West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jul 1939, p. 4

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i ^ i n a r r O T TtB B w m t VAN NEWS SM ITH'S MARKET I b«>.w«t46 A. H a r v ^ Smith Me«l*-~Wiit-.wî EXTRA VALUES for FRIDAY ^ SATURDAY, July 7th & 8th f t I dAn t* ! 4 Ui'<J & WhiU» MAYONNAIBE .'i!i ox. Jar 10c; . H'/j ox. Jar 20c 10 ox. Jar ............... ........... 97c HIUMKULl, HIIOICTENING l*urHy VVyi-labli* .2 l*lb. carlona 25c Red k While ltAKINi«'l*OWl)KK 12 ox. Tin .................................. 17c V A L E N C IA o i lA N C K S Fam ily kIkc . . . dozen 23c C A L I I "OltN IA <; It A FFJ H U IT l^rice hIzi* ., ... 3 for H e A It c not; FOOD ' In T w o (.'onvenient Hizca No. I Tin . Oc; No. '/ , T in . 5c Red k While JKLLV I'OWDEItg-- Ei)|hl'rrue Fruit Flovora, 4 pkta 19c Lit; III WALNIJ r M KA rH~Chop up tine and add to fruit d em ertH , 1'b'ceH ...................... Yi lb. if,c AUSTRALIAN RAISINS SeedleHH , ................ ;2 Iba. 23c .('hopped RuiainH, Applea iiiid Olery on n leaf of lettuce rnukeH a delici* ouh Nolnd topped with MayonnniHo. Red k Wliile FKA8--Sieve 5, biK and tender 2 No. 2 tina 23c M E A T S Free Delivery W est 370 lJKKF>-<;rade A and A t L A M R -- 7'op Quality F Q U K -- Grain Fed VKAL-JVJJJk Fe<J ' ^ BREAST OF LAMB, per lb........ 16c BREAST OF VEAL, per lb.......... ISc FICKI.ED FORK HOCKS, lb...7,„ lOc FRESH FISH DAILY r v LL LINE O F DBLICATI^SSEN Red k White I'OMA'I'OES l.arKe .N'o, 2'/i Tins... .............. I9c ■ Rwi k White ('HICKF,N HADDIE N'̂ I tin ........................ ......... 15c K.I) FINK SALMON ...No. I tin 13c NAHOIt FED FLIIMS 1K (iz, Mjuat (in .... .̂.................. lOc Red k W'liite SFAGHliriTI Tiill Hi-o/., 'I'in ......................... 9c Red k White 'I'EA-- OfatiK<' IVkoe .................. lb. 48c SiiVf the valuable coupons. ■ W. C* T. U, . Or Thtir^^ay iift<*rn(>on, July 13th, under the uunpicett uf the W. C. T U., a garden party will he held"at the .nome of Mr, and Mrs." iBealner.: . ,The grounds around are very lovely and inter­ esting and any interestts] come and bring a friend and enjoy the afternoon, Take the 2 o'clock upper levels bus to Mathers and 20th Street, go east a .short dist­ ance and follow the walk into the grounds. Afternw)n lea will be served and a collection taken. L U M B i l L ' _ l ! i i u i t y . SASH & DOORS 'SHINGLES-v -̂ m PLYWOODS LATH RO FORQUALp I Aiientos C A N A D A P A IN T C O M P A N Y L T D PAINT BURNERS' SyPPUfigROOFING WALLBOAED TILE WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 ■ ft/: 'r LEGION FUOIJC DRAWS LARGE CROWD Tlui/lvegion Frolic which'took place la.Mi Alonday evening in the Oriilnge Hall, was a very popular LOCAL CHAMHER OF COMMERCE; REEVE AND COUNCIL AT KITSILANO Hobson-- Latta At high noon on Saturday the wedding took p 1 a c e in St. Ruphael's Church, of Mabel Elizabeth (Theda) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Latta of Nelson, and Mr. Robert Dalby Hobson of Victoria, sbri of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Hobson of 2236 Bellevue Avenue;, The ceremony was iK*rformed by Father Barney. Giver! in mar­ riage by her uncle Mr. Adam De Kinder, the bride wore a frock of deep coral crepe with brief jacciuette. Her hat was a match­ ing model trimmed with navy, and she (jairied a bouciuet of pale pink roses arid blue sweet peas. Miss Evelyn E. Jenkins, who at­ tended as bride.smaid; wore a blue crei>e afternoon frock with wide brimmed leghorn, hat, and C L A S S I F I E D A D S The r»te for A d r^ M n en to In t centa per word, minimum 26 cente. Except In the eeee of tlioee beving regular accounts, all cUsai. Beds are psyable-atrictiy in adrance Remember CUssifieda in the West Van News get immediate results. ' ' . - ---- * ■ ■ ■ -- -- - --Jî. .,vcM,t;:th« iloor l«inK' cWwtol m ,D;er.sIfThtwe«T Vaneoute? C a u T r f i l l ' Mk with guests who had come to Chamber of Commerce and their nink dance and listen to thfe results wive.s ami the Reeve and Coun- of th« *iK <lr«wlnB. EvorybcHly oil ami their .