Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^ Ambleside, H olly burn, Weston, D undarave $1.00 per yo«- ■ Cypress P ark, Caulfeild, W hytecliff, E tc, sc per copy vol. X IV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1939 No. 10 r e f u g e e im m ig r a t io n CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ThorA are thousands of unfortunates today in Europe h* ve lost both homo and country.^ Thousands more exist ' L l conditions of fear and oppression which make of life of them are the victim's of Nazi frightfulness i will be if they stay in the ir present environment, and all r,ml ■! new life in other, countries or eventually perish. ThPvlre of w urse, the inhabitants of w hat was only a, r Lmdhs aI?o Czecho-Slovakia,. those Sudeten Germans who to Nazism, and thirdly the Jews in.German ter- three the case of the last, although more im-: mediately urgent, is probably in ,th e last analysis the least drsuerate, because their brethren in other countries have both fhV resources and the power to look a f te r them, if the worst roLes to the worst. That, however, does not, entirely elimin- Z them as undeserving of our present active help and sym- nflthv For Germany has ordered" them out of her borders after robbing them of most of the ir possessions, and under no circumstances may they longer stay under her flag. But to the Czecho-Slovakians we positively owe a home, as we see it, because they have sacrificed theirs to k ^ p us out of war True, they may still stay in w hat was once their country and now is Germany's, but certainly not for very'long. Sooner or later and probably sooner th e Nazi hyenas will Dounoe'on them with th a t sp irit of th e Middle Ages which produced the massacre on St. Bartholomew's Day, the more so seeing that Germany knows in th a t way only may she perm anently retain these stolen territories,. Nor will the fact o f their race help those Sudeten Germans who are opposed to Nazisin. ̂T ^e Mahometans' only kill those who are to them infidels to save the ir souls, whereas the Nazis, being atheists, deny the rig h t to live e ither in th is world or the next to all who refuse the ir doctrines. Now many of these refugees, actual or potential, are skilled artisans in various industries^ which are a t present nonyexist-/ ent in Canada. Among o ther industries they have already taken the valuable fur trade of Leipzig to England', where British people are employed who were form erly out of work. O thers. of them are expert fanners, apd would certainly never become a charge on the country, if adm itted. / . " Naturally, bur own B ritish peoples must be given the preference now as alw ays.. , W ith: tbif^proyiso,,^ho^ever, ^ apart from humanitarian teasdri'd d r o f d u ty lt \vbuld' appear to be good business to adm it .a limited number of these' refugees, into *our land. This under such restrictions as will ,ensure that only those of th e two above mentioned classes are allowed to pass our gates; For we cannot afford to in -, -crease-our.-already-fflost-serious-problem,-namely,-unemploy--: ment. . ' ' "̂A Canadian National Eefugee Committee has been forniied ~tcTrt^cH;|g~the~^matter~nbefore^the"GovemTnenteate-Ottawa--an d ^ those of the provinbes, while bn th is shore-Mrs. F. A. Walker" is convener of the Migration and Refugee Committees of the ^orth Shore I^cM"Conncil'^f'W omen,"who are conductihg- ah educational campaign ih_ co-operation with the National Com mittee. ■ Theirs is a labor of love which m erits and, we trust,-w ill receive the earnest consideration and support'of all W est Van couver residents. ^ There was a large attendance of enthusiastic members a t the m eeting of the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce on the evening of the 7th instant in the Orange Hiall. Councillor Tom, Brown and Bobby Seeds presented for the consideration of the members a tem porary constitution, which was accepted with some minor changes. Mr. Emery, organizer and past president of the Kitsilano Cham. ' ber of Commerce, reviewed the history and workings of his org anization, giyiiig it'as hjs opinion th a t the local chamber had made a better start. The Kitsilano Chamber had now over two Hun dred members and were bharter- ing pne of the West Vancouver^'- ferries to bring over their mem bers to a meeting, to be held on 1 s t-August in West Vancouver. It was suggested th a t the local chamber visit Kitsilano for the la tte r's big celebration from 1st to 5th July. The objects of the Chamber of Commerce, as taken from' the edhstitution, are as follows: (a) To promote fellow|ship and good will among the busi ness people of