'WV̂ I ' Itlflf '■»» ,# ;f i i f - ri , 'i* t;^- l \ ^ 'S 1:f.'.' 4̂ < (?. i f ' IV iJK i 4 i i . V. i; ■ k^A,- .V 4 MM THE W M T VFN NEWS SMITH'S MARKET i*hM. WMt« _ _ H a r v e y ̂ *!!, Free Delivery Service > Monthly Accottut NORTH SHORE LOCAL ' * COUNCIL OF WOMEN I'.v,_ - f , PIUCES GOOD for FKfUAY & SATIJKDAY. June 2nd & 3rd M E A T SKed A H'hite MAYONNAISB.*l!i «*. Jar lOc; H*/i o z . Jar 20c16 o*. Jar ... .... ............ ....*,......37« fU-d A White BAIrAl) DKESBIND 6 oz. Jar 1.Tc; 12 oz. Jar. 22« ri2 <)/.. Jar ........ i............... 49c Bl NHi'UN SAl.Ai) DIIKBSJNO 1 oz. J a r ...................................... lOc IU*d A While TOMATOES 2 No. 2 '/j Tina .................. j ... 19c ItcHi A While i*HAB, Sieve r» No, 2 Tin ..................................l ie A While OOLDKN (,'OltN IH oz. No, 2 'I'inH . . 2 for 19c NAIIOII Al'HiCOrS--Oolden llalvea 2 No. 1 Tali Tina ....................... 25c LYNN VAM.HY FEACHKB H«Iv"k .............. 2 Hquat Tina 27c HI'liCIAI. VAMJK ! I.arjfe l»ucka<(e HIIIMHOI, -- The Quicker, auft'r, tiranulati>d Boap <>«ly i .... ., 19c lli*d A While I'EAiljS--l.ucioua huivea H<iunl 'I'in ..................................... icc (OIAI'KI-'IIUIT .....................3 for Me The North Short* 1/xtil Coun cil of Women will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. Ceorjre Lind- nayV 424 E ast Keith Road, North Vancouver, on Friday afternoon, June 9th, from 2:30 to 5 o'clock. A splendid program bus l>een arranged and all interested are invited to attend. Free Delivery West 370 l i K E F --Grade A and A1 LAMP--Top Quality PQUK--Grain Fed VKAI/--Milk Fed IIUKA8 T OF LAMB, per lb........ 15c TOWNSWO.MEN'S GUILD Rev. Leo H. Hob.son, Rector of .^Holy Rosary Cathedral, \yill. lx; ^guest speaker at a meeting of the West Vancouver Towns-^ S e r v i c e . . L D M B E R - M M U y SASH & DOORS ■SHINGLES"-- ' PLYWOODS LATH THERE iSi rOR qUALITY , t Axentas CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, PAINT ^ WALLBOARD TILE W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U M B E R C O . L T D . 16th & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 , women's Guild at the Clachan", BUKA8 T Oh VEAL, per lb.,.,. 13c p>iday eveiihig, June 2nd. I'ICKLUD PORK HOCKS, lb...... 10c • The su b ject will be "Co-aiK*ratiye FRESH FISH DAILY 10(1 A While CARROTS A PEAS 1>̂ oz. Squat Tin........... ............ . 12c Rod A White 8PAGIIB1TT with Cheeae and 'I'omato Sauce Hi oz. 'I'in ....................... :......... SCNKIHT JUICY LEMONS, 6 for 15c Movement." Husbands of Guild member.s are cordially invited. An exhibition of rythmic excr- ci.sCH, dancing, etc., wjll be given by pupils of Molly Kdward.s. CLASSIFIED ADS 'i'he rale for Claasifled AdyartiMinenta ia 1 cents per word, minimum 25 cenU. Except in the case of tAooe having regular accounts, all clsBai. Ii4«dt4 are Dsvable strictly in advaacs, . , Remember CTassifleda in the West Van News get immediate resulU. LEGION N0TP:S GORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor, CIO W. HaBtings, Scy. 4199 at Weat Vancouver any time by aPDointrnent, West 403. CASH FOR JUNK Bottles, fag8, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrnrd Junk Co.. Wfeat 91, MAY DAY ROAD RACES 50 ydH., Boys 10 and 11 -- 1, 1,. .Jack lUpgham; 2, Geoffrey Inter-hou.se lielay--Sherman to ( 'ue. 14th Street . 50 yda., Girls 10 and H -- L iHt, Hou.se 1--W. Breeden, E.. A tw a^r; 2,.Joy Cranwill. The regular meeting will be held in the Club room.s tonjoiv row (Friday) at 8 p.m. MAY QUEEN'S SUPPER "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. ' Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West . :̂21. ' : ' . ̂ . GORDON GRAY -- InsurA e, Fire, , Burglary, Automobile, Et. Jeie- , phone Soy. 4991 or West 92-R^2. CHIMNEY ^WEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FLOOR SURFACING ~ J. Suther- land. 2144 Mahon Avenue,. North 1458-L. ' , _____ ̂ ......... ........ ......... The May Qiieen'K Supper, ar- La.shhrook, R. Rathie, J. P orter/ 50 yd.s;,̂ Armlock, Boy.s 10 and ranged by a committee of the , T, Kippon, D. Howietion; 2nd, **|""1( Hoy Jordan and Ciordon West Vancouver School, Band . Ilou.se 2--A. Bingham, G. Green- Gillies; 2, Harold Minkley and Auxiliary with Mrs. W. Green as way, B. Dicldnson, G. Jones, R. Alen S y en to i. .................... convener, took place' in the LIS'ITNGS WANTED -- Housw to Rent, Sell or Buy. PemberWs, Trinity 1271. Evenings, West, ■ 437rY-l. ' _____________ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 612. ^ painting and decorating r - J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818. Esti mates free. ' " . GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. Barbour, I). Thompson, j . Ander- Bert Baker; 2;„Harold Ixjnnox. the hall previous to the serving son, S. Currie, P. Dawson, S. P ar. T5 yds., Girls 12, mni 13 t " h of the supper, and there was an mim. Beauce La H eche; , 2, Marjorie orchestra in attendance' under HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from 1/3 to Use a bulldozer.' Phone G. W. ;Kis- 'bick. West 252-L. ,, ̂ r J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- ' id tor, 1405' Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 658-R-l. . < Inter-high Relay Lonsdale Ave. to 14th St. 1st, North Vancouver; 2nd, West Vancouver--1, Jud Arni- strong; 2, Kos.*̂ Minions; 3, Sid Breeden; 4, Pat Fagan. Time 17.58 415. West Vancouver ^nter-house ' Girls Ilelay, 26th Street to 14th Street. McTavish. ' the leadership of Jessie Davies, 25 yds.. Wheelbarrow, Boys 12 the' members of which wei*e •and 13 -- 1, IJoyd Prest and Jacqueline Paterson, Gerald Jack(,:arr; 2, Billy N utt and Joe Addy and Nigel Snelgrove, as- Grady.- sisted by Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. by Mrs. T. E. S nelg r.. . 50 yds., Armlock, Girls 12 and and Marjorie Murray. Reeve 1.3 -- 1, Marjorie McTavish and Ley land made a brief address Bernice La Fleche; 2, Jocelyn and the toast to the May Queen Howden and Doreen G a r r a r d . C h a i r m a n A. J. i.ui-1* iJuiTCi, Lif 75 yds,, Bqys 14 and 15 1, Gleam, being reliponded to by 1st House 4--R Turvey ' A ' h Vaughan; . , 2, Alex. Trustee D. McTavish. A bouquet B urkW t,D . Jackson. M. Gibson, p . , ir. i J. Allan, C. Richardson; 2nd, -Small by the May Queen who W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybilrn Block. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, partsi West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store . Fixtures, ii House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 4437R. 148S' Clyde Ave, ._____ _________ FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,! 801-803 .. Birks Building; Branch Office ̂ 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, iWhytecliff 546, ■ HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY SERVICE Jessie Allan ; 2, Evelyn Cook. also cut the cake. Stevenson D'^CaVe^T , Douglas Josnstone; 2, Gordonbtevenson, D. Lave, l._liaslam. ._shehanLandj.Emest_Siss£ms... House l-~M. Payne, H. Clegg, ^ . . K. Ward, A. Wallace, H. Millar. 1 a w J, l..c)gan; 3rd, House 3 -- M ' Bmgham and CHILDREN'S DANCE FOR RENT OR SALE -- 4_ room house, new ly decorated, full plumb ing, large lot in good garden, near buses. 2347 King's Avenue. West 219-R. ! -W indow '"""?ChsUBers,::ii.Eave trough Gleaners^ minor repairs. West 860-M rl.s 14 and 1 5 --- Ii 1 m agarj and JeaA.:M^ "w right; 4th, House 2- N . King- I 4 nev f ,' u tendance a t the Inglewood Audi. -- aloy, A._ Luke, P. Miller. B. La torium last Friday eight for the FILMS -- Why not buy and bring them here to develop ? Barclay's, ToTB̂ M̂ iriê HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Stationery,. Notions, Toys, Chil dren's Books, - Dennison's , Crepe Paper. , 1 I'letdie;pDrTJ7frnjp7-J--GaiTingc. Pauline Jdhn.son vs. Hollyburn ......... School Relay- - : - 23rd Street to 14th Stre<}t 1, Pauline Johnson--B. Baker, E. Lauder, G. Sang.ster, T. Roa.s, II.