I '7',* ' ' 'I '■' i j e c C itc u la t t f tg tf i th e D ts tT ic t o f f^esit V a tico u vc t'^ A tH b lcsid c^ H o t ly b u t t t^ Wfeston^ D u i t d d r u v t Cypreif Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Eltc.$1.00 per year. 6c per copy . Vol. XIV H O L L Y B U R N P .O . , WEST V A N C O U V E R . B .C ., T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2 5 th , 1 9 3 9 N o . 7 THEIR MAJESTIES Next Monda^ afternoon their M ajesties will visit W est Vancouver, travelling along Marine Drive as far as 21st Street line! then, after making the turn by w ay of Esquimalt Avenue and 20th Street, returning along the Drive to Taylor W ay, whence they will go round the British Pacific Properties and to Vancouver via the Lions' Gate Bridge. It is to be hoped that all West Vancouver will be out to give them the heartiest of welcomes. Like his ,late father, the King wears well. In each case it took a national crisis to reveal both o f them to their millions of .subiects in all their sterling sim plicity of character and desire for the happiness o f those they rule by serving. Each, entirely untrained for kingship, was called to the throne vacated by a successor trained alm ost from birth for that hijfh office, more brilliant in intellect and singularly gifted with that flaire for capturing the hearts of all. We do not wish to dect^ the Duke of Windsor now or at any other tinle. He had h is reasons, some of which doubtless; we shall never know, for stepping down' f^om the throne, and to him they seemed so cogent as t o demand his, retirement into private life. ■ , But it required courage of a high order for his younger brother to suddenly step into th e breach, a courage greater than that which he showed at Jutland, when he "^as mentioned ill despatches. Duty called, and, knowing that the fate of an empire was at stake, he answered the call of duty, as he had ever done. For to suppose that the Empire^would hold together without a king is the veriest nonsense," as every thinking person realizes. ' ; There is little doubt that he w as helped to his"decision by the good counsels of Queen Elizabeth, like him untrained for the high office so suddenly thrust upon her. HoW well and truly in her gracious w ay she has helped to win the .love and respect of all their subjects the world knows today. They did not have to,, become K ing and Queen. They do riot'have to live their lives .under, the fierĉ ̂ of the._light., _ which ever plays around a throne. They are not compelled to travel ten thousand miles alm ost w ithout a stop7and to take the leading parts in a round of ceremonies. All this because both have sufficient private means to order their lives in the way which most appeals to them. Yet for the Empire's sake and for our s^kes they took the throne,' a throne without pdwer but without which-alt^ower^iPUld ceasei^.' - •-. > - - These are the things which should be uppermost in our minds when they come to W est Vancouver next Monday. I f there is any gratitude in our hearts, if there is any realization ' at all of the very hard- servitude which m ust be theirs to the end of their days, not one of us but will be present to cheer them as they .pass through our midst. . Let us cheer and - -eheer-againi-rem em beringthat-this-evidence-of-our-love-and-- affection is the only reward that can be theirs],for all the .s.acrifices^theyJhay-e-niade_____ , ' __' COMING EVENTS Monday, June 6th -- Celebrated ■ Moving Picture show on flow ers (natural colors), by Fi'ank Ashton in tho Legion Hall, auspices W est Vancouver Hoi- tioultural Society. Saturday, Juno 17th Party of 1st St. Troop, Boy Scouts. -- Garden Stephen's k o y a l p a k a d b INFORMATION cond■P' TRANSPORTlA^TiON: The Lion's Gate aind Narrows bridges will be TOsod ,t() traffic between the hours of 1 :00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. The last Municipal Ferry will leave the City a t 1 :8.0 p.m., and the service to the city will be! resumed from W est Vancouver at 5:30i p.m. TRAFFIC: The use or parking of all vehicles is prohibited after 1:00 p.m. -on Marine Drive east of 22nd Street and on all parts of the Royal route. FIRST AID STATIONS: These stations will be located at four points as follow s: 1. North-east corner, 19th St. and Marine Drive. .Their M ajesties TALENT-MONEY TEA ̂ Those attending th e "Talent- money -T ea b f the " U nited' Church W.A. on June 6th, at the home of the president, Mrs. Ai' M. O'Donnell, will have the priv ilege of m eeting and hearing Miss Norah H. Hughes, M.A., the first and only wom anln B.C., and ROYAL VISIT -- SCHOOL CHILDREN 2. South-west corner, 13th St.