West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jun 1939, p. 4

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. j « 4 ■ m THE WEST VAN NEWS Jtme 22. I9aq ttwiwifiWMW ass9 ,'■w>p«*<«(»*r '•4 'tsu ■ i 4 i I ...jf? li- I t ■'. ' '̂* 'S ; V' Krt 5 ̂' ) , , » ?!S ' . 'Mvv-ife- S-'-G 'i a l f eIsMi? ' l i ^ l 'J f '\ ri*! f« Vi ■s,V,j\fc S I T L ft i i « t i t e l l i l I rt e -n i'vl ■! I'it -ffr 1 ^ ^ m5|¥' y Vl i ijSli H h m j i. '; ISII -*hu, > ^i, « r 3 , w f Ph««r w«t M- ~ A. Ha»irey Sm idi-- H..t»-w«t m V tm IJ«*llvery 6«rrlc« * Monthly Account W .CXU/ilEPAE CONTEST P R IC E S c o o n fo r F R ID A Y & SA T U R D A Y , Ju n e 2.*ird & 24 th M E A T SlU-d Ik W h i te G U A P E F I t U I T J U R 'K G c n e ru u n l3 F i oJt. t ln » , . . . e i i c h Be K v m 'te n e d o r Pn«wcH*l«*m*d. K x tri* l ^ r i r e 46*ojt. t i n ............. 25k (ljiiK W W 'tc n < ^ o n l y ) . W o h iiv e B C o m p le te I . ln e o f C A N N I N G H i ; i ' l 'U K 8 F r u i t J a r n , J a r U dK , l l u b h e r I tlttlfn , J e l l y GliiHHeH, F a r o w a x , M e m h a S ealH , M e m h a P o w d e r , C e r to . I5 tc , C h e c k O v e r V o u r N e e d a T o d a y ! VF/;in'AllGKH l> e ttu c e , 'rom ati>e»*, N ev r P o tu to e a , e t c , H ed & W h i te P K A S , B h-ve I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , N o . 2 t i n 12c C o lu m h lu C U T W A X l lK A N B ' N o , 2 t in ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i e llt-d & W h i te r O M A T O K S l iu r ^ u N o , 2Vi t i n ...................... v ,1 0 c M A Y O N N A IH H 10 ox . j a r .*ir)C 8 » /C oz . j a r .. 2 0 c ; , :U /i ox . j a r ... 10c B U N 8 P U N H A I-A I) D U K S S lN G 4 ox , j a r ....... I O r; H ox . j a r ......... 10c 10 ox . J a r ..... m e ; .'12 ox, j a r ... . . .4»c U K IM H O G . ... . . . . . . l a r j t e p n e k a f f e lO r 'I'h e N e w S a f e H p ew ly G r a m i l a i c d H o ap . Under ihe t? West Vancpwvt'f \S.C.r.U. AUfe- Margaret (^TiichardHon ' the Bronze an«i' Silvei Contest on Friday evening la.st at the Clachan to a large «»hJ iip- preciative audii*iK>t*, 1 he * expression and emmciation ot ine contestants were of a very order. In the words ol Anne F r e e D e l iv e r y W e a t 3 7 0 I H K k F ~ ~ G r a d e A a n d Al ^ '"i liA M D -- T o p Q u a l i ty I p a U K -- G r a i n F e d V'KAl^-- M ilk F e d MosKitian, K.T.C.I.., "'t;" for the adjutlicMtoi'rt, "They wore provided vî ith a dillicult Uisk in selecting the winner." The con- testunls will long romemher Uie work of preparation and will not (duality SASH .& PPOKS shingles PLYWOODS LATH •C^^fHERE ISl«̂ NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY A g e n t s : C A N A D A P A I N T C O M P A N Y L T D . PAINT ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE Iff ESI VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- LTD. 15lh & Marine Drive Phone West 115 HUKAST OF LAMB, per lb........ U c benefits re su lt BUKABT OF VKAL, per lb......... 13c ̂ fo lovv- PICKLKD POKK HOCKS, lb...... 10c j,, th e Ju n io r C lass; FKKSH FH^II DAILY ........................ I I'M. LINE OF DEL1CATES8J5N Mary Allen, Cordon Gilhes, Diana Jackson, Donuld Barbara Pari ôh, and Beryl &>eotl. The winner of this class was Naimi) APHICOTH .2 No. 1 tins 2..C j^jp-bara Parson. Ihe Senior ... .