ft / ? ^. ■Iw C' ^ . - j f a - , , , . - . I ®'K:®vlf'=rk#5l':' / '■ii3 V THE WEST VAN NEWS I 1 f eft ! 'W/" 'W%\ ■?. 3 !3 ' . « WEST VAK. 'UNtTEO C U V U m 0<if* Jsjtt A £iM|iiijmi}| Atf, ' . , REV. W. VANCE. RA ,̂ Ml«l«t«ir > 2047 Ckirdon Av«nu«' Flione W m i U4*U Suiultty S«nrle«i: 11 «.m. A 7:20p.m. Sirtnx'ert and VUltori «r« w«Icom« T--r "'i 4;.'^ hi "f. m & S .S i i f c l i i t ;ij;y r, SS*'fSS®S'! l . | ! - -4; f l< ,r i .;'3®->Ssf<k'4:Vc"fc 4i 1 ; 'W{* -.1 >1 Tht •'Baby Bob" BAPTIST CaURCB Hjulf tf f Rrv. W. L. IfeEay. B,A ̂ &D. ..... §«HM4aŷ AH"»i<M̂ 10:00 a.m.~->Cbiireb Sebo«l in* elodlsur AdtiU Class 11 a.m. A 7:80 p.m.--Praadtlfiir A baarty waleoma to all l*'or This Nt?w Curly Bob iluf Itonimnanl must be* soft, If it 1« not, the Bhort enilB 'Vill Blnnd uway from the head in frizzy lump«. Our liunrt wuvok ur« soft UB the* heut is controlled to 212*. liiHtcud of baking the hair, it is gently steumed, leav ing it soft and lustrous. HOLLfBURIf H A U 14th and Duchess HUNDAY, May 2Hth, a t 10 s.nu 4? Sunday School ^ n d Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING a t 7:30 GOSl'KC .SKJiVlCK Speaker;' MIC T. McLa r e n TUESDAY a t 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of the ScrlpturcH. W EST V A N X 'O tW ER CbrisliSn Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimau, Hollyburn W'BoclefflH^a" The Mother Church Tim F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boaton, MasBuchuBctts Sunday geryice : 11:30 a.m. Sunday, .May 28th SUBJECT: '̂Ancient and Modern Necromancy Aliaa MesmeriHm and Hypnotism, Denounced" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. Tho public is cordially in vited to attend oulr services and meetings. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of . Exclusive Permanents, 1646 Marine Drive West 117* ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van Pastor , D R, G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.S.,„ L.D.S, DENTIST X-Hoy Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 10:15 DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. I860 Marino Drive West 432 S unday S e rv ices liow Mehh -- 8:15 a.m. , H igh Mass and Sermon - . a.m. Ro.sary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Cliws-- 2:00 p.m. Week-day Services M ass-- ,7:00 a.m. ' Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER TABER- NACI,E Cr, Marine & 2.5th Street PASTOR W. J. SCOTT (04 years in the Ministry) . Subject': . ' "The Coming of the King , of Kings" ' on Sunday, May 2Hlh, at 11 a.m. For other services see (Church notice. Evangelical Independent BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Aye. Rev. William, Vance, Minister IdHtublished on North Shore. 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. funecai Birectocs Hollyburn Funeral Rome 18th and Marino : West 184 N orth Vanooqver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlora 55 Tenth Avenue East , Phone Fair. 134 - Sunday, May 28th. 10:00 a.m.-- The Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-- Morning Worship. Subject: 'Salute Your King' j Appropriate music. 7T30 p.m.--The Young People will have full charge of this scrvicx3; Miss Nora Hughfes, MrA., will be the guest speaker. o 11 o w i n g~ the church service there'will be a sing song in the church hall. Everybody welcome. -The W .-4M -S^of-the-U nited- Sunday; May 28th 11:00 a.m.-- Subject: "The Com ing of the King." 7:30 p.m.-- Subject: "The Out pouring at Pentecost." The Church School meets at 10 o'clock. It is hoped that every member of the school will be present. 'There are classes for all ages, including an adult mixed Bible Class. ^-Tiiesday^ 8 p.m. -- The Young People's Society will meet stead of on Monday, on account of the King's visit.- Devotional, Joyce Sm ith; topic, Jack Mercer. Wednesday, 7:45 b-Di.-- Pray er Meeting. ̂ - ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev. F. A. Ramsey. Rector WEST VANCOUVER Sheet M a a l ^ ^ T Furnace and Range Repalre Sawdust Burners Phone Weal 39 Church had as their guest speak, e r . om the lCth._instant;-Mr.a.JEL.^ T. Burkholder, ' B.A-., of Ohio May 27 -- Whitsunday Wesleyan University, a new ar- -rival-iii--the-ci ty--w-h o-spoke-6ii- 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 41:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion J____^iind-Semion, Garrod & Nelson for better P L U M B I N G . Repair Experts West 226, 2460 Marine Dr. temperance in all things, taking as- her-topic "Adventurous Liv- ing:'MH;Hhe Olndstian Churches today were uniteci and awake (not asleep) they could stamp out liquor, Itardsip and crime. The Vesper Group of the United Church will hold its regu- . lor monthly meeting on Tuesday,." M ay'30th, at the home of Mrs." Allan Johns, 1384 21st Street at 8 p.m. 7:15 p.m.