„«i8f )̂m'- ' i iiii Mi f la ilw m T i i r i ..i w 'i t 'iii r i iHic wrEDIMBiC»_ .w sF T Problem iLoIved by inspecting our lovely pieces Ailver Shemeld and Class. ̂ Articles a bride will cherish. The prices most moderate. <^he F lorence Vfeat n i 1706 Marine Drive Local and Personal J Special*'-?'•Men's Black Leather OxfordsLEATHER SOLES AND RUBBER HEELS c o m fo r ta ble FITTINlb UST. $ 2 .7 5 -'A.PAIR"'....' ; : ELLIOTT'S SHOE STOEE 1462 Marine b riv c Garrod & Nolsoii for better p l u m b i n g Repair. Experts West 226, 2460 Marine Pr- , Mr. and Mrs. Robarts, Travers .Avenue, irmved to Vancouver on Tuesday. Cut F low ers B o u q u e ts , W reaths E t c . : , : Hollyburn Flower Shop 1680 Marine Dr (Next to Bank). Telephone W est 940 '........ The French B eauty Salon For P e rm an en ts o f/la s tin g beau ty . We specialize in fine, grey and white hair. 1562,..Marine Drive Phone W. 212 Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES ' West 582 -- p h o n e -- W est 582 , 812 16th Street " GRAVEL Bush Fir,, Inside...$5.50 Cord Mill Fir, Inside................. 5.50 " Fireplacie Fir ..................... 4.50 Green Alder ................. -- 5.60 ^ Furnace Blocks................ 4.ou SPECIAL_ ° No. 1 Fir Edgings......$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky....................3 Cords , $11.00 Bark .... :................... $5.50 Cord Limited, amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS Sacked ..........................$3.50 per unit ----- .........................,.,.3--unita-$lQi)JL CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street. ~O ffic^ at"1336"Marine"Drive.- YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buys in Lots and Homes Rentals and Insurance Solicited E states Managed . j . T. WATT 1744 Marlne'Drlve , Phone W. 141 The H ighlands 1393 Marine Drive * W here Good Food is Served Professor Griffiths TEACUP or CARD READINGS Tuesday, Thursdays, ' Fridays. 3 - 5:30 p.nti.' PHONE:- W EST 671 SPEO AL Inside F ir:-- from s h e d ........ $6.00 per cord^ .. from mill ....... .$5.50 per cord ~ S l a h s ™ w r t h --B a r k --$ 4 « 0 0 ~ p e r7 .c o rd -- Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord ^----- SAW DUST ' PRITAM'S FUEL V Phone N orth 620- rj; y (ion West 190 1578 M arine: Drive W ek 190 Friday and FREE DELIVERY Grade A Red Brand BUnER First Grade 3 lbs. 72c Rump -Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast.23 c lb. BAKEASY 9c per Ib.̂Rolled Ribs Roasts - 28c per lb. Short Ribs 12'|2C lb. Rolled Pot Roast GRADE A BEEF 20c lb. ... . V V ' ..... . 'i . Grade A Red Brand Shoulders Lamb 23c per Ib. Breast Lamb 15c lb. Roast Veal 20c per lb. Breast Veal 15c per lb . K-9 dog fo o d 3 tins 2i5c. FLETCHER'S No. 1 Bacon 15c per 'jilb. pkg. A son was born on Saturday a t the Vancouver-Gouerat H os-, pital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dingle (nee Ena Eileen Lowe), 992 16th Street.* * o Mrs. Crawford and daughter are occupying a hOuse a t West Bay." Mr. and Mrs. Jack Short and family of Vancouver, have moved into a house a t West Bay. . Miss Calvert of We^t Bay, has left for a trip to Saskatchewan. ..............■ . 0 .*♦-........