^iyoa were the A _'...1 j A . i ..I..... .f,... ^ ■ 11̂ ' f . ' , ,. . iV'"' onshire Hotel follbwerl th#4 , GORDON ROBSON - - Solicitor, 610 W. Hnstinga, Soy. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403, _____ ' •'NOTARY PUBLIC." General Con­ veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West 21.________ __________ ____ LISTINGS WANTED Housm to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271. Evenings, West 4̂37-Y-l. • ________ HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing w d excavation costs from . Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. West 252-tL. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam 'ermanents; only best materials If f ..... happy and everybody ..... ...... good time stepping to the wop- of (ftmuperce at the Celebration d(irful rhythm of the mu'stA being held this week at Kitsil- played bŷ Tartari MountaineertrNiino. Orcliestra, who kept the fun Going in cars to La Fonda, onshire Hotel followed the cere­ mony, where guests were receiv­ ed by Mrs. Hobson, mother of the groom, assisted by Mrs. W. S. Jenkins. Later Mr. and Mrs. -- Expert operators. Phone Dev- West 304, Royal Bank Building. „r. inî , the winners of the vario'us prizes being as follows: ClinkerJ)uilt 12-ft, rowboat with briefly, thanking their hosts for their kind recejition. He stated .f, ,4 kkv i -aa: ----- - ----- that' the bridge was bringing sirHOOl RAMn inboard motor, value $185, tic- West Vanoou.vejte and the city' . v icrrc anTTAitfiGu ket No. 1086; C. Poltano, 714 closer, and that the welcome ex- o f ' Main St City. ■ tended to them was but an indi- m Im bSi of Return trip to World's Fair, San cation of that good feeling which ^ ^ Franci.sco. value $.38.50; ticket should e.xist throughout Greater JdT mid Mrs Westminster. Donated to pati- V âncouver. H(3 assured them of Qmrnrn\Vh "entH iivShaughnessy Hospital, a similar welcome dn West Van- I lk s ^ iL - Lady's orGent's Suit, value $25; couver. i ̂ ^ ^ ■ evening t h S r e g u ilt / • Chrorntf- inkiil Smokei-'o -- r-T7mTnew»e • in--w.v5 f-■ v ;i»r.A..Trii;; - jks^4;--fcbeip--aa^nual-----I^N^NG-AN.D-^ECQRA ̂ -- On Saturday morning Estimates free. Ĵ Hv Wedley. West W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, " Hollybum Block. WESTERN WOODWORKERS-=Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, .Wood Turning, Glass and plazing. Wood­ work of all descriptions; Phones: ' West 740 and West 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile,, Et. Tele-. phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2, GUESTS' -- Transipnts and perman-; ent. Sunlit Lodge,' Wfest Bay, West 379-Y-2.________________________ HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN­ ERS -- Window cleaners, eaye- trough cleaners, minor repairs. West 350-M. , , (k S H FOR JUNK ~ Bottles* rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - - Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs.. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. ' . , FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land. 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L. \ GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W . Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, -West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1406 Marine ' Drive; Phone West 21. or West 668-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers, North 89, Reverse call, LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. _____ _______ •CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldr.um, .1103. Lonsdale. North 822,. _______ _̂________ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- .. mining; first class work at reason- able rates. H. Gaines, West 167-L. LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar- ine Drive. West 646.