.. ' h,m U, mtmmili v m " i m r r s T W ^ A N D N O W » > Bttlfetin. No. 1 I 0AEJi!Et»IHG IMPOETBaitS pr«««pit ______ E M P l B E . . T E A « a J R 0 Y i ^ . , 1 1 E A . y . _____ in Blends as famoMB as the imnaes they cawy-^- .J BALMOIUL - WINDSOtt - YORK Ti ciiKAM OF COFFEE irom British, East Africa, Colombia, Brasil ̂ ̂ * and Mexico VICTOR BLA N C H FLO W ER Sole Hep. for the Province o f British Columbia. W atch for Bulletin No. 2 L ocal and P erso n a l riK Sr WEST VANCOUVER (S t. Stephen's) SCOUT T|tOOP g a r d e n P A R T Y ' To be held at the home of MK. and MRS. H. G. BARKER, 8083 MARINE DRIVE SATURDAY, JUNE 1 7 th 2:30 to 5 P.M. Admission 26c Inciudinp:- Ton Ice Crean)i - Entertainm ent Rain or Shine in. J o h n - D a v i s , - w h o I is endow s nf the Stii- Anjvihg shortly for Warsaw, tioners and Library, 1044 Mamie whei*e she will join her husband, Drive, a copy of the Northamp- Consul-General John Ker Davis, KBCsi. of honor a t two which on ^ c o u n t oi its pai-Hea thi« week, Mrs. Philip agre and excellent state of pre- Malkin eniorjUtined a t luncheon servation will be ol great inter est to very many of our i*e8i- dents. This newsimper was a weekly and presumably in its- thirty-sixth year of publication, having Volume 36 printed a t the. top of the fron t page. Priced at* ̂ ̂ ________ ?i!?k Avenue, is leaving, next week for * St. Catherines, Ontario, where he has obtained an appointment with the English Electric Com pany.. ■ V .. * i t is understood th a t . the _J.1, - swimming tank will be brought down to Dundai'ave P ier and this week Viotoiia. placed in position as soon as the tblB,„ entei and later in the afternoon Mrs. Davis' Tiaughter, Mrs. John P. Roberts, en te rta in ed 'a t a cock tail party a t her home in West Vancouver, .Hi * * Phil Farm er, 2307 Bellevue Stratton's BAKERY FRESH DAILY Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookies Eccles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 chiefly with courts and English and European news, 'f t has been hand set in the old style of print ing. Municipal Clerk W. Herrin a t tended the Municipal OfTicials' FER G U SO N 'S F r e ig h t L i n e , Lv. West Vancouver, 8 a.m. & 3 p.m. Lv. Vancouver 10, l2 noon & 8 p.m. Lv. Vancouver Saturday only, 10 a.m. ^and 1 p.m. Also PURNITURi3 PIANO MOVING; Phone for Rajtes Trinity 0429 . iNorth ,1243-Y. - . , . W est 85 VICTORIAN ORDER OF ■ ■ . NURSES D o n 't F o r g e t TOMORROW M E BOXING and WRESTLING Featuring-- HENRY DEVINE, A m atew Light'weight Ghamipion of Canada; GORDON WOODHOUSE -- Welterweight Golden Gloves Champion; ~ : KENN'Y LINDSAY, \ Bantam ' weight Champion. ' SPECIAL ATTRACTION-- • Mystery Bout ? A lso tw o fa st bouts of W restling fea tu rin g 7ACK~ST R 0 N G 7 M id d le ^ ig h t'; ciChampion of Australia. - Novelty Attraction -- A. H itler vs. B. Mussolini: ./John Bull._ referee. Orange H all,'8:30 p.m. The June m eeting of the V.O ̂ N. was held oh June 8th With Mrs. .Hat*old "Ostrom presiding. ' The District N urse reported 98 visits m ade, during May, which included bed-side care, pre-natal, .post-natal and health instruc tions. This is a very- satisfac tory record for a half-time ser vice in a district where tt*ans- portation facilities are not al ways convenient. Mrs. J. Hall reported; meetings of the sewing group and several articles are now ready for th e use of ■ the nurse. " . This nursing service is avail able to all in the community and fulHnfornration miay berpbtamed" by telephoning