- ......... In Che recent B.C. ̂ Musical Festival, Speech Arts Branch, Mrs. j . Q. Britton of 2854 Jeffer son Avenue, was placed second in the Ladies' Open Lyric Class in ' elocution and third in the finals, while her little five year old son, Peter Sherry, made 80 ̂marks. Mrs. Britton and her son are pupils of Mrs, W. R. Clark. Peter Sowden, 1471 Gordon Avenue, is ..back from a two months' stay in North Vancou ver (Seneral Hospital, where he wa^ytreated for a broken leg. He-IS getting along satisfactor ily. M rs.,E. W. Hudson entertain ed informally Monday and Tues day a t the J:ea hour in her home a t Cypress Park. On Monday her guest of honor was Mrs. F. -Leslie Code, who leaves shortly for Chicago, and on Tuesday the honored guest was Mrs. Kenneth aMcLrean of Toronto, who is a form er-resident of Vancouver. Miss Meta Cassie of,Pittodrie Milltimber, Aberdeenshire, Scot land, is the guest of Mr. and' Mrs. J. W_, Barnett, 1347 Marine Drive. Miss'Cassie sails on the Empress of Japan on Saturday the ip th instanj;, for Honolulu, where she is to be married. ♦ ♦ ♦ , " Alfred Busst, who was the guest of his mother, Mrs. B u s^ of 25th and Marine Drive, dur ing the-Royal visit, has returned to Lytton, B.C. Engagement-- The' A.Y.P.A. of St. Atmea Church,-North .Vuncouver, Jioid a dinner on Tuesday evening a t the Clachan, about sixty being present. - i»i ii> « Mrs. J. H. Fletoher of 2283 Haywood Avenue, is in the North Vancouver General Hcwpital, having undergone a m ajor oper- ation fix>m which she is rocover»< ing satisfactorily.♦ Hi ■ ♦ • , , About fifty ..of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash's friends from, West Vancouver, North 'Vancouver, and the city, gave them a real surprise party a t their home on Monday evening ju s t hefoi^ they left for North Vancouver to board 'T he Ganges" for Eng land. Each was the recipient of a gift, th a t to Mrs. Nash being presented by Mrs. Joseph Sheas-r green, while tho-Rev. F ather Van made the presentation to the Doctor. Following the presenta tions all their friends' accopi- panied them to the boat to 6ee them off. Miss Norah H. Hughes. M.A., who' a year from now will have • finished her bourse a t th e Union College and be entitled to be Called "Rev." , is hiaking her home for the sunimer a t Horse shoe Bay. ■ , ■* : ♦' ■ • V '. 1.4' ■ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Magoffin of West Bay, who have been visit ing in the east for the past six months, have returned to vthe city. ' , Mrs. Goraline P latt, Jefferson Avenue, left Tuesday for New York where she will board the S.S. "Georgic" on an extended trip- to^ England to visit her mother and other relations. ■ :■ ■■'Hr-- Doctor and Mrs. A. C. Nash, 1897 Marine Drive, left on Mon day evening from-North Vancou ver bn " The Ganges," for Eng land and Europe, going by way of the Panama.' . aK Miss Ann Dewar, who has < been visiting hen. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garland, in Victoria, has return- ed to her home a t 2243 Bellevue Strattoa's BAKERY n i f l M l S i - l l w n l A A BUMHii' Bwi Ten varieties to suit every taste Meat P ies -- Cookies Bccles Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls 'WSS-.Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive ,J>hone West 27 Have yon seen the New Diana Oil Range ? For full parliculars see the store of MODERN HOME APPLIANCES Brown & Munton's 1542 Marine \ West 366 MemborHA.llT. oMI.O. Hollyburn Theatre The KING & QUEEN at OiUiwu showing ovory cvcni'ng but Wednesday^ T h u r s d a y , FiUDAY ami SATURDAY Juno 8th, 9th and 10th , TYRONE POWER ALICE FAYE . Alexander's Ragtime Band " (A .cavalcado of American life) also ■ ' NEWS, C^ARTOON ̂ ___ MONDAY, TUESDAY AND W EDNESDAY June 12th, 13th and 14th VICTOR McLAGLBN CARY GRANT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jnr. '^ G u n g a D in" (Once only each evening - commencing a t 8.. j)-m.) ALSO 1 IIouj- of Short Subjects, starting 7 