Bttlkttn N0. $ e m p ir e T£A«*a EOYAL TEA 0rlnR BAIiMOEjyL>^ Royal Mend t h e c r e a m o f a l l c o f f e e D arjeeling Im p o rte rs ' , VICTOR b l a n c h FLO W ER Solo Province of British CJolumbia. W atch for Bulletin No. 4 L o cal and P e rso n a l -The .office ,oL the. WesL-Van News is situated a t 1704 Marine Drive, in the office of Lawson, Walker & Pride, opposite Holly- burn Post Office. '* m* * Have you heard the latest Victor and B luelfird .Records See your local dealer Brown & Muntoa's store of Modern Homo Applittooes 1542 Marine W est 366 Mombors Assoolatod R. tr, of B.O. ± u o i i t S p e n d ---0 -- l / e i c a i io n : M i iSutiik Solum&ia G aeit K a n ch this ijttax Garrod & Nelson fo r better P L U M B I N G ' Repair Experts West .226, 2460 Marine Dr. You've always wanted to learn to "rope" and ride cowboy fashion. Scarcely more than a day's travel from your home by train, bus, or in your own car are some of the most ■ picturesque cattle-ranches,, in the West. Their real busihe«'is cattle " . ̂ . their pleasure is catering to guests. Reasonable "all-inclusive rates are featured. ♦ Plan-to take part In a real western Tound-up; this ̂ year and enjoy all the' thrills of stampede events from your perch . - . -- t̂atop-the-corral-fenCe-p^--------- 1 Do Y oi| K tiow That there is now in W est Van couver a ° Shoe Store which can supply most o f your footwear he^ds a t keenest prices. Your patronage solicited. ELLIdnS SHOE STORE 1462 Marine Drive WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metd Works F urnace . and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone W est . 39 K VICTORIA Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms,, Home-Cooked Meals Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent by Month or Week. Mias Bernice Patou I'oiurued this week to her- home a t 774 15th Street, from San bYancisco, where she has been studying a t the California Scliool of Fine . A rts for ten months. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rann, who are lier guests. Miss M uphy of Vancouver is occupying a-suite at the Fortune Cup Inn. ' . 4i '4> Mrs. John W right, who has been occupying a suite' a t the Fortune Cup Inn this summer, has returned to her home in Vancouver. A new float was built and put in position th is week for the use of the ferries a t Ambleside Dock, some dredging being also done underneath the float. The old float was placed there in 1925. Mrs. A. Webb, ,25th and Mar ine Drive, has moved to Van couver. '♦ 'If * Mrs. Halley has moved from . Vancouver into a suite in the Fortune Cup Inn. Mrs. E. A. Robinson, 2897 Bellevue Avenue, returned last Saturday from a motor trip to Williams Lake. While there she attended the annual stampede. .|(C : , * ■ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas of Van couver have moved into a house a t 25th and Marine Drive. Surprise Party On Friday evening of last week a group^ of friends paid a surprise visit Tothe home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMillan to offer congratulations and ̂ to help tljiem in celebrating the ir 20th wedding anniversary. A presen tation o f Royal Crown "Derby china was made to the popular couple following which oards and- musical numbers "Were enjoyed. A dainty sunner and **Auld Lang The ReVi VV. L, MoKay, miiiisn ter in charge of the Baptist Church here, was chosen flrst vice-president at the recent ses sion of the Baptist Churches of B.C. held in New W estm inster. V * ♦ ♦ A number of friends assembled lust Monday evening a t her home, to say good bye to Miss Ola Mp- Lean of the Hpllyburn School teaching staff, who left vlast night to go as an exchange teach er to Barry, South Wales. She toqk the plane to Toronto, whence she will travel to New York to i?ee the World's Fair,' and then by the Queen Mary to England. ♦ , * ♦ Word has' been received from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bowes, Prinoe Rupert, of the birth of a son on June 22nd (Gerald Wallace). Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bowes, 2153 Esquinmlt'Avenue, are the paternal grandparents. ' ♦ >(< * John C. W. Greene of Penma- ennmwr, North Wales, who with his mother has been the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Greene, 229 29th . Street, left here last Monday ^for Montieal. Some years'ago. Mr. Greene constructed on a light delivery van chassis, a home on wheels. It contains a living room, two beds, cupboards, stoves for heating and "cooking, and a top which slides back. The windows are placed a t the back • and sides, and there is a fly ten t Stratton's BAKERY ^ * MMmMtmmJnkmM - FRESH DAILY Ton vnrioties to suit overy taste Mont lUoa -- Cookie* likeloa Cake* -- Paatrien Bona and Kollr Nolo Address: MC8 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre T lU m sU A Y AND FRIDAY, •lunu 2l)th and 30th MRLVYN DOUGLAS "There's That Woman Again " uIho ' "PENNY'S PICNIC" (Pete Smith) vSAT. MATlNFl«i\ &, EVENING and MONDAY duly iRt and 3rd WALI.ACE HEERY; MICKEY ROONEY which covers the van Tor use m ddesert country. ^Mr. Greene an< his mother in the past few years have covered most of Europe; in it, including