•fr TOB m m v m NEW S THE R o y a l Visit May we suggcsi-if you are elderly or incaokitatcd take advantage o f ; ou r' 3 a i 2 h . a n d M . r i n e . , W e will be delighted 10 scat about 50 such persons. >5 Q h e F lo ren ce S tu d io s West 938 1706 Marind Drive Loc^ and Personal V Dr. Nelson, 2Srd and Marine Drive, is having a new house built on Marine Daive at Capil- ano. 4< * * Canon and Mrs. G. C. d'Easum, 2874 Bellevue Avenue, moved to day into the house they pur chased at 2486 Haywood Avenue. Mr. Breckenridge, a former resident of W est Bay, has left for a trip to Peterboro, Ontario,* ̂ * Mrs. Cameron has m o v ^ from Vancouver into a suite at the Fortune Cup Inrf for the summer season. « III The United Church Choir t e n n is s e a s o n i s n o w o p e n We carry a Full Supply of I, TENNIS EQUIPMENT u e s t r i n g i n g c i t y p r i c e s FRED. JONES BICYCLE SHOP Mrs. G. H. pavenport and son of iSraelonie, B.C., nr« v isiting flip' forniei s mother, Mrs. - A . . Thomas, 2748 'Marine Drive, for a few weeks. - • Congratulations due ? Send your voice taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for, the summer months and is now occupying same. Any hot having a rhdio can Mr. 0 |ark of Vancouver,; is having h hew home erected oniiuL xm ving u r a a io can hear .broadcasts of the Royal I^^fve at Capilano. v isits by calling at ."Sunlit Mrs. Austin Staples and son social was held at the home o f of Laguna Beach, California, are Mr. and Mrs. W. Tinney ' on occupying one of the Claohan Thursday last. An enjoyable cabins. time was spent. Durig the even- ing a presentation was made to Mrs, T. A. Brazil of Marine Mr. Addy on behalf o f tho^'choir Drive, W est Bay, is visiting in for his faithful work, Mrs. Addy, and Mrs. Sheffield received flowi ers. Tea was served by ' the hostess, assisted by M iss; Gert rude Thompson.* « «■ A. C. Harte has moved in to a , house at 25th and «*Bellevue Avenue.' i Edmonton, Alberta. « V Hi ♦ Mrs, Grant' MacNeil , and Mrs Wriirht of Vanponvor hh« daughter have moved from "The Mrs. wrignr, 01 Vancouver, pas »* a t West Bay to Van-Gables,!' couver. 2nd WEST VAN. CUB AND SCOUT AUXILIARY a a Birth or birthday, wed ding or anniversary -- tinie for celebration . at far-away point is a time for a long-di^ance call. Even if you can't be pres ent to extend your congrat ulations, you can at least- c6hvey^ybiir"wo by tele phone. •. , Your voice is the best substitute for you. ' ' Lodge," W est Bay. -- .....- ..........-- .......... ........... FIRST QUALITY BEDDING PLANTS 15c Dozen Special Price by the P la t ; Holly burn Flower Shop 1680 Marine Dr (Next to Bank) Telephone West 940 Mr. and Mr .̂ J[ack Knowles, 1441 Esquimtalt Avenue, have they expect fu tu re .. Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo who have been away in the Okanagan, have returned to their home at W est Bay. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 -- PHONE -- West 582 812 16th Street TOPSOIL GRAVEL Bush Fir, Inside .........$5.50 Gord Mill Fir, Inside ..S...... 5.50 " Fireplace F i r ......... . 4:50 Green Alder .... 6.50 " Furnace Blocks ..."...... 4.50 " SPECIAL-- , No. 1 Fir Edgings.....$3.75 Cord Slabs & Edgings Barky ................:3 Cords $,11.00 Bark 1.....................»........$5.50 Cord Limited amount. SAWDUST^SPEGIALS Sacked' ........... ..............$3.25 per unit ................................3 units $9.00 CHARLES THOMPSON 812 16th Street Office, at. 1336 Marine Drive. Alec Bell, who is with the Royal Canadian Navy at Esqui- malt, B.C., spent the week end with !his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell, 840 16th Street. n u r s e r y c r a Ft c e n t r e ) On Wednesday, May 17th, a most interesting and pleasant Open Day took place at the Nurserycraft Centre. Graduation ' excrcises wcre held for studcnts Mrs. ̂A. MacAuIay, 1618 Esqui- receiving their certificates from rn^lt Avenue, has as her guest Nurserycraft College. Reeve her sister-in-law, Mrs. b Leyland presidedras chair man when Mrs. Cromar Bruce spoke to the assembled guests, telling of the;three-fbld work of " the Nurserycraft Centre. Mrs. T. A. Spenoer graciously present ed the certificates to the gradu ates and Rev. P. A. Ramsey de livered an inspirational gradua- ; tion address. Following the ex ercises; tea was served by mem bers of the Advisory Committee. ; O'Dorihell; Mrs. W . B- Small*s^ : M rs. M. V an V ooght presided a t- i the* tea table. .' . . ^ Thfi work o f Miss Elliott, supeiwisor of the Nurserycraft of Pasadena, Cal. A daughter was born last Thursday in the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Dockerill (nee . D oris M. Millner), of 959 Esqui m au Avenue. MAY DAY FU N D Donations and Prizes M iss'M. M. Chappell.-.