j).m. ^Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beattie of 2694 Haywood' Avenue, West Vancouver, announce the en- ' gagement of their eldest daugh ter, Jane Rosalind, to Mr. James Weir, elder son of Mrs. James ̂ W and the late Mr. James Weir of Vancouver. The wed ding will take place early in July. Shower * Honoring Mrs. T. H. Lightly (nee-Betty Edwards) > a kitchen shower was held a t the home of Miss Jane Beattie last Thurs day evening. Those present were Miss Betty Edwards. Mesdames Pearoe, M. G. Edwards, F . Dow ney,. D .A ; Barbour, H. Eager, W. D, Colvin, T. Lightly, E . S. Green, J. Bloxham, V. Cianci, B. Clerk, W. Ashall, K. Doherty, G. A. Beattie*, the Misses H. Ed wards, J. Dickinson; P. Bloxham, G. Lightly, L. Beattie, Mc Lennan, L. Chesterton, M. Beat- vitie, -K. Beattie, J. Beattie. Mrs. Thomas Inglis, who has been occupying "a suite a t the Fortune Cup Inn, has left to re tu rn to her home in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ Engagement :7"'Mr.~and~MrsrTV7~Nightingale" of Hornby Island,_JpmerJy of West Vancouver, ann^Tce--the engagement ' of th^ir eldest, daughter, Helen Brown, to Mr. Robert Smith Telford of Alexis Creek, Chilcotin, youngest son of Mrs. J-JNelford of J^^ewton. The wedding will fake'~placc_at_ the end of June. -- V E R N O N - FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies CARD OF THANKS The membership of th is branch of the Canadian Legion tak es this opportunity of thankifiig a ll, ex-, service men and , civilians who co-operated with us during thtf Royal visit. We would especialljl thank the young lads" who did a good job, and 'apparently enjoyed doing it. " EXPERT W atch and Oodk r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with. .JBirkfi Ltd., . Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive SEA SCOUT TROOP AND WOLF CUB PACK AUXILIARY The-regular monthly meeting will be held a t the home of Mrs. White, 1406 Lawson.- (Upper level bus leaves, ferry wharf at 2 p.m. for 14th and Inglewo"oti), on I^u rsday , June 15th, at 2:30 P-m..; TOC H Wednesday evening of last week was open meeting night a t Toe H'; when friends of piem-- ̂ bers were invited to be present. The guest Speaker of the <̂ ven- ing, the Rev. Canon Harold G. King, gave a very interesting address which was much enjoyr ed, while Philip W atts, the well known . Vancouver vocalist and , teacher, and his pupil, Miss M argaret Davies, who won the cup in the mezzo-soprano class a t the recent B.C. Festival, were heard ,to advantage in several numbers, both being compelled to give encores. A very enjoy able and instructive evening was brought to a close v/th the serv ing of refreshments. H O L L Y B U R N BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 14th and Marine - W est 341 W est Vancouver M essenger Service PARCELS -- BAGGAGE or Light Transfer Work of any description For Prompt Service, Phone W EST 700 DISABLED VETERANS' (INC.1921) REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY. JUNE 13th a t 8 p.m. sharp in R. P. Blower & Co.'s Ofllce A ll .members, nrgently requested " to attend. The Chale t MEALS, ROOMS (Single and Double); rates by day, week month. Furnished Cottages. . HORSESHOE BAY ' W hytecliff 241 ^ CARD OF THANKS '3 Mrs. H. H uggins, 2669. Mathers T, Avenue, "mshes to thank her many friends for their kindness and sym pathy during her recent great bereavement in the loss of her beloved ' husband, also for the beautiful floral offerings. The Council granted the appli- caction of Tom Ganow of Gar- row: Bay fo r the provision of parking space on Imperial Street. WS. ** - ' a '•