THE WEST Vjm NEWS . vVAi"?A,r'^, i*B«*--f,; /^»l[rt-l .'̂ ?< f J- 3Km 'As* H(WPV®y " SiH itl l -- 'MeiÛ W««t-T(> CUB NOTES -- PACK 'y'#{'̂ Vttt Uelirtr/ Strriu . Monthlr AetooBl SU(;GESTI0NS tor FRIDAY & SATURDAY, June 16lh & 17th M E A T S > ■ ■ ■ : ■ «l ' ■ ■ ' •' . VI ' ■ '̂X t41' r ^liil ; | i l ■Ifcl w m iH ^^i-: pipB S BPm<i ..iHit if® V" ff,' i p i i |f;» "(I ̂* I t^ i t i i i ilfiiii I -'■ ri i- I t t ■ ■'Vf: >-"; y 1ip p ' i|h | . '|> IH >Br 7 :!*■-?'K .;v' i«S4'iiC l>*Ji! iff i ■>!•<;' «■ V iJ ' kfy I f i = ^ V / e-pp|S; i l l - 4 . V : Ii" t t l s i i i i » m r'. tlv" i ! m - i i -,\hi P V ? vWp *tH , • * , I,' ,%E E'Ji-4p %■ ), 3pt p 'O' 1* )if, 1̂ 4 44I* tlM4' " -J I # M l, Markinto-h'. TOFKKE "(MIEri y '; "Hcvon Varioll*^ A ri*al t r ^ l . Hum Htul B utU r, Mint l.ondon Trt*ad«% MaU, C riam y, Ucorlee, Kkk and Malt •. /* Ml. 15« Kt'd & W lillf MAItMAl.ADK 1 III. tin ...................................... 39c HunklKt OUANtJKH-- '.Mfidluni Hl?.f - dozen 23c |,«rKe ,Hlze , , , ■ New SeaMin H ViilenelHR. Hunklat MCMONH ■ • , from Callforiiln ■ f"*" *3c BAKING HIH'I'IJKB Bed & While BAKING I'OWDEB ' 12 oz. Tin ........ ............... B«<1 & While BHAKKB SAGT Bound 2-lU. Carton................... He Ited & White KXTBACTB--Vanilla, Lemon. Kle-i A «iimllty llavorinK 2 oz. B ollle............................ -. iHc liBIMFUL HII(>BTENING 2 I'lli. CartoiiK .............................. 2.ic AU.HTBALIAN BAIHIN8 2 Ilia. 2.'lc HAIB DATES . . Erewh and MoIhI .......... 3 Mm. 17c " ' " f h T S 5 o B " » ^ ^ Sports Day will 1w held at Irwm Park on Saturday. June 24th. (S tart"sharp a t 2tH0). A good.* program of events has wen ar ranged - eightetm in all and there are sixty-.^ix ribbon.s to won, and last but not least the Ladies' Committee.^ are putting on a bun feed for the Cubs. ' ~ Free Delivery West 370 BKEF--Grade A and A1 LAMB--Top Quality FfMtK--Grain Fed VEAI/--Milk Fed BBKA8T OF LAMB, per lb.. BBKA8T OF VEAL, per Ib... PICKLED POBK HOCKS, lb...... 10c FBE8H FISH DAILY f u l l l in k o f d e l ic a t e s s e n SPEECH DAY AT ST. FRANCIS SCHOOI. S o r v l e e ^ PAINT - SHINGLES ^ NO^USSTITUTC EOOFINO PI^YWOODS „ u * u iY W ^ A E D LiA 1» AgmtMi, _ j j- _ ' j *CANADA I'AINT COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15lh & Marine Drive Phoiie W est 115 , 15c , 18c Nahol) BED PLUMB , «» H(|uat tin 10c ip-d A White CABHOT8 & ^EAS. Ki|iial I In .......................... . I l f SALMON -- Chum ....... tall tin 9c QUK:K o a t h -- Quaker Non-premiiim............Large pkt. IGc MILK--EvXborated.... 3 lull tinn 25c Borden's, NesUes, Pacific, Carnation TEA--Aunt Mary's ,'........... :," Jb. 43c AUOlJS^rUS O'NEIL PASSES AuguHtuH O'Neil pa.s.sed- away luHt Friday at the home of hi» daughter, Mra. Charle.H Hay, J4th and Kiiig'n. Avenue, aged 04 yeiu'K. The decea.sed, who Had beem in the of health and taken a keen intereat in every- thing4 wan only sick two daya with pneumoniij,, Six daughtera and three aona aurvive him. The late Mr. O'Neil, who waa born in Pierre de Chine, Wiaconsin, and had been a reaident of Weat Vancouver for twenty years, waa a Vete»:im of the American Civil Wiir, taking part in the Battle of (iettyaburg while a member ofi the 4!h'(l ,Wisconsin Hegiment, I 'lie remaina were forwarded on Sunday by Jlurron Bros. Ltd., of the Holly burn Funeral Home, to Glendale, California, for; inter ment beside hia wife in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park. n o r t h s h o r e l o c a l COUNCHa ()F w o m e n "Oh, mamma! There's a man in the n u rs e ry k is s in g the . nurse," Mamma dropped sewing and rushed for the stairway. ___ "April Fool!" said Bobby gl<H!