____________ KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -- Apply M r s . E. Latham; 2446 Marine EXPERIEINCED all round domestic . help wanted "at once; good salary for. suitable applicant. Phone West 690. I Oirunie iiiuLal Smoker's Stand, ccjrmntircfe in WesrUYancbulw value $7.50; tick6t No.'3876; they.had taken largeiy'a step in tnr h/naNL ™ • ■ ■ - Clark, WhyteelifT. the dark, but due to' the active children's par- FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister, Solicitor, "Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch,Office, 1447 Mar-/ "" - _West----F-QR^SALE----- Corner/-jJot-27th-and Mathers, 64ft:x; 122', ̂m cash. West 700. J. J . L t-ft "i ft' le /) ' | l# - 'ft' ftMf „fft' iy vf. - -'t' /' t. .p i Iff iP - l t fh 4 fMl' ffift 'ft' fftft ft , t ft£. t' > ' i \ I - #4 - > I ' I- */ ' A ■""'r. 4̂ ■* ftft' 1 A p -'- ' fell.-f'I V t ■ 1$. Wr Ift' W ift -E!ertri(r"-liw , value $6.50; ticket "help-aiid-advice g ive irth em b y "'S f f i^ Sports- No. 4 ^ A , Bill. Sberman. the Kitsilano Chamber he fe lt fe itu o ^ s d" Llectne roa.ster, value $6.50; they were now a wav to a good bnv3 w ir ticket No. 2567; T. Hill, 302 .start.- The Kitsilano President .J"" Ea.st 9th St.. Norih Vanoou- then called upon the guest of the . evening, the American Consul, to Con.solation, $5; ticket 2805; J, give his address on "Internation- Atherton, 3656. West 1st Ave., al Relations." The latter stated City. ' - he had only recently arrived in 818w °______________________ -FOR-RENT--Nicely-fufnishedhouse- keeping room. 1358 Clyde Ave. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- . Knitting Wool, Books, Needles, etc. Baby Woollens a specialty. HAULING, Manure, Fuel,- Septic , Tanks ,and Rockpits installed and ■ cleaned. West 187-R. them. In the evening the band gave a short concert in the P.G. K- hall, which was followed by $5"̂; ticket No, 2572; V a n c o u v e r a f t e r * S o d a m f s h ^ . Ticket Sellers' Prizes trying to win China's friendship the finest Mrs. Lyman JoncsfC. II. N el- with the bomb and bayonet Syfy;,, son, F. J. Moore. David Lowdtw. While his people and Canada had the hospitality Id all the sports and;many were ____ .__________ _____________ the P^{^s^^»pD€rht home by LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED -̂We L'-' CORRESPONDBNC Fellow Coinrade.s; -i ên I'eal friends, a great con- The Dfsiiblerl Vefornne Tioii tnbuting cause being the fact immediately behind the "Lions' English. 0,7 fhV ntxt h u i nl.f'i'u'T'.' had taken the King and 8 ' V i r l i ' a ll'■ S h oe" "" T h in rfo rb o th X ' u v / attitude of the boys and their music that already plans are be- mg made "for a return engage ment when a full concert will be given. fit® f<y S'S'" i 'C B p - ift ' '■f'C , w-'M c^ljl'ft-1; if,-.' 8 ui lary will outline the actrvTties ot t h e organization which stivtches from Vancouver" to Quebec. The hall perhaps is better desorilxHi as a home, as It IS conyfi^tabiy furnished with lots of miding matter, cards, etc. *Dotto of this' organization If • jo penietuate the "Ideal of Service." Those eligible to join this association as full members are those who ai'c in I'eceipt of,. or have been in I'cceipt of a pen-̂ Sion. Other veterans may ioin a.s associate members. Plea.se keep this date ot>en. * xours very truly, REGINALD P. BLOWER, Adjustment Officer. McNEIL & McCUE AMBLESIDE PHARMAGY Phono West 323 --------- 1401-Marine-Drive-------- REXALL DRUG STORE Phone West 528 1402 Marine Drive ' WE DELIVER m u sic a l SUCCESSES At the recent June exams of the Royal Schools of Music, Lon- don, England, held at Vancouver Center the following pupils of. Mrs. FKnight-Hodge were suc­ cessful, passing with high marks. Advanced Senior Violin, grade 7 ; -George H. Brealeyr^ H ig h ^ Pianoforte: Norma Minions. El- ementai-j' Violin, grade 2: Bryan Jones. Primary Piano: Char- maine Gruchy. Theory, grade 1: ^ reen Kearns. Theory; grade s! Dorothy Hai:vey-Smith and Nor­ ma Minions. deliver and work guaranteed. Call __Mack, West 184-R. LOST -T- Paisley Wool Scarf; dropped near (Cunningham's Drug Store, Tuesday afternoon. West 920-L. ~ FOR SALE^Hotpoint Electric Range, excellent condition. Phone West 258-M. _________________ LOST -- Ladi^' Green Umbrella, W'ednesday morning between Post- office and Nineteenth. West 351-M. FOR RENT -- Fuljy furnished camp, ---Bowen-Island; electfic light,-radio; modern convenience; vacant July 16th to 30th. Reasonable, West 438-M._______ - -WANTED --- Modem 3 o r '4 room furnished cottage'; waterfront pre- ferred; 1st Sept. Permanent resi- dence. West 584-M.__________ FOR REINT ~ Five room bungalow; modern, near ferr^. West 217-M. FOR SALE* -T- -Good Fawcett cook stove. 2303 King's Ave. West 770. PRODIGIOUS VALUE FOR 1510,000 CASH ON . _ -NVMAEE BROWN & MUNTON 1B4* MAAINK ORIVC wtsv" SBA ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL Girls Grades I . to VI; Primary Boys--Grade I, II, in ^ r_j, Nursery Schc^l and Kindergarten-^2 to 6 years ^Principal: MISS JVf̂ ARJORlE R. McGILLIVRAY 2667 Haywood Avenue (1 block north of Marine at 27th) : , - Telephone West 585-R-l. A well-planned house with all mod­ ern fitments, situated amid glorious scenery, ŝecluded yet on the main highway, Altamont district, large grounds highly developed. No infor­ mation by-.phone,, inquiries invited irom financially capable buyers. ' Building Lots for Sale In (hstrict close to schools and bus excellent ^ew of water, nice-district fine. , neighbors, N.H.A. priced for quick sale. Inquiries invited,, no obli­ gation. . . Homes for sale from ?950 to $10,000 choice lots from $250 and upwards. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE w A l Vam's Pioneer Realtors. West 55. Opposite Hollybnm <* P.O___ ft ■" • i. ~ • Jimmy Had bien absent '̂ His mother wrote his teacher the-follow­ ing note: "Kindly c^ ĉuse Jimmyft He fell in the mud yesterday. By ̂ so doing the same you will greatly oblige his mother." HOTPOINT Automatic Control,-Gen-_ eral Electric Range ■with garbage burner fitted copper coil and oil burners to match; color 3 greys, $75, or can be sold separate. 1205 14th. ■AVest 647-L. . '______ FOR SALE -- Beautiful Wedgewood dinner set, nirxety-six pieces, very little used. Box 10, West Van News FOR SALF^Kitchen heater with hot water coils; all! enamel like new, $15. West 436-Y.'________________ COACHING in High or EHementary School subjects. Majors: French and English, Phyllis Trafford, B.A;, West 445-L.______ __________, FOR SALE;-:-14' Rowboat,' round bot­ tom, $11. West 841-L. 1135 Marine Drive. ' . . " ---- WILL BOY who picked upv Buddy Jupp's zipper coat (name in back) at Mr. Condon's picnic, kindly re- turn; Reward. •WANTED -- Capable woman for housework; family of two adults, - West 32-R. FOR RENT Better class home, al­ most new; lovely view. 'Good duplex near beach and ferry. Small cottage low rent. Phone. West 55._______ FILMS -- . ,30c Any -size, developed printed, 5 x 7 enlargement free. . Barclay's, 1518 Marine. ^^TTAGE Close- toft^waterfront, ^LOOOrtermsftopen. Full notary ser­ vices available. C, J. Archer Ltd., West 225. _____________ _ h ig h SCHOOL GIRL wUl take care of children day or evening. West 63-L-l.________-r Fo r SALE -- Good 3-piece Chester­ field Set and beautiful rug; cheap for cash. West 153-R._________ ft_ ^*^T -- On B ^evue Avenue last Thursday nigh't, dark brown knitted ipurse, containing money and bus tickets. West 209. ^^NTED--Light houi^keepuig room _>itfa use of -bath. West 437-Y-l. ' Wa n t e d Reliable help from 4 to o p.m. daHy except Sunday; able to _ cook. Box 20. W e^ Van News. F(3R r e n t -- Famished'xobnt, 2126 Marine Drive; Phone West 927-L. I