»»»<,*, ,*!>' mIhm '>9.. 1939. THE WEST VAN NEWS j j g n iiT A N T A W N O U N C E W E N T - T h cS :'lcs o f • . i . . " ■ " E M P I K E "T E A w 'l lO Y A I r T B A ' Have Increased Each Day EW«6 \\\* ili.'ink ^Vest Vancouver Patrons for their great appreciation of . halmohau Win d s o r and y o r k mends, Drink our COFFEE •-- There is No Duplicate. V I C T O R B L A N C H F L O W E R II f !• tlu"l*rovincc of British Columbia. Watch for Bulletin No. 3Sole lu'P- ' ̂ 'V "'" ■ ■ ■ . - Mr. and Mra. Frank F. Smith- St. Andrew's^W îjlcy Wohlen*s have as their house guests at Association is sponsoring two Cyiu'ess Payk, D e ^ iuui Mrs. T, garden tours, the dates being M. Putnam and lllom as Putnam Juno 2 0 and June 28. The second Jnr., of Berkeley, Ciil. nyDl bo marked for a tour . , , . . of gardens in West Vancouver, (laughter was born on June including those of Mr. and Mrs. 13th at the;North Vancouver *.;qyA. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. A. General Hospitd to Rlr. and Mj\s. j . t . Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Kon- A. l \ Ridley, 1822 Duchess Avc- m Wilson and Gen. and Mrs. *1̂ Victor Odium. Tea will be served at "Rockwoods," the home of. Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE "T' FUESII DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cf>okiea IScrU'H Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls l ib r a r y Gen. and Mrs, Odium. 65c m o n th ly 3c per day tJp -to -d a te qjj^usivo Gift China and Glassware. , . . . 11-.,., vjhoui.r amT Cards for all Occasions; Cellophane Sheets, Kibbons, Fancy Tissue Papers, Dennison's Crepe Papers;*JJN'ri , XT«J« 15n«n*>a. Kfnmn A IVttitvi o imil Kiirmltna1111(1 I'lain Note Papers; Stamp Albums and Supplies. Agents for Remington 'Pypewriters. f o u n t a in PENS -- PENCILS -- INKS, ETC. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY IMI Marine " - open until 8 p.m. ' Phone West 687 Miss Jemi Forsyth, 1591 Hay wood Avenue, left this morning for Buccaneer Bay, where she will be the guest of Miss Barbara Be wise make vacation arrangements by "long distance" Two brides-elect, Miss Iris Garnett and Miss Belva Woods- worth,. were honored • Sunday afternoon. ■ when,, Mr?. Wilfred Munton entertained at her.home 2103. Bellevue Avenue. The guests of honor, both graduates of the University of Manitoba, were presented with gifts from their former class-mates. ... , A District Scouts'Own Service will be held at 3 :45 p.m. next Sunday at the east end of Argyle Avenue and the Indian Ro.̂ ôrvo. All Cubs, Scouts, Sea Scouts, Rovers and friends are* invited. ..... ... In the event of rain (lie service Smilln will be postponed to ii later dak).' . . ' , ♦ ♦ ♦ __ , ! ' * XI ..XT i, Ralph Burbridge, 2309 lYlarmc Mr. and Mrs. Asquith of Noi-th Drive, is third oiriccr of the Vancouver, have moved into a British Tanker C o m p a n y ' s house at 2192 Marine Drive. Steamship "British Merchant," * '" * running between England and A. Mason, 1405 Clyde Avenue, , Persia, i^eceiving his appoint- is a patient in the North Van- ment upon his arrival in England Note Address: , M(>8 Marine Drive Phone West 27 couver General Hospital. When planning your holi ̂ dayiŝ t is advisable to find out iiNitlvance regarding facilities and reservations. There are likely a. number of things that you will wish to ask about so why not call by "long distance" ?"" The office of the West V i^ News is situated at 1704 Marine Drive, in the office of Lawson, Walker & Pride, opposite Holly- burn Post Office, * . Bradstreet--James . In "one telephone conver sation ' you can: ask ques tions,.receive replies, and, if you wish make reserya-r