West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Jun 1939, p. 4

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'WV̂ I ' Itlflf '■»» ,# ;f i i f - ri , 'i* t;^- l \ ^ 'S 1:f.'.' 4̂ < (?. i f ' IV iJK i 4 i i . V. i; ■ k^A,- .V 4 MM THE W M T VFN NEWS SMITH'S MARKET i*hM. WMt« _ _ H a r v e y ̂ *!!, Free Delivery Service > Monthly Accottut NORTH SHORE LOCAL ' * COUNCIL OF WOMEN I'.v,_ - f , PIUCES GOOD for FKfUAY & SATIJKDAY. June 2nd & 3rd M E A T SKed A H'hite MAYONNAISB.*l!i «*. Jar lOc; H*/i o z . Jar 20c16 o*. Jar ... .... ............ ....*,......37« fU-d A White BAIrAl) DKESBIND 6 oz. Jar 1.Tc; 12 oz. Jar. 22« ri2 <)/.. Jar ........ i............... 49c Bl NHi'UN SAl.Ai) DIIKBSJNO 1 oz. J a r ...................................... lOc IU*d A While TOMATOES 2 No. 2 '/j Tina .................. j ... 19c ItcHi A While i*HAB, Sieve r» No, 2 Tin ..................................l ie A While OOLDKN (,'OltN IH oz. No, 2 'I'inH . . 2 for 19c NAIIOII Al'HiCOrS--Oolden llalvea 2 No. 1 Tali Tina ....................... 25c LYNN VAM.HY FEACHKB H«Iv"k .............. 2 Hquat Tina 27c HI'liCIAI. VAMJK ! I.arjfe l»ucka<(e HIIIMHOI, -- The Quicker, auft'r, tiranulati>d Boap <>«ly i .... ., 19c lli*d A While I'EAiljS--l.ucioua huivea H<iunl 'I'in ..................................... icc (OIAI'KI-'IIUIT .....................3 for Me The North Short* 1/xtil Coun­ cil of Women will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. Ceorjre Lind- nayV 424 E ast Keith Road, North Vancouver, on Friday afternoon, June 9th, from 2:30 to 5 o'clock. A splendid program bus l>een arranged and all interested are invited to attend. Free Delivery West 370 l i K E F --Grade A and A1 LAMP--Top Quality PQUK--Grain Fed VKAI/--Milk Fed IIUKA8 T OF LAMB, per lb........ 15c TOWNSWO.MEN'S GUILD Rev. Leo H. Hob.son, Rector of .^Holy Rosary Cathedral, \yill. lx; ^guest speaker at a meeting of the West Vancouver Towns-^ S e r v i c e . . L D M B E R - M M U y SASH & DOORS ■SHINGLES"-- ' PLYWOODS LATH THERE iSi rOR qUALITY , t Axentas CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, PAINT ^ WALLBOARD TILE W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U M B E R C O . L T D . 16th & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 , women's Guild at the Clachan", BUKA8 T Oh VEAL, per lb.,.,. 13c p>iday eveiihig, June 2nd. I'ICKLUD PORK HOCKS, lb...... 10c • The su b ject will be "Co-aiK*ratiye FRESH FISH DAILY 10(1 A While CARROTS A PEAS 1>̂ oz. Squat Tin........... ............ . 12c Rod A White 8PAGIIB1TT with Cheeae and 'I'omato Sauce Hi oz. 'I'in ....................... :......... SCNKIHT JUICY LEMONS, 6 for 15c Movement." Husbands of Guild member.s are cordially invited. An exhibition of rythmic excr- ci.sCH, dancing, etc., wjll be given by pupils of Molly Kdward.s. CLASSIFIED ADS 'i'he rale for Claasifled AdyartiMinenta ia 1 cents per word, minimum 25 cenU. Except in the case of tAooe having regular accounts, all clsBai. Ii4«dt4 are Dsvable strictly in advaacs, . , Remember CTassifleda in the West Van News get immediate resulU. LEGION N0TP:S GORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor, CIO W. HaBtings, Scy. 4199 at Weat Vancouver any time by aPDointrnent, West 403. CASH FOR JUNK Bottles, fag8, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrnrd Junk Co.. Wfeat 91, MAY DAY ROAD RACES 50 ydH., Boys 10 and 11 -- 1, 1,. .Jack lUpgham; 2, Geoffrey Inter-hou.se lielay--Sherman to ( 'ue. 14th Street . 50 yda., Girls 10 and H -- L iHt, Hou.se 1--W. Breeden, E.. A tw a^r; 2,.Joy Cranwill. The regular meeting will be held in the Club room.s tonjoiv row (Friday) at 8 p.m. MAY QUEEN'S SUPPER "NOTARY PUBLIC," General Con- veyancing, "Valuator." Reginald P. ' Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West . :̂21. ' : ' . ̂ . GORDON GRAY -- InsurA e, Fire, , Burglary, Automobile, Et. Jeie- , phone Soy. 4991 or West 92-R^2. CHIMNEY ^WEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. FLOOR SURFACING ~ J. Suther- land. 2144 Mahon Avenue,. North 1458-L. ' , _____ ̂ ......... ........ ......... The May Qiieen'K Supper, ar- La.shhrook, R. Rathie, J. P orter/ 50 yd.s;,̂ Armlock, Boy.s 10 and ranged by a committee of the , T, Kippon, D. Howietion; 2nd, **|""1( Hoy Jordan and Ciordon West Vancouver School, Band . Ilou.se 2--A. Bingham, G. Green- Gillies; 2, Harold Minkley and Auxiliary with Mrs. W. Green as way, B. Dicldnson, G. Jones, R. Alen S y en to i. .................... convener, took place' in the LIS'ITNGS WANTED -- Housw to Rent, Sell or Buy. PemberWs, Trinity 1271. Evenings, West, ■ 437rY-l. ' _____________ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 612. ^ painting and decorating r - J. H. Wedley, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phone West 818. Esti­ mates free. ' " . GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. Barbour, I). Thompson, j . Ander- Bert Baker; 2;„Harold Ixjnnox. the hall previous to the serving son, S. Currie, P. Dawson, S. P ar. T5 yds., Girls 12, mni 13 t " h of the supper, and there was an mim. Beauce La H eche; , 2, Marjorie orchestra in attendance' under HOME BUILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from 1/3 to Use a bulldozer.' Phone G. W. ;Kis- 'bick. West 252-L. ,, ̂ r J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- ' id tor, 1405' Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 658-R-l. . < Inter-high Relay Lonsdale Ave. to 14th St. 1st, North Vancouver; 2nd, West Vancouver--1, Jud Arni- strong; 2, Kos.*̂ Minions; 3, Sid Breeden; 4, Pat Fagan. Time 17.58 415. West Vancouver ^nter-house ' Girls Ilelay, 26th Street to 14th Street. McTavish. ' the leadership of Jessie Davies, 25 yds.. Wheelbarrow, Boys 12 the' members of which wei*e •and 13 -- 1, IJoyd Prest and Jacqueline Paterson, Gerald Jack(,:arr; 2, Billy N utt and Joe Addy and Nigel Snelgrove, as- Grady.- sisted by Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building. WANTED TO BUY For Spot Cash- household furniture. Hewett, Auc- tioneers, North 89, Reverse call. by Mrs. T. E. S nelg r.. . 50 yds., Armlock, Girls 12 and and Marjorie Murray. Reeve 1.3 -- 1, Marjorie McTavish and Ley land made a brief address Bernice La Fleche; 2, Jocelyn and the toast to the May Queen Howden and Doreen G a r r a r d . C h a i r m a n A. J. i.ui-1* iJuiTCi, Lif 75 yds,, Bqys 14 and 15 1, Gleam, being reliponded to by 1st House 4--R Turvey ' A ' h Vaughan; . , 2, Alex. Trustee D. McTavish. A bouquet B urkW t,D . Jackson. M. Gibson, p . , ir. i J. Allan, C. Richardson; 2nd, -Small by the May Queen who W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybilrn Block. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, partsi West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store . Fixtures, ii House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood­ work of all descriptions. Phones: West 740 and West 4437R. 148S' Clyde Ave, ._____ _________ FREDERICK C. AUBREY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,! 801-803 .. Birks Building; Branch Office ̂ 1447 Mar­ ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691, West 546; Residence, iWhytecliff 546, ■ HOLLYBURN CHIMNEY SERVICE Jessie Allan ; 2, Evelyn Cook. also cut the cake. Stevenson D'^CaVe^T , Douglas Josnstone; 2, Gordonbtevenson, D. Lave, l._liaslam. ._shehanLandj.Emest_Siss£ms... House l-~M. Payne, H. Clegg, ^ . . K. Ward, A. Wallace, H. Millar. 1 a w J, l..c)gan; 3rd, House 3 -- M ' Bmgham and CHILDREN'S DANCE FOR RENT OR SALE -- 4_ room house, new ly decorated, full plumb­ ing, large lot in good garden, near buses. 