tv t ^ t - ,̂* f ̂ f* , . c, S.Sf t I ' ^ >rfRU.*. M. . * rv V..ftii VH IS. -M -9..K ̂4> 11. v««..1i.ftaW-1 .-.«)> <• » i' W M.J1..I- *}- ('"eti.'-'»»5Jtw.̂ r̂t»ŴS**«'C-?V»'IWj,""'=¥»i'"̂'̂""î' 'M.-y»r̂5X V", ■*TM=' <i*ifWVS<5;if̂Mi«."<f«snia«̂fi{î î-" ' 'u'J- . • ̂ ̂ ̂ M ») 1 ». v)Jfe>H* 4 1 ̂ y% > .̂5 . .. , j , j, ̂ V - «i ̂ «ssfe.w yt-.*" « .w-t , u> w. I 'k p■r'Ĵ,:;.: Ip•iV'iVv";V'Pf "■'f: ■ i' ^p} IMMfŝ ; » i 1 8 WEST VAN. UNITBil CHURCS fjor. Z l.t & E « iu im .lt Ava. REV. W. VANCE; B J i^ H laiaiaf 2047 Gardon Avenua Phone West 244-H 'Sundiiy Sardcliril i:m:M!timp.m Stranjfera and Viaitora are welcome Summer Coiffures BAPTIST C H im C B '* Mittlatey ' ' Ree, W ; L McKay. B.A.. R D . Sunday SendiMa 10:00 a.m.~>Church School in> 11 k 7;S0 p.m-- Pr«aebin«r Servlcea. A hearty welcome to all Are donniloly Hhorter, yet fem inine. Not the maniflh ahlngle of ten yeura ugo, but «oft wovoH Hwirllng Hidewuyii und aoft chiKuled temple i:url». A Duart Pernuinent glvea you the »oft- neHH required for thia now »um- rner haircut. / HOLLYBDRIf HALL 14th and Duchesa SUNDAY. July 2nd. at 10 a,m. |Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:50 gOspkd address Hpoulcer; MIt. A. MORNING TUESDAY at 8 p.m.• ■ ̂. . . Prayer and Ministry of the Scriptures WEST VANCOITVEK Christian Science; Society ECH" EDIPICE""--""'̂ '"' 20th and Bsquimslt, HoUyhum This ^ ie ty u a Branch of The Mother Church . The F irst Church of Christ, Sciehtiat. in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday. July 2nd, SUBJBCl': " G O D " Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:10 p.m. The , public is cordially ; in vited to attend our services' ond meetings. r*~ ■■■■■"'1^^ iH iSUMMER m C H A N D ia ro R S en I ' " i 'SPORT srrTRTS--A ia rg e ranfp'of'etylM^«»d*«^oTdi"iM<^-tSe'th |1.M* r I The New JANTZEN SW'IM TRUNKS, assorted styi& t and colors, | wXevOa vdS«lyOa tJC I' MEN'S AUL WOOL ENGLISH FLANNEL PA N TS, pleated and I nlutn styles# i ricc ............ .................................... *..... . y^.uu and f-) 95 I I McLEOD'S MENS WEAR iSsT Iancouv̂ ' I L g ■HI iHH'lMai ■■■i"l■■■"lliM'■ H 'l lM i j ; T?iiaa/>ii Pnlmor of Vail- Miss Margai%t MavrmrHMiss M argaret Maynard moved couver, is spending a weea witn on Tuesday into the house she her mother, Mrs. J. L. Davidson purchased a t 26th and Marine of Caiilfeild. ■ ^rive. ojO' jiofo Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe UNITED CHURCH and Esquimalt Ave. Jlev. William Vance, Minister ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOUC CHURCH . 28rd &. Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Vaster CreaiorM of Encluulve Permanenta, 1646 Marine Drive WcHt 117 D R . G. D . H. S E A L E D.D.S.. L.D.S.' DENTIST X-IUy Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. xOfflco IlournrO to 0 p .m ....- . EveningH by appointment. Phono W est 72 ' J)R. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hourfl: 0 to 0 --- Evonlnga by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 Eatabliahed o it' North Shore 26 Years (Lady AftaiBiunt) HARRON BROS. LTD. ]fuaerai Birrctocs Holly burn Funeral Home 18th and Marino West 184 North Vancouver Parlors' 122 W est Sixth Street J?bone-North 184 Vancouver Parlors -- 66' Tenth- Avcnue-Etist- Sunday, July 2nd. 11:00 a .m .-- Morning Worship. Subject: "Our Citizenship Is in Jleaveii." , 7 :20 p.m.--Evening Service. Subjeoi "The Christian's Sword." . . Ther will be no Sunday-School during Julv and August but all Sunday School scholars are fp,- vited to the morning service and part of this service will be for their special interest. Next Tuesday, July 4th, is the date chosen by the Women's As sociation for the annual garden party, to be held through the kindness of Mrs. W. Tinney, on the attractive grounds of her homo overl.ocjking the sea, a t the foot of 20th Stieet. If weather is unfavorable the aifair will be held indoors. Convening the tea are Mrs. F. J. Patterson, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, Mrs. H. Ostrom, Mr.s. M. E. Rush, Mrs. E. Ther- rion; candy, Mrs. J. Reid; home cooking, Mrs. E. Scott and Mrs. N. T. Shirlaw. Members and friends arid esp<^ially strangers are cordially invited. Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. HiKh Mass and Sermon -- 10 :15 . . r, A,,Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 W arm W eather . ' IS' H erel ■ Buy a New A ir Conditioneil ICE t'" - ®t 'l;" ■i'-.-'.r'* On our Easy Terms, for Health Protection; Ice Boxes also For Sale P*ID. . , ' Catechism artel Bible Class--2 :00 GARVIN ICE AND FUEL p.m. . ̂ Week-day Services M ass:-- 7 :00 a.m, ' ^ Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. ' Saturdays ~ Confessions; 7 ;30 to 8:80 p.m. COMPANY LIMITED Phone W est 7 8 8 2 1 5 7 M arine Drive 'afiglWIRIM»«lhllionfn>n> CHURCHES OF CHRIST,. SCIENTIST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. MicKay*. 