Circulating in the District of West Vancouver^Ambleside, Hollyhurn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild,. Whytecliff, Etc. ' 5c per copy Vol. XIV H O L I.Y B U R N P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER, B^C., TH U R SD A Y . J U N E 22nd. 1939 No. 11 COUNCIL NOTES A letter was r<^iyed by the rnuiicil trial' the British Pacific Sllfiieil by thoir Majesties while on thoir brief visit here, ? 6uitablo arrangements, could e made for its safekeeping in omc Plaae where it would be to the public, view, this as oi the Royal Visit. The Council accepted the book with thanks. ̂ ̂ - ^ A letter was sent by the Coun cil to the Deputy Minister of Public Works stating they were r prepared to place the necessary men and machinery at the Dep-. iitV'S dispoiSal at a cost oi ap- ' proximat l̂y $500 in connection , with the proposed detour ̂ during construction of a new bridge at, Sandy Cove. ̂_ The following offers to pur chase land were received by the Council: ' , r 1 H. A. Roberts Ltd.; for Block; 13 W'/2 P.L. 793. They were advised it would be sold at • 75% of assessed value plus registration! 2. H. A, Roberts Ltd. ; Lot 21, Blook 5„ D.t. 555. Their.ofri fer was accepted at 75% of assessed value plus re^stra- - tion. . ■ 3. F. A. Walker; Lots 16 and 17, ' Block 5; D.L. 555; also Lot 5% Block. B, NE14, D.L. 1053. All offers were accepted , , . 75%, of the assessed ...value -, plus registration:- 4. F. A. Walker; L ot.8 , D.L., 1050. The applicant was advised the property was not for-saler HOLLYBURN HALL SCHOOL ADDITION Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, Jime 25th, in Hollyburn Hall. At 7:30 p.m. next Sunday there will be a (Jesifel Service, at which the speaker will be John Robertson. Tuesday, at 8 p.m. prayer and ministry pf the Scriptures. LEGION FROLIC RECITAL BY PUPILS • OK MISS McGILLIVBA3 A big Frolic will be given by the Canadian Legion, Post 60, on Monday, July 3rd, in the Orange Hall, when the Tartan Mountain eers Orchestra will supply the . music. Dancing will take place from 9 to, 12. At this Frolic prizes, which have been donated, will be drawn for among' ̂those holding tickets. As only ajiimited number of these tickets i-at 25 cents each are 1 available, the ., public are advised to get theirs without delay, Proceeds to the Building Fund. LEGION W. A. The Canadian Legion W. A. will hold their last meeting of -the season , on- Monday, June ' 26th^ at 2:30 p.m. sharp; in-the -Legion Hall.. Every member is requested to be present. The School Board. interviewlKr^ A group of pupils from the the Cqunoil on Monday regard- j t̂'udios of Marjorie R. McGilliv- ing their proposed by-law for ray played with great credit to $45,000 for improvennints and themselves and their teacher in an addition to the High School, an interesting program of solo.s stating that no dofinite alloca- luid duets before an enthusiastic tion had yet been settled by the audience on Monday evening last authorities in Victoria. The mat- in the York Room of the Hotel ter was referred back to the Georgia. At the close of the prov : Molly Edwards' swimming and School Board to take up the grmn prizes for students sho\y- diving classes, for beginners and question again with the Depart- ing special attention to their advanced pupils commenced ment of Education. work throughout the year wey<' Monday, June 19th, at Dundar- --:------------- - presented by J. D. A. Trippj, tq̂ .ave Pku'. Phone West 208-M. EAGLE HARBOR the following: Elizabeth Mdrfi- _________ -̂----- son, Jacqueline Vance, Barbara TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD .This ideal sumin'er resort has . Riohards, Josephine liladik, opened for the summer and is Phyllis Ward and Fraser Elliott, having a busy season. There are The names of those playing picnic grounds, tennis courts, were Gordon Ward, • Margaret bathing,.boating, fishing, sandy Nadcn, Roy Jordan, Joan Fraser, /oeaches, and tea rooms, .where Elizabeth Money,'Jean Elliott, 1 t 1 1 1 1 ' •w ^ 1 1 ' 1 1 .L 1 . J. ^ i . NOTES I'welve tables of .Military Whist were in i)lay at Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wpotlcock's, Bellevue"! SCHOOL BAND AUXILIARY GARDEN PARTY 5. ,R. P. Blower & Co. ; , Block 2, D.L. 1041. The offer was ac- , value plus registration.5k'- ♦ ♦ - The Council approved the pur chase of a power lawn-mower from the Willard Equipment Co. for $115. ♦ * ♦ An inquiry rC free taxation in connection with the National Housing A ^w as referred to the Chairman of Finance and • the Municipal Solicitor. Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O. D.E., requested from the Coun cil the use of a ferry boat one day this summer for a cruise for patients in Shaughnessy Military • Hospital. Referred to the Chair man of Transportation and .the -Manager with-powsr to :^ct___* ♦ * • - R ^llan and H. Fallows int erviewed the Council re an apart- ment block at 20th a n i Marine Referi;ed to the Munici pal Solicitor and the Building In spector. ■. \ In the beautiful garden setting at the home of Dr. and Mrs.' G. Bayfield, 2Qtlv;and;;IiiglSWOod 'Avenue, the Ladies Auxiliary to the School Band will hold their annual Garden Party on Wednes day, June 28th, to be opened at --27:30-p.m.-by-Mrs.-J.-Bjs^Leyland._ ■Features for; the afternoon in clude garden tours starting a t 3 V?r»]nr̂ k; fbo followiTig garden»=! to be on display: Mr." and Mrs. R. S. McCall, M r.'and Mrs. E. H. , Jupp, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dovyn- ing, Capt. and Mrs. A. H. Rip- pQri,'Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Woods. Concert by . the School Band dir ected by Gordon Delamont. Card reading by Miss Dora, Banks. Asked to pour tea are:'M rs. J.' W. Lang, Mrs. G. D. H. Seale, Mrs. E. Therrien, Mrs. K. E. Mo- Rae, Mrs. T. A. Johnston. / Conveners are: Tea, Mrs. A; Swanson; home-cooking, Mrs. J . Parker and' Mrs. P. Trussel; ice cream and lemonade, Mrs. A. H. Rippon and Mrs. N. McDonald; candy, Mrs. J. Britton and Mrs. C. Doherty; raffle, Mrs. G. D. Barbour. Council called for tenders lor boat insurance to be in the 26th ̂ Clerk by noouj June / * * * A . .letter was-received by the ouncil from North Vancouver : » i c t re the Keith Road Bndge over the Capilano. In- struotions were given' for the ^ to all traffic Wimediately, and the matter was to the Municipal Solic- Jtpr.tor-preparation of a by-law. * » + Brown raised the hpf the local Cham-" to trip and visit f̂ t̂mlano for July 4th. The Uuncii granted rthe usp of .a tran«T^n^4. - c»ha r g€ for the of the Boys Band j »and school, the connection with the local Chamber of -Commerce te Kitgiland.7 NATIONAL REFUGEE FUND TEA ' St. Stephen's W.A. are giving a tea at the home of Mrs. F. A. Walker, 2455 King's Avenue,- Tuesday, June 27th, from 3 to 5 ' p".m. in aid of the National Refugee Fund. An attractive musical program has been ar- ,„ranged. Admission 25c. LEGION NOTES . An Extraordinary General Meeting will be "held tomorrow evening (Friday) in the club rooms. All members are urgent ly requested to attend as matters - relating to a club licen^ will be discussed. ' -I, "I'll never forget the night .you proposed, you acted like a -fish out of -water." ' , . , ̂„ ' -"Yes, J was a sucker allnght. Then the gong sounded for the first round. , - - 7 H. A. Roberts Ltd. wrote the Council re the gravelling of roads on Sentinel Hill. -The Clerk was -instructed to reply that, as funds permit, gradual improvements ■will be made. irwe .̂K. * , -------------------- -------------------- .. , ' ... I -- son, Eileen Kennedy and Jerty solation, Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. E. HORTICULTURAL As s n . Curtin. ' ■ Nightingale, Mrs. J. Bloxham The monthly Parlor Show, will ------------- -- ^ ^ mul Miss A. Rowley. Guild mem-° beTstaged at 8 Monday, Mrs. W.-Vance, 2047 Gordon bei's wishing to take part in the June 26th, in the Legion Hall. Avenue, left on Wednesday ol! Basket Picnic to Bamston:Island George Nunn,, rose specialist, „ this week, for an extended trip Thursday, July. 6th, must make vyho has just' ; returned f:rom to New York and Ontario. She reservation by the end oL June, judging roses .at the Seattle will travel by the Great Lakes Please phone Mrs. John Fox or Show, will act as judge and will and before returning in Septem- Mrs. J.<fl^over. The party will also give a description of that ber she will visit her old home 'leave West Vancouvp' at 1 p.m., show. Classes on Monday will be town of Fergus, Ontario. returning by 8 o'clock. ^ roses (double),! 3 blooms, roses - . ..-- ................ ■; :--= r= . (sin'gle), 3 sprays, peas, 6 pods, RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MBS; KNIGHT.H0D6B ' - - w fAPn" .................- ■ Thervi< l̂in and piano pupils of Mrs. F. Rmght-Hodgo ^ BAND NOlLb heard in recital at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in St. Stephens X. 2 u ■ Parish Hall.' The assisting artist will be .Bernard Smalley, Although five m em bers^ the « proceeds will go tp St. Stephen's Cubs lasf We*dlSa*7 w i t r ! ^ KitBil-' Auxiliary. The program is as fofiow.s: ^ , ano Band on their'exteiidiaibiif Vro™^ENBEMn2= F 7TaTitKP:H .