,S4N* and wish advicc op the interior of your house, Phone or caH At our Studio. . I . Our suggestions and sketches arc entirely free. * * ' '* 4 ^ h e F lo r e n c e S tu d io s West 938 1706 Marino Drive HAND AUXILIARY The Ladies* Auxiliary to the Boys* Band wiH' hold their regu lar monthly meeting on Wednes day, June 7th, a t 2:30 in Pauline Johnson School. ^ Captain and Mrs. W. J. Kane have had as their guests for the past week their daughters, Miss M. Kane of Seattle, and Mrs. E. C. Gordon of Klamath Falls, Oregon; also Mrs.jU. H. Rider of Stay ton, O r€gohf"^hey came partly to see their M ajesties and also to . v isit Captain and Mrs. Kane. jStithh (?olumltia[s K i c k . Like turning the pages oF a b^utifuliy illustrated histoiy book, each day oP your vacation in your own province will reveal new treasures to be sought . . . new ad venture to be tasted. <■ Spanish ex- -plorations; British discoveries•; the romance of the Fur Brigedes • • • the hectic days of the Gold Rusĥ , the, spectacular drama of the "Coming ô Steel.";,* Your vacation Will be ricW fpr the travel-days saved to'db.:nvef-3.dtis!:r Cotumbia Plan this yeaf-tp C ut F lo w ers B ouquets, W rea th s, Etc. H ollyburn F lo w er Shop 1680 Marine Dr (Next to Bank) Telephone' West 940 ane'.v. See Biitiik Solum kia *77 t i i . Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 682 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 TOPSOIL GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside...... .....$5.B0 Gord Mill Fir, Inside............... 5.50 " Fireplace Fir- -- -----------4.60 " Green- Alders------------ 5.50 Furnace Blocks................. 4.60 " SPECIAL-- : No. 1 Fir Edgings..... $3.76 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ..............3 Cords $11.00 Bark .......... .............. ........$5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST SPECIALS CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office" at" 1336 Marine Drive Mr. and Mrs. McDonald (neo Jean Watsop) of Vancouver, are moving into a house a t 1328 Gordon Avenue. Miss Eileen Hanipson enter tained the May Queen and her entourage on May- Day a t after- , noon tea on the lawn of her home ' a t 814 20th S t i^ t i Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Ronda, of Calgary, are the guests of Mrs. Warner, 2129 Bellevue Avenue.* * i » . The baby daughter of Mrs. Davis, 2087 King's Avenue, is making good progress towards recovery a t home after being taken to the Nortli Vancouver General Hospital following an accident*in which she was severe- ly scalded.' ♦ >i« The Rev. A. H. Priest, former rector of St. Stephen's Church, and now . W estern Field Secre tary G.B.R.E., is attending the Dominion conference of the A. Y.P.A., now in session in Van couver. He" will preach in St. Stephen's on Sunday evening. )K. m >K The niem'bers of the Anglican Young People's Association of All Saints'. Church, Alta Yista,' numbering between th irty and forty, and accompanied by the Rev. J . P. Dingle, speiit Empire Day in 'West Vancouver. A fter enjoying the Victoria Day fes tivities they proceeded to the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burley, where supper was serVed on the lawn and a program of games was indulged in by all. The'day w ^ brought to a ®ose with a bonfire on the beach, and' a tirM but happy party returned to South Burnaby a t 11 lO'clock. Miss Elsie Would, on behalf of the A.Y.P.A., voiced the thanks of the members to Mr. and Mrs. Burley for the ir kind hospitality. ' Mrs. H. J. Miller of Yemon, B.C., has spent the last few days a t "Sunlit Lodge,** West Bay. * ♦ ♦ ----- -------^Zuest--Oliver-------------- In . the little . church of St. Franois-in-the-Wood a t Gaulfeijd The dam on the British Pacific Prdpeidies broke during" Satur day night duo to the very heavy deluge of rain, the w ater pour ing over Kenwood and Haddon Drive and across part of the golf course. The damage will run into thousands of dollars. * . • , *1 , • , Mrs. Eadie of Kelowna, B.C., is visiting her daughters, the Misses Mary and Dorothy Edie of 1554 Argyle Avenue, who are bn the staff of the B.C. Tele- l)hone Company here, ♦ iK ♦» i , -f ■;'<* , . Frank Draper has arrived from Ganges Island and is the guest of his father, W. G. Drap- . er, 2^15 Marine Drive." ■* - * * Mrs. Freeman of 25th and Marine Drive, was born on the Glamis estate, the home of Queen Elizabeth, on which her father was a- tenant farm er. She prefcri'e d j ) ^ ^ not to . com m unicati?^^e fact to the Queen. ' .4> >)> 4i Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyland were guests a t the Civic Lunch eon to their Majesties last Mon day in the city. , " 1)1 . . itl' ' .'