West Vancou ver. (b) To create public confidence in the local merchants. (c) To promote schemes for the betterm ent of business con ditions within the munici- \ pality.. THE b u r n in g b u s h By Snbadar COMING EVENTC" TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Townswomen's Guild members and friends' are reminded th a t -on-accouht-pf-space,-reseiwations- should be made promptly for the Military W hist at the home of -M.FS ,:W;...W oodcock^--24th--and- They've got a new gadget in England called a "lij^mvisor," which placed in a front door, en ables the person inside to take a look 'at the caller who has knocked or rung the bell. It is made up of lenses in a metal case but the only p a rt visible to the would-be caller is a hole the size of a nail head. I t's going to make it tough for house-to- house salesmen, collectors of various debts, unwanted loversi the neighbor's kid who has been' sent to borrow groceries, the husband who is too tigh t to find the keyhole, the person who ;; ;never stops talking and the dumb ass who ?won't talk a t all, N a t urally, there's always a wky of getting round everything, in the case in j^ in t a little o z o n e 's chewing'gum placed in^Hte little hole would be the sinmlest. For this, reason I don't ^hink there will be many lumvj«ors sold on this side of the Atlantic; But in England they don't chew or they didn't in my day. Personally, I . hate those gum wranglers whose, tongue and jaws work in unison like a ' reciprocating engine, especially when you see a line of them a t . it in some American stree tca r., There's something about it which upsets my idea of fitiiess, and my fa ther in one of his brighter moments once, told me' a t the age oL ten th a t my m anners' were '̂positively poisonous." I remember I had ju st told my very rich and fussy aunt to "pull up her, socks," a pet phrase borrowed from my oldest brother, meaning -to "̂ a hustle on." Wednesday, June 28th --- Schobl Band Auxiliary,,Garden Ihirfy in Dr. and Mrs. Bayfield's garden. BOXING AND WRESTLING Don't forget the Boxing and Wrestling show a t 8:30 p.m. to morrow night (Friday) in the Orange Hall under the auspices of the West Vancouver , Meiv ciiants Football Club. Appear ing on,the program will be Ilonry l.H'vino, Amateur Lightwciglit (fiiampion of Canada, Gordon W(X)d house. Welterweight Golden Gloves Champion, Kenny Lind say, Bantamweight Champion, a special attraction, by way of a mystery bout, also two fast bciuts of wi*estling featuring Jack , Strong, Middleweight Champion of Australia, winding up with a novelty attraction, A. Hitler versus B. Mussolini with John Bull acting as referee. Ad mission, 35 cents. Molly Edwards' swimming and diving classes for beginners and 'advanced pupils commence Mon day, June 19th, a t Dundarave Pier. Phone West 208-M. ST. STEPHEN'S W.A. TEA Bellevue, Saturday, Ju n e ' 17th, a t 8 o'clock. Please phone Mrs. F. Ci Coleman'-Mrs. J. 'H. Smith or Mrs. J. Moncrieff. Conveners for the evening will be Mrs. W. T. Walker, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, •and Mrs. G. W. Kissick. ' HOLLYBURN HALL SCHOOL OPENING TO PARENTS OF . SCHOOL BAND MEMBERS -Sunday School and' Young People's Bible Class 'will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, June 18th, in Hollyburn Hall. There will be a Gospel Service a t 7:30'^ P-m, next Sunday, when the speaker will be Eric Hunt. Tues day at 8 p.m. prayer and minis try of the Scriptures. BRITISH - ISRAEL ̂ 'Mrs. Brereton of N orth Van- continuing her talk on Lord" next evening, June 19th, 25th and Marine Drive. She. will ex plain how God has provided for need by the law of th e lithe. You are cordially: in v it^ ." The Board of School 'Trustees give notice in this issue th a t the schools will reopen for the 1939- 1940 school year on 5th Septem ber,-and they request parents or guardians of pupils enroll fo r the first time afte r the summer holidays to notify the principal of the nearest school before the end.,of J u n ^ Early registration is urged dn order th a t an advance medical ej^m in. ation may be made. Beginners -in the 'primary grades will be accepted who shall have attained th e i r : sixth birthday by 31st Deoembef next. No enr'ollment will be made In February. T o r fu rth e r particulars kindly refer to the official notice in th is i^tie. A special meeting for parents' of the School Band members will be held a t 8 p.m. on Tuesday the 20th instant, in the Pauline Johnson School: NOTICE SCHOOL OPENING ̂ Schools Re-open; for the 1939 - 1940 SchooL Year on September 5th Parents or Gtferdians o f pupils intending to enroll for the first time in West