- fully, "It's only Pa." The' tea held at the home of Mrs. George I^imLsay, Keith Road, NoKh Vancouver, on F ri day aflerruxin under tfie auspices of the North Shore Local Coun ci I'oFVVomi'n w asa most delight ful alfaii- and well attended. As- .si,sling*Mra. Lindsay to receive wiT.s 'Miss E. J. Stevens irt' the ab.scMco of the president, Mi;s. H. A. Iloojier. The tea table was centred with a large bowl of pink and mauve stocks flanked by pink tapers in silver holders and presiding at the urns were Mrs. W. B. Small and Mrs., James Chapman, Cupilano; The .pro- grani a r ra n a ^ .by Mrs. N." Hors fall, oonvener of the Citizenship Committee, waa as follows:-- RianoSolos, MissLoverock; Reci tation, Mrs. C, II. Ballard; Vocal Solos, Mrs. S. C. Gardiner, ac companied by Mrs. Mahy; Vocal Solo.s, Master Cecil.Loverock, ac companied by Miss Lov.erock; Vocal Solos, Mrs. Hugh Barclay, accompanied by Mrs. Briggs. -.-OrT'behalT of~ the members present Miss Stevens wished St. Francis School at Caulfeild, West Vancouver, held it![i annual Speech D^y on Satuirday, June 10th. The presentation of trophies took place in the school's famous outdoor theatre before a large gathering of parents and friends. W. Solway, Provincial Field Secretary of the Boy Scout movement in B.(^, presented the prizes, oups and ribbons . Coni- menting upon the headmaster .s remarks in reviewing the history of the scho.Ol, Mr. Sol way said tha t he had followed the school's progress with deep interest from its foundation, and, if it bttd bad any failures they had been "glorious failures." He continued, "Carving a sch(X)l qut of the wildernes.s, working with your hands, heart and head as you are all doing, gives me a glimpse into the secret of the spirit th a t you .all show, your resource and initiative, your good citizenship. I, myself, feel responsible for about 5,000 boys, and I see here British boyhood at its best. This school is not only pioneering new methods of education in B.C., but I feel con fident tha t it \vill become out standing in our Empire." Outstanding progress prizes were awarded to H. Martens, Lynas Grey^ Minor, and James Dunn. Subject prizes to H. Rossetti, French, Lynas-Grey Major, Eng- ; lish . Literature, Lynas Grey- Minor, Social Studies, E. Jones, Latin, Dirk Van Oudonel, Maths., Gordon MacNeil, Social Studies, P. Baldin, Music and Maiths., D. Ramsbotham,^Maths., Clive Bur-,. -rowSj-MathsT CLASSIFIED ADS I ^ ' a « < X MAiOL**- «rrL # rim*aifl®d AdTtrHi«m«Dta i* L centJ per word, minimum in Ike W ot Van Newe get immedUto reaulf. '■ 5 K r . , E s w . s . r s ~ at W est Vancouver any time by annointment. West 403. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. n o t a r y PUBLIC," General Con veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P., K e r , 1405 Marine Drive. W est .'21. ■' .. . • .. . ..-------i-- ■■ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coua. try way; jguaranteed; brick and . stone repaiira. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ____________ GOIlbON g r a y - InBur«nce. Plro, Burglary, Automobile, Et. *oie phone -Sev. 4991 or West 92-Rr2. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1458-L. . . . 0.̂ . l i s t i n g s WANTED - Rent, Sell or Biw- Trinity 1271. Evenings, W est 437-Y-l. -̂----- MASON'S TAX! - r Day and nigkt; heated car; passengers fully insured W est 612. ________ HOME BUILDER - Cut clcariilY «nd excavation costs ftom 1/3 to %■ Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W. Kis- sick. W est 2B2-L. •' • GORDON ROBSON r - Barrister ft Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at W ^ st, Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor; 14*06 Marine Drive; Phpne W est 21. or W est 658-R-l.MARCEL SHOP - - Thermique S t e a m ________ Permanents; only besL m a te n ^ W ANTED TO BUY FOr Spot Cash- used. Expert operato^^^P^^^^ ■'household furniture. Hewett. Au West 304, Royal Bank Building. N ■ > _--̂**"'̂**̂T**" W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block._______ A JUiJLf AVf * *-w* wiivi. \jaou-- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tione'ers, North 89, Reverse call. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Futures, W o ^ Turning,- Glass and Glazing. Wood- • work of all descriptions. Pbo|ies: West 740 and W est 443-R. 148S Clyde Ave. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairs, parts- „■ W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ___ WANTED -- Antiques, furniture, sil ver, g lass, china. Phone W eit 938. We will call. ________ Ulyde Ave.