.V ■ Mrs. E. R. Livingstone wrote the Council re use of Ambleside Park for Kerrisdale Baptist Churfch piepib for June 17th or 24th. Permission, was granted. Stratton'i BAKERY Ten varietioA to suit every taite Meat Plea •-- Cookie# Bceleo Cakea -- Paatrlea Buna and Rolla Note Address: 14fi8 Marine Orivo Phone West 27 ANNOUNCEMENT Disabled Veterans Association (Inc. 1921) West Yancouver Branch We are pleased-to-announce tha t we have secured a perman ent hall for our members, which will be known as the "Disabled Veterans' Hall." A library of several hundred books has been promised and a Resident Pension Ad j ustment Officer, has been ap pointed. All members are parr ticularly asked to attend our next meeting a t R. P. Blower's office on the 13th day of June. Come and bring a veteran. Hollyburn Theatre TlIimSDAY AND FRIDAY Juiu? l8t mul"2nd HOmiY BREEN "Breaking the Ice" irfso "Bulldog Drummond in Africa" SATURDAY MAT. & EVE., Juno 3rd WALLACE BEERY JACKIE COOPER ̂ LIONEL BARRYMORE "Treasure Island" also NEWS, CARTOONS, Etc. • MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Juno 5th," Oth and 7th GARY COOPER "The Cowboy 'and"the"Lady" (Once only at 8 ,p.in.) ^ . also, 'TH E ETERNAL FIRE" Backed-- ---- the^O <ddilig '"tw knplai?er^ ......... ..........-.......... 3 units $9.00, rr^U___T?nf>1 HORTICULTURAL GARDEN COMPETITION RESULTS ON INY HAKE BROW N&M UNTON^-- 1B42 JVIARINE DRIVE WEST 300 ,\IciiilicrM A.Il.T. fif n.C. [QUAD M6AT5- fR€€ , AcuviRyj W est 190 1578 M arine Drive West 190 FREE F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y S P E G L A L S Grade A Red Brand B U T T E R !^st Grade 3 l b s . 7 2 c Grade A «Red Brand Rump Roast 25c lb. Cross-Rib Roast..23c Ib̂ Shoulders Lamb ' 23cjper Ib.• rr > BAKEASY1 <t 9c per lb. Breast Lamb 15c lb.Rolled Ribs Roasts 28c per lb. Canned Salmon i B i i l i i 3 tins 25c. Roast Veal 20c per lb. Short Ribs 121|2c Ib. Breast Veal, | 5c per lb. K -9 POG FO O D 3 tins 25c. FLETCHER'S No. 1 Bacon 15c per * 2 lb. pkg. on Thursday afternoon of Ruth Beatrice, daughter of Mr. aild Mrs. H. A. H. Oliver, who be- ",ca.me the bride of Mr. Paul J. Zuest, son' of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Zuest. The ceremony was per formed a t 1 o'clock by Rey. F. A. Ramsey. Mr. Oliver gave his daughter m marriage. ' On returning from a short wedding,trip Mr. and M rs. Zuest will reside a t West Bay,_.West Vancouver., Shower Honoring Miss Betty Edwards whose m arriage to Mr. Thomas Lightly takes place on June 5th, Mrs. T. Crickmay and Miss Jeanne Lettne'r entertained a t a china shower a t the home of the former. The room was tastefully decorated with spring flowers (and stream ers in pastel shades of pink, white .and green), the '^ i f t s being presented in a "Horn o f Plenty." The rem ainder of the evening was devoted to cards, a fte r which, dainty re freshm ents were served. ' 3> Those present w ere: Mesdames Edwards, Clerk, Lightly, Dow ney, Gillison and. W right; the Misses Hampson, M. Lettner, Blair, Bloxham, Lightly, Dawson and Dickinson. . . ' .- ♦ * ♦ 1. 0 . D. E. . The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O;D.E., will be held on Monday, June 5th, a t 1:45 p.m. a t the home of Mrs. G. S. McDonald, 1519 Duchess Avenue. Class lA : 1st, Mrs. Jean An nan, 3131 Marine, 88 poin ts; 2nd, Mr. Dyble, Argyle, 86 points; 3rd, A. Chilton, 15th & Ingle- \vood, 84 points. Class B: 1st,.Mrs. Daly, 2601 Marine,' 84 points.. Class' 3A : 1st, H. W. Farley, 1785 Fulton, 87 poin ts; 2nd, A. S. Huntingfbrd, 960.14th St., 86 points ; .3rd, W. T. Perkins, 1336 Clyde, 80 points. Class 4A : 1st, Mrs. Allen, 1204 Keith, 85 points. Class 5B: 1st, Blair Clerk, 90 points. ; .• » Class 6A: Mr. Rehberger, 1400 - Jefferson, 94 points; 2nd, E. Grisedale, 1340 Clyde, 85 points; 3rd, A. Chilton, .84 points. .C lass__^: J-st,- A.--J. Deway,.. 2227 Inglewood, 75 poin ts; 2nch R. Holden, 1446 Mathers, 60 points. The judges were Prof.^ E?Buck, y.B.C. Horticultural Department and Professor Eastham, Plant Pathologist of the Government Court House, Vancouver. The contest was said by. the judges to be good and'the,gardens of a high order. The number of entries was fa r above the a,ver- age. Note Do not forget the marvelous moving pictures (7 reels all flow ers) on Monday, June 5th, a t 8 p . m. in the Legion Hall. Philip Watts, Axc.n. Bass - Baritone ^ Singer and Teacher West 892-L or Trinity 24l8 ̂ 1669 24th St. .659 Granville St. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, . B u i^ ers' -Supplies H O L L Y B U R N BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 14th and Marine - West 341 NOTICE . 'The 2nd W est Vancouver Cubs and Scout Auxiliary announce th a t their tea for June 2nd will be postponed till a later date. EXPERT W atch an d Clock REPAIRING - T. CHRISTENSON^ (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive T H E C H A LET (formerly Blue Dragon Inn) ' Horseshoe Bay Tel. Whytecliff 241 under New Management . Thi^ favorite spot on the west shore, has been greatly im proved and is now open fo r th e season. \ -Meals, Rooms, Single and Double; ra tes by day, week or month. Furnished (Cottages; ̂ --------------------- "Dine and Dance." MRS. S. M. JONES, P r^ r ie tre s s