West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jun 1939, p. 2

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/ .; »r :<.jm i , % WEST VAN. UNITED CHUHOai "*■ •*Etqiiii«*tt "Am"* "'"*̂" REV. W. VANCK; a A ., Iltidt(«r 2047 Gordon Av«nn« Ebon***'Woit" 8und»y S«nric«*; U n .m .A 7:30p.in. Str«ni(«ri nrid VUitors nre welcow# ,C?i. BAPTIST CHUBCfl " MliikitMr Rev. Ŵ L» Mfilay* EJu« &B. Sundsy Serrlew 10;00 jum.^bur<}b Bfbwl l0-,= dttdinff Adolt Clm»« 11 *.iM. A 7:80 p.m.--Proacbina: Service*. A hearty welcome to all II and A IlUAUT PERMANENT BKM)NG 'JOGEI'IIBR 'Phis now half stylo dcmaridM the KoflnoHH Ihiii a Duuri, heat .controlled, permanent givcM. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBDRN HALL 14tb and Duchesa SUNDAY, June 11th, at 10 B.m. Sunday School and Young People'* Bible Cla»« SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 GOSPEL SKKVICK Speaker: MR. ERIC HUNT TUESDAY EVENING, June 13, at 8 p.rn. Prayer and Ministry of tile Scripture* , Speaker: MR. G A R N E f BENNETIT WEST V A N C O U V E R CKriifiin Science Society 20th and Beauiroalt, Holly burn Thin SoclTy is a Branch of The Mother Church n ae F irst Church of Christ, Sdentiafc, in Boston, Masaachufictts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June l l lh SUBJECT: "GOO THE PmCSEHVEK OF MAN" Sunday School at ^ Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our service* and meetings. r o y a l WINTON s o u v e n i r c h i n a , 86c and op i Badusive Gift China and Glassware; . „ . «. . . ̂a* w* va _,; S u p p li.--. Kountain I'ciui *--« Pendl* - Inks, Etc, WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1644 Marine ®>" " 8 p.m. ■ Phene We«t 687 h o l l y b u r n f r u it m a r k e t "The Home of Quality Products" • 2 -D ays WEEK-END SPECIALS • Bing Cherries..........................ib. 16c New Potatoes....................... 8 lbs. 25c Texas Grapefruit............... 7 for 2&c Carrots.:................................bunch 6c 2 lbs. 15c Now Beet*............ ....... .3 bunches 10c 1804 Marine Drive Banana* .................. FREE DELIVERY W EST 909 Creator* of Exclusive Permanent*, 1540 I Marine Drive Wc«t 117 DR, G. D. H: S E A L E D.DiS,, L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ray Hay Block, 14 Ih and Marine Dr. Office Hour* 0 to. 6 p.m. Evening* by appointment. Phono W est 72 I , i . DR. McRAIi: D E N T I S T formerly o f 706 Medlijal-Dental Building Hour*; 0 t o .6 -- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marino Drive W est 482 'M Establiahed on North Shore 25 Year* ^ (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. Yfiinrral Birectors Hollyburn Funeral Home 18 th and Marine . W est 134 North Vancouver. Parlor* 122 W est. Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlor* 66 Tenth Avenue East T lio n ^ F a ir : 134 UNITED CHURCH 21at and Esquihialt Avc. Rev. William Vance, Minister ^Sunday, June 11th 10:00 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11:00 a .m .-- Morning Worship. Subject; "Is'Your Religious Life Cramped?" 7 :30-p.m.--Evening Semoe. Subject: "Emotional Relig­ ion--Its Appeal and its Dangers." Come! Let us worship. Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell's home was niled to capacity pn Tuesday for the annual talent tea of the United W.A., when the fund^ v/ere con.siderably increased by the talent money and donatiop. The guest speaker was Miss ■ Norah H. Hughes, -M.A., the "woman preacher," who gave some interesting. and_ amusing sidelights on her student liie lind field work. Pl«as>nK„so ®s were rendered by Mrs. R. VV. Froud, accompanied by Mrs. L. Ajello. Arrang'ements were made for a garden party on July 4th, at the home of Mrs. W. Tinney, 20th "and W aterfront. The, <feon- veners appointed are: tea^ Mrs. F. J. Patterson, assisted by Mra. A. M. O'Donnell, Mrs. H. 0.strom, Mrs. M. E. Rush and Mrs. E. Therrien; candy, Mrs. J. Reid; -homerceoking, Mrs. E. Scott and ^ r s . N. T. Shirlaw., BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Asphalt Prem ix Sunday, June 11th. 11:00 a.m, -- Subject: ^"Ih e Church and the Child. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. C. H. Hallard, of Lynn Valley United Church, will preach. The Church School meets a t 16 o'clock. There are classes for •■^very age, taught by faithful and consecrated teachers. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.--Mid­ week m eeting 'fo r prayer and praise. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y WEST VAN. TABERNACLE V Gr. Marine & 25th Street. ^ NELSONS La u n d r ie s l t dc d r y CLEANING (Certified as advertised inr the Chatelaine - and Good Housekeeping) ' C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 7i82 a n d Driver wfil eaU. Pastor: * Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. Services: Sunday School.....9:45 a.m. Sunday Services: ------ 11 a.m. and 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Children's Meeting: Friday at 6:45 p.m. The Young People's - Society will meet on Tuesday at 7 :45 at 1872 Fulton Avenue. Mr. Muir of the C.I.M.,>ill show pictures of life and work in North West China. The subject' for Sunday even­ ing will be "Shipwrecks." . ACROSS FROM SAFEWAY*' is 1370 Marine Drive Phone West 33! On behalf of the assc^iation, Mrs. L. Rankin w arm ly tirank^ ST. ANTHONY'S^ CATHOLIC CHURCH ICE Ridley's Service milk SERVICE WEST VAN. ICE & MILK SERVICE N Onginal Distributor for TWIGG ISLAND "MILK . ICE BOXES- FOR RENT OR SALE -- CITY PRICES Phone W est 4 5 6 QUALITY Patroniz'e^the only Local Iceman. Keep Our Money, at Home. ̂ Platform Ice at Ridge Service S t a t i ^ ICEMAN: 6 . Ridley MILKMAN: H. Stepheps 23rd ^Inglew ood Ave. Rev. Father Van, ________P a sto r .:_______ ^ ( 1If I ® prompt action use the voice way the speaker,, soloist and pianist for their contributions to J;he_ program,-and Mrs. O'Donnell for h e r kindness in lending»her home. ■Get your message via ihe voice way when you want word in a hurry from a far­ away poini. Call by long-dis­ tance telephone. "" In one telephone conversa­ tion you can ask que^ions and receive replies, Yov: avoid the '"delay"'"of~-wailing~"for--an--ex­ change of letters. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, June 11th, St. Barnabas Day 8:00 a.m.--^Holy Communion. . 11 ;15 a.m,--Matins and Sermon 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m, -- Business ' Meeting of W.A. St. Francis-in-the-Wood ' Caulfeild. 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Semon, Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High IV^ss and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m^ • „ Rosdry and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 p.m. W'eek-day Services_ Mass -- 7 :00 a.m. ̂ F^^^^ --Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman of M iss Simpson^ o f . Vancouver Cypress Park, have purchased and Miss M. Kinnimont of Nortn ~the~Robarts--house-on-Travers--Yancouyjer,_are-oc'oupylng_asui^ Avenue. a t the Fortune Cup Inn. W. C. T. U. W hen speed is essential, re­ member that thie quickest way is the voice way. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST j . B. C. TELEFBONE CO. THE West Van News PublUhed Every Thursday : Publisher F, F. LOVEaROVE Phone W ^ t 363 Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: - 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a yeaH)3̂ carrier: $2.0j ia year hymaR "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is:,- "Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; Thy judgments are a great dejep; 0 Lord, Thou pre- servest man and beast." (Psalms 36: 6). , - Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is. the following from the Bible: "Fear thou hot; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help t h ^ ; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness." ( (Isaiah 4 1 :1 0 ). ̂ The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Scienoe-text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: ^Tlise in the strength of Spirit to resist all th a t is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and ^ower divinely .bestowed on man."^ The annual meeting of the Wr- C. T. U. was held on TTiursday, at-the home of Miss M. E. Phil­ lip, Bellevue Avenue. An inter­ esting resume of the meetings held during the year was read by the secretary. The annual state­ ment of the treasurer, Ma'S; Chapman, showed t h a t . an a- mount of $105 had been raised during the year. Reports of vai'ious departments were most interesting and gave evidence of the devotion and fine co-opera­ tion of the members. Report of the nominations committee was presented and the following officers elected for the ensuing year: Past president, Mrs. J. Richardson; president, Îi*s. W. L. McKay; 1st vice pres­ ident, Mrs. A. U Beamer; 2nd vice president, Mrs. W, F . Mer­ rick; recoi-ding secretary, Miss M. Phillip; corresponding secre­ tary, Mrs. A. H. Hibberd;l;reas- urei'7 Mrs. D. Chapman; Y.P.B. superintendent, Mrs. G. Faulk- n6r ; evangelistic superintendent, Mrs. W. Herrin; S.Y.I. IVfrs. D. Chapman; visiting superintend­ ent, Miss' E, Stokes; press super­ intendent, Mrs. J. Maephersbn. 10,000 Homes in Vancouver during Jiine, July and August each, year pay only 50 cents a month for electric service, proving again that ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP IN VANCOUVER. The average domestic rate,; in Vancouver is 2.74 cents per kilowatt hour. B R IT IS H .COLUM SIA E L E C T R IC RAILWAY C O M PA N Y L I M I T E D ,o w -w ^