--------------------- . CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust FILMS -- Why not buy and bnng • burners installed; furnace repairs. them here to develop? Barclays, G. Meldrum,^1103 Lonsdale. North 1518 Marine. " 822.. - A U A O '. X T X « l . | l i » v . » ____ - ...,__̂■ ■ ■■ . : ■ • ' „ .■ ■ T.. _ '.i .1,; /./'./a;'* : . ! . . ..'/ GUESTS -4 Transients and perman- p'APERHANGINGi Painting, Kalso- ent. Sunlit Lodge, W est Bay, W est mining; first c lass work at reason- able rates. Hi V Gaines. West 167-L.379-Y-2: BOARD AND ROOM available for two business men; cosy cottage on beach. 2812 Bellevue. ' } . H ias E. M. Philip, West Vancou- "vef; boh Voyage on her departure for a visit to Scotland and other TiointS7-=^ r-"--r ' . • ' . . -- I - -- - r - The Iiiter-hou^e Sports Chal lenge Gup was won by School House, and_thp CroHa-rnnnt.ry LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., W est Vancouver Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar- -- ine-Drive.--W est-646.- ----------- WANTED -- Paying guests, t r a n s i e n t --------- or permanent,, near ferry. West KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING.^ 6S5:R:' Apply Mrs. E> .Latham, 2446 Marine, Cup by Tbwne House." The Hon-, .ors4<SU&tripes-ShieId-w-as-JWQn-in,» L.O.L. PROTEST re THEIR MAJESTIES' VISIT L.O.L. No. 2990, in-conformity with one of the principles of their Order, which is "privileges for none anil .̂ equal rights for ;^all," passed the following resolu- timi a t their reguhir meeting Held oh the' 6th June in the Orange H all: ; RESOLVED that West Vancou ver Loyal Orange Lodge, 2990, a t their regular meeting held on 6th June, 1939, record them selves as deeply disappointed at the cancellation of the visit of -T h e ir - M ajesties. the_King--and_ the Christmas, term by Towne -House, and in the Easter term by School House. The "All-round sportsmanship" shield by H. Ros setti. Schcool Sports, Champion Cup by Lynas-Grey Major. The presentation was followed by a play in two acts, written, produced and presented by the school. Tea, served by the boys undei^gujdance of-Mrs.- Stevens,-- school matron, brought to an end' a day that will live long in the niemory of the pupils, parents and friends. HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN-, -- ERS"^-- "IVindow cleaners, eaye- troyghfti cleaners, minor repairs. ROOM and Full Board for one or two in private h om e.' W est 218-L. , Wes •yghk ciea WANTED -- $800 at 6%; good secur- ity. Box 50, W est Van News. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED -- call' Mack, West 184-R. LOST -- Black Pnrse .with two pairs -glasses. W est 86-Y -l.___________ FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-803 Birks Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar ine Driver Offices: Sey. 0691; West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 546. EXPERIENCED all round domestic help wanted a t-on ce; good salary ■for suitable applicant. Phone West 690. - i ___ FOR SALE -- Langlan Chesterfield, $20; dresser $10; diner and 4 chairs, $9. W est 673-L. . WANTED -- Experienced girl for general housework;,daily 1 to 8 p.m. All day Saturday. W est 201-M. _ ' U omonQ a thoutand hille,. Whara no man evar trod. And only Natunj's motic fills, Tha sjiancos of God." YOU too, may experience the thrilling reverence of a vacation on the shores of an unnefmed- lake. British Columbia; your British Co lumbia, is a wonderland of myriad lakes and streams avyaiting your dis covery. ^ Why not plan, this year, a leisurely, restful vacation amid the close-by beauties of your home Province. Travel-days saved add to the length of your days of freedom . . . and tbo cost so very reasonable . Thousands of "unnamed" lakes «»wait your visit.' Stiiiih ^olumltia r ^ i x 5 i » Queen to the niore settled por tion of the Municipality of West Vancouver, as originally arrang ed: • . - In view of the change niade at the-last moment after all details had beeh 'completed for alloca tion of school children, crippled veterans, war nurses and wid ows, aged and