-- Evensong an_d Ser- -----mon. St. Francis-in-tlie-Wood Caulfeild 9 :45 a.m.--Holy Communion. WEST VAN. TABERNACLE Cr. Marine & "25th Street. X̂ASt/OiT * Rev. Robert H. Birch, B.A. 6th B. C, SEA SCOUTS WOLF CUB PACK I It >f » ' T h e F r e n c h B l ^ u t y S a lo n - - For yVork of Qyaliiy We specialize in lino, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212' S P E O A L Inside Fir;-- from shed .......96.00 per cord from mill ...$5.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs A Edgings $3.76 per cord SAWDUST PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 THE W e s t V a n N e w s Published Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Businesli and Editorial OlTice: 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 On Thursday afternoon, May 18th, _a_ very happy „ gathering took-placo in the lovely grounds at thb home of Mrs. W. B. Small, 2047 Fiiltou Avenue, when on be- . half o f the twenty-live members present of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., their regent, Mrs, W. B. Small, presented the Cub Pack with their official flag. ' ■ Short addresses were given by W. Sollowoy, Sedut^Gommission. er for Vanepuvei\../. R. Mitchelk Disti'ict Scout Chairman, and Akela, (V. Fagan, Gubmaster). The flag was dedicated by the Rev. F. A, Ramsey. A ^ rp rise v isit fi*om the Browmie Pack m eeting neai'by, enlivened the occasion. A fter the ceremony, which was also the pack's first anniversar\% the M others Aux- iltm*y of the group provided a large birthday cake, suitably dec orated by Mrs, C, L. Hunt, and to the delight o f the youngsters -r-Ipts o f ice cream." On Sunday morning Pastor W. 'J. Scott, Pi'esident of the Van couver Bible School,, will' speak. For all his ninety years. Pastor Sc'ptt is very aotiveJm h is Mas- __ Jell's _ser.vic€, ~Hisimindris7-alert and his message inspiring. - In his testimony he says "Seventy- oue_years ago, He (Christ) brought me into His banqueting house, and His bafiner over me was love," and His banner over me still is love, love, love. He has enabled me to enjoy life's pleasures, do life's duties, bear life's burdens, fight life's b a ttle s- , and run life's race." . On Tuesday evening the Young People's Society will meet at 2190 Argyle Avenue. They are to enjoy the special treat of hav ing the four Neufeld sisters sing and speak. The Sunday School'wnTmeet at 9 :45 bn Sunday morning. A ll children not attending elsewhere are coi*diaIly welcome. W. C. T, U. ■^he--W^^trA^ncouVer"WXJ:1^ North Vancouver Office: . 123 Lonsdale Av«. I K l i * $1 .OQ a year by carrier: $2.00 a year q by mail JJ. will hold their regulai^ month ly m eeting at the home of Miss E.. Philip, 2303 Bellevue Avenue, on Thursday aftenioon, June 1st, at 2:15 p.nu YOUR LOCAL AGENT Some Splendid Buys in Lots., -^zzdMijtfiomes: Rentals and Insurance Solicited Estates M anaged' J . T: W ATT 1744 Marine Drive Phone W. 141 S J s j ? 3 s ' D ecorate for Our King and Queen FLAGS -- 5c, lOc, 25c; l l - f t Taped Flag Streamers," ' Dennison's RED. WHITE & BLUE CREPE PAPER and STREAMERS Silver or Gold Bronze Paper. -- Commemoration China. UP-TO-DATE.LIBRARY: 06c monthly;. 8c per d a y ,............................. WEST VAN STATIONERS & LIBRARY 1641 Marine »P«» "ntll 8 p.m. I'hmia Wrat 687 H O L L Y B U R N F R U I T M A R K E T ,"Tho Horae of Quality Products" - * 2-Days WEEK-END SPECIA LS Sweet Grapefruit.......... 10 for 25c New. Potatoes...................10 lbs. 25c Bananas ................ ....... 2 lbs. 15c Local Lettuce ....................3 for iOc Full-packed Strawberries daily. Calif. Carrots ................. bunch 5c FREE DELIVERY WEST 909 1894'Marine Drive Ferguson'S Freight Line Lv. West Vancouver, 8 a.m, & 3 p.m. Lv. Vancouver 10,12 noon & 3 p.m. ' Lv. Vancouver Saturday only, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m, , Also FURNITURE & PIANO MOVING; Phone for Rates Trinity i)129 North 1243-Y West 85 A sphalt P re tn ix DRIVEWAYS ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 'i . or ALF ELLIS, West 160-Y S i l v e r L o d g e R I D I N G A C A D E M Y Capilano Road The home of good horses and beautiful scenery. ... Once seen, never forgotten. Lunches served in lounge or packed for the trails. P h o n e I4orth 870-L3 ■ B ert. P r i tc h a rd , Prop. I fE L S O N S L A U N D R IE S L T D . DRY CLEANING (Certified as, advertised in the Chatelaine and G o ^ Housekeeping) - ̂ ̂ will call. 'ACROSS_EROM S A F E W A Y " ,7 1370 Marine Drive - ____ Phone W est 331 f a m a u k A s e I-1 The B. C. E l e c t r i c ' s a n n u a l w a g e paym ent t o i t s .3^900 e m p lo y e e s i s 1 5 , 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 , B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C r a i l w a y c o m p a n y L i m i t e d g w - i j -m T, '