3 -it : A mn^ mli'W' ' ' ilil.'ff, « ̂ i ■' '̂ ■)̂ |4 f . THE WEST VAN NEWS jiiS Is! 19M < t ' M ^ • I ' I1 I ; ; ' s / ■ r 'H I ' '! f « !' M' V W' 'I 'i; r . r : r , ' i ; i ' t e ; «♦'* f*- .'. I: ; T'{ y ' K' ̂ \ t V'̂ i 8Si8S;":f .a® « # ! •SSSiT-'t 'iSfl"-," 1""flj/-' i!u H!!#!': 0ff. Ifll-llll- -if . 1 I ® -u•fSW' "•!'? If s I A t " *̂ r>y- l a i : i'-:p f M 1 ■ l '±S T'; hA't f'r:sir r. F.Iq- feF ■ Si- n!|m'. =fw i f . i '! t e s s i >#t m i f f e ?'« • *• r *il > I 7 ̂ . m WEST VAN. UNITEÎ CHURCH » - ' Co#.̂ ' £ l« t - S * EftiulMal t Ava. RKV, W. VANCE, B.A., Mlnlater 2047 Gordon Avenoa „. .... y..,:,.,, Sunday Service*; 11 *.ni. A 7:80p.m. Stranger* and Vt«ltor« are wclcowa ::iM' ?«!'■' Summer Coiffures BAPTIST CHURCH EevJ W. U HelCay* 'liA.* fiLU. Sunday Service* I0;00 ,a,,m*-rChurch School in- l l a.ra. A 7:30 p.i».--Preaching Service*. A hearty welcome to all An* defWiltdy, »horter, yet fem inine. Not' the munlKh, ahinglo of ten year* ago, but Hoft wave* Hwlrling Hidewuy* and Hoft ehlKelod tuiupb; eurlK. A Duurt Permanent give** you the «oft* ncHH required for thin new Hum mer haircut. HOLLYBDRII HALL I I4th and Uuche** Si'NDAy, June IHth, a t 10 a.ni. Sunday School and' Young People'* Bible Cla** • SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 GOSPKir SKKVICE •Speaker:' MB. EKIC HUNT TUESDAY at 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of the .ScripturcB WEST. VANCOUVEK f Ciu-istiah Science Society FICBT- " 20th and Eaquimalt, Ilollyburn Tbl* Society is a Branch of The Mother Church •The P'irat Church of Christ, Sciential, in Boston, Mas*achu.sctts Sunday Service: 11:30 »•«*> Sunday^ June IHlh, SUBJECT; "Ih the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday School at 10:00 u.m. Teatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:10 p.m. 'Fho public* is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ■_____ Father's m jr, Saadaŷ Jime ISjh TIES FOR DAD at 50c and $1.00; SOCKS FOR DAD at 36c to $1.00 McLEOD'S MENS WEAR WEST MNrauvra"'^ h o l l y b u r n f r u it m a r k et , "The Hoiue o f Quality Products" • 2^P^s WEEK-END SPECIALS # Big Bing Cherries..................lb.*14c C auliflow ers..... .......... :.„2 for 15c Ripe Bananas......................Jbs. 16c Firm C ucum ber.....................2 for iBc Preserving .Strawberries, l»ox $1.40 TorautoOB, large, Arm..:..... lb. 9c FREE DELIVERY W EST 909 1894 Marine Drive Gwendolyn'i Beauty Shoppe Creator* of E xcIuhIvo Permanent*, 1646 Marine Drive Weal 117 { DR. G. D. H. S E A L E U.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST- X-llay Hay Block, 14th and Marine D n Office nburs 9 to 0 p.m. Evoningu by appointment.^ Phono W est 72 . DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. I860 Marine Drive W est 432 ... . BHtubliahed on North Shore 26 Year* (Lady A ssistant) HAREON BROST LTD. IFunrral B im tocs ilollyburn Funeral Home 18th hnd_Marlno W est 184 North Vancouver Parlor* -- 122"W eat~Sixth~Strcot"~ Phono North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 • UNITED CHURCH aiflt and Esquimau Ave. K€V. WilHam Vance. Minister Sunday, June 18th, 10:00 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject: "What Must I Do- to be Lo.st ?" 7:80 p.m.--Evening Service.. Subject: Intelligence and Religion do not clash. "Thou s h a lt lo v e th e L ord . . . w ith fill thy mind." Everybody welcome. The United Church Sunday School picnic is to be held at 'Eagle Harbor on Saturday aft ernoon, June 24lh. Horseshoe Bay--O pper Cove-- Garrow Bay . United Church of Canada .ser vice at 11 a.m. a t the United Church Cottage, Horseshoe Bay. N. L. Hughes, Student Mission ary. 