lions. A-Iong-distance call first: may prevent disappoint ment later. ■ - B. C. TELEPHONE CO. The wedding took place on Monday- at St. Andrews-Wesley Chqrch by Dr. Norwood of Dorr eeii Edith Bothwell James of 1275 Wbst. 7th Avenue, daugh ter of Mrs. Ethel James and the late Lieutenant E. Bothwell James, to 'Frank Maxwell Brad- street. The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Bransby White, 2361fJeffersoin' Avenue,' and was, educated here. They will reside in the city. Mr. Mackenzie, 29th and Mar ine Drive; has moved to North Vancouver. Mrs*. McDonald, who has been living in the city for some tirrie, has moved rhack to 23rd and Jef ferson Avenue.f t|( iK . i|( Mrs. Littleford and'^dh, 133(5 Duchess Avenue, left here on Tuesday to join her husband at Inglewood, Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. English have moved from 26th and Marine Drive into a house at Radcliffe Avenue and Marine Drive. Major and Mrs. Godlundson'pf South, Africa^ .who have been staying at "Salutaris," 24th and Waterfront, have moved into the house they recently purchased at 29th and Marine Drive. Mrs. J. E. Porter, of Windsor, Ontario, is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. W. D. Watson, 1328 Gordon Avenue. last month. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Burbridge, ,1,2309 Mainne Drive. RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MRS. BURBRIDGE Mrs. Charles Burbridge will , present a number of her pupils in a.'piano recital to be held at the studio,. 2309 Marine Drive, next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Those taking part will be Joyce Garner, Anita . Jay, Hugh CJoleOpy, Sheilagh Gracey, Beryl Scott, Brenda Bone, Joce lyn Simpson, Peter Ajello, Roy Henriksen, Bruce Ramsay, An- ! dree Ley, Joyce Wittingham, Stella Gracey, Dorothy Purse, , Kathleen Cole, Barbara .Sparrow. . Peter'F. Britton,.a pupil of ", Mrs. W. R. Clark, will recite and the assisting' artist will be Mrs. Hamilton Smith, elocutionist. Hollyburn Theatre -T linusD A V AND FRIDAY, •luno C2nd and 23i'd ('ONSTANCE HENNl'n'T ROliAND YOUNG "Topper Takes a Trip" also FOX HUNTING" SAT. MATINEE, & EVENING Juno iMth MICKEY ROONEY RONALD SINCLAIR JUDY GARLAND C. AUHREY SMITH "Thoroughbreds Don't Cry " • . also "THE KING AND QUEEN IN VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA" .MONDAY, -TUESDAY AND ■ ■ WEDNESDAY Juno 2(;(li, 27th and 28tli~ I'YRONE ROWER * Jesse James* (l<̂ ihno(l in Tqohnicoky, ' oommoncinq' at H pm.) I An libuT. of sliort subjects at 7 p.m. ■:_ __i SCOUT AUXILIARY .GARDEN PARTY rP-icniC"G■r-eû ld̂ s?-̂ ÎĤ is Cowr-tsy Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Home-Cooked Meals Sandy Beachefs, ; • ' Cottages for rent by Month or Week. Conway--̂ Atwood t^v-edding-took-place-iat-- "Corrie Brae" the home of Trustee and Mrs: H, G. Barker, 3033 Marine Drive,-was the love ly setting for a most enjoytibltr Garden Party held on June 17th, e fQUAUTYl ,A\6AT5 fTR€€ oeuvfRxa ■n f()or> M o r * k e f s Christ Xhurch .Cathedral, Van couver, on Thursday, 15th inst ant, when Jiames M. Conway, eldest, soh of Mr. - Conway of "T^ppieton--Court, and the late _Mrs. Conway, and Marjorie A. Atwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Atwood, 1441 Ottawa Avenue, were united in mar riage by Rev. C. C. Owen. A re ception was held, at Appleton Court after which the ̂young couple left for a trip to 'Seattle and Tacomja. -of the -Moi-h^ West 190 1578 M arine Drive W est 190 L- ?-- ^ Friday and Saturday SPECIALS DELIVERY Grade A Red Brand Runp Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib ^ Roast 23c lb. Rolled-Ribs Roasts _28c per lb. Short Ribs 12%c lb. BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. 