̂gcir^ ̂ ----rtf f h r v i r a (jfill Jacqueline Paterson, Lenore Beattie, Doroth.v I uihc, George Jirealoy, the rest OI the boys are Stlll Brian Jones, Desmond Jones, Herbert Kettncr; C.ello, Bernard Smalley carrying on at home and looking________ . . BEGINNERS' CLASS ' . forward to a bu^y surnmer. -On ̂ iTPIANO--"eolumbme" ̂ ̂ ̂ ^ Sunday the band is playing for ' ' the C.P'.R. picnic to ' Newcastle - rw^Shlrt^lien*^^ Island.. On Wednesday they are „ vim tn--."Snidier̂ March" ........................................H. Schumann -combining with- the Parents Desmond Jones Auxiliary in the 'second Annual At Piano --Kathleen Collinson n u Garden Party at the home of Dr. 2̂a PIANO--"Minuet" ........ ................ - . o m and Mrs. Bayfield. On,^Friday, , ptano--(a) "Climbin '̂'*̂ '̂̂ *̂'̂ .... ......................T. MacLachan June 30th, twentyrfive of. th ^ 2b iiajnu w _;3 " .........,............................. E. Martin ,, older boys will leave for Squam- -5. Donna-Mao Brotherton ish, where they will be guests of 2c PIANO--̂"Study in G l înor" ..................- Le Couppey the Elks until Sunday, assisting ' blbS S ryT rade " in the July 1st celebrations. ̂ VIOLIN_"Gavotte in G" ......:...-- '--P* •L Gosse; - other plans are also being made ' iierbert Kettndr . for the summer culminating in 4. PIANO--"Minuet in G" .... .................................................... Bach the annual camp at Keats Island ' - Carl Retrer the last two weeks of August. . PlANO-"March m ^ ....................... Gordon Delamont, who has c. PIANO--"Andantino Con Moto" ............................................. Heller been associated with his father " K»*ic Lashbrook for many years in band work, ,, has, been appointed conductor VIOLIN-- Romance "................................... during "Mr. Delamont's absence.- g piano--" ■ Brilliant" ............. .........i........T......7'...Dert Anthony ----------------- :---- ' " Nonie Barbour NORTH SHORE LOCAL 9. PIANO^"Gavotte in F" .......... ....................................Adam CarBe COUNCIL OP WOMEN piANO-."Simp1e Ave"'"" . , ! ! : ! " .................: ............ Thome , V , ' Donald Thompson ' The regular monthly meeting INTERVAL _of the North Shore Local C.oun- IL VIOLIN DUET--" Overture Tancredi" .................... ............ Ro.ssini • ril o f Women wilPbe held in the Jacqueline Paterson -- (George Brealey . v r c " 7er Club A ^sSnW ' ' T A & db Room on M on^y afternoon, 12. -PIANO--(a) "Edelweiss Waltz" ......... ....... ..........F. Vanderbeck June 26th, at 2 o'clock. Prizes . ' • (b) "La Paloma"- ...................................... Cr, De Yradier.- for the essay on "Citizenship" , Kathleen Grace Gollinson ■ , • sponsored by the Council will be . - PIANO--"Tarantella ..........................A. icezo a •presented at 3 p.m. and a large . piano--"Sonata (Moonlight)" Jst Movt................ ........Beethoven turnout of delegates is request- * Doreen Kearns ' . ^ ed. - , 15. CELLO--(a) "Lamento" .... ...... ...■........................ Gabriel - Marie Stage leaves Ambleside a t 1:30,; . (b). "Allegro Appassio^ta" ... . ........... Saint - Saens- - - - As.sisting Artist Bernard Smalley V ; • '■ ' Accompanied by Mrs.. G.'B. Smalley ' --------------------- ; (.pupil of-Mildred:Johnson, L.R.S.Mi.r A.T.C.M.) . - ̂HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' INTERMEDIATE GRADE ACdOPTATrOM 16. PIANO--"Minuet in G" ............ ;................ :.........J. J. PaderewskiAo&uUi-A.IIUIN Patsy Powell . _ • 17. PIANO--"Sonata (Pathetic)' ̂ Introduction 1st Movt....;....Beethoven -- Êlec"tyon"Of~T)ffrcer&~for"W est~' -------------------- -̂Alma-Skerton----------- -̂---------- Vancouver High School's Stu- I8. PIANO--"Rustlq' of Spring" . ..........................1.................Sinding dents' Association'was held and ; s^ IO K o S iD B the following stud^ts_ elected: j -̂ 9. VIOLlN--Andante & Allegro, 1st & 2nd Movt.................... Handel President, Doug' Clark; vice- (from Sonata in A) ' ^ . president, Doug Johnstone; sec- IW/HHyfiGn" 20* PIANO-̂ f̂La- iLolicruiG -............... ...... .........Smithretary, maureen martin, treas _ Dorothy Harvey-Smith. urer, 21.̂ . PIANO--"Prelude in C Sharp Minor'7 .....S. Rachmaninolf Helena Clegg and. Dez Elgar ^ ■ • Norma Minions . were awarded sweaters^ an 'an- v ^ Accompanist--P. Knight-Hodge nual award to the two best all- >, ■ -------- --- -- round athletes. Admission by Programme, 25 cents, Children,-15 cents. m