Vancouver' Schools a fter the summer holidays are requc'-^"'* Principal of the nearest sch o o l before the end of June. V-* « Early registration is urged in order th at an advance medical exam ination may be made. .Beginners ;in the primary grades w ill be accepted who shall have ixth birthday by December 31st next. be no enrollment-in>F'ebriiary. WEST YANCOUVEiR B O A ]^ OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. m': STUDENTS OF MRS. KNIGHT-HODGE IN RECITAL The piano and violin pupils of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, I.U.L.C. M., Eng., will be heard in recital a t 8 p.m. T uesdayJune 27th, in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. An interesting program of violin and piano solos, a violin duet, and a violin ensemble has been arrang ed, and the assisting a rtis t will be . Bernard Smalley, the boy cellist. Admission is 25 cents, children 10c, the proceeds going to "the St. Stephen's Cubs and Scouts Auxiliary. j LEGION NOTES , Tick'ets can be obtained from m em l^rs of the Legion and the Legion W.A., also a t the local stores for the Legion Frolic to be held on Monday, July 3rd, in the Orange 1 Hall, proceeds of which will go to the Building Fund. At this Frolic prizes, which have been donated, will be drawn for among those holding- tickets. These include a clinker built rowboat w ith inboard engine, a .return Trip to ' the World's Fair a t San Francisco, etb. The regular meeting of the Branch will be held tomorrow (Friday) night in the club room. There are those who, when things go haywire, proceed, to 'm ake'a few femarks'such as'they ' feel is in keeping 'with the oc-- casion. Among.these children of Belial who so indulge are sailors and soldiers, and lumberjacks, and last but not least, newspapei^ men. But it takes great master of English or some' professor to . really rise to these opportunities, more especially if they happen to get really hot under the collar. They >just politely wander through the dictionary, as it were. Listen to what the g re a t , John Ruskin had to say about- railways; which he described as' follows: , / "The loathesomest form of deviltry now e x ta n t; animated; and deliberate ^ rthquakes, de-. structiv^ of all nice social habits or possible natural beauty; car riages of damned souls on the ridges of their own graves." ' Now he m ust have missed the last train and had to sleep on the platform all night to talk like that. But whatever caused the outburst, I humbly offer my salaama to his shade. As my friend, the editor, would say, "They are all .$5 words." NEW HOME TO BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION St. Stephen's W.A, are holding a tea a t the home of Mrs. F. Walkerv2!455-.Kiag!s-A.ven u e-.on- Tuesday, June 27th, from 3 to 5 p.nij,, i n . aid of the National^ Refugee Fund. Admission 25c^ GARDEN NOTES ' (From- Gardens Beautiful) Messrs. Lawson, Walker and Pride, West Vancouver's pi9neer realtors, invite the'.public,to in spect a brand new house aD1260 Fulton Avenue, next Sunday be- ̂ tween the hours of 1 and 6 p.m. The h o u ^ has b, large living room, ' fireplace, "two bedrooms downstairs, modern kitchen' and nook, modern bathroom, two ' rooms •'unfiiirsh'̂ T p s ta ir s , a full- basement with new fumaoe and tubs, and a garage attached. For fu rther particulars kindly refer to the advertisem ent in this Jssue, • ' Keep the faded ,aiM'dead flow ers picked off you? pansies and ' violas, a little liquid manure will also help to keep them flowering over a long period. As soon as the flag Irises have finished blooming, lift and divide. Too often we see large clumps left year after year, with the result th a t few flowers are pro duced. Flags like a sunny posi tion, a soil in which there is lime and little or no water during the summer months. Attend to the staking and ty- ' ,ing of perennials, do this .before the plants"have had a chance to flop over. Do not tie them in a bundle or with any old rag or m aterial tha t ju st bomes' to hand. Green stakes and stfing are the best and certainly look n e a te r ' than a lot of l^ h s and frayed pieces of rope. Pinch the tops off your sum m er flowering Chrysanthemums to have dwarf plants. You may do the same to Goldenrod and Michaelmas Daisies. The best flow ers'are obtained ^rom any of the,above by planting single pieces; I would like you to try this. Teacher (to boy-who is misbe having) : "James, sit down in fron t." Jam es: "I can't, Fm notm ade- th a t way." M otherr^"Eric77deaTrdon^irgo- out too fa r in the water." E ric: "But look, daddy's, out a long way." M other: "L know, dear, but fa th e r has his life insured."