2347 King's Avenue. West 219-R. ! -W indow '"""?ChsUBers,::ii.Eave trough Gleaners^ minor repairs. West 860-M rl.s 14 and 1 5 --- Ii 1 m agarj and JeaA.:M^ "w right; 4th, House 2- N . King- I 4 nev f ,' u tendance a t the Inglewood Audi. -- aloy, A._ Luke, P. Miller. B. La torium last Friday eight for the FILMS -- Why not buy and bring them here to develop ? Barclay's, ToTB̂ M̂ iriê HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Stationery,. Notions, Toys, Chil­ dren's Books, - Dennison's , Crepe Paper. , 1 I'letdie;pDrTJ7frnjp7-J--GaiTingc. Pauline Jdhn.son vs. Hollyburn ......... School Relay- - : - 23rd Street to 14th Stre<}t 1, Pauline Johnson--B. Baker, E. Lauder, G. Sang.ster, T. Roa.s, II.-Hall, H., Lennox, B. Walker, B. MacKay;: 2, Hollyburn -- E. I Nakashima:," Ti Gallilee, S. Jack, A. Hibbeni, E. Twyman, J. Platt, R, White, G. Mitchell. S|M)rl8 Winners 10 a.m.--Ambleside Park 25 ydvS., Boys 5 and under-- 1, Dick Anderson; 2, Tom Con­ stable. 25 yds., Girls 5 and under -- 1, Phylli.s Murphy; 2, Dione hlriokson. 25 yds,. Boys 6 and 7 -- 1, Herbert Johnstone; 2, Ian Mori- sdn. May -̂T'Bay -:- Ghildr en*s " 'Bailee: 5 ROOM BUNGALOW on Fulton, 3 ' bedrooms, basement, furnace,. 50 ft, ■ lot, $2100. G. J. Archer Ltd., West 225. 'Evenings, West 522-R, West 392-R.____ ___ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdusf burners 'installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum,. 1103 Lonsdale, North -^8227-- -- -̂-- -̂ --- -------------- IW'J K mIw Win-'; W i Mips I » 5>i K-.'f'f m - ;• S f . I iLi iiiil i Jl i t s i-it' ^f-ijc, , >smf ̂.r- - : - ijl! I S fr; i f - p SV' :A jf '■ j; m P ■; rnmm lit? i f -at;#-, j-j-fey mW/* iii'? ■ ' ' wM ; •: -I&T; .4 Allan and-Rhoda Turvey. 'Sunday School Relay, Boys 15 and under -- r, St. Stephen's-- G. Greenway, V. Vailghan, R. Knight, G. Morison. . Sunday School "Relay, Girls 15 and under -- 1, St. Stephen's P. Haslam, J. Jessiman, ,M. Mc­ Tavish, E.. Cook. "26 yd«M "Girls 6 and 7-- 1, Ray Delle; 2. Pat Leggutt. 25 yds.. One-legged, Boys t> and 7 -- 1, W ilfmi Bck'k; 2, Alan llarber. 25 yds.. One-legged. Girls, 6 and J --r-1, Adelo Jack; 2, Rav Dtdle, ' - - 50 yds.. Boys 8 and 9 -- 1, Ronald Kelly; 2, David Barbour. 50 yds., Girls 8 itnd 9 -- 1. ' Virginia Erickson; 2. Barbara Nield. 50 yds.. Three-legged, Boys 8 and 9 - r 1» Victor Cue, VintHjnf Hughes; 2, Bobby-Sissons, Ix*on- ard Dudley, 50 yds., Skipping, Girls 8 and 9 -- 1, Ivita Sangster; 2. Diane ' Kennedy. ^ CORRESPONDENCE Editor. The West Van News, According to the citj^ papers, the Royal Party ' were greatly impressed with our beautiful West Vancouver, and His MajCvS- ty was heard to remark tha t "This IS the Place to LIVE; to build a home." There are hun­ dreds of fine citizens of modest -means,--earn ihg--small --salaries who cannot raise the. full cash price of a lot, so LET'S have the council sell the balance of the tax sale lots on' easy terms, think of the nice homes that could be bniit under the N:H.A. plan, a fte r the lots have been fully paid for. Don't let us hog all the good. things in life for ourselVes. Since living in West Vancouver, plus a few minutes daily' in my beautiful garden, I have, banish­ ed thinness, nervousness, skin disorders, dizziness, insomnia and tired 'feeling. My general health is fine and niy develop­ m e n t 's great. Yours for a happy old age, , J .'P . which was arranged • b y ' the Townswomen's Guild with Mhs.-- Tom Turner, Senior, acting as° convener, Lowes' Orchestra was in attendance and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, the May Queen,and her entour­ age, being present. During the evening Mrs. W. Green, convener of the May Queen's Supper, was -presented with a„bouquet. $500 GASH handles lovely 5-robmed modern bungalow on 2 lots, only. $10 .:month - and assume mortgage. F mU price $2500. H. E. Whiffin Agency, 1520 Marine Drive;. West . 573; West 693-Y-l. WANTED --̂ Antiques, furniture, sil- . --yer,_glass.lchina. Phone West 938. We will call..^ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. ,G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ' HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Knitting Wool, Needles, Books, etc., Baby Woollens a specialty. Orders taken. " > PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work at reason- able 'rates. H, Gaines, West 167-L. CARD OF THANKS The West Vancoiiver May Day Committee Wishes to thank all organizations, business houses, and the'*" many -individual.s who contributed -in any ^0 the great success of the 3iay Day Festivities.i GUESTS Transients and perman­ ent. Sunlit Lodge, West'Bay, West' 379-Y-2., LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver _ Real Estate Specialists. 1447 Mar- ine Drive. West 646. PIANO FOR SALE or to rent. West 256-Y, FOR RENT - West 633-L. Bedrodm, twin beds. LONSDALE THEATRE North Vancouves ̂ North 211 NOTICE TO THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS-- Please cancel the following listings: Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in District Lot-1040 -in- this'-Municipality, ■thî 'e" properties having been sold by the firm of R. P. Blower & Co., Ltd. KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine BURGLARS MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY June 5th,_6th and 7th,• r • * I . ( , CAitY GRANT victor McLAGLEN DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. .^POSITION AS NURSE COMPANION Jiousekeeper or another's helper. Vest 392-L. ii im "Guiiga- D in " B ox in g and W restlin g Long summer days and the call of -the outdoors leaves your home un-- protected against' the professional thief. The only sensible thing to do is insure against! this- giiowing menace. The modern policy will protect your loss up to $1000 at a cost of only.three cents per day. For particulars and rates on alli. forms offinsurance phone or write PHIL CHAPMAN, 2557 King's 'Avenue, ' 'Hollyburn; West 42-Y-3. , . MICKEY MOUSE "SOCIETY DOG SHOW' lo! R id ley's Service MILK WEST VAN. ICE & MILK SERVICE Original Distributor for . TWIGG ISLAND MILK ICE BOXES FOR RENT OR SALE -- CITY PRICES . SERVICE. Phone W est 4 5 6 q u a u t v Patronize the only Local Iceman. ' Keep Our Money at Home. Platform Ice at Ridge Service Station. ^ ICEMAN; C Ridley M IL K 3!^ : H. Stephens THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY June 8th,, 9th and lOth ̂ MICKEY ROONEY ' "OUT WEST WITH THE HARDYS POP - EYE THE SAILOR in "ALADDIN AND HIS WONDERFUL LAMP" (in Technicolor) Featuring-- He n r y DEVINE, Amateur Light'weight Champion of Canada. GORDON WOODHOUSE ̂ W'elterweight Golden Gloves Champion. KENNY LINDSAY--Bantam weight Champion. SPECIAL ATTRACTION-- Mystery Bout? also two fast bouts of Wrestling featuring Middleweight -Champion of Australia. Novelty Attraction -- A. Hitler . vs. B. Mussolini; John Bull. : V referee. • WANTED -- -To rent on long lease. West Bay to CJypress Park, unfurn- - ished,-3 bedrooms. For clients, $1000 and $850 on Mortgage, 69c, excel­ lent security. .Cheap lot, or house between Capilano and 15th St. I* OR SALE Builders c a n now pur̂ chase lots,, suitable for N.H.A. Loan, at snap prices,/ask us to show without obligation. Available in all districts. Lawson, Walker & Pride, West Van.'s Pioneer Realtors, opp- __ Hollyburn P.O. West 55. WOULD ANYONE having photo of Her Majesty greeting school boys on Taylor Way- please communicate - with Box 40. West Van' News. Orange Hall, 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, June 16th $200 CASH 'tu -buy' Modem Cottage monthly,, pasrments. Owners only West 593-R. PRINTING -- F ot all kinds of printing phone W est Van News, West 363. I Admission 35 cents = Auspices West Vancouver "Mer­ chants Football Club. F-OUND -- Medimu '-size black and hijndle dog. Destroyed if not given home. West 270-Y-2. ^ ___ room An d b o a r d West 686-R. ' . ; Near ferry. ROOM and Full Board'for one or tvo in private home. ,T^est,218-L.