-Hall, H., Lennox, B. Walker, B. MacKay;: 2, Hollyburn -- E. I Nakashima:," Ti Gallilee, S. Jack, A. Hibbeni, E. Twyman, J. Platt, R, White, G. Mitchell. S|M)rl8 Winners 10 a.m.--Ambleside Park 25 ydvS., Boys 5 and under-- 1, Dick Anderson; 2, Tom Con stable. 25 yds., Girls 5 and under -- 1, Phylli.s Murphy; 2, Dione hlriokson. 25 yds,. Boys 6 and 7 -- 1, Herbert Johnstone; 2, Ian Mori- sdn. May -̂T'Bay -:- Ghildr en*s " 'Bailee: 5 ROOM BUNGALOW on Fulton, 3 ' bedrooms, basement, furnace,. 50 ft, ■ lot, $2100. G. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. 'Evenings, West 522-R, West 392-R.____ ___ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdusf burners 'installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum,. 1103 Lonsdale, North -^8227-- -- -̂-- -̂ --- -------------- IW'J K mIw Win-'; W i Mips I » 5>i K-.'f'f m - ;• S f . I iLi iiiil i Jl i t s i-it' ^f-ijc, , >smf ̂.r- - : - ijl! I S fr; i f - p SV' :A jf '■ j; m P ■; rnmm lit? i f -at;#-, j-j-fey mW/* iii'? ■ ' ' wM ; •: -I&T; .4 Allan and-Rhoda Turvey. 'Sunday School Relay, Boys 15 and under -- r, St. Stephen's-- G. Greenway, V. Vailghan, R. Knight, G. Morison. . Sunday School "Relay, Girls 15 and under -- 1, St. Stephen's P. Haslam, J. Jessiman, ,M. Mc Tavish, E.. Cook. "26 yd«M "Girls 6 and 7-- 1, Ray Delle; 2. Pat Leggutt. 25 yds.. One-legged, Boys t> and 7 -- 1, W ilfmi Bck'k; 2, Alan llarber. 25 yds.. One-legged. Girls, 6 and J --r-1, Adelo Jack; 2, Rav Dtdle, ' - - 50 yds.. Boys 8 and 9 -- 1, Ronald Kelly; 2, David Barbour. 50 yds., Girls 8 itnd 9 -- 1. ' Virginia Erickson; 2. Barbara Nield. 50 yds.. Three-legged, Boys 8 and 9 - r 1» Victor Cue, VintHjnf Hughes; 2, Bobby-Sissons, Ix*on- ard Dudley, 50 yds., Skipping, Girls 8 and 9 -- 1, Ivita Sangster; 2. Diane ' Kennedy. ^ CORRESPONDENCE Editor. The West Van News, According to the citj^ papers, the Royal Party ' were greatly impressed with our beautiful West Vancouver, and His MajCvS- ty was heard to remark tha t "This IS the Place to LIVE; to build a home." There are hun dreds of fine citizens of modest -means,--earn ihg--small --salaries who cannot raise the. full cash price of a lot, so LET'S have the council sell the balance of the tax sale lots on' easy terms, think of the nice homes that could be bniit under the N:H.A. plan, a fte r the lots have been fully paid for. Don't let us hog all the good. things in life for ourselVes. Since living in West Vancouver, plus a few minutes daily' in my beautiful garden, I have, banish ed thinness, nervousness, skin disorders, dizziness, insomnia and tired 'feeling. My general health is fine and niy develop m e n t 's great. Yours for a happy old age, , J .'P . which was arranged • b y ' the Townswomen's Guild with Mhs.-- Tom Turner, Senior, acting as° convener, Lowes' Orchestra was in attendance and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, the May Queen,and her entour age, being present. During the evening Mrs. W. Green, convener of the May Queen's Supper, was -presented with a„bouquet. $500 GASH handles lovely 5-robmed modern bungalow on 2 lots, only. $10 .:month - and assume mortgage. F mU price $2500. H. E. Whiffin Agency, 1520 Marine Drive;. West . 573; West 693-Y-l. WANTED --̂ Antiques, furniture, sil- . --yer,_glass.lchina. Phone West 938. We will call..^ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. ,G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ' HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Knitting Wool, Needles, Books, etc., Baby Woollens a specialty. Orders taken. " > PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason- able 'rates. H, Gaines, West 167-L. CARD OF THANKS The West Vancoiiver May Day Committee Wishes to thank all organizations, business houses, and the'*" many -individual.s who contributed -in any ^0 the great success of the 3iay Day Festivities.i GUESTS Transients and perman ent. Sunlit Lodge, West'Bay, West' 379-Y-2., LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver _ Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar- ine Drive. West 646. PIANO FOR SALE or to rent. West 256-Y, FOR RENT - West 633-L. Bedrodm, twin beds. LONSDALE THEATRE North Vancouves ̂ North 211 NOTICE TO THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS-- Please cancel the following listings: Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in District Lot-1040 -in- this'-Municipality, ■thî 'e" properties having been sold by the firm of R. P. Blower & Co., Ltd. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine BURGLARS MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY June 5th,_6th and 7th,• r • * I . ( , CAitY GRANT victor McLAGLEN DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. .^POSITION AS NURSE COMPANION Jiousekeeper or another's helper. Vest 392-L. ii im "Guiiga- D in " B ox in g and W restlin g Long summer days and the call of -the outdoors leaves your home un-- protected against' the professional thief. The only sensible thing to do is insure against! this- giiowing menace. The modern policy will protect your loss up to $1000 at a cost of only.three cents per day. For particulars and rates on alli. forms offinsurance phone or write PHIL CHAPMAN, 2557 King's 'Avenue, ' 'Hollyburn; West 42-Y-3. , . MICKEY MOUSE "SOCIETY DOG SHOW' lo! R id ley's Service MILK WEST VAN. ICE & MILK SERVICE Original Distributor for . TWIGG ISLAND MILK ICE BOXES FOR RENT OR SALE -- CITY PRICES . SERVICE. Phone W est 4 5 6 q u a u t v Patronize the only Local Iceman. ' Keep Our Money at Home. Platform Ice at Ridge Service Station. ^ ICEMAN; C Ridley M IL K 3!^ : H. Stephens THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY June 8th,, 9th and lOth ̂ MICKEY ROONEY ' "OUT WEST WITH THE HARDYS POP - EYE THE SAILOR in "ALADDIN AND HIS WONDERFUL LAMP" (in Technicolor) Featuring-- He n r y DEVINE, Amateur Light'weight Champion of Canada. GORDON WOODHOUSE ̂ W'elterweight Golden Gloves Champion. KENNY LINDSAY--Bantam weight Champion. SPECIAL ATTRACTION-- Mystery Bout? also two fast bouts of Wrestling featuring Middleweight -Champion of Australia. Novelty Attraction -- A. Hitler . vs. B. Mussolini; John Bull. : V referee. • WANTED -- -To rent on long lease. West Bay to CJypress Park, unfurn- - ished,-3 bedrooms. For clients, $1000 and $850 on Mortgage, 69c, excel lent security. .Cheap lot, or house between Capilano and 15th St. I* OR SALE Builders c a n now pur̂ chase lots,, suitable for N.H.A. Loan, at snap prices,/ask us to show without obligation. Available in all districts. Lawson, Walker & Pride, West Van.'s Pioneer Realtors, opp- __ Hollyburn P.O. West 55. WOULD ANYONE having photo of Her Majesty greeting school boys on Taylor Way- please communicate - with Box 40. West Van' News. Orange Hall, 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, June 16th $200 CASH 'tu -buy' Modem Cottage monthly,, pasrments. Owners only West 593-R. PRINTING -- F ot all kinds of printing phone W est Van News, West 363. I Admission 35 cents = Auspices West Vancouver "Mer chants Football Club. F-OUND -- Medimu '-size black and hijndle dog. Destroyed if not given home. West 270-Y-2. ^ ___ room An d b o a r d West 686-R. ' . ; Near ferry. ROOM and Full Board'for one or tvo in private home. ,T^est,218-L.