1546 Duchess Ave. ----- Suflday-Servic ^ ------- „ "GOD" will be the subject of, the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist^ on Sunday. The Golden Text is : "Unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, thfe only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever." 1 Tim othy 1: 17. ' Among the citations which comprise the Lesson Sermon is tJ^e__fpll,o\ying from the Bible: "(Jreat is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite. -- Psalms 147: 5. The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- "book: "Science and Health witlr- P U B L IC M E E T IN G REGION HALL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5tH, a t 8 P.M. ; Speaker i 'CL ĵK^acb^^ A review of your business a t Ottawa. ' A R E C O R D 1,900,000 Miles without accidents, 1924 - 1938. -- Efficient and Courteous Drivers -- rind Ford Units a t Your Service T E A R O E -k-SO N , p"™ V s T 84 C O N C R E T E Q Q N T R A C T O R S Asphalt Prem ix DRIVEWAYS Phono Fair, 184 H O LLY BU RN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY lAND NIGHT CLASSES Mth and Marino - W est 811 A r - > . /Vip; 'T The French 1̂ . ^ Beauty Salon ̂ i M > _ - F o r P e r m a n e n ts %:<u i): o f l a s t in g b e a u t y . L , : | i :'S , Wo apecialiao in fine. grOx and -- ̂ whito hair. Sum'll Harbor -Shop and the h Fronch Bounty Salon will be dosed nil day Monday, July Jlrd, 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212: • yj . ; , -V:. y. '• j , CAUD OF THANKS J"-H % rIf ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clark and family wish to e.\pro.s.s their deep ijrati- tude to their friends, neighbors and relative:^*for their tokens, of love «s and sympathy, and for their lloral offerings, during - their recent and sad bereavement. .TH E ■ M ' '> W est Van~New:fWP: ' f t PubliahTd"Every Thursday 11:00 a.m.--Subject "The Pen knife on the Word of God." The Lord's Supper will ̂ be ^ administered. 7:80 p.mi -- Subject "Playing the Fool." The church school meets a t ^ o'clock. Wednesday, July 5th -- The Church and Sunday School picnic" will be held a t -Horseshoe Bay. The buses will leave the church a t one o'clock. -̂-- ̂ ^ ^ . Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is incorp oreal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle,, Life, Truth, Love." ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y. PASSING OF ^ SIDNEY J. COCKS ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F . A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, July 2nd. -8:00 a.m.--Holy Cpmmuhion. 11:1:5 a.m. -- Holy Communion and Seimion.- 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. In the future sei*vices will be ' a t 8 a.m., 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. . St. F^ancis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild Sunday, 8 p.m.--Evensong and'- Sermon. Sidney John Cocks, 2316 Law- son Ayenue, passed away last Fi'iday in the North Vancouver (Jeneral Hospital after only a few days illness. The deceased, who- was in his 49tE year and had resided here for about six years, was on t|ie engineering sfeif of the Wes^t'/Vancouver Ferries. He is survived by his wife, one son, Peter, in Vancouver; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Cocks of Lon don, England; one sister, Mrs. E. Reiidall, Bedford, England. Fun eral services were held,at 2:30 p.m. Monday from the Holly burn- Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. F. A. Ramsey of ficiating, and interment was made in Gapilano View Cemet ery. THE BIG 1 9 3 9 installed, for only $5 dow n This year prices are lower, refrigerators are larger. Easy to buy, too -- only $5 down, 3 years to pay. Don't delay. See this Westinghouse a t your nearest B. C. Electric store today! ' W EST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th St. ERIC M; CLARK PASSES Publisher F. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Ogice: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 . North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a" year by mail Pastor: , Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. , Sunday Services: -Boys Girls .Holiday S ^ i c e ............................... 9:45 a.m. Morning and Evening Services.... 11 a,m. & 7:30 Wednesday fellowship 7:30 p.m. Children's Meeting, 6:45 p.m. Horseshoe Bay and Vicinity Thursday, Bible Class (CrBit House) 7:80 p.m. Sunday School........ . 2:30 p.m. During the summer the Sun day School will take the form of a Children's Service and will be held on the sea shore" by the Dundarave Pier, under the name of *^Boys and Girls Holiday Ser- A t 3 p.m. last Saturday in the Hollybum Funeral Home of Har ron Bros. Ltd., funeral services* with officials of the Christian Science Church in charge, were held for E ric. Macintosh Clarky 14-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Clark of 1437 Lawson Avenue, who d ied . suddenly on Wednesday, the 21sl instant. Besides his parents, the deceased who-W'as born in Sandon, B.C., rind had lived here about four yeare, is survived, by a sister, Esther, and one brother, Doug in , both a t home. Interment, was made in Gapilano View Cemet ery. 5 pear w arran ty on hBrmeticaUg-8eaIed"ttnit, Model has 6.9 cubic foot food storage capacity fo rc ^ d ^ t a ir cooling, harmeticaUy-sealed unil j^nalloy froster, True-Temp. dual-automatic cohtro three ice cube trays for 88 ice cubes, all-$te^l cabinel Stor-Dor, interior light, fast freezing dessert tray vegetabte ensper. Interior c'amers rounded f® easier cleanmg. $229.00. : Mrs. Gow of Vancouver, is oc cupying a suite a t the Fortune (^CSlecl/iif STORES Cup Inn.