'Fhe regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United ~ Church will be held on Tuesday,, ithe 20th June, the closing meet ing until September. Gifts .will be received for the supply box and Mrs. W. H. A lex p d e rrth e supp[j{ secretary, is to give the address; The soloist will be Mrs. Howieson. Associate helpers are especially invited and those with mite boxes are reminded to " . bring them. A cordial invitation is giveiti. to .nil women in the congregation. If weatlTi^perniitg ST. ANTHONV^S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van ?astor Sunday Services Low M ass-- ,8:15 a.m. . High Mass and Sermon -- a.m. . ' , . Rosary and,..Benediction *- p.m. Catechism and Bible Class p.m. ■̂ Week-day Services Mass--- 7:00 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction ,7:46. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 * to 8:30 p.m. for your DRIVEWAYSA sphalt P rem ix ROAD MAITRIALS LIMITED ■ V • . Phone North 1141 ■ or A LP EltLIS, West 160-Y, 10:15 ' t/ ^ . 7 :4&/ T - 2:00 NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (CertiOed as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative P h o n e W e st 782 and Driver will caU. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. ST. STEPHEN'S A.Y.P.A. . At a recent meeting, St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. elected i the following officers for the coming year: Honorary President: Rev. F. A. Ramsey Honorary Vice - President : Rev. Canon G; C. d'Easum ,. ■ Mr. Ewing of Vancouver, is having a new house built on Keith Road between; 11th and 12th Streets.• R 1, nn ® Prosident.- Bill Barker (re-elect11:00 a .m .-^ub jec t r Statutes and Songs." ' Story and hymn$ for the boys and^girls. 7 :30 p.m.--Subject: "What does believe in God ?" Wednesday, 7:45 p.m .--Prayer Meeting. ; - ■ The convention of Baptist Churches of B. C. will be held in Olivet Baptist Church, Nev/ Westminster, June 19th to June 23rd. Sessions are held morning, aftemoon~arid evening: ̂ r CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ---------^ lE N T I S T - '---- -- Vice-President: Vincent Brace- well, . • ' ■ Secretary: Lucy Smith (rc-elect- €cl), . Treasurer: Alan Lowe, Refreshment Convener: Virginia Dudfield, Del. to Church'Committee: David - Halstead, Membership Convener: Ronald ̂ Platt, 0 'Ahauai'i_E.ditoji:JVera--Kitchen:^ . er, Pianist: Margaret •Dickinson', Delegates To Deanery Council: i f i ; . . . ' ■ -- AVF.SXXANCOUVER Sheet-Metal WorksIP' ; Furnace and Range Repairs.-- ° ■ V' ■ Sawdust Burner* l*hone Wc*t 39 $7.' , S' jp7' The French Ml: - 1 r Beauty Salon ; For Permanen tsfct ' of lasting beauty. We Hpocializo in fine, grey and while hair.i ^ 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 the meeting will be held on the ̂ -Ghurch~lawh"'when" tea"^wili~be" .served. John liroderick, VincentBrace- -itiIS--THE--UNIVERSE;--IN:; well; Marian Prebble. Ed. Tea- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ,• 1.22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector .. Sunday, June 18thj 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.--^Flower Seiwice. 11:15 a.ra.--^Matins and Sermon 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3:00 p.m.--^Evensong :ind Ser mon. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & 25th Street. WEST VANCOUVKU TABER NACLE Cr. Marino & 25th Street Pastor: ̂ Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. Services Sutuiay School........... Sunday Services..... . 11:00 a.m.' ' and 7:3U p.m. W'etlnosdny Fellowship, 7:30 p.m; Friday-- / . Children's Moetinjr..' C;16 p.m. llorsoshoe Bay Sunday School............ 2:30 p.m, Kvangelical Independent The JNews The most neglected attitude of .professing Christians, today is a genuine change of heart and mind. The man \vho starts on a motor tr ip with only a gallon of gas is no more foolish than we. With him the urge to go, the wish of passing cars, the call of the road,, the attention to super motor attachnierits, aiid the lux ury depleted exchequer, all com bine to crowd out the passing uneasy thought of possible sl^*t- age and consequent b reak d o ^ . He passes a dozen gas stations until on a deserted, road he comes to a spluttering halt and a ruined trip. CLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY, ATOMIC FORCE?" will be the; subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scient ist, on Sunday.' ' The Golden Text is: , "To us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things ,and we in Him." (I Cor. 8 : 6 ) . Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Biole: "The Lord sitteth upon the flood; yea, the . Lord sitteth King for ever." (Psalms 29: 10). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with ICey to* the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is infinite, thei^fore ever present, and there is no other power nor presence. Hence the spirituality of the universe is the only fact of cre ation." roe. Mrs. J. Jacks is i^vin; house built a t 18th m Avenue. a new iuchess Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West ;582 -- : PH O N E-- "West 582 812 16th Street TOjPSOlL GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside......... :..$5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside ____.. 5.50 " Fireplace F i r ___________ *4.50 " Green A lder__________ : 5.50 " Furnace B lo ck s .......... ..-- 4.50 " SPECIAL-- ®No. 1 F ir Edgings..--$3.75 Cord Slabs~&~Edgings"-- Darky .....................8 Cords $11.00 Bark ........ $5.50 Cord' Limited' amount. SAW DUST-SPBCPAtS- Sacked -.....,....................,$3.50 per unit '.3--UH'l'tS-- CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office a t 1336 Miuine Drive ELECTRIC COOKING costs~y2 as much ds you think! WEST VAN. HIGH SCHOOLS CLOSING DISPLAY T & Art, Commercial, Home Economics and Industrial Arts Departments will present a clos ing display at the High School on the afternoon and evening of Friday, June . THE W est Van N ew s * » Published-Every Thursday ^ . 16, 1939. The _________ school" will be open to 'v isito rs Tile opportunities for realizing afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. a . life full of joy and blessing evening froiJi 7 to i * Publisher F. F, LOVEGROVE Phone >Yest 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marinê Drire - - Phone West 65 were never greater but the m ajority are afraid to setJout or are b rew ing down on the road. Crowded -and distracted with the problems of- the day we are for- getting the first essential -- God. 9:30 p.m. Parents and friends, are cordi ally invited to be present. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. 11.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a yeair Dy mail Engagements . , and Mrs, S. Galbrick of Stop! Change your mind! Put Chilliwack, B. C., announce the everything second!' Ask God to engagement of their youngest forgive and fill you! Such is re- daughter, Olivê Bernice, to Mr pentance^ and we are forgetting Clifford Joseph Groom, only son - i t No wonder we fail. We never of Mr, andM rs. E. G. Groom knew God. "The thne has fully 2541 Marine Drive, West Van- come and^the reign , of God is couver.^ The wedding will take close a t h ^ d j r ^ n t and believe 'tPlace in Chillhvack United this good news." ' Church on July l s i y ^ : 3 0 p.m. -.i Housewives now owning elec tric ranges are aniazed at the low cost; U sually it.-tum s out to be ju st half 'f the cost they estimated before I the range was installed. ■ Surveys' prove -the average cost of electric, cooking'̂ to B.C. Electric customers ' i s o n l y 50 -cents a person a' - month, or $2.40 A month fo r a fafnily of four or more. ;S'witch"to electric cooking! See the' newest models in your nearest B.C. BHectric store. LOW CO ST. Down FAST. Just flip the comes the_ cost o f switch cooking when you - a new Electric Range ipves cook on a mbdem y b v . C O O K I N G i ' Electric Range! Ie a t . instantly I CLEAN. E le c tr ic beat, is ^Jlen te less h ea t; -It . cannot blackmi pots, pans, w alls or- ceilings I Easy Terms- May be arranged