" tl . 1 *w îh0 '/ W-? I ' ! 'it ' I jk,*!- •! s , %■I '■.I■ 'A #-Ji"' '̂'1 ■'-.l.'-v..«i', ' • i l i >̂ ' # I ■■ K j ' fl'i ;*"v ^ vr/ / /i 0 ' ; 1 * ^ .} ^ ■ 1' ^ f A i 1 ■iiSift "U B I , u ̂̂ : , f ' • V '■d , ̂C V T. - P i f c : 'f , ' ' ? :T*'* • : ■ '* i iF }%y t f Fv./"," 4 THE W EST VAN NEWS S M I T H 'S M A R K E T n m -Wm,i 40 A. Harvey Smith nntM-wt.im Fret Delivery B trrle t • Monthly, Account ST* STEPHEN'S CHOIR <X>NCER1' PRICES G(K)I> for FRIDAV & SATURDAY, May 26th & 27th K(^ & While COKFEK-Irriulintod 1 lb. tin - .. aSc; , 1 U». Jar.... 38c A handy Jar for preserving lime. Haike the ( 'oupona for Valuable I'remiuma. Ued A White FLHANKKU, 2 tlna 15e FAUKOIt.NlA (JItAFKKHUIT l.arge Hire .......................... t for 16c HUNKIKT JUICY I.KMONS/doE. 26c HWIFTB SiLVFJtUF.AF UAHIJ • (In (jartona) .................. ....... Ih. He lt<-d & White TO.MATO JUICE - 10'A o/., Tina ................. 4 for 21c 25 ox. Tina .........................ouch 10c DOLF/B I'INK Al'FU i JUICE 2 H'-oz. 'I'Ina.................................. 16c Rwl & White Brand FINEST BEAM Sieve i. tiiia 12c; Sieve 3, tin 16c 1'INEAI'FUE -- SinKU|H)rc Slice*/ 2 Ifi oz. tiriH ............................... 15c SHBEDDED WHEAT..........pkt. lOc Bed & While SOCK EVE SADMON No. •// tin lOc; No. 1 tin 36c Bed A While CHICKEN HADDIE No. 1 Tin ......... ........................ 15c M E A T S Free Delivery Wcat 370** ■ ■ (■ BEEF--Orade A and A1 EA.MB--Top Quality 1̂1 MlK--Crain Fed VEAl^M Ilk Fc>d IIBEA8T OF I;AMB, per lb........ 15c BBEAST' OF VEAL, per lb....... . 13c IMCKUED FOBK h o c k s , Ib...... 10c FBESH FISH, DAILY Th^ concert given by St. Stephen's Church Choir (aug mented) in the Parinh Hall on Tuesday and Wedpesday even ings of last week was a great success, the hall being filled on both occasion.H with an interest ed audience. The first part of the program consisted of a number of solos, a duet, and choruses from "Merrie England," which were- very tuneful ami gave consider able pleasure to those present, us did the "dancing on the green" by the pupils of Miss Eilecri Hamp.son." The Rev. Canon d'Easurh ami Rev. F, A. Ram.sey respectively gave a syn opsis of the musical pm edy on the two evenings. The second portion was made dramatic Service LTOfBEK SASH & DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH -s THERE iS| NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS* SUPPLIES WALLBOARD TILE \ Af«nt»: ' ' , / CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST. VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phw ie W est 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S Th« rat« for ClMBlfi«o A d w U iom en U ia L centa, per WMd, minimum 25 c2»t:. Except In (he caae of thoae haring regular accounta, aU clwisb ^'̂ limemli'r^aaad^^^ i " ie ^ w lS t Van jSewa get immedlato reaulta. THE IJFE OF HIS MAJESTY . KINO OEOROE YI. THE LIFE OF HER MAJESTY, QUEEN ELIZABETH His Majesty was horn in en's Junior Choir, for which they won third place, under the direction^ of the choirmaster. Norman Newman, who also dir ected the exceii)ts from Merrie In thinking of Queen Elizabeth England, vocal solos, and a duo- Decernbcr, 1805, at York Cot - t ) )^. niind inevitably goes back to logue. The soloists were Mes- fage, a comparatively unpreten- lu*,- ancestral home,' Glamis'~~and L ove^ove and Messrs.' tious building situated on the (.'a.sUo and all the dim legends dames Sm ith ,. Burgess, Pow'ell Sandringham estate, and erected with which it is associated, more Smith, Sheffield and Newman, originally uh an annex for the particularly ..that of Macbeth. The very capable accompanist use of ̂ bachelor guests at Sand-' I titiced to fully appreciate the was Mrs. A lf Ellis, who was pre- ringharn House, He with his lovidy lady who is now our .sented with a gift and bouquet ■ brothers a n d s i s t e r s w e r e (iu(H.'n, one must go back' to the of flowers in token of the choir's brduglit up there