- «,,»..5I 3 t w S : I,I- r< i ' i ' e V fc ; If- I' B i t l lr̂ -'.k fi;ii Mj; J.t i-SS r - .'f I'. " !;■ !r./ . f* Nsl̂V-'f ' t p r :)t: >■ VJ " I" ■J"' * «> 2'. k% ̂ .f 1 # '.' ^ '/ t ̂ y» > | l f '■■'0;l TOE W M T VAN NEWS ld39 SMITH'S MARKET Phon« We«t 46 H arvey Smith M t̂̂ w^twa FrM DrJivery Strrlcf^ - Monliily A c m a t »l PUBLIC 8CH€M)L SPORTS SuRKwllon for THURSDAY & FRIDAY, June 29th and 30th M E A T SHKIJUiND'H MEAT PASTES. F^a Atworted varielic# for /ou r aand*wirhi^ .............. 2 Una 17e rOHNKI) IIKKK...................2 Una 27c PHKNCIPH CHEAM SALAD MIJS'I AKI) with handy nerving HMMin ...... o** i**" 9e lU-d & White CATSUP 12 oz. Ia>tllea........... .......* - 15c DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JUICE M oz. Una .....2 for 19c lU-d & While CHAPEPItUIT JU ICE 13*/, oz. tin............................2 for 15c Sweeieiu'd or unMWwUMicd pure . Florida Juice. Kwl & White I'OMA'I'O JUICE 10 oz. tlna....................;........each 5c 2.5 oz, 'riiiM.........................each lOc HUNK 1ST JUICY LEMONS Large a lz e ............................ 6 for 14c VALENCIA OK A NOES ,M«Miruni S iz e .................... dozen 23c PINEAPPLI4--Hlngupore Hlicen ... .........'2 No. 1 tlna 17c .MIXED PICKLES--Happy vale Sweet or Hour . 28 oz. J a r 25c <5 Free Delivery Weal 370 BEEF--Crade A and A1 LAMIL-Top Quality PORK--Grain Fed VEAI.--Milk Fed BREAST OF LAMB, per Ib......... 16c BREAST OF VEAL, per lb........... 18c PICKLED PORK HOCKS, Ib....... 10c FRESH FISH DAILY FULL LINE OF DELICATESSEN PURE LARD -- Hwlft'a Hllverleaf .......... '....I Ib, cartpn 11c Red & White GOLDEN CORN No. 2 Tin ...........' ..................... lOc R«l Xi White CUT GREEN BEANS 'I'ender and HtringleaH. 17 oz. tin 11c Red A White PEARS ...Hquat tin 16c LV.NN VALLEY PEACH ES.... ......... Halved .................... H(|uut tin 14c HORTlCUI/rURAL ASSN. 'Hu? monthly Parlor Show was lujld hiHt Monday in the Legion Hall. GeorKL* Nunn, judKC* and Mfturar, ia-pt the audiunce intx*r- ^cHU;d, an Ihu many queHtions aakod toKlified. Altogether it was a v(*ry UHofiil and sociable evening. A . splendid dl.Mplay of roses was on view from both of the Uippon Uoserics of this MuoiM?:, pality. _ / . Winner.s in the rose section were: 1st, Mrs. Dyble with 8 points out of 10; 2nd, Mrs. Reh- berger, 7 iKiints out of 10; 3rd, Mr.s. Rehhergcr, 6 points out of 10. . ' . One of the Hippon roses in the 18 section was judged as near r>erfectlon per the National Rose Show rules. A vote taken by the audience was strongly in favor of continu ing the Parlor Shows during the vacation months. l!he next, therefore', will lie held as per card program on the 24th of -July and fourth Monday in each, month, hereafter. Owing to the . increased interest .special prize.s -^viH-be-giveriT NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN V V 4 .« A ̂ Va> ' •. V V'• * * . ' (1) For the b e s t! bloom Yellow Rose, 'any varie ty ; prize by M)*.h, (jJeorge Lindsay, presided a t the meeting of thfe North Sliore Local Council of Women ' held in the N^Tth Vancouver Club A.ssembly Room on Monday aft(;rrioon. The Council has spon.sored an essay on "Citizen ship" and Commissioner G. W.. Vance kindly presented the .^-prize.s to the winners after each had read their essay. The con test was open to all schools on the North Shore and awards were made as follows; Grade Vlir-- 1st prize, Betty Robinson West Vancouver J u n « ^ High School. (This essay 5vill be reproduced in. our next issue.) 2nd ' priz^, Robin*' Q. Wil liams, North Star School, North Vancouver. Grade VII--1st prize Anne' Christie, . Keith Lynn School, North Vancouve.ti; 12nd prize, Philippa Sibley, Lynn Val ley Sohopl, North Vancouver. Highly ._ Commended,- Teresa Hanlon, St., Edmund's School, Nbrth Vancouver. William Gray, Inspector of Schools, also addressed the gatheriirg; iim iTother gues^ts" (Continued from last issue) - Girls 40 yards dash, 6 years_ -- L . -Gwynneth Tearnside (H ); 2, Mary June Jordon (F J ) ; Relta Bently (H). 