West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jun 1939, p. 2

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l;l,' r*'A,,i?,K-fV'l % (> ^ 4? l« l* ^ -» ^ 3̂ ^F^«»SS^^»« y#S«rvy»^J«S^ l!"^ f e•*«4 m : l'.r t1 1 '*;; | ; \i ' 4 \ | l :tfl (|.P, /.. I;' {] : '̂' V ' ;5|t'- 31̂1̂- f e : ' I f » Juite 22 . i m WEST VAN. UNITED CSUECB Cor. 21st & Esqulmslt Av«, IIEV. W. VANCE, ».A., M labter 2047 Gordon Avenue ...... i44*» Sundsy Services: ll«.ni.& 7:80p,in, Strantrers and Visitors ere welcome Summer Coiffures > B A m S T COUKCH ' ' ' " |y||||jgf4||fi""""" ' * ' • Iter, W. L. McKay, a A ., 'R D . Sunday Services 10:(Kr ;a.m#>**CboPch " School ha* I ' cludinir Adult Class n a.in. i t 7:30 p.m.--'Prcachioif Services. A henrty welcome to all Art* dcMnitt'Iy Hhorter, yet fem ­ inine. Not the manish shliUflo u f ten years u|fo, but soft waves swirling: sideways apd soft chiseled temple curls. A Duurt J*(!rmanciit Kives yoU the soft- iiesH re<|uired for this new sum­ mer haircut. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of lihJcluHive rcrinanents, ISIsf^Morine Drive (̂ cst il7 ♦ HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess sr.NDAY, June 251h, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Younjf People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 (lOSPKU SEKViCE Speaker;. MU, JOHN HOBKUTSON TUESDAY.at 8 p.m. Prayer nnd Ministry , of the Scripturea WEST VA.N'COUVER Cluistian Science CHURCH EDIKICE 20lh and Ea<|alttialt. Hollyburn This Society i;? a Branch of The Mother (.'hurch The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts ' Sunday Service: 11:30 n.m. S u n d a y , Ju n e 2.')th, , m ^ SUBJECT: . " C H K IS T IA N S C IK N C K " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meelin^r Wednesday a t 8:15 ji.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our aorvicea and meetings. School B aiu i L adies* A u x il ia ry a n ib ja l GARDEN-VAIITY W E D N E SD A Y , J U N E 2 8 th , a t 2 :3 0 P .M . AdmisBion 25 cents pR.A.C. A.A.A. I I WEST VAN MOTORS | I Bill Gi-out " V V E S t 2 ^ 8 1613 Marine | I The Standard Station |W recker, Towing and Roadside Service I OFFiCIAL A.A.A. GARAGE J I C.A.A. ^ A.A. I UNITED CHURCH 2lKt urid Esquimau Ave. Rev. William Vance, Minister ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rci'& Inglewood Ave. 'Rev. Father Van Pastor DR, G. D, H, S E A L E D.D.S., L.DtS. • DENTISTl--- ^ X-Rny / " Ilay Block, 14th and ^ r i n o Dr. Olfice Hours 9 to p.m. ICvcninga by oppointmeht. Pho'ne Weat 72 DR.McRAB D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental --Building- Hours: 9 to 0 -- ICveninga by appointment. 1850. Marino Drive . West 432 Eatablished on North Shore 25 Years " (Lady AaaiBtant) HARllON BROS. LTD. ]funccal Birretora Hollyburn Funeral Home I8th and Marine West 184 " North Vancouver 4 *arlor8 122 W ^ t Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vaheouver Parlors Sunday, June 25ih 10:00 a.rn.--The Sunday School. 11 lOO.'a.m,--Morning Worship. .Subject: "Reware of Imita- tioiiH/' „ '^7:;i0 n.m.--Evening Service. Subject': "Shod for the, * Road." V , At the morning service Philip ' Waits will sing "It Is Enough," from "Elijah" with .special wHo obligato. 10 very body welcome. Picnic Children ami parent.s are in­ vited to the United . Church Siirifbiy School pichic to be held on .Satui-day afternoon, June 24, at lOaglo liarbor. Special buses will leave the church,, at 1:30 p.rn. Games, conte.sts and swim­ ming will be the order of the day. nrilfa "basket" .picnic, so pack up and come along. Under the au.spices of the Church W.A. a garden party will be held on Tuesday, July 4th, on the grounds of Mr.s. W. Tinney's home,--or indoors .should the weather be unfavorable. Conven- ing.the tea are Mrs. F. J, Patter- son, a.S8isted_by_Mrs. A. M. O 'Donnell, Mrs. H. Ostrom, Mrs. M. E. Rush -and Mrs. E. Ther- Sunday Services Low M ass- r - 8:15 a.m. i ' High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 7:00 a.m. FVidays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. ' Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ST. STiEPHEN'S CHURCH ■ 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Asphalt Pretnix ^ D M V E W A Y S ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED ' or ALF ELLIS, West 160-YPhono North 1141 NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine aitd Good Housfekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Reihresentative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. Sunday, June 25th 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. lli:15 a.m.r--Matins and Sermon ,7:15 p.m.--Song Service. Saturday,, June ' 24th, St. John Baptist, 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. St* Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 9 :45 a.m.--Holy Communion. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine and 25th Ave. Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, I.U;L.C.N. with the LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC!) Teacher of Violin, Pianoforte, Theory & Form, presents her Pupils in Recital at ST. STEPHEN'S HALL, TUESDAY, JU N E 27th, at 8 p.m. String Orchestra, 'Violin Ensembre, Piano Duets,> Violin- and Piano Solos from Beginners'. Class to Advanced Grades. , ' ' ' ASSISTING ARTIST: The Boy ̂ Cellist, J^ rn a rd Smalley. , Prbceeds to St. Stephen's Cubs & Scouts Auxiliary. Admission 25 cents Children 15 cents HFien-;- eai i dy, Mî s -̂Jr-Reid-;-h omow--hideed "If the Son therefoTe shall make you free ye . shall be free ^ t. Stephen's W. A. - . TEA in aid of National Refugee Fund ■ TUESDAY, JUNE 27th, from 3 to 5 p.m.- at the home of Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's AvenuC. __ ______ L_______ _̂_Admissi.Qn_2.5_c.exits___ ̂ *iV p r flv. ■Sliii®. f i : i i ; ' ■Vi - mlx,,' *y •Ui' i i ■{!*. 'b - i i ' f * iiai i t ^ r ifjt, s, LirVY-Y- - 1 l.J'i? :' -'iU' ' UtS 1. ' M ..lu' m l i t m B■Mt M m.B. r ,̂ mi: |-'l' M m I t ' 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 14th nnd Marino' - We.st 3'41 cooking, Mrs. E, Scott and Mrs. N. T. Shirlaw.- Members and friends are asked to keep the (late hi mmd and plan to attend'.. . BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 puchess Ave. The French B eauty Salon For P e rm an en ts , of la s tin g beau ty . Wo specialize in Ano, grey and" white hair, 1562 Marine Drive > Phorte W. 212 Sunday, Services, 11:00 a.m.--subject: <The ChaL lengo of the Hour." There will be a story and hymn for the young worshippers. 7 :30 p.m.--Subject: "Religion Made Easy." The service will open with a bright sing , song* The choir will lead in the worship of song. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--Prayer . Meeting. The H ighlands 1398. Marino Drive Where Good F ockI in Served Professor Griffiths TEACUP or CARD UEAniNGS* Tuesdayfi, Wwlnesdnys. Fridays. 3*5:80 p.in. PHONE: WEST 671 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST The News THE West Van Nezvs PubUahod Every Thuraday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Business nnd Editorial pffice; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North ,Vancouver Office; 123. Lonsdale Are. 11.00 a' year by carrier; |2.00 a year by m ail, "CHRISTIAN SCI­ ENCE" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all 'Chui'ches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. . ^ The Golden Text is: "Sing, 0 heavens; and be joyful, 0 earth; and bi*eak fortli into singing, O mountains: for, the Lord hath comforted - His people, and will have mercy upon His afflicted." (Isaiah 49: 13), "Among--t lie--citations--which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For other foundation can no man lay than is laid, which is Jesus Christ," (I Cor. 3; 11). The Lesson - Sermon also in- dudes following pas^ge from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The testimony <)f the matei^ial senses is neither absolute lior di\ine, I therefore plaiit myself-uni'eserv'edly on the teachings of Jesus, of His apost­ les, of the prophets, and on the }oy of ■ As a boy I watcl^d With thril­ led interest while fifty men held down a big balloon until it was -filled with gas. Suddenly they 4et-g^and the huge bagLskot, up­ ward carrying the balloonist. It is a fitting picture-of the aver­ age Christian, He longs to rise in victorious faith and service but the dead weight grip of human weakness ancl binding circumstances draw him down. "Let go and let God," is the gos­ pel here. Jesus Christ was onpe bound in weakness and death but He rose'victorious. Now He pro­ vides us with overcoming life and power. A Christ-filled man has a new-nature which is tri­ umphant over "the gravitation pull sin-bound self and circum­ stance's. ■ A blacksmith of legend, when arrested, broke every chain that bound , him. At last, unable to break one chain, he examined it to-find that it was.=of his own' forging,. Like him we are bound by our own sins and limitations. Christ offers us liberty, not only after death, but 'right now. He can break every fetter and set us free to enjoy and seiwe-God and our fellow men. "ACROSS FROM SAFEWAY." IS 1370 Marine Drive i Wione W e s t 331f- Ml'S. Green, l!^0 Gordon Ave­ nue, has left to join her son in Winnipeg. ------------- testfinoB Mind." ̂ the Science of WEST VANCOUVER TABER- NACLE X Cr. Marine & 25th Street Pastor: ___Hcv. Robert H. Birch. B.A. Services S u n d a y School.............. 9:45 a.m. bunday Services....... l l : 00a.ni. ^ and 7:30 p.m. W(Hlnesday Fellowship 7:30 p.xn., ■ Horseshoe Bay Sunday School................ 2:80 p.m. Thursday Bible Study 7:30p.m. Mr. Oliver (jloon about to leave for-mission woVk in China will speak on Sunday evening. ^ 8 4 e s A t r "TEDDY" LYONS A company is known by the men it keeps48)̂ per cent of Vancouver * s ,street car men (4^8 out of 965) have been B.C. Electric employ-- ees for 20-years--or morei--- - B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C R A I L W A Y C O M P A N Y L I M I T E D GWI3-33