■ f ^ i t ' I v^. SMITH'S MARKET Pbmw W««t 46 M a t r v e y S m i t h M M O -w « itn « HUGOfSHTIONK for FRIDAY ifc SATURDAY, June 9lh & lOlh M E A T S. I w I Immi w..n .. I : 1̂ ' ItiHi & Willie (:OKFRK~lrri«ll»teii I Found Tin................................ 35c Have the Coupons for Valuable f'rt'tnluma. Hfd & White TKA--Orantfc Pekoe 1 Pound .................................... . 46c Have the Coupona for Valuable Premiumw. , ̂ ""'i ■, Ui-d Hi WhiU* lirund JKM A POWOKKH I pnisKeta i9c • Eidht true*fruit llavurM, • PBAItb HOAP--A white naptha .'I cakea 14c T ilH IU /B O A P ....................... cske 6e" lUal & While PUKE JAM HIruwberry ...................4 lb. Tin 49c PUPPED KICK or WIIKAT ftlehWruin......2 r^ox, cello buka 16c*' <X)KNKI) K E U P .............2 Una 25c Kvd & While Ilrand Ueady>U>>Berve HOUPH -- Vekctable or Tomato :t Tina ............... .̂..... ■................... 25c Ked & White CKKKN CUT UKANS I in ............ <..,i............. '....<............ 1 Ic DHL MAIZ COKN NIKUi'J'S . T in 13c PVee Delivery West 370 KKKP--Grade A and A1 l.AMU-*Top Quality PfKtK--Grain Fed VEAI^MIIk Fed KKKA8T OF LAMB, per Ib....... 15c BKKAST OF VEAL, per lb......... 13c PICKLED PORK HOCKS, Ib..... 10c FRESH FISH DAILY SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH "P I : *I'!? ' i' ** i'f:. ■'i ts s Red .& While PEAS--Sieve 4 2 Tina .......... ...f....................... 25c Red & White PORK Ht BEANS 3 Tina .................................... 25c Red & White PILCHARDS Tail No, 1 Tin.......................... ' 9c SUNKIST ORANGES Extra Ivurue Si^c............. doz, 33c CALIPORNIA GRAPBPRUIT . Lurke Juicy ................... 3 for 14c B ^unbli--Yates Of much interest tu Wt'st coRver wa»,,the wc'ddinK which took place in St. Stepheh s Angli can 'Church, June 3rd, when Mary Valentine, youngest daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs, was united in marriage with Mr, PYank l^ ra ls h , son of Mr, and Mrs. Allen Bi'amish. The cei^- mony was performed by Key. r . A. Ramsey. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wa.s a t tired in white imported lace o ^ r bridal glow white satin., ^ e gown, a prinoess lined model, featured a small round collar, fastened with lace covered but tons extending from the neck line)to the opening of the red- ingote. The princess silhouette was also featured in the .sleeves which full a l i l ie shoulders nar rowed to small points at t h e . ______ WTist. The back panels extended «A„nnN robsON -- Barrister & to a full train. Complimenting solicitor, 510 W; Hastings, Sey. 4199 the gown was the veil of illusion at W est 'Vancouver any time by tulle caught at the head with a appointment. West 403^------------- wreath of orange blo.ssoms. Her ^notary pijBLIC," General Con-, • • ' ' " ' veyancing,"Valuator." Reginald P. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. W est '21. . ■ . "' ■ :. Service THERE ISi NO SUBSTITUTE.: FOk QUAUTY PAINT' ' BUILDERS' SUPPUEq ROOFING WAi; thS LBOAED Agent# t CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER £0. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive PRon© West 115 A O O T 1 7 T i l 7 F \ A TT\ C The rate for Claaslfied AdvertlMmenta la L cent# per word, mininmia 25 centa. Except in the case of tlio#e having regular accounts, all cImiI. AmIb are navable atricUy in advance. Ilemember ClaaalflSi in the Weat Van New# get Immediate reaulta. Ijightly-- Edw ards The wedding was .solemnized G rey-- H untingford bouquet was bright red rose.s and valley lilic.s. Mrs. Charles Walls, who ..at tended as matron, wore a tur- A pretty Wedding took place URoiae chiffoii gown. Her h a t. - was a small flowered model with GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, F ire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2.... at B p.nr. lust Monday in St. at 4 p .m . last Saturday in St. shoulder length veil and she LISTINGS W A N TE D '-- Houses to . , , , . i „ , Rent, Sell or Buy. Pemberton's, 'Trinity 1271. 