40 yds. dash, 7 years -- 1, Pat ricia Leggatt (H ) ; 2, Catherine McRae ( P J ) ; 3, Ro.semary Money (P J). ^ 60 yds. dash, 8 years -- 1, Shirley CJarlson (H ); 2, Yvonne Jack (P J ) ; 3, Barbara Nicld (P J). 50 yds. dash, 9 years -- 1» Virginia Eriksen (P J ) ; 2, Norma ■Whiteside ( P J ) ; 3, Blanche Sum mers (H). 60 yds. dash, 10 years -- 1, Patty Jo Reid (PJ) and Char- maine Gruchy (H) tied; 3, El- liine Barber (H). 60 yds. dash, 11 years --, h Ina A twater (P J ) ; 2, Georgie Allerton ( P J ) ; 3. Norma Gil christ (PJ). ' . Relay, 6 girl -- Pauline John son: Mary June Jordon, Ro.se- mary Money, Barbara Nield, Vir ginia Eriksen, Patty Jo lieid, Ina Atwater. Jumps,. 6 and 7 .years -- 1» S ine MacRac (P J ) ; 2, Lota art (H ) ; 3, Lillian Silva- (PJ) and Betty Ward (H) tied. ■ Jumps, 8 years --- 1, Barbara Nield (PJ) and Shirley Carlson (H) tied; 3, Ruth McIntosh (H) and Joan McNeil (PJ) tied. Jumps, 9 years --1, Virginia Eriksen ( P J ) ; 2,t'MaTy Messin- ger ( P J ) ; 3, Mlanche Summers (H). Jumps, ,10 years -- 1, Char- •maine Gruchy (H ); 2, Peggy Thompson ( P J ) ; 3, Joyce, (gar ner and Brenda Bone (PJ), tied. Jumps, 11 years -- 1. Shirley Stam atis (P J ) ; 2, Dorothy Sloan (H) and Lillian Williamson (H) tied. 60 yds. dash, 12 and 13 years -- 1, Monica Dansey (P J ) ; 2, Marjorie McTavish (P J ) ; 3, Viv ien Allan (PJ). . 60 yds. open dash -- 1, G,wen Jenvey (P J ) ; 2, Peggy Hall (PJ); 3, Sheila Ellis (PJ). ^ 4.girl relay--^Pauline'^ohnson: Marjorie McTa.vish, Gwen Jen vey, Monica Dansey, Vivien Al- ^Scrvicc-'-- SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS| NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY PAINT 4 BmLDJSRS^SUPPlJES CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ROOFING WALLBOARD 'TUjB ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for ClawlAwi Adv«i*tla«menU !■ 1 cento per „,w»rd, ml^mumi 2B cento. Except In the ce»e.of thoee hevfag regular account*, all clasiL fleda are payable itrlctly ' Remember ClaesiBeda in the Weat Van Newa get immediate reaulto. GORDON ROBSON -- B«"bter^ & Solicitor, 510 W. Hostinga, Sey. 4199 at Weat Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. ^•NOTARY PUBLIC," General veyancing, "Vajuator " CASH FOR JUNK - r Bottles, rags, Sacks, M etals, Furniture, Stbvea, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co;, West 01. Blower, 1405 Marino Drive. 21. 1. CHIMNEY S W E E P I N G O ld l Coun. try w ay; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North S ll-R -2 . LISTINGS WANTED - Houses to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pembertons, Trinity 1271. Evenings, W est 437-Y-l. .. ................... FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land. 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from ' V3 to %. Use a bulldozer. Phono G. W. Kis- , sick.. W est 252-L. ___________ __ GORDOl'l ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W , H astings, Scy. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 408. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best matenala used. Expert operators. Phone W est 304, Royal Bank Building^___ J. EDW ARD SE A R S,, Barrister, Sol- icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phdne West 21. or W est 663-R-l. . RELIABLE CLIENT requires unfurn ished house, 3 bedrooms; west of 22nd Street; year's lease, with op tion to buy. Apply Lawson, Walker & Pride, W est Van's Pioneer Real tors; West 65,- opp Hollyburn P.O. WANTED TO BUY For Spot C ash - household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tionieers, North 89 ̂ Reverse call. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Spebial machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 . Marine. . i > W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4* Hollyburn Block. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood" work of all descriptions. Phones; W est 740 and W est 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. ; CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North • 822. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason- able rates. H. Gaines, W est 167-L. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, ■Burglary, Automobile, Et; 'Tele- ' phone Sey. 4991 or West 9,271̂ 2. GiIe STS -- Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, W est 379-Y-2. LISTINGS WANTED H. ,A. Roberts Lxd;r'West Vancouver Real E state Specialists. 1447 Mar ine Drive. W est 546. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING - , Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine rlari; -G "Nxnnn present were Mr. TeiTy, Princi pal North Star School, Principal Tabloids--Pauline Johnson, 39 points; Catherine VVhitesiile, HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN- ERS -- Window cleaners, eave- trough cleaners, ̂minor repairs. , West 350-M. ' . ' EXPEI^IENCED all round domestic help Wanted at once; good salary for suitable applicant. Phone West t-690.--------------------------- --------------- HAVE YOU ARTHRITIS? -- Get relief overnight by applying Gour- ■ jeorge' (2) For the best 1 bloom Rc>se, any color or variety; prize by G. S,. Huntingford. (3) Swwt j \ 'as,'6 stalks; Peas, 6 i)6(ls; Beans, 6 pods; Rasp, berries. 12-- Pri^.e for high est points in any of these. J, R. Mitchell,. Miss Margaret Lorna May Greenway, Marjorie Jay's Grea m s .-Phone-We st-2r-aft6F: .•*n' ■■I |l;f: litW.; III Im i m J .» 's,- > ® i ! . 'I 'll ? I:'*' S: f Ml'-ill s' "i ;4 ' : ' is- ■1&-: I ■ M i m m.'ns, M iisI i | l ? s s ? / i i i B rIi| 'I ■ 'S' I-' ■' 1̂!' 11 I " .y- '■ii Scout era and scouts of F irst and Second West Vancouver troops were enttjrtained by Scouts and Scoutmaster Eric Lyna.s-Groy of the 3rd West Van couver troop on Friday night, June 23rd. It was planned to have an 0|)en air c-anip fire, but it rained heavily and everybody met in the front'r<x>m instead. Scouter Sewell led the singing and District Scoutmaster Percy Hnwtin told the boys an interest ing story. The applause was spon taneous and lengthy. St. Francis troop put on their new - play "Blake of the Mounties," and sang their school.song "In Fide Fiducia." The first and second trixips answered with their own song and got a good hami from . all the boys. Of course nobexly missed the hamburgers, dough nuts . and jam that apixxired next. They all had their share. Mr, Hawtin proposed a vote of -thanks to ^ th e host and the school, and the party broke up about ten o'clock. Mr. Lynas- Gray thanked the scouts fo r' coming on such a bad night and extended another invitation later ' in the summer. The singing and shouting as the boys climbed aboard the bus was certain indi- , cation they felt it was a great party. MiSvS Noira Kathleen Simpson of 1494 Duchess Avenue, was recently the winner of the Wilson, West Vancouver Junior High School, and Sister Octavia and S ister Marie of St. Edmund's School, as well as parents of the pupils. ' Resolutions and reports IweVe given. In thejibsence of Mrs. Horsfall, the Treasurer submjt- ted the report on the very suc cessful tea held at the home of Mrs. Lindsay, McTavish, Gwen Jenvey, Barbara Smallwood, Vivien Allany-Peggy Hall, Georgie Allerton, Plat Hud son; Winnie 'Purvey (spare), Monica DaUsey. Hollyburn, points: Nonie; Barbour, Jean Pish, Eleanor Nelson, Kathleen '"Curtin,. Suma • Homma, Irene Pitts, Beverley Hayes, Shirley Macintosh,-Velma Boshier, Dor othy Knight. WHY PAY RENT? Lovel.v well built home, view, near everything, 4 rooms, nook, large sunroom; basement, fireplace, large lot. Reduced to $3,000; $500 down, " $25 per month. Sole agents; Lawr son, Walker & Pride, West Vah.'s Pioneer Realtors. West 55; opp. Hollyburn P.O. _____ noons, and evenings. FOR SALE -- Corner Lot 27th and Mathers, 64' x 122'; reasonable for cash. W est 700. YOUNG LADY would like" afternoon work. W est 359-L. -- I I FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister; Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, W est 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. FOR REINT -- ^ o d e m 5 room bunga- low near ferry. W est 217-M- FOR RENT -- 3 rooms furnished, sleep 4, close in, garden, $25 per month. Apply Lawson, Walker & Pride. W est 55. Opp. Hollyburn P.O. IIIHII II GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive West ^62 Smart Plain and Printed Linens for the holiday. Dark and.Light colored Sheers; plain and printed. Slack Suits, -Matching Beach Coats and Shorts. Regulatioh Sport Shorts, All at City Prices. Why not shop a t your own community store?. We ai-e m embers.of the Chamber of Commerce and really try to please-. PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley. West • 818. FOR SALE -- Collapsible English buggy. Phone W est 467-L-2. WANTED -- Lady with telephone for magazine subscription sales work. Must be able to devote two or three hours daily to work. Box 3, W est Van News. FOR Landscape 'Gardening, Lawns, Septic Tanks, general repairs, phone West 50-Y. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT will mind children mornings or afternoons. Phone W est 792-L. FOR SALE -- 120 ft. of fir, 4x4; 240 ft. of quarter round, $3.00. West 481-M-2; FOR RENT '4-.Roomed Cottage, furnished,, modem, near . ferry, - adults, July 1st. 1263 Duchess Ave. NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in this Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping). C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone W est 782 and Driver will call.^ FOR RENT--Nicely furnished house- keeping room. 1358 Clyde Ave. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- Knitting Wool, Books, Needles, etc. Baby Woollens a specialty. HIGH UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW LOT on paved street, passed for D-H.A. ;Partially cleared, $500. H. Fallows Realty. W^est 912 - W est 243-M-3. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED--We deliver and work guaranteed. Call Mack, West 184-R. Strathcona Trust medal for pro ficiency in physical education at the Normal Schodrfh Vjineduver. Sam's Barber Shop and the FVench Beauty Salon . will be closed all day Monday, July 3rd., Taunton House School has been requested to open a BRANCH SCHOOL in . W est Vancouver Parents interested in this please Phone Taunton House, Bay. 0622 or Bay. 407l fbr particulars and attend a meeting at Taunton House School 2545 W viist lAvenue, Vancouver, on Tuesday, ^uly 4th, at 8 p.in. LOST -- Ladies' brown hat between 14th and 15th on Bellevue. W est 4fi WE SOLICITLISTINGS of homes, all prices. W e- have several clients waiting to be suited.. C. J] Archer Ltd. (N otary Public services) phone W est 225. SPECIALS -- B m L D lN G LOTS We have located some good buys in all districts ;consult us first,* can supply information re N.H.A. Joans Lawson; Walker & Pride, West Van.'s Pioneer Realtors. W est 55, opp. Hollyburn P.O._____ _______■ WANTED -- Trustworthy girl for housework and occasional carfe of baby. W est 79-M-3, evenings.. LOT 72 X 1„30, between 27th and 28th reduced to $375; worth $550; must sell. Apply Box 333j W est Van. News LEGION TURNS DOWN CAOTEEN CHANCE OF LIFEariM]^ $2,100 5 room house, % acre with" mountain stream; in exceptionally desirable location. This ' beautiful property must be sold a t a sacrifice. House has all conveniences; all year stream flows t h r o u g h t h e , property. A beautiful setting arid a wonderful buy. Property can be subdivided - and half portion sold a t good-price.- DUNDARAVE REALTY, 2464 Mar ine Drive. W est '830. - Open even ings. V ^ pi^eting of the Canadian Legmn held last Friday evening in the Legion H^all, the subject 01 a canteen came up fo r discus sion, On a "Vote being taken it was turned down by a hea'vy majority--26 members out of 31 present voting against it. WANTED -- Mother's Help; feUable; $15 month; sleep out. W est 695-L LOS'T ^ M ale wire-hairW terrier, white, bro'wn.ears, saddle m arking collar, from 11th & Clyde on 22nd. Phone Dr, Johnston. ; _________ LOST -- Friday; navy blue voile between 29th and 21st. Phone West 147-R-3. ------