■KJlii a aS>« III/* I... \ i i .FlUHTS C L A SSIF IE D A D S rhi. rate for Claaslfled Advertlsemehts ia L cent* per-word, minimum 25 cenU. Except in the caa® of tliime having regular accounta,' all claimi. ^"^"llcmembeT*̂ ^̂ ̂ 1" the^Weat Van Newa get immediaU results. TWO MARINE DRIVE Ir,?.h ,$200 c.'ich on terms, or i)>wo cac^. Nalml. RED PLUMS... ...aquut tin lOc Contestants were: Marjprie Dull- , emsh, ,WhitakerJ ̂ 'V 7 9 4 9 H,d W'hiu* PEANUT mriTER Joyce earner, (niarrnamo WciHUkador > . I ' ' . .... ..... 1 UC i <ir% k tV/T .k 4 1 t4l X iVl yi . .. .. 'ouiid SWANSDDWN CAKE FLOUR 'j* |U , .................. . ......... .V...... . . . . . . . . . COrFEE--Aunt Mary's, . pound 25c PUBLIC SCHOOI. SPORTS Gruchy, Pal laing, Murjorie Mc- Ixilland and Helen Pochin, the medal in thi.s cla.ss being award­ ed to Marjorie McJjulhyid. Adjudication, wius capably RENT -4- 1 Roomed Suinmer Cottage --iFully furni.shod, near bug jind beach, '.$30 |)cr moi.ah--fuly, and A.iunist. Box 0, West V»a News.----- CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ra» Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co,, West fli CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coum try , wrfy; guaranteed; brick and stone tebairs. Palmer, Capllano. Noi^h 81TJr -2. F()R SA LE-- Child's Co(,;$l. West Van News. ___ Box 2 Pauline Johnaon School made a field (lay of it laat Friday al . the annual [iiiblic Hchool HportH, defeating ilollyburn for- the . grand aggregate cup by a scort* of 17!i points , to liU, uIho win l'■l*ulay alLern<H>ii jieggie. jjivcintun iv-€*uû v, Inglewood School by fhe, D̂'t, the evening wa.s,the* rendition.ot (■(>rn»nercial, home ecoiiomic.s and {wo song.s by Mr.s. R. Ilowie.son imliiHtrial ari« classes .wu.h well accompanied .at , the, piano by iworlh . seeing, and attracted a Mrs. J. Sheffield. A highly enkr-, ai gi! attendance of parents and tairiing number wa.s pre.sented WANTED -- Lady will) Iclcphono for magaxine subscription .sales work. ' Must be able to devote two or three hour.s daily to work. Box 8, West,. . Van News. _____ _________ ;-- • FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, • 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L.: MASON'S TAXI ~ Day. and night; heated car; pasEiengers fully insured West 512. ;;r&'V4ro;L;i«i.l;able^^^^ b r s Pai:s'riamio'8 o,V who the gills ami the hoys aggre various kind.s, stools, danced, to the accompaniment ofwniYi fhjjrYmimiHbin>̂ ihn flrsL hv'*' camMC-LS oi viut /̂ua uaueuu, to tnu -- ir î -or (T % fir('i)lace screens, electrical cii- Miss Norma Petrauch. Mrs. S. ' l l' v 7« noinM emits, sheet metal work, steel and a . Cracknell, Provincial Met al Cwen Jmive^ r>rojcĉ :t̂ , brass and-coppeu* Contest Superintendent of thetiwcn Jcnvcy ami iviumeu uun , , .in't/\rwr fVip. xn; r» tt .m y.Vmivm'm(.mvey .s<;y, each a Pauline Johnson student, tiei'l for th(; individual girl'.s championship' and cup, while Wally Danvers of Holly- burn won the champiimship and cup for boys, Particulars of the winners in the various events arc as follows: Boys projects, etc., wore among the art ides on di.splay, all very well finisbed and reflecting great credit on the students respons­ ible and-their teachers, this ap- W.G.T.U., acted a.s chairman. ' Mrs. Wilfred L. MacKay pre.sent- etl the medals. ,At the conclusion of the pro­ gram Miss .Margaret Richardson plied art. « ,v , /rh e home ecJonomics di.splay 40 yard dash, 6 years --- 1 , upstairs wa.s very good, and in ! Richard Gaines (P J ); 2 ; Donald the evening a fashion parade was McDonald (PJ) ; 3 , John Rich- given which drew rounds ol ap- ard.son (H). " ' p lause from the many who filled 40 vds dash 7 vears__1 Bnu'e the auditorium for the occasion. Alowat a 'n •' 2 w n fm l H.rk Thirkell acted as atmounc- ni1 ■ il Ian McDona I ( >1) ̂ Sparrow of- 50 yds. dash. 8 year.s^ 1 Ian M iss-Garnett was.thc.rc- '.