Norway, Sweden, (Germany, Turkey, Iceland, and Lapland, during which they have "igone four hundred miles above th e Arctic Circle. This will be the second t ip e they have cross ed th is continent from coast sto coast and' back' via the United States when they reach Mont real, where they, will take ship for England. Altogether they have so" f̂ar travelled.37,000 miles _andiffopeJ_omextxrjoss_Afi±cjL__ " Stable Mates" also ' ' , ' " THE MARCH OP TIME" " THE KING AND QUEEN IN WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK" TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY ' duly 4th and 5th FKEDEItIC; MARCH "TRADE WINDS" ' (Onco only at 8:15) uIko "LOVE, HONOR AND BEHAVE" SPECIAL MATINEE Wednesday. July 5th at 2 p.m. Subject to- .1)0" announced oh I screen. ■ , COUNGILNOTES Syne" ̂ concluded a very happy and memorable evening.♦ * ♦ [QU M ■ n f non M o rk e is m m m West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 F rid ay an d S a tu rd a y FREE S P E C IA L S DELiyERY Shower About forty friends met a t ^2657 Nelson Avenue last Friday evening when Mrs. C. W. Doh erty and M[rs. M. H. Ashall ent ertained a t -a. kitchen shower, honoring Miss Jane Beattie, a bride elect of early July. 'The gifts were presented in a decor ated skow, by-Kathleen Beattie, young sister of the bride, and June Ashall. ^ Music and guessing contests, were the order of th ^ evening. Mrs.- G. A. Beattie and Mrs. J. Weir, mothers of the bride and groom to be, presided a t the tea table, while assisting were Mrs. 0. J. Ashall and Misses Lenore and Mary Beattie. Grade A Red Brand BUTTER First Grsde 3 lbs. 75c Grade A Red Brand Rump Roast 25c lb. Shoulders Lamb 22c per ib. •Cross-Rib Roast 23c lb. BAKEASY 10c per Ib. Breast Lamb 15c lb,Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per lb. Roast Veal 20c p e r lb.Rolled Pot Roast GRADE A BEEF 20c lb. Short Ribs 12»|2C lb. Breast Veal15c p e r lb. Fletcher's ^ PUREURD ___^bs. ISc. ; FLETCHER'S Vi No. 1 Bacon 15c per |̂2 lb. pkg. DEATH OF MURDOCH W. McDERMID Murdoch W. McDermid, 2M1 Argyle Avenue, 73 -years old, - died Tuesday, the 20th instant, in the North. Vancouver General Hospital. Fueral services were held a t 11 a.m. Friday in North Vancouver with the Rev. H. B., Allen officiating, committal being made in the Returned Soldiers' Plot, Nprth Vancouver' Cemetery. The decease, who is survived hy his wife and one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Craig of Vancouver, also a brother in Colorado Springs, was born in Cape Bre ton, N.S., and had been a resi- - dent here for four years. Going overseas with the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders, he was la ter trans ferred to the 230th Forestry Bat talion, in which he attained the rank of sergeant. ■ A letter was received by the Council from the.'B.C. Electric Railway Co.., re the proposed numbering" of residences and business "premises beyond West, Bay. Referi^d to the Reeve and Chairman of the Board of Works with power to act. H., A. Roberts Ltd. wrote tiie Council re completion of ceitain roads in S.V2 of D.L. .1048. The m atter was referred to the Chair man of the Board of Works and the Engineer w ith power to act.' ♦ ♦ ♦ 'Miss Almas' application for a sidewalk om the north side of Marine Drive was accepted by Council provided permission was obtained from 75% of the resi dents in the block. ' The road tarring program for $6,883 was presented to the Council. Referred back to the Council as a whole for further consideration.♦ * ♦ The Council received a letter from Mrs. Gertrude Hampson re the proposed subdivision of Lot 8, Block 4, D.L. 775. Referred to the Clerk'.for a reply. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phono W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ----- . a d c q -- -- Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies W est Vancouver Bifessenger Service PARGELS -- BAGGAGE or Light Transfer Work of any description For Prompt Service, Phone _______ W EST-700 . __ The Chalet MEALS, ROOMS (Single and Double); rates by day, week or month. Furnished Cottages. ' HORSESHOE BAY .W hytocliff 241 YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buys in Lqts and Homes Rentals and Insurance Solicited. Estates Managed - J . T. W A TT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 < TIDE TABLES (For use of bathers) Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High, Tide 6:20 p.m. 6:54 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 7:55 p,m. 8:22 p.m. Wednesday 8 :50 p.m, Thursday ,9:20 p.m. ' Low Tide 10:33 a.m. il:10^ .m . 11:45 12:20 p.m. 12:52 p.m. 1 :25 p.m. 2:00 p.m. SPECIAL Inside F ir;-- from s h ^ ........$6.00 per cord from mill ........$6.60 per cord Slabs w ith Bark $4.00 per cord : Slabs & Edgings $8.76 per cord SAW DUST . PRITAM'S FUEL Phone, North 620 EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly w ith 'Birks Ltd., Montreal),, 1522 Marine' D rive CANADIAN LEGION, POST 60 m o L i c MONDAY, JULY 3rd, in THE ORANGE HALL Dancing 9 - 1 2 Tartan Mountaineers' Orchestra ' Drawing for Boat arid other donated priz^ . " __ Tickets 25c. . «' I.'., ri v; I, T v.L.ii i', n, - v,