very simply old' red stone castle which was appreciation. ' The \Y.A. of the their parents not being rich in the home of her childhood, al- Church provided the choir with the accepted term of the word, though she happened to be born dainty refreshments on Tuesday While not brilliant, he was a hard worker and, although seri ous and obedient, very fond of practical jokes, and games. Naturally fond of the sea, he was .sent when old enough to the Naval Colleges at Osborne and Dartmouth, being destined for -the life of the regujar Naval of ficer, and passed out into the fleet with other cadets. For at that time nobody dreamed that he would ever be called to the throne, There he worked hard as usual, never spectacular like his elder brother, but with a frnnkne.ss and complete lack of clnss-conscidusiiess that won and kept friends. GORDON HOBSON -7 & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, boy. 4199 .at West 'Vancouver, any time by a|!>pointmcnt, West 403. "NOTARY PUBLIC," G«»eral voyancing, "Valuator. Blower, 1405 Marine Drive. West 21.. ^ GORDON GRAY - Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele-- phone Sev. 4991 or West 92-R-2. 1 LISTINGS VVANTfiD - Housw to Rent, Sell or Buy. .Pembertons, Trinity 1271. Evenings, West 437-Y-l. _________ ' PAINTING AND DECORATING -- J. H. Wedloy, formerly with C. L. Konings. Phono "West 818. Esti- mates free.______;_____ _________ HOME BQILDER -- Cut clearing and excavation costs from 1/3 to_ %• CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture^ Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Jnnk Co., West 91, (jHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, 'North 811-R-2. __________ ___ FLOOR SURFACING J . Suther- ' land. 2144 Mahon , Avenue, North 1468-L. ■ ^ MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully insured West 512. ____________ . GORDON ROBSON --• Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 658-R-l. in England. (JIumis is her real background, wiiero nhe first learned, io be the great lady without losing "the common touch," a thing which the Scots uncierstancl very well. It is this which has endeared lun' so much to the people of (Canada ̂in ' the few short days during which ; she has been amongst us. Her nurse once described her as "an exceptionally happy, easy evening, while on Wednesday evening dancing iollowed the concert. The proceeds went to the choir fund for the purchase of books. Use a bulldozer. Phone G. W» Kis- )BUY For Spot Cash-- sick. West 252-L. household furniture, Hewett, Auc tioneers, J^orth_S9£;dftev^^MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permhnents; only best m atenals used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. W. H. VASS. Chiropractor, Suit© 4, Hpllybum Block.. _ ■i) SKI CLUBS BOOST , INSTRUCTION MOVE WESTERN WOODWQRKERS--Store Fixtures, House Fixtures, Wood Turning, Glass and Glazing. Wood work of all descriptions. Phones; ' West 740 and West 443-R. 1488 Clyde Ave. . ______ ^ He was never robust ,and haiU to. be brought ashore from thc^ ..foil--an- Skr instructidh for every ski xlubtinem ber in yancouver wĤ be available next season if the clubs of this city; continue to baby i," We read . that as a child vote in favor of a plan submitted .she was sometimes, of course, a to them by Peter »Vadja. At little naughty, but extremely their annual meeting members kind to aainials and po^isesaed a* of the Vancouver Ski Club en'- habit of making remarks that dorsed the plan and added the -wereHvise-heyoffd-her-years^-------jy^'^Pi«S'̂ nstruc---nPAPERHA7 /GING,-Painting,--Kalso Her girlhootl photogiaphs Hon be included in the lessons. mining; first class work a t reason BOATS FOR SALE -- Alterations and repairs. J. Normand, 1456 Es- quimalt. West 179-M. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. - operation at the beginning of the war. However, against every advice he. insisted -on his n?