^"̂ *aon^I-J)-,-2 ^ ^ 1an.Cue-(l-k)', c ip io n n sl--Dowel's from hor- .). DayidTbote (I J). p u p i ls ,-beiair akso'presented .by M-y<-lsr-a<.]ai;ih' 9 yearii------h-- Minifiuwi ■̂t(»veiison 'vvith silver im e aiUl; UlUll y i a m ])lying also to the drafting and presented with a bouquet of the art designing, pictorial com- "roses. Tea was served by the position, line drawing, and ap- ladies of the W.C.T.U. so'bring­ ing a very enjoyable and in­ structive evening to a close.' CARD OF THANKS Mr. M. McTaggart and family wi.sh to thank their niany friends, ^especially Mrs, Colin MacLean, the- Rev, Leslie Best, and the Rev. W. Vanee foi' the' kindne.ss and sym­ pathy extended to them, during their recent bereavement and also ~foT"the~bematiful' fl orabtrtbute s7~ FASCINATING NEW RESIDENCE --Woodland„KUjn'oundiiigs, ri()uth as­ pect, exquisTO* views ol water and , mountains, strictly ,u]i to date, hving room with fireplace, .3 bedrooms, guest room, modern kitchen and . nook, full basement, other interesting features-, ?4,0UU. N.il.A. terms. Country estate, most • favored residential - district, over .4 acres, with artistic home, to be sold' ' on "instructions of trustee; 20 mm- utc.s to city, T-minutes to ferry, . $8,000, full p'ric6; terms.' Homes m, all districts, $1,450 to $10,000.-. Ask us the selling price on any lot or property for sale in West Vancou­ ver. Service with a smile, anywhere, any time, no -obligation to. buy in­ volved. Bonded and Government licensed. Lawson, Walker &'Pi'ide, West Viin.'s Pioneer Realtors. West , ,55, opp. Hollyburn Post Office, GORDON "ROBSON ~ Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- , icitor, 1406 Marine .Drive; Phone : West 21. or West 663-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- ' Hibneers, North 89, Reverse call. LAWN m o w e r s ; sh a r p e n e d - Special machine; repairs, part: West Vancouver Machine Shop, 144 Marine. WANTED -- Antiques, furniture, sil- ' ver, glass, china. Phone West 938, We will call. , FOR SALE -- Indian rug. 9 x 12,.good condition; newly cleaned, $38. West 201-R. CHIMNEY SW EEPING.-- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason- able rates. ■ H. Gaines, West 167-L GORDON ROBSON -7+ Barrister & LISTINGS WANTED Solicitor, 510'W. Hastings, Sey;-4199 ■ H. A. Roberts Ltd., West VancouTcr at West Vancouver any time by Real E sta te Specialists, 1447 Mar- appointment, West 403. ine Drive. 'West-546^_________ "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- veyaiicing, "Valuator." Reginald P. KNITTING anC P E O N SEWING Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine J- --̂ ̂ T.'V ,7 vaaf o Q X'tiUU OLCVlUlbUJl WILU David Balbour (II) ;̂ 2, LeOiuird candlesticks oiv behalf of the Dudley (P J); 3, Eddie Sandberg students' Association. (P J ) ; ^ . . V ...-UK.. - 50 yds, dash, 1 0 yi^ars -- 1 , Ian McGlashan (II) ; 2, George Bree- dcn-(ll) : 3, Ronald Kelly. (PJ). 5(L. '̂ds. dash, II years -- . 