/ W \«^» I L Circuloting iti the District of \/Vest Vancouver-- Atnbleside, HoUyburn^ Weston, Dundarove $1 . 0 0 per'yew. V Pelf k, Cuulfdid. WhytecUff, EtC. " lie per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. JU N E l.t . 1939 No. 8 w-- THE' KOYAL VISIT MAY DAY CELEBRATION THE ROYAL XISIT COUNCIL NOTES yfrf n was a Humiliated and angry West Vancouver which 1 l i T t h e King and Queen last Monday, although, certain Iiv r K r MajesUes. knew nothing of what had happened, ' : w 'lcome accorded them was none the les^ h e^ ty .; For, f tho^u has been one thing more evident than another in the nv 1 tour, it has been the constant , determination of King . ' .'.rn -mf his Queen to meet, not so much the leaders but ■ .^iiihiecS the people. That is noblesse oblige, which is so'iiUle und5«tood in Canada and the United, States, whore was no possible excuse for cancelling a t the last the Roval route to 21st Street. I t would have been i l T h ^ been originally arranged for their Maj- w L s to^oome to West Vancouver w ithout passing through West Vancouver, as actually occurred. But to. make such a dianc^u on the very eve of their arrival a fte r so much time B money had been spent by the merchants, private citizens, the municipality on preparing and decorating the route . wai a gratuitous slight to its citizens. Wo do not say th a t the Royal couple should not have gone . iin to the British Pacific Properties, indeed, as the most im- SimMint development th a t has occurred oh, this coast foi;,many; ^ i S y ea r! it was righ t and proper t h a t . they ̂ should do so, ' apart f^ m the fact of the gorgeous view to be obtained there from. That,-how evp, furnishes no alibi for ignoring West Vancouver and its citizens entirely. ' • . . , ' Of course, everybody is being blamed, as always happens when an injustice has been done and all, both the innocent and the guilty, hunt cover, lest they be blamed or the. tru th come out. . Yet, in the welter, of rum ors and sworn to and sworn a t truths that are being bandied around, one fact stands out like the great pyramid in the Egyptian desert. I t is this. Only, fifteen minutes ex tra were required to allow their " M^esties. to p s s " th ro u g h 'WeSt"Vancouverrbut--yancouver^- ̂ was apparently unwilling to concede those few minutes out of the hours allotted^to her, for which she had arranged .such a long route that, some of-her. citizens were able to see" the King and Queen as,m any.as six tim es. - ^ Why is it, too» th a t Reeve Leyland as representing W est Vancouver was"'not privileged to welcome-the Royal party a t / the Look-out Point, instead of standing w ith his people on the line of route b e l o w . - . It will be a long tim e before West Vancouver will either forgive or forget. - West Vancouver held another In ̂ ^ . *„ spite of their great and 1 ho West Vancouver Rntepay- very successful May Day last «,jtirely justified disappointment ors' Association wrote the Coun week, but there wa.s not pf w es t Vancouver ml asking tha t transfer privi- quite as large a croiyd at Amble- ^^t on masse to welcome logos bo given between upper side Park in the alternoon due their King and Queen, A very levels btls^bs and buses operating probably to the nearness of tlm gj,eat many made a day of i t on west from Ambleside Wharf, holiday for the King s visit. Ih e British Pacific Properties 1 ho Council passed a I'esolution sun shone all day, although in there to see their ' to the effect that they would not the evening a light rain started Majesties as they passed and to take any action tending to a ro- fn fnll iind th is fo iro tw with phcHir them ill true British Style, duction of, Invs fares a t the While due to the length of the to fall, and th is together with a' long list of a,tiractions kept th e ' thousands who attended happy and occupied. The premier sports event of the day, the rqlay ' race from Lonsdale Avenue, again went to the North Vancouver High School. ..The Ideal High School boys were slated to win, but their opponents were faster! The parade both in quality and size was rtiuch better than, last tacle as it was played along In's proposed trip to the Old Marine Drive by-the West Van- Country, The Co'uneil granted route through the Properties the crowd seemed thin, th a t they were there in large numbers was shown by the fact th a t Marine Drive was packed w ith ' people returning from Taylor Way after the royal couple had gone back to the city. The Guards turned put in force and made a fine showing as, they marched from Ambleside Park duction of, Invs liresont time. . . ... ♦ *. * " ', The Weat^ Vancouver Towns-, vyomen'a Guild wrote the Coun cil ro waste ^iontainers. The maitor was referred to the Chairman' of Parks, the Chair man of the Board of Works and the Engineer to obtain prices and make ii report* at the next meeting. V ' ' *. ' Dr. Nash wrote the Council re couver School Band to Amble- where special places had been reserved fpr the school children, him leave of absence and pointed Dr. Lang to act as MX_. 