infirm, and also in view of thfe substantial amounts expended by civic authorities, institutions and private citizens on decorations and other prepaid ations, we hereby express the opinion th a t the citizens of West Vancouver a t large have reason to aggrieved at the person or persons responsible and in struct th a t this ^solution be for warded to the Honorable tan Mackenzie, Cabinet Minister for the--Province--of--British- Col-- unibia. - SPECIAL PRICES on Building and View Lots -- Nelson St., near 24th, 60 X 145, $250; Bellevue, near 21st, - 7-cleared, 53x132, - $275; Jefferson; WANTED -- Woman for housework, ■ three mornings weekly; living in walking distance of Caulfeild.' West 751-L-3. ROOM & b o a r d AVAILABLE - Reasonable for ,two; private close to bus and beach. West ??4-Y FOR SALE -- Moffat Electric Range. - Phone-West 759-L-3.- ' - VIEW LOT on Keith Road. 50 ft. frontage; cleared ready for building Price $500: C. J.. Archer Ltd., West 225. (F . Bayliss Notary Public) near- 21st, cleared, 70x132, $275f Duchess between 11th and 12th, 33x 122, $300. Good buys in all districts Capilano to Whytecliff. Selling, Agents British Pacific Properties, Sentinel Hill, Gleneagles. Ask us the selling price on any lot in West Van. Ljuyson, Walker & Pride, West Van.'.s Pioneer Realtors, West 55; opp. Hollybum P.O. WANTED -- Girl'for general house work; good home; two adults. / Whytecliff 34Iv FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT --Nelson Street, Garrow Bay. Ap ply owner. 'NOTICE TO R E A L E S T A T E AGENTS -^ P lease take notice that I have listed m y property at 22no & Mathers w ith H. A. Roberts Ltd. -as exclusive agents. Sarah CusacK. INVITATION FOR RENT--5 room house, sea view; oil burner; good condition; garage. Sey. 4991 ,or W est 92-R-2. WE HAVE a good selection of short and long -term rentals, 'fumisheq gnd unfurnished, H. Fallows Realty. W est 912; House W est 243-M-3. _ TO INSPECT WANTED -- Piano or . Shorthand pupils by teacher in Cj^ress Park. -West 264-R-3. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - .. Knitting Wool, Books, Needles, etc. Baby Woollens a . specialty. ^ GIRL 18 will mind children. West :-;//575-R. ' * ___________ _ The Brand New Home, situated at 1260 Fulton Ave. Proceed to corner 13th Street and Fulton Ave.. then East to House, south side of street. .Large Living Room, Fireplace, 2 Bedrooms down. Modern Kitchen & N>ok,' Mexiern Bathroom, 2 rooms un finished upstairsp-Full basement, -aew^furnace^hd=.tubs,^attached- WANTED -- Reliable W est Van- girl, general help; not full time; sleep out. W est 965-L. BANTAMS FOR SALE -- See Don Miller, 2670. TlpIlAvue. ^ WILL GIVE GOOD HOME to Puppy, fairly well bred. 2513 Bellevue-Avr. WANTED -- Competent general maid sleep in or out. W est 885-L._^ PAINTING AND DECORA'TING -- Estim ates free. J. H. Wedley. West 818, $195.00 BARGAIN -- 50 x 122 Vief Lot .prartically cleared. Realty. W est 719. 1395 Marine Drive. --■ A SOD was born on June 13th in the Vancouver (General Hos pital to Mr. and Mra. John Perry (noe Phoebe Hogan of Caulfeild) garage. Wonderful view, good district.' To be sold under the., same conditions as if built under the National Housing Act. , Our Salesmen will be on hand SUNDAY, June 18, "1 to 6 n.m. FOR SALE -- Comer Lot'27th and Mathers, reasonable for cash. WestI WANTED AT ONCE -- Rent, $25, $27.50 per month, 700. '27 FORD CO UPE, in good running order, $20. Smith, corner 11th and Mathers. . . ' lease. < Lawson; Walker Real Estate, Rentals. West 55; opP* H ollybum P.O. ______---* WANTED 210-l ; Camp Oil Cooker. West • . yiCTO '^,^v^rCANAM Mrs. T, A. Brazil, who has been visiting .in Edmonton, has i-eturned to her home at . West ' - V Lawson, W alker & P r i O e UINNERS, Light Lunches, Afternoon '/Teas at the Clachan. West Varu's Pioneer Realtors. West 55, opp. H ollybum P.O. PRINTING -- For aH lO ii^ of printing phone Van News, West 863. NURSE a v a i l a b l e for ^ night duty; . hospital . rates. Waat S84-iu.__, LOST ~ T u ^ a y , . silver ci|wetjjr case on be^ch jat-^th;-j?alued sake;'please m turh to. 1081 24tn. - ..A