75c BAKEASY p e t J E Rolled Pot"Rdast GRADE A BEEF 20c Ib. Grade A Red Brand Engageip.ent Mrs. A. M. Sturgess of Nelson announces the engagement of :her daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. Francis Rowland Rous CuUin, formerly of West Vancouver, son of Mrs, W..B. Haynes of Oliver, and the late Lieut.-Col. H. J. Rous Cullin of Victoria. The wedding will take place quietly at Holy Trinity Church on July 8 at 3 p.m. Shoulders Lamb 22c per lb. * * * Shower Breast Lamb 15c Ib. Roast Veal 20c per lb. ■ Mrs. K. Doherty convened for a delightful surprise shower last Thursday, evening, in honor of M?ks Jane Beattie, a, July bride elect. The gifts were presented in a prettily decorated basket. Those present were Mesdames W-.--Ashall,--Ky-Doherty-j-G.--A.- Beattie, F. Downey, J; Weir, E. McIiroy7 7 F.~ii.x>fting" J:' Oswald; T. Turner, R. Stacey, T. Lightly, E. Ward; the Misses J. Crutch- ..___ _ anspioes' ers' Auxiliary of the First West Vancouver (St*. Stephen's) Scout Troop. Over one hundred guests availed themselves of the oppor tunity of visiting the beautiful , garden and assisting Mrs. Bafkiu- in receiving the guests was Mrs. Reginald A. Davies, President of the Auxiliary. During tlie afternoon the guests were entertained with ; musical selections and several delightful dance numbers by th<' small pupils of Miss Molly Ed wards. A display of work done by the Cubs during the year and a suspension bridge erected over the creek by the Scouts WcTe"of gr^at interest. The tea table was centred with a large silver bowl of lavender and gold flow-- ers, the troop, colors, and these colors were also featured in vases on the tea tables. Pouring tea were. Mesdames J. B. Leyland, W. Solway,- Win. Dickinson and J. R._ Mitchell. The members of the auxiliary take this opportunity of voicing their appreciation to Turner'.s Dairy and the Associated Dairies for their donation of milk and" cream and Sinclair's Antiques for the use of the lovelj^tea urn, also all those who in any way contributed to the'success of the. afternoon;-------- r-------- --------:-- ^ ■ VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEA RLE Rhone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, -- -- ^ D e o ------ Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies W est -Vancouver Messenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE or Light. Transfer Work of any description . For T*rbihpt' Service, Phone ^ WEST 700 The Chalet MEALS, IlOOMS' (Single and Double); rate.s by day, week ot month. Furnished Cottages. HORSESHOE BAY WhyteclifT 241 YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buys in Lots and Homes Rentals and Insurance. Solicited' . Estates Managed J.. T. W A T T 1744.Maflne Drive Phone W. 141 low, P., Bldxham, • E. Hollings worth, P. Barker, K. Hampson, Breast VeaL 15c per lb.. M. Lettner, L. Beattie, B., All work, J. Leyland, R. Blair, F. Johncox, K. Beattie, M. Beattie, THE WENDY HOUSE Nursery School and Camp Is open all summer for day or. resident children from 2 to 7 years old'.' Phone West 867 ' ^ SPECIAL Inside F ir;-- , from shed ........$6.00 per cord from mill ....... $6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord- Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 Fletcher's PURE LARD 2 lbs. 15 c" FLETCHER'S . No, 1 Bacon 15c per *[2 lb. pkg. EXPERT W atch and. Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive ONANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1S42 MARINE DRIVE WEST 366 îMiihOTK A.n.T. of It.C, Garrod & Nelson for better PLUMBING Repair Experts West 226, 2460 Marine Dr.