- covery. on'rejoining his ship, and served in one of her gun turrets  he King first saw her when in the battle of Jutland, being,, abe was five years old at^a chil- mentioned in despatches for drill's party, and it is said that "coolness and courage." ' from then on he never forgot Towards the close of the war h<?r. Be that i\̂ it.may, fate ap- sho'w- all the beauty, the sweet- Officers and commijttees elect ness of disposition, the intelli-, • for the fo llow ing '^ar were:: genoe, and quick humor which President, Vic Stevens; yice- are said to be so characteristic " president--Nip"St'on'e';~^"ecTotar ̂ oPher now-as-womaifaiid-QueenT--I-auline--^Ifobaneok^f=treasurer,- able rates,- "Hi Gaines, W est 167-L. Doug Connor. Standing commit tees: Spprts, chairman, Henry Sotvedt, with "John Shaw ; and Frank Featherstone; social,- . LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Roberts Ltd., West Vancouver -^Rell--Estate-Specialists.--1447-Mar- jne Drive. West 646._____________ WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL -- Sure protection; reasonablei rates. West 172-L-3. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts* West "Vancouver .Machine Shop, 1449 Marine.__________________ _FREDERICK„C^_AIJ[BREY* Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 801-808 Birk's Building; Bfanch„Office, 1447 Mar ine Drive; Offices: Sey. 0691," West 546; Residence, Whytecliff 646. FR EE -- 5 x 7 Enlargements with every . $2.00 worth of kodak finish- ing. Barclay's, 1618 Marine Drive. CARPENTER, Re-modeling, Roof Re- pairs. Alterations. West 841-L. LOST -- From 20th Street, Tuesday, - May 9th, Black Cocker Spaniel puppy about 6^months old. West 205 FOR RENT -- Small modern furnish- ed~lTous^forTJune7 $30:^TWest~547-L~~ ;HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- Baby Woollens a specialty; Flags, Souvenir Brooches, Cups. , ____, KNITTING and PLAIN SEWING -- chairman, - Grace Taylor, with' Apply Mrs. E. Latham, 2446 Marine he devoted much of his lime to pilrehtly kept them for ■each Filcen Coventry and John Hind; The SWEETEST LITTLE HOME in the air .service;- being largely pther, and their engagement was chairman, Isobel Tyler, West Vancouver is now offered for instrumental in the formation •announced'in January, 1923. wuh Mary Nickerson and Scotty of the R.A.F., besides having The quiet uneventful life of Adamson; finance, chainnan, qualified us. a pilot. unconscious preparation for her J^̂ ^Tge Garrlsh, with Bruce Following- demobilization" ho high calling had ended, and the Aomnson and - Jim MacMillan; was sent to Cambridge, where wedding which followed was not Publicity, A] Crombie. he became an undergraduate at only very pleasing to the peoples Trinity College. Essentially prae- of Britair'.1 ■■■■ J, »■ '-O ... • "1̂tidd,' and, thtirefore, never a bookish .student, he was much interestedJn civics-and history, and did well at the univer.sity. From then on he has lived in that blaze of publicity which is itain and the Empire but a soui've of great satisfaction io the Royal family. Since then she has disappoint ed none, having lived up to all that w'as expected of., her as a woman, princess, and now Queen. one of the greatest drawbacks of May she live long as 'the gracious being a prmce and king. Every- consort of his Majesty. body knows of hi;s long Empire tours with his eJder brother and of Ills wedding, which so pleased the British people, in that he had chosen one of his own race in stead., of going abroad for a CHILDREN'S MAY DAY D a n c e The Annual Children's May bride. It was a very happy Dance will take place tomor- choice both for himself and the (Friday) evening in the » Empii'c which he has served so faithfully and well, as we are assut'cd he will eonliiuie to do in the many years which all will hope aiKi pray, will Ini his to oc- -cupy the throne-of his" fat hers. Inglewood Auditorium, when there will be dancing from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. The May Queen and her entourage will be pres ent for the occa^on. , Tickets, 10, cents. ICE MILK WEST VAN. ICE & BULK SERVICE. Original Distributor for " TWIGG ISLAND BULK ICE BOXES FOR RENT OR SALE -- CITY PRICES SERV ICE--- -- - P h o n e ^ W e s t T t S ^ QUALITY Patronize the only Local Iceman. Keep Our Money a t Home. Platform Ice nl Ridge Service Station. .. ICEMAN: a Ridley ^ BIILKBIAN: H. Stephens ROYAL VISIT BUS SERVICE - CHANGES Due ,lo abnormal traffic con ditions, there will be no bus service over Lions' Gate bridge between. 