Mrs. W. T. Da-^s, West 690. ; -- Arineetihg "of" lhe"7Advisory- and liocal Boards wiiybe_hel_d on-m; Mr. and Mrs. H. Fallows and family, 1356 Gordon Avenue, have moved into their home in the Crescent, Sandy Cove. Mr. Pemberton' of Vancouver, is building a new house at-23rd -and,Ottawa Avenue. Arigus McLeod of West Bay, "has joined the staff of the C.N, R.'s steamship "Prince Charles^' for 'th e . summer season:'. His brother, Donald, has left for . Roberts Crpek, where he has ob tained a position with the B. & K. Logging Company. Mr. and Mrs. J; W. Sutcliffe, tides are high enough to perm it of its removal.. , Hi ̂ ♦ ■,, ♦ - The office of the W est ,Van News is situated a t 1704 Marii^e Drive, in the office of Lawson, Walker & Pride, opposite Holly- burn Post Office, Mr. and Mrs. 'M c O a rra lP ^ Vancouver, are having a new home built on Keith Road be tween 11th and 12th Streets.. H< ' - H< - m John H. Harper, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. H. H, H arper of Mathers Avenue, left on Tues day for Niahoose, B.C., where he will joinvt'the SS. Wellington Court, of which he has been ap- Hollin Close, Uk^y, Yorkshire, pointed third mate. The vessel wTll sail.shortly for Shanghai.and .daughter-in-law at "Wild croft," corner of 27th and Nel son. ; S|< He ' ♦ Believing, th a t visitors to the oity enjoy seeing some of the famous gardens pL Vancouver, the Tourist Association is again sponsoring a "Gardens Beauti ful" tour. "The dates have been chosen a week, apart, and are" June 20 and June 28. The first day will be devoted to inspecting gardens about the city, while on 'the^at€r~ date^a^cavaIcade~of" motors and buses will cross the Lions' Gate bridge for a tour of -som^beaTut^y-spot-s-iii-W-est'^^n^ We have been requested to state th a t the late H arry H ug gins, whose passing was record ed i n our last issue, did not go Qverseas nor was he a member,^ of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. His brother, E. ,F. Hug gins of 1325 Gorden Avenue,, however, is a veteran of the Great War. °♦ ♦ * Shower Last Friday evening Mrs. W. Hollyburn Theatre T llim sD A Y ONLV-^luno 15th CONSl'ANCE B EN N EIT << t o p p e r ** (Onco only at 8:15). also . MUST AROUND THE CORNER" FRIDAY AND SAT. MATINEE iTunc 10th and 17th) SHIRLEY TEMPLE - JOAN DAVIS 'Must Around the Corner" also Nows, Cartoon, Soria), -Etc. ' SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY Juno 17th and IDth CHARLES LAUGHTON ELSA LANCHESTER 'The Beachcomher' also , "DREAM OF LOVE" TUESDAY & W EDNESDAY ' Juno 20th and' 21st , . v JANET GAYNOR 'The Young in Heart' (Once only nt 8:15) • ■■■'also' 'CAMPUS CONFESSIONS' couver. Tuesday at 8 p.m., a t the home of Mrs. Osfrom, 1707 Esquimalt Avenue. ' . - . • " ■J#i n I oiir> West 190 M o r k e t s it 1578 M arine Drive W e s t 190 FREE and S atu rday DELIVERY Russell and H iss C. Page enter tained a t a Miscellaneous Shower a t the-hoirie of; the^ Uordon Avenui^ in Honor Marjorie Atwood Whose mai'r n/Ti., Ti/r i " .c Au J ■ riage--& es p lace~^ortly . The Miss Meta Cassie of Aberdeen- ^oom was decorated, with white shire,Scot and,who was en route wedding bells. Miss Atwooci to Hoimlulu, and Mrs. E. Dow- was the recipiefit of many lovely son, who was re tu rn in g '^ her gifts, which were presented in a prettily decorated watering can while here Mr. and Mrs. J. W. container. Twenty-three guests, Barnett, 1347 Marine 'Drive, including old friends and her ««ibarking on ^ id Class, spent an enjoy-. able evening playing games a fte r which dainty refreshm ents were served. Mrs. W right help ed iir serving. The happy even ing was concluded with singing. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEA RLE Plume W est 9 Fertilizers of AH Kinds, ---- i-. . ;A P€ Q -- -- ^ ^ Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Grade A Red Brand' Rump Roast 25c Ih. Cross-Rih Roast' 23c Ih. Rolled JRihs . Roasts 28c per Ih. Short Ribs 12#l2C lb. Hunters Marmalade targe jar 27c. BUTTER First Grade 3 Ibsi 72c 'G ^de A "Red.Brand Shoulders Lamb , 22c per Ih. BAKEASY i 9c per lb. Breast Lamb . 15c li). Rolled Pot Roast GRADE A BEEF 20c lb. ■ - '1 ^ Roast Veal 20c i^er lb. Breast Veal 15c p e r lb . the EJmpress of Japan last Satur day. He ♦ ♦ Engagement England and British Columbia coast circles share interest in the announcement made today by Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland of Bedfordshire, England, of the engagement of their only daugh ter, Joan Alison, to Mr. Edward Drummond (Peter) Taylor, only- son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T. W est Vancouver M essenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE or Light Transfer Work of any description For Prompt Service, Phone WEST 700 MRS. EMMA McTAGGART '■ PASSER:-: 'Mrs, Emma, McTaggart of 2317 Lawson Avenue, passed away M t Saturday in her 89th year. The deceased, - was a pioneer rp 1 TT rr n 1 resident of- the municipality,Taylor Kew House, K«w Beach, here for twenty- ,JVest. Vancouver Misa S u t h e r - ^ which land IS a t present a guest of M r/ ■, . . and Mrs. Taylor a t their West Shore home, -♦ - * Hc- A new house is being con structed a t ,22nd and Bellevue Avevnue for Mr. Byatt of Van couver. ~ TheC lialet MEALS, ROOMS (Single and D ouble); rates by day, week a t month. Furnished Cottages. - HORSESHOE BAY W hytediff 241 NORTHSHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB she had - resided ^at London; ? Ontario. She was bom in Bris tol and came to this country, ̂ when she was^ seven years, old. Surviving her are her husband, one son, Rowland Oates, V'ancou- w e r ; three daughters^ Mrs. A. E. Mitchell of Vancouver, Mr.s. L.. S. (Jarthorhe here, and Mrs., William Murphy, North Vancou- grandchildren, and YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buy:^ in Lots TJ. and Homes Rentals and Insurance Solicited E states Managed J. T. WATT .1744 Marine Otive Phone W. 141 ver; ten „ ' -- -- ' seven great-grandchildren. Fun_ ■ A meeting of the North Shore e'ral services were field a t 3 :30 Lady Laurier Club will be held p ^ . Tuesday from the Holly- a t the home of Mrs. J. E. Sears, buWi Funeral Home of Harron FLETCHER'S No. 1 Bacon 15c perf Mb. pkg. 3120 Travers Avenue, on ,Wed nesday, June 2Ist, a t 3 p.m. I t is hoped the speaker will.be Mrs. Paul Smith, M.L.A., who is a f present in Ottawa. Bros. Ltd., -the R e v . William Vance officiiating, assisted by the Rev: I^slie Best, and inter ment was made in Capilano View Cemetery. SPECIAL Inside Fir:-- , . ^ from shed *.$6.00 per cord -fi^m mill ....... $5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $8.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 EXPERT W atch and Clock REPA1BIN6 T. tJHRISTBNSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montoeal) 15;22 Marine Drive | V make BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINe DRIVE WEST 366 . . ' >iM»ii)cr« A .r t .T , o f -n .o , ____ Garrod & Nelsoli* ' for better ^ -PLUMBING Repair Experts W est 226, 2460 Marine Dr.