West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jun 1939, p. 1

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UNEMPLOYED YOUTH The winners in life's race, as in every Marathon, are those who ca n withstand the long: grind and finish strongest a t the taoe But what of those who may not en ter for Ijick Of road HT)̂ e? That is the chief problem of Canadian youth today. " ̂ It must be admitted th a t due to modem trends in educa­ tion and in the upbringing of children they are not so hard trained to meet the long grind as were their fathers. Life h a battle and pugilists do not use pneumatic gloves in prepar­ ation for the gruelling contests within the squared circle. Much of their training, indeed, is directed towards the harden- ing of the body to meet the onslaught of blows. To this extent youth nowadays is not so well prepared as it m ight be to take part 'in the bitter struggle for existence, however wide its knowledge may be of a variety of subjects. I t also suffers frqm our democratic inability to recognize the fallacy ' of much speaking. But the real difficulty confronting them is insufficient space, or, in other words; the lack of a sufficient number of jdbs to go round. And for this the machine age and the drift to the cities are chiefly responsible, more particularly the former. Unskilled labor is being used less and less in factories and manufacturing. plants as new machines gradually but ruthlessly take the^place of man. The old craftsmanship with its many workers trained almost i from boyhood in the mysteries of their arts---for in many a lirte i t was almost an .art--has gone. In its place stands much revolving and re­ volting machinery requiring the attention of only a few skilled handlers. And unskilled youth is not, wanted in spite of the faci that in this country for th e past 'fifty years the number of youtlis as a whole has been steadily decreasing in proportion to the total population. Yet industry has for a long time only absorbed ninety per cent of , this biological supply. The drift to the cities has resulted in lall the commercial and professional fields being filled-to overflowing, and in these only the sharpest or most brilliant intellects can make a reasonable living. The remainder not so, blessed by nature eke out a pitiful existence which is for all intents,and purposes slavery in everything but the name. • Remains the land. And th ere youth hesitates, brought up softly in the m ajority of cases within the* range of the bright lights and unaccustomed to the lack of conveniences ,̂ and the quiet-oLthe^^-P-ntEy;^,:.JIp4^ar:,tbe,circumsfaftc^,itis, , hardly to be wondered at, although the tim e may not be so far distant when economic necessity may force most of us to desert the large cities to, farna^ for a living on the land. For Mother Nature regards big cities as an excressence, and she has her own wavs of dealing with, those who interfere SPECIAL SALE OF OXFORDS Elliott's Shek; Store, 1462 Marine Drive, who recently open­ ed here, are puttting on a special sale of men's black leather ox­ fords, full particulars of which BUILDING PERMITS, $51,915 COMING E V E m ^ The Municipal Hall .last month- Saturday, June 17th -- Garden issued 25 perm its totalling $51,- Party of 1st St. 915, being airincrease of $9,215 Troop, Boy Scouts, a t tlio homo can be obtained by referencKj'to "vey the figures for May, 1988, J!?' Sfiool IViMeo and Mrs, H. the advertisement in this issue, when the amount was $42,700. Full lines of boots and shoes, etc.;' Pm tioulars are as fo llow si-T o " ~ School for all occasions always on hand, dwellings, $49,250 ; 2 garages COUNCIL NOTES D. A. McDonald made applica­ tion to the Council for access to Lot 4, Block 23, Il.L. 558. Re­ ferred to the Engineer for re- pert. The Machinery Jobbing Com- $165; 1 addition, $50; 4 alter­ ations, $500; 3 miscellaneous, $1,950. , • Ihind Auxiliary Garden Party in Dr. -and Mrs. Bayfield's garden. BRITISH - ISRAEl^ NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN Next Monday the regular weekly meeting, June 12th, a t pany offered-to sell a caterpillar a"<M ?arinc Drive, The tra c to r 'to the Council for $900. No action • - subject; "The Law of the Lord." ,Fac| Harden requested the ar® cordially invited to hear Council to have a road cleared to Lot 17 S.W.lyi, D.L. 50. Re- ^ r r e d to the Engineer for re- ' port. -- C. H. P itt applied to the , Council for permission to instal a 2 inch pipe under the bridge on M athers Avenue for irrigation this very outstanding speaker. The subject is a very vital one. 4< >l< >|i TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Classes for serious study of the principles governing "Co- purposes. Permission was grant- 9P€i*ative Movements" was th e with her laws. In the Old Land there is a^'uyenile section in each employ- ,unent-offdce-which-elosely-GO-(^rates-wath--the-SGhoolSr-adViS" ing the young.b^oth before and a fte r leaving school. In each city there is provided for juveniles above school age and -without--work;-a--"junior" instruction--c€ntre"-'quite'"distinct'- from the schools and controlled by the Department of Labor. These centres'direct their .energies not only to finding jobs but try to place each one on th e ir books in the position for which he is best fitted, in short, vocational guidance for youth on a national scale. : ; " It might bq well if Canada established sorne such system for the benefit of her young people who find it .so difficult to get a start in life. '" - - t- od subject to the approval of the Engineer and a t the pleasure of the Council. - - R. R. Orr asked the Council to ' open a lane behind Lot 5, Block B2, D.L. 237. Referred to the Engineer for report. ' L. D. Brewis of the Hill Ski Camp, came before the Council re. arrangem ents regarding his building and cabins. The m atter was- r^ea^ed' to. j:lie Building and Sanitary Inspector, on thq, under_ standing th a t the building regu -, lations be" complied with. ■ Miss Almas and Mrs. Johnson -attended-the-C ouncilm ^ting-re- the provision of a sidewalk oii Marine Drive, between 12th and ^■3tlr"StFeeLs.' The m atteF-w as" referred to the Chairman of the Board of Works and the Engin- eer for investigation and report. recommendation of • Rev. Leo Hobson, speaking to members of p . ,__, . i - - the Townswomen's Guild a t their from thirteen affilia- Dolegates, and those interest­ ed, are reminded of the Tea to be held Friday (tomorrow) after­ noon, from 2:30 to 5 o'clock, a t the home of Mrs., George.Lind­ say, 424 Keith Road East, North Yancouver. A splendid pi;ogram has been arranged. At the regular monthly meet­ ing held in St. Stephen's Hall re­ ports were read by conveners of the various committees. A reso­ lution from Provincial Council re Adulteration or Canadian wool wa sendorsed. Mrs. Rex. Eaton was the guest speaker of the afternoon and discussed activi­ ties of the Self Help groups. tions were present and quite a number of visitors. KIND DONORS TO MAY DAY FUND final indoor meeting for the sum­ mer irionths a t the Clachan p n Friday last. \ ^ M aster Peter Sherry B rit­ ton, recent winner of high marks Molly Edwards's g'J^oup, com -' prised of Mesdames McGlashan, u- ® v Thwaites, Leuchte, Kennedy, Tomey and Miss Lilias Davie, all ^ feoffee Shop winners of their own class a t the Todd,Blackf. Collins, B^tty Ci.^ Thomson's Imperial Service Dr^G^D^H-.-Seale. MAY d a y COMMITTEE The final meeting of the May •Day Committee will be held at the' Council Chamber on Tues­ day,. June 13th at 8 p.m. All organizations are asked to have ERER ROTHWELL LOSES CASE DECORATION DAY The annual Decoration Day Service will be held next Sunday, June 11th, a t the Soldiers' Plot, Capilano View Cemetery. The general public with all ex-service men and wom en^^e invited to. take part in th i'̂ p^v ice. A bus wilUbe-javailablel^ 2 ;30 p.m .-at- the corner of 18th and- Marine Drive. The service will com­ mence a t 3 p.m. Trumpeters will kery-and-]^nore~Beattier~Music- was supplied by Jean Jefferies, "Ts."s""/r;r„o%t^yeat"S S fs e S 'S l.^ S ' a p told of receiving g rea t bene- ireem vood^Gr^er'y ^ " i J j r M " t r two & Co ' years. Mrs. Ti Turner reported a' net Elliott's ShoerStore j., Patterson .Electric Shop J. Yates Plumbing Service ■ Sm ith's Smoke Shop 4 mrs^ j^ u n ier reponeci a^net British Pacific Heating balance of approximately $122 G ranger's Grocery from proceeds of the May Day gon Ton Confectionery ̂ Damages totalling $10,984 were awarded Miss Sarah Picken be supplied by the' Boys' Band. aged 79, of ' 230 E ast Third St., ------------------ -- No^th Vancouver, by Mr. Justice ' HOLLYBURN; HALL their F isher in Supreme Court on Mon- Sunday School s : and̂^̂^̂ Y w itfithefrlnflllo^^^^ w h ich - People's-Bible^Cl-ass^wilLbe^Keld ________ ^ she; sustained on January 11, a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, June Y. W. G. T. U. 1938, when struck by an auto- 11th, in Hollyburn Hall. There ̂ * * 4 V, mobile. Miss Picken had both = will be , a Gospel Service next The regular monthlv meeting broken. The right leg was Sunday a t 7 :30 p.m., when the ̂ -------- la ter amputated a t the knee, speaker will be Eric-Hunt. Tues- Sheii testified from a hospital day, June 13th, at; 8 p.m. prayer of the West Vancouver Y.W.C. T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. G. H. Faulknor, 1344 Gor- -Avenue, on Tuesday,' June 13th, at 8"p,m. As this i s . tM last meeting of the season all and Junior dances. The Book Club at a recent meeting discus­ sed Gwen Cash's "I Like British Columbia." Mrs. J. Sheasgreeh gave' a talk on "Early Days in British Columbia." Two new members were re- -ceived.