C irc u la tin g in the D is tr ic t o f West. Vancouver--Am bleside, H o lly burn, Weston, D u n darave $1.00 per year. Cypress P a rk , C au lfeild , W hytecliff, E tc . 6c per copy Voi. XI H O L LY B U R N P .O .. W EST VANCOUVER, B .C , T H U R SD A Y , J U N E 29th. 1939 No. 12 CONFEDERATON VIOLIN & PIANO RECITAL COMING EVENTS csoinrdav of thi§'^week will be Dominion Day, when we ' p^nmliim^throWhout the length and breadth of the land will Xfmrneinorate Confederation,' the charter of our sta tus as a sSfrgoverning dominion in th a t comity of nations known as the British Empire. ' i ' *.1. Although not a century agK>, it is a long cry from those purlv days in which the fa thers of«our country came together tn unite in one the provinces .which they represented. Canada^ then for all in tents and purposes one vast wilderness, througli which were scattered settlements of greater or lesser pvtent with here and there small towns and villages. Even ' Montreal/ Toronto and Quebec w ere not big cities as we ra te big cities today. The prairies were practically an unknown ' land peopled by Indian tribes, while British Columbia, although a crown colony, contained only a handful of whites. It is^ell, especially in these days of general discontent, to look back on what has been accomplished since 1867, not in any spirit of pride bu t ju s t to temper down th a t feeling of impatience, which is always rife in such periods of change as that through which the world is passing. Rome was not built in a clay, and the Canada we know is afte r all little more, than thirty-eight years old. Tn those few* years she has become one of the great wheat granaries of the world, a country of great mines and large m anufacturing plarits, of modern cities and transportation systems.,,, On the fields of France and Flanders she sealed the charter with her blood, so becoming a nation. It is a record of m aterial progress of which we as Can- * adians have a right to be proud. For Canada sis of the North, and the North is a rough old m other vvho demands the u tte r most of the minds and .bodies of men before she yields up her gifts. She indeed breeds men, bu t the struggle against nature is such that i t often begets a tendency in them to for get the spiritual. - . . That is the trouble with Canada today, as it is of the whole civilized world for, th a t m atter. We have worked so hard and been in such a hurry* to develop the vast resources, of our land that we have become careless of religion and our business and political ethics. ^ ' ' Thus there is distrust, ̂discontent and distress in the midst of plenty. No. nation can; become or remain g rea t while' such-f^Iings be better- for Canada and ourselves,Tn fac t i t is e^ e n tia i to our well-being that we forget about m aterial progr;^ss,fcp: a while and devote all our energies to pu tting qur house in order, the more so in that we may be on th e W e of one of the g reatest testing times of mankind.' , . " • • - ' V.O.N. MEETING HOTJ.^mJRN HALL , St. Stephen's Church hall was filled to capacity on I'uesday evening last by a very appreci ative audience on the occasion of the recital by pupils of Mrs. F . Knight-Hodge, l.U.L.C.M,, when the various violinb Wd piano numbers , were heard to great advantage. Those lecitals given by Mrs. F . Knight-Hodge always provide a musical tm it in West Vancouver. Every stu- ddht/played with i^rfect .fluency arid technique, phrasing and gerii eral; decision, wkrmth and ex pression, which showed the very careful train ing 01 their teacher from the Beginners' Class to the Senior section. I t would be dif ficult to' single out any special number of the. performers as the whole standard of performance ■was very high; v* A young pianist of, 9 years, Kathleen Gollinson, played ex ceedingly well and shows great promise. Special praise should be kiven to the assisting artist, Bernard Smalley, bqy cellist, who played with very fine technique, warm th and decimon. His twp numbers, "Lamehtp," Gabriel Marie, and "Allegro Appaison- "ata ," Saint-Saeris, tvere much en joyed, a s . also vĵ ere the two violin solos playW by George Brealey, a vei^ promising vio linist. Every iteni was well're ceived, and responded to by en- ' cores. The recital was a com- .. plpte., .suppe^s,^ jiS^r,pprfprm.er3. showing the beauties of their selected numbers. I t is hoped to hear more of these talented students and congratulations go to their teacher for her continu- -ed-successr-^Mrs--Hodge-was -the- redp ien t of'tw o lovely"houquets -,_and-^r-g4ft-£pom-a-firfend- Sunday, July 16th--West Van couver Sea Scouts Annual Mystery Cruise'and Picnic. TAUNTON HOUSE SCHOOL Taunton House School was'es tablished in Vancouver five years , ago by its principal. Miss J. M. OMlton, B.A., A.T.C.M. During This period it has grown steadily until it now occupies two large buildings, the school and the residenoo. A high standard of academic .work, m usic,, a rt, and physical/ education has been maintained. School results in ■Matriculation examinations,, Tor onto Conservatory of Music ex aminations and ' B. C., Musical Festival competitions have'been most satisfactory. Above all,' Taiinton House emphasizes that "education is the formation of character." Parents who are int- e rq ^ t^ . in this work have asked th a t a branch of Taunton House be opened in West Varicouvei'. This branch school would be a day school for grades I - y i . In charge-of it would be a mistress^ who has been associated with Taunton; House 'since its com mencement. Every effort, would be made to carry on work on the . same lines and the same standard as th a t of Taunton House. Chil- . dren_at the branch school would join with those of the larger school for certain yearly school , . functions such as the Christmas^. 'Play;"the~gynr"xlisplay; this way parents of young chil dren jwould be able to secure the advantages of association with an established - school, without - the disadvantages ' of travelling . to the city. Parents who are interested in. the opening of a Molly Edwards' swimming and diving classes for bogirihers and advam;ed pupils commenced Monday, Juno 19th, a t Dundai- uvc Pier. Phone West 208-M.'*""* MEiyiTNG TO DISCUSS NORTH SHORE PARKS 1\) stimulate public inlterest in the development of the North Sliore mountains a mass meet ing of skiers has been arranged by Vancouver Ski Zone Commit tee oh Thursday, July 6th, in Hotel Vancouver, a t 8 p.m. ' Plans of the Ih'ovincial Gov ernment to develop Seymour, Grouse and Hollyburri mountains into park areas will be explained by Hon. G. M. Weir, Hon. Wells Gray, Hon. W. J. Asselstine and Chief Forester E. C. Manning. . Other speakers will include' Reeve J. B. Leyland, G. G. Me- Geer, M.P., Commissioner E. A. Cleveland of Greater Vancouver , Water District and Commission er G. W. Vance of North Van couver. LEGION FROLIC Canadian ..Legion, J ^ s t 60, .wiH ' be holding a Frolic on Monday, * July '3rd, in the Orange Hall, proceeds of which will go to the Building I"\ind. Dancing will take place from 9 to 12, and the mlJsio~wil l~b'^iiri;lTai^e~"of th e ~ popular Tiirtan Mountaineers' A meeting .of the y ic to rian .Order of Nurses Board was- held at the r€sidendê :Of* -M rS^nr'Os- trom, 1707 ESquimalt Avenue, on Tuesday, June 20th. 'Those present were: Miss L. MoCallum, Mesdames W. F. .Davis, H. Ir ving, J. B. Leyland, F. Rivers, G. E. Seen, E. Therrien, H. .Walker, L. Wainwright; Messrs. G. M. Gemmill, D. McTavish, kev, Wm. Vance, Reeve L B. Leyland and Dr. T. A. Johnston. Plans were discussed fo r ' the 1940 financial budget. northT hore ^ ^ LADY LAURIER CLUB . A meeting, was held/ in - the garden of Mrs. J. Edward ^ a r s , dl20 Travers Avenue-, a t 3 p.m. on the 21st instant, when an advisory committee was appoint ed composed of the following: Mrs. G. W. Kissick,,chairm an; Mrs. C. Hay, Mrs. H. Richmond, Mrs. S. Fraser," Mrs. K. A. Ray, McIntyre, Mrs. R. P. blower, and Mrs. Frank Bayfield. Mrs. Paul .Smith, M.L.A., arid " ^^bclair were the speak- S ™ Served in, th e gar- There will be Sunday Schcool and ;.Young People's Bible. Class a t iO a.m, mext Sunday, July 2nd, in Hoilybum Hall. A t th e 7:30 p.rii.J service next Sunday A .'M orning will give a Gospel address. Tuesday a t 8 p.m. prayer and ritiiriistry of the Scriptures. ' f New Way of Fishing Bootlegger (to man fish ing): "Haye any luck ?" lV&,n: "No.", . . ̂ Bootlegger: "Try some of th is on your bait." '.Man pours something from bottle over the worm on the hook^ and , lowers it Into the water. Soon a great splashing about is heard and the line is jerked up. The V orm has a strangle hold on a catfish, and is punching him in the eye with his tail. Choir Boy: "W hat made you, give, up singing in the choir ?" Form er Colleague: "I was ab sent one Sunday, and someone asked if the organ had been mended." . The haJl and stage were pretl tily decorated by Edith Powell, Doris Barnden and Lenore Beat- tie. Refreshments were* served, Mrs.' T.