1 , • Gordon, Sangster (PJ); 2 , Jack -V Bingham (II); 3, David Barker (PJ). Relay, 0 man°-^ Pauline.John­ son: Jack Alcbmbrack, Bruce Mowatt, Kddv Sandberg, D̂ tvid winner o Foote, Ronulld Kellv, - Gordon Memorial Sc interhigh school ribbons were presented by School Trustees H. G. Barker and Hugh Taybr, the names of the students Ayinriing high sch(K)l diplomas being read out byJhspeetor W. Gray. Victor Vaughan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vaughan, 2621 Bellevue Avenue, was announced by ex-Principal G. E. Brealey as the winner of the Ian Brown (Jr ' i U - Sangster. Jumps, (> and 7 years 1 , Desmond Jones (P J ); 2, Jim Burrows (P J ); 8 , D(,>nald Hull (PJ). Jumps, 8 years -- 1 , Ian Mor­ rison (PJ) i 2, Alan Ĉ ue (II) and Herbert Johnstone (PJ) tic'd. Jumps, 9 years -- 1 . David Barbour (H) and David Smilh S(?holarship, whioh takes the form of. a ĉ a.sh presen­ tation, and for which the athletic ability, disposifioh, citi'/eiiship and.academic standing of candl:^ f. - dates are all taken into consider ation. School 'Trustee D.^McTavish in a brief address stressed the - necessity of moire school accom­ modation ,to take care of . the in- ..MWMu oreased attendance, which would (PJ) tkul; 3. Eddie Sandb(?rg necessitate the passing of a by- law. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele­ phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. ROOM and Full Board for one or two -in private home. West 218-L. -tI^TNXia_W ANTED,-- Houses to Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, Trinity 1271. Evenings, West EXPERIENCED all round domestic help wanteci at* once; ^good salary for suitable applicant. Phone West 6 9 0 . - ___ ,437-Y-l.: HOME BUILDER -- Gilt clearing and excav-ation costs from 1/3 to Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. West 252-D.' ROOM & BOARD AVAILABLE - Reasonable for two; private hom̂ close to bus and beach. West 824-Y MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam. Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. W IL VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. FOR SALE -- Lovely ibtYo ft. creek frontage near sea, cleared, $400 cash Approximately 5 acres with good house, sacrifice, $2500 cash. Cosy bungalow, garden, $500 down, $10 month, assume mortgage, price $2500.-- -- - H. E. W HIFFIN AGENCY, 1520 ■ Marine -Drive. ' ___ _ " (t lieops among o thousand hills, ' Where no man ever trod, And"only Nature's music' fills, The silences of God." WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store* Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood- work of all descriptions. Phones: West '740 and West 443-R, 1488 Clyde'Ave. ' FILMS -- 30c, any size, 'developed, , printed, 5x7 enlargement free. Bar- . claysj 1518- Marine. ^ (PJ). Jumps, 10 yoar.s ~ 1, Ian Mc- Cla.shau (H ); 2. Billy .Greon (II); 3, Fred Gi'osby (H). Jumps, 11 yea.rs'-- 1 , Albert Mijner (PJ); 2. Alex. Sveiulsen (P J); 3, Vcriie.Fallows (H) anti Jack Bingham (ID tied. 75 yd. (lash, 12 anil 13 years-- i; Bert Baker (P J ); 2, Tom Platt (H ); 3, Eric Lauder (PJ). 