437-Y-l.' Evenings, i W est 'I " f " ry,. ' '"■ft r ; . Stephen's Church of Jane Eliza- SUiplfen's Church, when Margar- earned snapdi-agon and delphini- licth (Betty), daughter of Mrs. et Elizabeth (Betty) Hunting- um si^y^<A llen-Ijeith acted as M. G. Edwards, 1248 Keith liot^d, lord, eldest daughter of Mr. an,d groom^^mi while ushering were and Mr. T hom asjl. Lightly, son Mrs. A rthur Stanley Hunting- Mr. Melfort Boulton and Mr. PAINTING AND DECORATING of Mr, and Mrs. T. K. Lightly, ford of 960 14lh Street; became David G rey 22ml' and K W h Avenue. The il,o In-ide of Robert Bruce Grey, ^ reception wa.H, held at the Rev Canon G C. d KaBum of- youiiKes »<►" of Mre A. Kae ^ Ijciuted 111 the flower bedecked Grey, Kimberley, B.C. The Rev. Mnrin/^ nrTvr* T Ynt.P^ .. church. The bride was attended ]•'. A. Ram.soy oificiated, and the , ^ Allpn Be-imish reeeiv- by her sister,, Miss Helen Ed- church was beautifully deoorat- The former chose- wards, as bridesmaid, and her <̂(1 with spring flowers and roses, ' o f ^ niece, Audrey Louise Downey, the altar decorations being white net with « cor*;n<rc nf jrarflenias was flower girl. Mr. James Weir carnations and pink roses. The ind ' !?"" -" '<■• uahers |,rido ,̂ whi, was given away by w w^alinv » being Mr. P. G. Downey and Mr. her father, looked charming in Hector MucRae. The bride was an afternoon street length dress attired ill an afternoon frock of of a(iuu shade, shirred in waist wifh (jueen's blue crepe, while' her to shoukler with V neck, and Maderia^laop rloth tall wh bridesmaid wore a pink crepe .shoi'l puff sleeves with a very ® t,, f afternoon fror.k iinH her lit.fle full «kirf. Her Knt wa.s of bis- p o pii K loses. ,̂. in 1afternoon frock and her litfle flower girl green organdie. A wedding reception was held full skirt. Her hat was of bis cuit straw trimmed with' blue and pink French velvet flowers I ' ' later a t the home of the bride's scarf, and she carried uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. - bouquet of talisman roses, Blair Clerk, 17th and Mathers white stocks, and maidehhair Avenue, the bride and groom go- fern.-The bridesmaids were the ing to Selma Park for their Misses Mary aiid Dorothy Hunt- honeymoon. On their retuni- ingford, sisters of the bride, who they will re.side in.West Vmicou- wore wisteria blue and powder ver. . . , piuk sheer dresses with--plain high-ntkjkT 'rshort^nff" ^̂̂̂^̂ te r wearing, a gown of queen's blue, chiffon and dove grey ac cessories. The bride's table was a white the center stood a two tier,wedding, cake, a g ift to the brideA |Asked to pour tea were Mrs. Leith and Mrs. A. Grout. The serviteurs wet,e the Misses Irene W hittak er and Kathleen Hampson, Mrs. W, L. G rout,:Mrs. J. K. Smith, Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs. K. Boulton, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs; Fred Smith- ers. I^ te r when Mr...and Mrs. Beamish left for their jv_e_dding_ J. H. Wedley, fo r m ^ y with C. L. Konings. Phono 818. E sti- mates free. ? HOME BUILDER -- CureWing and excavation costs from 1/3 to %•' Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W> E is - . sick. W est 262-L._________ , MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents? only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite .4, Holly bum Block. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wo(^ Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work o f all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and W est 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. ______________ ̂ . FILMS -- Why not biiy and bring them here ip develop ? Barclay's, i M8 Marine.*_________ ' ~ ' GUESTS -- Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West Bay, West 379-Y-2. ______• -- ___ PRINTING -- For all kinds of CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, Sacks, M etals, Furniture, stoves! Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too' small. Burrard Junk Co., West 9i, CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Couâ try way; guaranteed; brick and Capilano,North 8li-B-2< - ' FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 1468-L.