- L ittle fo rd b e in g in ch a rg e ..' Mrs. Hodge wishes to express her appreciation to all who so kindly assisted and especially the Rev. F .4 A. Ramsey and the church committee in loaning the hall. Net proceeds will go to aid the St. Stephen's Boy Scouts and Cubs, Auxiliary. Junior Branch of Taunton House Orchestra: Dtrntrg--ibe-evetring in W est Vancouver are invited to attend a meeting to be held . -at Taunton House School, 25J 5 ■ W est 1st AvenuerVancouver, on Tuesday, July 4th, a t 8 p.m.* PUBLIC MEETING _ CHAMBER OF-C'OMMERCE Members of the local Chamber of Commerce and the ir -wives, the Reeve and Council, members o f ,the School Board, _and the West Vancouver School Band will leave Ambleside Dock at 8' p.m. sharp, next Tuesday by special ferry for Kitsilano, where they will be guests a t the celebration there. They will re tu rn about 10:30 p.m. 'The regular meeting of the local Chamber next Wednesday will take the form of a dinner to be held ait H unter's Coffee Shop, 2423 Marine Drive. Following the custom of "ad-, dressing the electors a t the close of each session of parliament, C. G. MacNeil, M.P., will speak id a public meeting to be held in the Legion Hall next Wednes day, July 5th. The work of the Dominion Parliament'will be re viewed, followed by a period for questions. LEGION W. A. a drawing ŵHl be made *ani6ng those holding tickets for the boat now on exhibition' in front of the Astbury /Lumber Company and other valuable prizes, all of which have been donated.- - Books of tickets and cash must be turned in not later than 8 p.m. next Monday at the Orange Hall. ■ ____ ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL West Vancouver Municipal Ferries HALF HOURLY SERVICE dominion day schedule AMBLESIDE -- F irst Boat leaves at 6 a.in. L ast Boat leaves a t 11:30 p.m. / GITY d o c k -- P ^ s t B oat leayies'at 6:30 a.m. - --^':Last Boat leaves a t 12 midnight. , W est B ay Buses meet';sll ferries. , Upper Level Bus--Sun^ny Service. ATTENTION! FIRST AIDERS Anyone possessing a St. John's Ambulance Association certifi- "cate wKcTi&"irit^ s ted H rilfo n ri^ ing a North Shore Division, kindly communicate w ith the undersigned who is desirous of forming this Branch. . . ' STAN RODGER, .1744 Argyle Ave., - or phone W est 525-L. "A headache tablet dissolved in a vase of water," says a wom an's page item, "will make wilted flowers brace righ t up." - "That's f nothing," w rites old Ben Hibbs. "P u t the flowers in a quart of bootleg and they will burst into song." The W.A. Canadian Legion are holding a tea a t the home of Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, 1374^or- don Avenue, on Wednesday, 5th July, from 2:30 to 5 o'clock. Although it is vacation time the work of the W.A. must be done. Everybody will enjoy 'their holi days better knowing they are doing their duty in helping less fortunate children to participate in the pleasures,_of life. Come and bring a friend. You will certainly feel better yourself by helping others. T " ICE 7 -- Now th a t the warm weather is here, the Garvin Ice and Fuel Company whose . new North Shore plant is located at 2157 Marine Drive, are offering ueW a ir conditioned ice refrigerators on easy, term s for the protection of th e health. 'They also have ice boxes for sale and the ice required for hot summer weath er. Any interested are asked to phone them a t West 788. . F or fu rther p ^ io u la rs kindly refer to the advertisement in this' issue. ■ A very enjoyable aftenioOn was spent by parents and friends a t the closing, exercises of St. Patricia School last Monday aft ernoon under the capable man agement of the principal, Miss M arjorie R. McGillivray and her •able assistant, Mrs. T. J. Brown. The pupils displayed the results of careful study and training in the various activities of the school. The Nursery School and Kindergarten pupils'gave an int eresting informal demonstratiop of supervised work and play, while all joined in singing games, rhythrii band, and songs. A piano solo. by each pupil showed, promise of a successful foundation for future study. Several talented pupils from Miss McGillivray's piano classes completed the program.^ Follow ing this, all enjoyed ' refresh ments, the pupils acting as servi- teurs. DOMINION DAY FERRY SCHEDULE The ferries will maintain a half-hourly service throughout Dominion Day. The first boat will leave Ambleside Dock at 6 a.m., and the last a t 11:30 p.m. The first boat from the city dock; will be a t 6 :30 a.m., the last boat leaving there a t niidnight. West Bay^ meet all boats. The Sunday service will be m aintain ed by the upper level bus.♦ ♦ u-