0 . during his absence from the municipality. The folloiying tenders were re ceived by the Council for the side Park, a stop being made at the Memorial Park, where May " Queen Gladys planted a tree ac- the aged and * _ cording to custom. The Squamish Indians^ , as- Heralded by a flourish of .trum. sembled at the West pets. May Queen Gladys with ------- -.r v,.v. xvi tiro her entourage entered the park ^ brave Jb^^ing m tn ^ r construction of the new ferry and was escorted to the" throne reg^ia. With them \ j ^ e float: by "R^ve ~Leyland,~" when" the--those-who--later- were-rto maan---Todd Construction Co;.t.tt:7$2 ;̂5 4 0 ~ National Anthem was played by their great yrar canoe escort ;to Bradley,'McDonald......... 2,700 the School Band. "Anothpr flour- . the King and Queep, also G r^ d - W.^Greenlees 2,418 ish of trum pets announced the - arrival of May-Queen Elect Lois gifts for their Majesties. Uh- and her entourage, she being nothing was kno:wn escorted to the !dais by Chair- this till too late. * . ^ man A; J. Gleam, May Queen The King and .Queen witHithe^r Gladys; afteFm akihg her aM fe^ of welcome, then handed back proceeded up to the look-out the golden key to" Reeve Leyland point, where theyr stopped for a and placed the floral crown on feiv moments to take tea which The" tender of was accepted. W. Greenlees HOLLYBURNlHALL - MAY DAY DONATIONS c. j o i, 1 ^ ^AND PRIZES----- - P e S f B i b l C la s /v ^ r Z held ' Pacific Dry, drinks.for Band.; v:;:;:: Br it is h ;-; Is r a e l :.;;;::^ Regular Monday, 'June 6th, at 25th Marine Drive. Speaker: Mrs. . , ____ ___- _____ - . , ^ Hamilton. Subject: the head of the May Queen Elect, had been provided a t Mr. Tay- of. Edom (Turkey)." In view ofJ 1 • /• • •■ ./• .. *1 ■ • 1 'T il -1 . 1a «« r<« r* mA 0/1 a. .a J. _1 _' , i mme L.ias3 win nc.u ,j Q,.gisteHSOB,-Je.weller ,c.laa,n-, ing "trophy cups; Mrs. the firing of a rocket and the playing of" "0" Canada" signify ing -the beginning of the reign 4th, in Hollyburn Hall. Dugald McLean of Calgary, will give a -Gospel Address a t the""7-:30-p.rri-- servicenext Sunday. Next Tues_ day at 8 p.m., prayer and Min istry of the'Scriptures, speaker, -; Dugald McLean. Spenoer, bouquets for 2 May Queens;. West_ Van. - Florists, bouquets for 4 Maids of H onor; West Van. Cleaners, ,T. Scott, Lois following her address vvas presented with a silver bracelet by Chairman A .-J.-G leam s the ceremony concluding' with, the lor"s house, and to admire the view. The Queen-wifh her usual graciouness shook hands with -the--hea(L-wa-^i^t-resisr-Ki^fe^^ sohby, who served her. . • Later Ambleside Dock and the shore -Tine of .Ambleside. J^rk:> were crowded with- those who present day events this study should prove of great profit. You are invited". *♦* THE CHALET AT HORSESHOE BAY The public are asked to dine WOUNDED WITH THE QUEEN'S BROTH ̂ i presentation to her of th e golden had come to see their Majesties and dance a t ."The Chalet," for- ? ^ by Reeve Leyland-and the leave for Victoria. It was a great merly the Blue Dragon Inn, a t sight as the Princess Marguerite Horseshoe Bay, which is now came-throiigh the Narrows and under new management. Great the four destroyers took post, improvements have been made two on each side of her with by the new proprietress, Mrs. S. Tom Hamilton of the- ferry staff, was batman during (the War to Captain the Honorable Michael Bowes-Lyons of the 16th Royal Scots, brother of Queen Elizabeth, and both.of them 'were W9unded at the same tim e in France. Legion. W.A., $2.50 Prizes -- Robertson Bakery, Dad's Cookies. :.L Parade Prizes W inners of Decorated Floa.ts: 1st, West - Vancouver High School Hi-Y Club; 2nd, Girl Guides. Winners of Decorated Car, A .G. Bean. signing of the parchment roll. I t was now the turn of the- school children to give their exhi_ bition of folk and mdypole danc ing,. which they did in perfect style and rhythm under the dir-" ection of the Misses Hampson, Wilson' and MacFadyen to the BOXING & WRESTLING There will be' a first-class France. The Captain handed Boidng and Wrestling Show -at mmilton his cigarrtte case a t ' 8:30 p.m. Friday, June 16th, in the time telling him to..'keep it the: Orange Hall under the aus- in case they never m et again, and the latter still has it as a me mento of the event. -. pices of The W est Vancouver Merchants Football Club.'Among senting the relay race prizes, those who will be seen in action May QUeen Lois left for her will be Henry Devine, amateur, tour of the municipality, lightweight champion of Canada, Mention should be made of the three Union Steampship Com- M. Jones, who has owned and pany's vessels following. In the _pperated several of the ■ most distance were to be seen the Popular, places of this kind in small c ra ft , of the g r̂^ ̂ the Gulf Islands and other parts musioof theSchoolBandj making fleet and the R.C.N.V-R. fishing of the province. Meals; rooms, a very pretty spectacle which was boat patrol, while overhead in single and double; rates by day' greeted with rounds o f applause the clear windswept sky six by the crowds. This was followed Blackburn Shark seaplanes, and by a fine gymnastic display by three Hawker Hurricanes roared the High School students, which round in huge circles. It was the a worthy send-off to their Maj- pre- es ties ,, who have shown them selves to. be entirely fitted̂^̂ ^̂ th e ir high office, as well as'" a was heartily cheered by thousands present. After, week or month; furnished cot- telephone number is W hytecliff24L PARADE PRIZES . IMPROVEMENTS TO HOLLYBURN THEATRE G S n W o o d h o u se , welterweight good work by Announcer" J .T l. --------- golden gloves champion, Kenny Mitchell and the excellent Joud The "main floor of the Holly- Lindsey, bantam weight cham- speaker a?;rangements put in by burn Theatre has been re-seated -pion, Jack Strong; middleweight Messrs. Brown and Munton. with spring cushion chairs. The • wre'stling champion of Australia, Through their united efforts balcony will also be done „during a mVstery bout and_a novelty at- everybody on the grounds was the coming morij;h. , ■' traction .' AdmissioH 35 cents. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER P o l i c e d e p a r t m e n t R O tA L VISIT ' On behalf of the members of the W«st Vancouver Police Depart- jnent I wish to express my sincere appreciation of the aid -given us ̂ the Veterans and Civilians and alP bthers on the occasion of the to this_jyimiicipalitsL-of_4heir--Majei^ties,-lCing.JGfiQrge_and Elizabeth on May 29th,, 1939, ahd^also^to the general public for their splendid behaviour and co-operation.". - ~ F. W. SQUIRES, Chief Constable. enabled to hear and keep in touch with everything th a t was going on _ Decorated Bicycles -- 1, Jack Parnum, Bruce McKay; 2, Rob- wonderful ending to a memor- ert Gamage. Shirlev McTntnBh able day. 5^H-totic:CoupJe.~l, L o rg e Beck ------------- ::------ ' f Jackson; 2, John Tearoe NEW CLUBHOUSE OF ; & Wilfred Pooler ■ Decorated ■ TENNIS CLUB OPENED i, g . Sewell; 2, Maur- -- ^ «en McEwan. Original -- l , j; R ^ v e J. B. Leyland at . noon 2, JV^ry J. Jordan. Hum- on May Day officially opened ihe J/. White & Seven fine new clubhouse of the West Vancouver Tennis Club by cut- Gruchy; 2, David Smith. Dec- the wood Auditorium, where the May Queen and her entourage led the ^ a n d march. The audi torium itself had I ^ n turned into a. veritable bower of beauty by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner, l^nior, and E. Tomey, and the ir committee, and the floor side of the courts, will be a great Tider- asset to . the club. Lunch was A A. Alten. Best served to about fifty guests fol- jr Boy--1, B. Grenoldie; 2, lowing the official opening. The p ' . P o i'aI-- 1, Mary winners of the annual May Day seaaJe; 2, Lilian. Silya-White. Tournament, which started a t ---------7---------- 9.:30 a.m., were Mrs. E. W. I. Oh Friday, June 2, the RoyaF committee, ana tne noor was Keenleyside and Alf Searle, the train will glide into F d m o Z ^ crowded with dancers through- beino- Miss Elva Me- EdmOnton, o u t'th e evening witfi Garden's & ™ a n d U -riil f Alberta, wher^ - commentators will ti,. hand to captiihe the picturesque evening ■Orchestra providing excellent m u s i c . Refreshments were . served downstairs a t the ..inter- . . . ______________ "^al.~ During the evening ""bou- quets were presented to Mrs. 1 1|0 N eW S Tomr-TurnerrSeriiorr^ r s . W. B.- ' Small and Mrs.iA. Cromar Bruce. .welcome. Farm cowboys,.miners, oil-field workers, trappers, and Tn^ians w.il 1 j oimthe-city's-p^pu-- iation to honor their Sovereigns. ■ f . ■III, '/.. f I i:. -Hi