__________ " MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night' heated car; passengers fully insured' W est 612. ' GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by appointment, W est 408. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- icitor, 1406 Marine Drive: Phone W est 21, Qfr W est 563-R-l. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers, North 89, Reverse call, LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 * Marine^_________ TO RENT --- Good 5 room house; ' .convenient location; several fruit trees, $25. Lawson, Walker & Pride, W est 55. . HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY SERVICE --Window Cleaners, Eavetrough . Cleaners, minor repairs. West 3B0-M WANTED ^ Antique)^ furniture, sil* ver, g lass, china. Phone West 938. We will call. . . CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North will reside a t 594 Duchess Ave nue. , n 1 • i. 1 1 trip south the bride was wearing n r ^ h ^ nolk nf ^ tailleur with white r S / flccf^ssories. On theikretum -theyLride. W hitriia ts trimmed with ' i/rjii covi matching flowers', and veils com pleted their ensemble, and they m rr ied~bouijii ets~^of ~blue~i i'i s7" pink snapdragons, pink ciirna- tions, and maidenhair fern. Ed ward Grey, brother of the groom, acted as best man, the ushers printing phone News, West 363; West Van 822. --FUIWITeR^Sr^»f7«{er^cT^'o r-^ e^ , --̂Cash 'o r term s,' or trad^ 2277. .Jefferson Avenue. ' ' HARRY HUGGINS PASSES , Harry Huggins, 2669 Mathers being 'DougHas"r u n n '*anT"the borne last;IY-iday; He is suiwived bride's brother, Stanley Huntr I*'- imrforrl of Tunbridge Wells, - England : ----- -̂---- twa-granddaiighters; one broth-.' 7WA"NTED.'^:^MotHer'8"li3lper,'care for children, light duties; $^50 per week. 1318 Argyle._____ _ BOARD AND ROOM available for two business.men; cosy cottage on beach. 2812 Bellevue. WANTED -- Paying guests, transient jQiL_permanerit, near ferry'. West |i 1 I3*'vis'< j.j' '.JtfSji 'M f i l r l f f Hi5 M iim0: ■« i I 't ' It#-.?;;' ■ I#.!'-; l £ fife'Itv'i ? l'4 n 'fe W -lf i - p : | f § i : ; . 1% k; K i c k 4 fc t t t€ L ^ Q K o m a n t i c ----- ' Lilce turning the pages of a beautifully illustrated history book, each day of your vacation in ■ your own province will reveal new treasures to be sought . . . new ad venture to bo tasted. ♦ Spanish ex plorations, British discoveries, . . the ■ romance, of the " Fur Brigades . . . the hectic days of the "Gold Rush" . . the spectacular drama of the "Coming of Steel." ♦'Your vacationv will bo richer for the travel-days saved to discover British Columbia anew. ♦ Plan this year to : y S c c ' \ . j S t i i h A ^ o l a m k i a er, Fred, of 1325 Gordon Avenue; two nephews; also Vera, Vancou ver. Funeral services were held a t 4 p.m. last Tuesday from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Har- ron Bros. Ltd., and iiitemfient was..mad€ 'in Capilano VieA\̂ Cem etery.; ____ i_Atfr.activc_West Vancouver Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the bride's home, beautifully decorated with spring flowers and roses, where in the absence of the bride groom's mother the guests were received by the bridal party and tlje bride's parents, her mother's costume : being of wine triple s h ^ r with- lace top and silvei* foxf f urs, - and a . black-haUD'im - , nied with Fi-cnch velvet flowers and ribbon A^elvet. Her corsage was of pink carnations. Mrs. B. ;C. Lunn and Mrs. J. Howard Forester presided a t tlje table, which was centred with white stocks and pink snapdragons. Mrs. N. Hpffar, a friend of the bride, was responsible for the beautiful decorations in the home and a t the ohurch. Later the happy, couple left for a honey- nioon;' the bride donning over mciuamg jvaim nano m wainut her wedding dl^SS a grey coat »ew condition, 1939 Victor Radio.OVal- 686-R. AUCTION 1^39 Victor Consol Radio, Kahn Piano Like N ew ,, Pull-Up add Tapestry Chesterfield Chairs, N ew 9 x 1 2 Ax- minsier Rug, Simmons Beds^ complete Walnut ' Dresser, Dinner Service, Linens, Etc., Etc. TOMORROW (Friday) JUNE 9th, at 1:30 p.m. at 2441 Ottawa Avenue (Near corner o f 24th Street and two blocks north o f Mathers) "Including Kahn Piano in Walnnt in ROOM WANTED in W est Vancouver for working girl, $5.00 month. Box 52, West Van News. WANTED -- Small modem ' house west of 26th Street; good view es sential. W est 558-L-2. WILTON CARPET, 9 x 12 ̂ nearly new;, cost $70, What offers ? West 892-L. HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY CLEAN- ERS -- Window cleaners,' eave-. trough cleaners, minor repairs. West 350-M.,, with accessories to match, with a corsage of gardenias. Oh their re tun i they will take up resi dence in West Vancouver. 