-:- . -- - " ' B Ia ck ~ C a t T e a Rooms- ■ There will be a Military Whist Sm ith's Grocery (Red & White) ' J* Van Motors■cook, 24th an^ Bellevue on Sat- Gwendolyn Beauty Shop T,.n. 17th, a t 8 o'clock, w-dst Van Statfoners & Lifa-rary Gwen's Gown and Sport Shop Dora Day Beauty Shop Freem an's G r6 cer^ ^ V ernon Feed Co. Hollyburn Funeral Home Noble & Chapman Lettner Meat Market 8 o'clock. into and ministry of the 'Scriptures, speaker. Garnet Bennett. DISABLED VETERANS The regular meeting of the D isabled. Veterans' Association chair, which was /wheeled the. courtroom. / His lordship found the defend- ant,' Eber J. Rothwell, la te'pro- wembers are urged to i>e present. of the P.D.Q., 1512 Mar- A cordial invitation is' extended'^ Drive, 80, per cent, to bjame -to all interested, trv meet fo r ho t keeping a proper lookout will be held.at 8 p.m. next Tues- - _______ _ 1 * 'as hje drove his car west on Mar- day, June 13th, in R. P . Blower's FIRST WEST VANCOUVER ine ? Drive. TTie plaintiff was office. Afi members are asked epoTTr TRfMlP found negligent to"the extent of to make a' special point of being 20 pier cent, for "riot being m ore. present, alert,'^' and this finding, reduced th e assessed damages of $13,731 to the amount awarded her for j u d j ^ e n t . The accident occurred just west, of Twelfth Street. The hos> expons- urday, June 17th, a t Reservations should through t o . F. C. Coleman, t o . & Munton G®*® Confectionery■The Needlecraft C ub will meet Ferguson's Motor Transfer of 5 -.Sewell Dainty Maid Bakery. • ,,.10 oo*u stree t, Wednesday, Royal Bank of Canada1410 20th -June. 14th, a t 2 p.m. WELFARE ASSOCIATION (St. Stephen's) (yaS the'above .troop a f n n ? i p l a ^ on at til ^ p.m. ^ of Mr. and Mrs. H. I Adrafe^" ' J. T. WATT Jnr., HEADS ACCOUNTANTS' EXAMS The regular monthy meeting of the District uommittee of the Family Welfare Bureau was held a t the offices of .the West Van­ couver Welfare Association, 17th and Marine "Drive, on June. 2nd. Window Bakeries ^Mrs. E. M. King. Tearoe &,Son Burrard Laundry Taxi Stand. Diamond Realty Marina Cafe Capt. Dickinson Handy Emporium T * ' Florence Stujdios Jo£^ph Tite Marine Grocery Malvern Cafe. Garvin Ice & Fuel damages included $4231 for Cookinv ^oii 81)eahom e pital, medical and other ex; landY b n S ®®®®" es which the 4>Iaintiff incurred and Scout ..i/Ub activitiPti wn*n ____ . 2nd WEST VAN. CUBS AND SCOUT AUXILIARY The regular monthly, meeting S ^tivities will be^ven j^ the small a'dancing anapj ^ the ̂hnva f a th e r wes;t com er of ^20th and Marine to be especially asked Driye. Permission was granted guested tn p ^ e n t is subject to the approval of the ^ to bring a friend. SnhVif/>r. Mrs. L. D. Brooks presided and , John T. Watt, son of Mr. and ' introduced Miss M. Manson, who Mrs. John Turner\/Watt, of 1300 will be substituting for the regu- ________ _ 20th Street, w as\firs t in the ' lar visitor during the month of of the above w iilbe held on ̂ recent final law examinations of_ June. Miss* Manson ' will be a t 16th a t 2:30 p.iri. a t the home of the Institu te of Chartered' Ac- the office Mondays and Wednes- Mrs. J. B issett 2309 Mathers countants of British Columbia. days from 1 to 2 p.m. U. Knipe, Avenue, Will all members try 'James B r ^ n , son of Mr. and D istrict Visitor, presented the th e ir best to hp p r^npyit at this J ' R . Allan was present a t the Mrs. S tuart Brown, form er West" work report'w hich showed that meeting. Edwarnl, Molly . Council re his proposal to build Vancouver residents, also wrote during the month 46 visits had J . are tO'*viTTQ ___■■ - 1-1~ ' j , . . i i . _ _________i ? . . i ____« • « , ̂ ____ ___ 'i t n m..* • , , ___give a ' dancing < an apartipeiit house on the south- Muriicipal Solicitor. a successful paper. Both candidates were educated here and passed the ir senior matriculation while a t the West Vancouver High School, been made, 10 office interviews In the Hollyburn F ru it Market held and 2 meetings attended, rid. in th is issu^.it is stated that The regular monthly meetings -8 lbs. of new potatoes can be are now discoptinued until Sep- bought for 25c. This should be 7 tember. ̂ . lbs.