8:45 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Monday,'May |29. .For complete information con cerning morning and evening service ask the driver or agent, or phone: j , SEymour 7131 West 602 . West 697-Y-2 Whytecliff 75-M Regular service Will be given Wednesday, May 31. sale a t a bargain price. 'Ideally: located with a* nice view, close to stores and transportation; 2 bed rooms, kitchen and breakfast nook; large living room, full basement, modern bathroom, garage,, garden. The price including electric stove is only." $2750.--Terms cash to mort- , gage. Mortgage is payable off at the rate of $20 per month, inclusive. Let us show, you the jnanyr ad vant ages of this home, whose owner is regre.tfully le'aving.'. p.S. -- -Every thing spic and span in new condi tion. Quick action desirable. Sole agents: Lawson, Walker & Pride, West Van.'s Pioneer Realtors; opp. Hollyburn P.O., West 55. ,_____ BURGLARS . HOLLYBURN CHIM|NBY SERVICE --Window Cleaners,, Eavetrough Cleaners, minor repairs. W est 350-M LOST -- Friday, May 19th, on 15th betweep Esquimalt and., Marine, small pram storm cover," maroon and white. Reward. West'l97-M. . FOR QUICK SALE*i-- P ^ e r moving ; new "Diana" oil range, Frigidaire, washing machine. W est 86-L-2. LOT ON 17th STREET, TOO' x 142'; quick sale, $1000. C. J . Archer Ltd. Phone West 225._________________ HOUSE LISTINGS WANTED -- Up to $2000. H. Fallows Realty, West 912._______ - ■ ________ WANTED -^ Violin . Outfits û̂ '̂ der $50). Mrs. Ross Jordan, 2536 Relle- vue. West 66-R-2. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine - Stationery, Notions, Toys, Chil dren's Books, Dennison's Crepe Paper. _____ - '_______ WANTED -- G irl'for housework one morning a week. Apply Box 30, _West Van News. W est V ancouver - B i ^ K n g e c - S e i i i v j c e - p a r c e l s -- BAGGAGE or Light Transfer Work' of any description For Frompt Service, Phone ------- WEST-700--------- ^ ̂ Long summer days and the call of _the outdoors leaves your home un protected against the professional...................................................................... thief. The only sensible tiling, to do CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust m insure against this growing menace. '--------- ■" ' " - - ̂ " The modern policy will protect your loss up to $.1000 at a cost of only three cents per day. F ^ p a r tic u la rs and rates on all forms of Insurance phone or write PHIL . CHAPMAN, 2557 o Hollyburn; West WANTED ~ Young girl to help with W esT IS ^ ' <=ooking; sleep in. Phone West 151-L-3. > VACANCIES -- Enthusi- ^®î rns .players; .private cluh ._Phone West 99-Y immediatdy. LOST -- Black Spaniel puppy, 4 mos. burners installed; furnace repairs." Gr- Meldrum, 1103*̂ Lonsdale, Nhrth' 822. • • ' ■ - PRINTING For all kinds of printing, phone W est Van News, W est 368. . _ 5 CORPORATION OF THE Dis t r ic t of WEST* VANCOUVER _ Offers will be received-by the under s ig n ^ ' up to noon on May 27th, T939,; ................... ....................... foiT"the purchase of • Lot 33t~B1oĉ WANTED -- Antinn^o e Z T 6 ^ . D.L. 775, W. 100 acres, known ver, glass chSa^ Twentieth Street, with im- We l S i l l Phone ^ e s t 938. provements theieon. , ------------- ----- ------- ----- ------------ Highest or any offer not necessarily Tanks, and Rocknit«. w « i i ^ WM. HERRIN, cleaned. West 187-R HoB^bum, B.C, - -Municipal Clerk. bi!-,