to attend. Stop! transacted. The R e^ F. A. binder th e c o n tra c t ,O n!'three conditions I will be D-amsey, who The guest ^^tgj. remembering to stanffaTd' ill»' present, first, th a t I can come in took a s ^ i s subject-- tu rn ing )' to turn your W hat he hod an arm y tank and stay inside; , Cooperation as i t affects our ^ in The direction in which secondly, th a t I can have with- f neral life, showing how inter- y o ^ a re ro l l in g - With flf . me-The man who started the dependent we all of us were on fp gainw our feet from hori- J!,'®f̂ i'fn s by the Duncan Lawson ' t f u r tw " L T . ohain; and thirdly; t h a U " -D-E., will, be held stand under- have the very great pleasure of "f to the chest, push water dowâ ^̂ "̂ afternoon. Julv ■ Tf Rra« ^ large numbers . thi'owing him o u t of the tank on ^xiamnle of the cooneration o f , farfm-o/i being manu-' fhe'-jback of his neck in the middle i ^ and why Canada -baH of fluACfr IS 17S nn■̂ ratrp/̂ wivA«! There will be Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class , - , a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, July bottom,: hips floating, kick the 16th, in Hollyburn Hall. A t the legs.up.and down, keeping head 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday and shoulders' well back. Now Eric H unt will give a Gospel ad- roll from back position to face dress-. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer down position, by ducking one ^and m inistry of the Scriptures. shoulder deeper in the water and ---_________1__ lifting the other out oL the ' ANNUAL CRUISE . The annual cruise arranged for the Shaughnessy Hospital veterans by the Duncan Lawson unaer- nave tne very great pleasure oi -----..................... "" to the chest, nush water down- afternoon, July .* hf numbers-; thi'owing him .out of the tank on ward with both hands, raise the leaves yiurftnnrnv,^----- , . ................................................................ jigad and ulacpfect On bottom ' Vancouver wharf a t 1 p.m . he p ^ u e e d two letters, the first v i , , t t th',n- Veterans residihgrinSo mon„ Canada had of those 15,175 outraged wives. Z S i ■ : ; ----------- -- ■'Veaoo ' - Whioh were ' Then there was the colored preach- Weanbi!̂ f nianoeuvre, when er in Alabama who suddenly jumped that , ^ defence were* all up i|i, the pulpit- and roared: "Look »U? th a t ■ ' ■and m i from h it frielids--, dare in the amej^ cornah, ■a young rapscallion kissing; which had taken only a week to t h j w a t e r ^ d ilp lS iS f c e f o r e ------------ u.vi^a u reach here from th e heart of " (^kes rarv litUe effori^^^^ attend. Any information may b< Africa, and the other a le tte r *,t" ® obtained by telephoning Mrs; R from London, England, received Know ^ h a t vou Eroud, West 496-L. Chaptei only fifty-six hours a f te r beingr the m em ters please note the dati. tsro+rtv. ■ ' J-hfS 'and riirn ~ iwas ir^ P^^*^ G r ^ t Metrojwli^ water, then keep your head. ; xru isc is made ^ipoasibl^ looked to Win Ms girl. When he's fra. I'll hegin!" : take Next week: Beginners' Strokes '? ? 'te s y of the W ^ t yanepu- ^s.ir^an expeditionary force ^ ^ ^ * place on Tuesday 1st August. Analyzed ' "ar Municipal Council. This Will be a joint m eeting with -̂------------ the Kitsilano Chamber of CJom- Hart of the Ambleside Mother; "W hat made you stay so late ? Have a flat" tire 1" fp̂ ĉe was . no oh ' r which he A man in a hospital fo r the insane Vidinp pQ however, prou sat fishing over a flower bed. Nore their say A !yisitor appfoachced and, wishing this done. H e VQ- to be. affable, "How many have you hearers that" the .caugEt?"- - was still ili force, ."You're the ninth," was the reply. divided inf/̂ o'x . were. - . - pulsorv ^ tasses for efom- .H^ '* "Pardon me, dear, bu t' your ^hgland that, 'when Stoclongs seem rather wrinkled." * at t'^ ^ ^ sa tw a f.C a n a d ^ ^ u rn r ,. .ciEl. von hn Pharmacy, had a narrow escape - - --------r ^ serious .mjury yesterday Daughter,, dreamily: "No, mother, afternoon when he wa» knocked ' '̂4 hardly call him that." . expected that there, will be about down by a car a t the comer of ------------ ------------______ :_____ 14th and Marine Drive.Three hundred of the visitors. at War. war, Canada was She: "Oh, you brufe! any stockings on." I haven't "I won $90 a t poker last night." "Honestly?" "Well, actually." ' - His wrists were..slightly injured, b u r '^ rr i . ^ otherwise he was unhurt. .O ne, 1116 n6WS of the headlights of the car w^s ----=------- -------- smashed.