-...i $5.00 Cascade Rock & Gravel Co. 5.00 E;-R. Taylor Construction C o. - 5 m Sno - Kreze Ice Cream......... 5.00 U : S. .Cooway ...... ; J. P. M cK enzie..........-.......... 5.00 L. 0 . L. 1990 .... 5.00 Prizes , J . ' H. T heatre; Centre, received hearty com mendation both from . the chair man, Reeve Leyland, and the many interested spectators; while the presence of numerous Fletcher, Hollybum visitors both from the North Mrs. V. V. Vinson Shore and Vancouver, attested (k in g Studio), Woodwards Ltd., .to the widespread interest in this Grigor's D iy Goods, Hollybum vital community ser-vice. Dressmakers, Murch Butcher WesL 190 1578 M aririd D rive W est 190 Shop, K. A. Ray, Jones Bicycle Shop, Townswomen's Guild, • Handy Ann Shop, Mrs. L. Gar- thorae. - . CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ■3^ Friday and Saturday W EST VANCOUVER HAS PROMISING TRACK STAR « E E - D ELIV ERY Grade A Red B rand Rump Roast 25c lb. Rolled Ribs Roasts. 28c per Ib. Short Ribs 12clb. Cbili Con-Carne 15c a t in BUTTER First Grade 3 lb& 72c BAKEAST 9c per lb. Canned Salmon Pink 3 tins 25c. G rade A R ed B rand Roast Veal 20c p e r lb . Breast Veal 15c p e r lb . Breast Lamb 18c lb. Burns Beef Stew 15c p e r t in "ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY, ALIAS MES MERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED" will be the sub ject of the Lesson -.Sermon in The track . season has arrived all Churches of Christ, Scien- at lY est Vancouver H igh School tist, on-Sunday^--^ - -- and students are training on the The Golden Text i s : Mine campus daily. Pat agan placed hand shall be upon the prophets fourth in the interhigh mile and that see vanity, and that dm ne Betty Woodbury is favored to l ie s : . . . and ye shall know th a t . give Barbara Howard stiff com- I am the Lord God. (Ezekiel l o : petition.in the 50 and 100..yards. 9 ) . u- i, A posture week was sponsored Among the citations • wnicn by" the h ^ lth department last comprise the Lesson r Sermon is week. - A Hoy and girl will be picked for the best posture in the school. The Boys' Hi-Y have elected the following officers: President, Gordon Lindskog; . secretary, Boody F o rster;. treasurer. Bill Gracey ? vice-president, D'oug Clark. These four along with Pete Barr and Pete Greer will make up the executive. On June 2 the two Hi-Ys will hold a dance in the auditorium. Elanor Gerry has been elected president ,of the'Girls' Hi-Y. the following from the Bible: "Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God ; Him shalt thou serve, and to Him shalt thou cleave and swear by H is name." (Deut. 10: 20). ' . . ■ The _Les^son - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with . Key to the Scriptures" by Mary . Baker Eddy: "Obedience to Truth gives man power and stren ^ h . Submission tq -error superinduces loss^ of power." Stratton's BAKERY H O M E - M A D E, O JD K lkflJU r Teh varieties to suit every taste Meat Pies -- Cookios Bcclea Cakes -- Pastries Buns and Rolls Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 The 2nd W est Vancouver (yub to reside m the . jggg Avenue, on vFriday, June 2nd, from 2:30 p.m. till 5 p.m. A welcome invitation is extended to all and a pleasant afternoon will be spent. Come and have your cup read. Hollybum Theatre ..THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY.. May 2Btli and 20th CIIARLISS UOYBR SIGRID GURIG ** A L G IE R S '* From tho novel "Pep Lo Moko" also News, Cartoon and Serial. SATURDAY MAT. & EVE., and MONDAY May 27th and 29th LEWIS STONE CECILIA PARKER "You're Only Young Once " (One of the Judge Hardy Pictures) also • "THAT MOTHERS MIGHT LIVJE" 'HOW TO RAISE A BABY' n "MONEY TO LOAN" ON m MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINE DRIVE : WEST 300 - -- -------- .̂MeiiiliOrH-ArltT̂ IV-Wf-nvM.-̂ ------------ THE highlands ------1393; Marine Drive; . . ! , " • > 7/ ̂ , Where Good Food is Served TRY OUR Special Evening Dinner Open Sundays and Holidays West 671 Get Your Film s at Barclay's Let Us Develop Them for You. Quality Work and ' ^Satisfaction Guaranteed Barclay's Photographers 1518 Marine Drive, West 710 Philip Watts, A.K.c.n. Bass - Baritone Singer and Teacher West 892-L or Trinity 2418 , 1669 24th St. 659 Granville St. V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AH Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, ' Builders' Supplies K - 9 D O G F O O D 3 t i n s 2 5 c . FLETCHER'S No. 1 Bacon ; 15c per pkg. EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING CHRISTENSON----- ^ (formerly with. Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive R oyal V isit H ttn te r's Coffee Shop --------- -- T-- AfterHthe-processioh^ May 29thr̂ SPECIAL 50c TURKEY PLATE DIN NER Make your reservations NOW and avoid disappointment