- and Marine Drive (Amble- side Park) Home Gas Station, corner Taylor Way and Marine Drive 3. -T h e students-of West Schools ' will assemble at i>®ar Mathers Avenue. verging on will entê ^̂ ___ Street^a"nd"̂ ilL~turn~east-^and thrfourtT'in'C anadaT to 'study w est and will occupy the North fo r^ h e^ n in istry ...Miss~Hnghes:--side-of-Ma-wne-D^riV'e-from--l-oth- the grounds of the schools they v, attend at 2 p.m. and leave with their teachers at 2 :30 p.m., con- 16th Street. They Q««sted to refrain from their u se :-- .•-X--Memorial ...Arch.--Th e-P u bli C- .. . not admitted. 2. Marine Drive, ROYAL VISIT BUS SERVICE Cubs, „ Scouts, Brownies, Guides INTERRUPTIONS ON DAY OF ROYAL VISIT has made a notable record, hav^ Street to 17th Street, ing received her M.A. degree All pupils will be .dismissed Tibm XJ:B.Crir'I9347takW psfr-when-"fhe:-Toyar-party-has^TO = North-east ■st.^ Advance party under A. S. M. B. Savory will m eet at allocated ^te at 12:30, May 29th. Duties to keep site clear and render any assistance possible to police and civic guard. ^King's colors m ust hot be uncased until troops are formed up at site. -H .Q . Orders. Scouts and Cubs m eet at. Holly- burn School at 1 p.m. and pro ceed to site via Keith Road and Taylor Way. Guides jand Brow- ^nies meet at same place, sam e time and proceed independently to'site following sam e.. route.. Everybody turn out and show our Royal patron >and .patroness that Baden Powell's W est Van- oover family is very much alive. For further information phone West 216-X. Due tq^abnormai traffic cqndi=. - tions, PacTiic Stage' Lines an nounce that it will be impossible for,' them to operate buses over thei Lions' Gate bridge between the.hours of 8:45 a.m. and 6:15 p.ni. Monday," May "29, the day o f the visit of Their M ajesties to Vancouver. Service b o th -m o rn in g and evening will be considerably ch a n g ^ as well, and patrons are as^ed to-phone Seymour-7131,_ W est 602 or 697-Y-2, or W hyte- cliff 75-M for complete informa tion. Regular service on North Shore Routes will be given May 31,dt is announced. graduate work in botany at the ceeded east on the return Chicago University, acted as in- 20th Street. Parents should be structor in that subject .at.-the-.--On.:hand.._to-take over the chiU Tf.B.C. and led her classes, wtn- dren. Children will not go back corner- of. 20th St, War Nurses, War Widows and -wido-wed - mothers-;--and--in capacitated Veterans and 3. ni'ng .scholarships, each year at to the schools again, .as parent^ ..the Union Theological College. In her address Miss Hughes will re count some experiences^ in her chosen work. Arrangements for the refresh- ' m ents are in charge of Mrs. C. W; Addison, Mrs. L. Ajello, Mrs and children may want to watch the Royal ship and escort go out through -the Narrows. Private school pupils will, meet in front o f the Municipal Hall, and will join in w ith the other schools, as they proceed towards Marine 4. F. L.. Deacon, Mrs. E. Howieson, Drive. The Municipal buses will Mrs. H. Ostrom, Mrs. E. -Ther- transport the school children rien and Miss I; Philip. Mem- from, the extrem e west and de- ' hers are reminded to earn their hver them at the schools m tim e talent money and come prepared - forassem bly. The return serviw to tell their m eth od sin prose-or .will be announced at the sehools -- on Friday. Certain schools irqpi the Howe Sound .