1 Walnut dresser, bowfront dresser, 9 x 10/G Congoleum rug, Axminster and - The Council accepted tAvo of fers to purchase propei:ty= from „ ___......... ..... ............ the - following: F. A, Walker, wool hearth rugs, Royal Vacuum and Lot 20, Block 5. D.L. 555 j R>1- 'YHlHut nook table. Also Imvc R e a ltv N W l/« n f D T utensils, china and glass;lOAVS iv e a i t j , IN.W .yjt OI U .L . rEIectnc toaster, elec, iron, elec, plate, nAit pull-up chair, 2 Tapestry Chester field'Chairs, Sanitary Couch, jardiniere stands and pjants, oil paintings, bridge ■ lamp, end tables, new . mantei clock, ' seagrass chairs, vases; pictures, cur- _______________ _ tains and drapes, Simmons 4 /6 bed FREDERICK C A im R w v * Simmons 4 ft. bed complete, Solicitor,Walnut dre.tsspr ■ fkA-orffV.nf O .. . n „ ; i ■ bArpUu:̂ :- Building; Branch Office, 1447 Mar- RAULING, Manure, Fuel, " Septic Tanks and Rock-ipits installed and cleaned. W est 187-R._______ LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED -- call Mack, W est 184-R. . ' c a r p e n t e r W m ts odd jobs; reason- able rates. West S96-L. 7» FOOT LOT -- Inglewood and 11th Street, mostly cleared -and in gar- 2 room shack on premises; a g ift at $450. C. J, Archer Ltd., Notary Public (F. B ayliss), 1415 _ Marine Drive. West 225. - S ft Pffices: Sey.' 0691. West 546, Residence, Whytecliff'546., 1087. Mr, and Mrs. C. Gustin (nee Eunice Harrisoii) are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughtei*, born in the North Vancouver Hospital, Monday, June 6th; Both are doing welb-^ refrigerator, buck saw' and misc. tools' etc. On '•iew morning o f sale at 9:30 a.m. AH goods to be cleared immedi ately after sale. GUILDING & FOLLEY / (For a successful Auction) 521 Pender St, W., 564 Richards St, Sey. 7411 Trinity 2852 PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kabo- TVIITlITlCF* 'nT*Q̂ CG YX7AT*lr TAnCATl* ' able rates. H. Gaines, West 167-L. LISTINGS WANTED --H--At Roberts" Ltd., 'West Vancouver Real E state Speci§Jists. 1447 Mar* ine Drive. W est 646.___________ k n i t t i n g and PLAIN SEWING - Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine ■ ̂ " '" " ■ ■ ^ ROOM and Full Board for one or two in private home. W est 218-L. WANTED -- $800 at 6%; good swur- ity.. Box 50, W est Van News. LOST -- Black Purse with two pairs glasses. W est 86-Y -l.________ - EXPERIENCED all round domestic help wanted a l once; good salary for suitable atmlicant. Phone West ■ 690. _______________ ___ WANTED -- Experienced girl for general housework; daily 1 to 8 p.m. All day Saturday. W est 201rM. WANTED -- There is a steady de mand for houses to rent up to $27.50. Let us g e t you a reliable j tenants. We have some real bargains in good lots, i f you intend to build consult us, we can satisfy your needs. For .Sale, .house, 4 rooms, $1550; will arrange mortgage 6% for part o f purchase price; rest ■ cash;'W e are*prepared to show in* ' tm ding purchasers o f West Vancou ver homes, lots .or acreage, any property oh our,com plete list. No obligation, anytim e. Lawson, Walk er ■& Pride, W est Van. Pioneer Realtors, W est 55; opjp. Hollyburn Postoffice.'_______________ ...■ LOOSE COVERS, Cushions, Drapes made. Dressmaking. Prices reason- able. W est 256-Y. ^ 3 ROOMS -- Unfinished cottage on acreage partially developed, priced, very , easy .term s for quick sale; close to bus route. H. Fallows ' Realty, 1429 Marine; West 912 or -W est 356-R. . A R E C O R D 1,900,000 Miles without Boeideirtgf-i924-;r-l938-^^:r-Efffcient- and Courteous Drivers -- and Ford Units a t Y o u r -Service TEAROE & SOIV MARINE DRIVE ^ PHONE WEST 8 4