75 yds.'open da.sli -- i. Wally J)anvers (H ); 2 , Teddy Gallilee (H ); 3. Bruce Maokay (PJX ~ RECITAL BY I*UPILS BY MISS VANCE Miss Helen .Vance, A.T.C.M., presented her Ladner and West Vancouver pupils in a piano re­ cital last Saturday, afternoon jvt her home, 2047'TJordon Avenue. The program was a varied and interesting one, those taking part showing the results of care- ful teaching. At the request of_ . V-- ,. the audience Aliss Vaiiqe closed 4 man, relay -- Hollyburn: the recital by playing "Dance Wally DanversT Gordon Mitchell, Negre" by"Cyril Scott, following John Platt, Alfred Hibberd. ■ which refi*eshments were served. ^ibloids -- Hollyburn, 32 Those taking part were: Olga points: Ji ĥn Platt, (kndon ip€<lerberg, Gordon Gillies, Lilian YOU too, may experience the thri 11 "rng reverence of a, vacation on the shores^'of an unnamed " take. British C(])lumbia, your-British Co­ lumbia, is a wonderland of myriad lakes and streams awaiting your dis­ covery, ^ Why not-plan, this year, a leisurely, restful vacation amid the. close-by beauties^ o f your home Province. Travel-days'saved add to jh e l^n^th of your days of freedom . . , and t.Ke^cost so very reasonable. Thousands of ^^unnamed^ ̂ lakes w a it your visit. FILMS -- lYhy not buy and bring them here to develop? Barclay's, CLEARED LOT- on Bellevue, 50 ft frontage, $275. W e have several '.furnished bungalows for rent. Some on the waterfront. C- J • Archer Ua, West' 225. (F. Bayliss, Notary ^ Public'. ___ 1518 Marine. GUESTS -- Transients and perman­ ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, West 379-Y-2. . FOR SALE -- 10 f t clinker built row- boat, $16; also tennis net and lâ T' marker, $6. West 159-R-2._ BOARD AND ROOM available for two business, men; cosy cottage on beach, 2812 Bellevue. -FOR SALE FOR CASH--1937 B.S.A- 350 cc motorcycle, excellent condi- tion. Phone West'742-L.________ IVANTED -- Paying guests, transient or permanent, near ferry. W est 68G-R. FOR RENT -- Cypress Park; lid^j room, kitchen with breakfast noo , ' 2 bedrooms, bath, h & Cj $lo P,, month by year; $75 full sea ^ Clark, Sherman P.Q._____ HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN­ ERS -- Window cleaners, -eave- trough cleaners, minor repairs. West 350-M. FOR SALE -- Drop side couch. $3-̂ round hardwood "table and ® ^ ,$12; hardwood dresser, face heater, $2,50. -- the lot $- ■ Phone W est 419 -R .________ ^ Ernest LXvman, Kalph \>qute, Verna Embree, Ted Gallilee, Keith Bosquet. Pauline, Johnson ' LIoy<i Vance, Beverley Chrystal, 80 points: B eil Baker. Eric Doris Eagle, Grace Simpson and Lauder, Ernest Chappell, Jack Doreen Addy, Rhythm Band, 2 Glover, Henry Hall, Gerald TVus- iiumbers. - - -------^---------- sell, Bruce MacKay, Billie Walk- ^ le assisting artist was Ron- er. Jack Parnum, David Barker, aid jjeggo, 11 year old saxophon- (Continued in our next issue) ist. ^ Stltish ^olum^ia LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED -- call Mack-, West 184-R. HAULING. Manure, Fuel, SeptJ Tanks and Rockpits installed a^j cleaned. W est t R7-R. ^ FREDERICK C. AUBREY. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar- ̂ ine' Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691. West' , 546;- Residence, Whytecliff 546. HAVE YOU ARTHRITIS? - - J ? relief overnight by applying _ , lay's Creams. Pho^e West 2, aii« noons and evenings- ■ * --- ; WANTED -- Girl for general house­ work; good home; two adults, "Whytecliff 341. FOR SALE -- Corner Lot 27JM , Mathers, 64' x 122', reasonable | cash. W est'700. -------- dfe PAINTING AND DEQORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley. West 818, - ,1 ATTRACTIVE HOME -- In trict, large developed H-n g! fully modern; garage, $2,/ Fallows Realty,. 1429 Marine West 912. , W est 243-M-3. .