^area will be Amps, by ticket only. Park Area south of Bowling Green (North-east cqrrier 20tl[i St. and"Maiino-01uve), A ged,and infirm .by ticket only. Marine Drive. North-west com er 19th St. Canadian Legion W.A., Post 60. North Side Marine Drive ber;; tween 15th St. and 17th St. School children and School Band. F irst Narrows Bridge ap proach. W est Van "Y", Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brow nies and Cubs. ^ POLICE GUARDS: The7 public are urged to co- 5. 6. LEGION W. A. transported, by bu^ from W hyte- operate with all special police by cliff and will gather at HollyBufn keeping the line orderly, by ---------- School grounds. A t the entrance avoiding accidents through over- The members o f the W.A. are' to the schojols section a decorat-* crowding and by not using BRITISH - ISRAEL HOLLYBURN HALL requested to take their position ed gateway will be placed. A . dangerpus roofs and structures, at the east side o f the Memorial r^ped-off . area w ill be reserved The meeting will be on Tues day, May 30th, a t .the. usual place. Colonel Pringle will g iv e . an illustrated • lecture entitled "Britain, the Appointed Place." - These pictures are new . and very .interesting. ;Eveiy'One . is invited.' *** ROYAL VISIT Sunday School and Young P e ^ le 's Bible Class will be held at XO a.m. next Sunday, May 2Slh, in Hollybum Hall. T. Mc ̂ Laren will be the speaker-at the .Gospel Service next Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and m inistry of the'Scrip tures. A rc h on Monday, p t h ^ ^ ^ Pany for its enterprise and said day their itojestaes, the King that they may have an uninter- that the new development would and Q ueen visit W est Vancouver:; rupted view. The public are re- ffTie W. A. are very proud to quested to observe this courtesy have our beloved Queen Eliza- tb the school children. beth as patroness •of the British Legion 'Ladies' Auxiliary.' She has graced their annual confer ences with her presence. She has shown intense interest in the CITY BUSINESSM EN AT WHYTECIPE; All ex-servioe men and civili ans, who have registered for si^cial police duty and those stijl willing ■ to offer their services are requested to parade at Ambleside Park again Friday, May 26th, -A il , ex-_ service men are asked to' wear their medals, decorations and berets when reporting for duty on May 29th. GARDEN COMPETITION Competitors in the Garden Competition put bn by the W est Vancouver Horticultural Associ ation must have their entries in not later than tonight. These shbuld be sent to Mrs. D. Mc- ,TaVjsh,_15th and Ottawa A vb- nue: -JudSng will tak e-p l^ e on 'Saturday. Reeve J. B: Leyland will accompany the.j'udges,. as usual. ' soon 'become a fine tourist at traction. ' He added that tourist develop ment o f the North Shore had brought attendant problems too, and hoped that in the near future the Provincial Govern m ent would come to the a ssist ance o f the municipality in tak ing over the highway ps a prim ary road. ^ J.' M. Bryan, M.L.A. for Mac kenzie, and Commissioner G. W. A s a prelude to the summer work of disabled veterans in the season, Union Steamships Ltd. I^giomVillage of.Riohmondi and entertained a representative has given support to the annual parly of=ciyic leaders and busl- Poppy Day. , ness men at W hytecliff, Friday The W estm inster Branch of night. ' _____vjr the W.A., Canadian Legion, has ' Later the guests crossed to Vance'eff extended a welcome invitation to Bowen Island . on SS. Comox, spoke briefly. Post 60, W.A., to join them in which went' into- service Satuf- ' _ . ' honoring our King and Queen in day as a ferry between the re- ----------------------- -̂---------------------- New W estminster on IVIay 31st. soH and Bowen Island. ; . _____ • W ill alb rnembers w ishing to at^--i-- Major Harold Brown as"chair---^ ^ tend report at fh e Legion Hall man welcomed the company's l j | ^ .--1X6W 8 on Friday, 26th May, ^ t 2:30. guests. ReeVe J. B. Leyland o f ---------- ;---------- .Re W.A. B ere ts ., W est Vancouver praised the c o m - - r i .w'j:; ' *■ '/ '« ' J Ci n ' -